! 0. LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, HdDAY, AUGUST 4, 1911. PAGE 3 m $14,000 STOCK I & : A T(T BARGAINS jl;! II OF SHOES " Vf WORTH z M From Which to Choose jMjS dLJJL ' AL-. WHILE " - . III I in l n t-i'p I I - pi ; i .Oir . MI ; pAir .. mi1 Jr y 1M S - ll I 10 Fooiweair: j La Grande's leading and only exclusive shoe store will offer its entire stock of Oxfords and Pumps at prices never before quoted for up-to-date merchandise in this city. The very best selection of dependable merchandise in Mens, Women's and Children's Footwear. Every pair of these shoes were bought direct from the manufacturers, hence we can sell cheaper than if purchased through middle men. Now is your opportunity to supply the whole family at prices that will mean a great saving to you. This is a straight legitimate sale with nothing misrepresented. Read the following prices and then come and be convinced of the wonderful bargains we are - MEN'S OXFORDS BOYS' OXFORDS WOMEN'S OXFORDS GIRLS' OXFORDS AND CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AU $6.00 Oxfords aU.$4.50 A11 00 Oxfords at $190 AND PUMPS PUMPS .0 PUMPS iS SxSlf SS bxSS HCK)Oxf'ds& Pumps $2.95 $3.50 Oxf 'ds & Pumps $2.60 J gg -g a 1mOvS2 95 3.50 Oxf'ds & Pumps 2.60 3.00 Oxf 'ds & Pumps 2.25 1.90 Oxf 'ds & Pumps 1.30 Al 350 Oxfords at" 2 60 Ml 2'2 0xfords at L35 3.00 Oxf'ds & Pumps 2.25 2.50 Oxf d. & Pump. 1.85 1.75 Oxf'cls & Pumps 1.15 All 2.75 Oxfords atl 1.95 All 2.00 Oxfords at 1.15 2.50 Oxf'ds & Pumps 1.85 2.00 Oxf'ds & Pumps 1.25 1.50 Oxf'ds & Pumps .95 til All Ladies' Tan Oxfords and PUMPS HALF PRICE One lot of Ladies' Oxfords broken sizes, $3.50 and $4.00 $1.75 Ladies' White Canvas But ton Boots, All the Rage, reg ular price $3.50, SALE PRICE $2. 7 5 v One lot of Children's Slip pers in tan and black, sizes 2 to 5, at.....: : .:...50c One lot of child's Roman Sandals, 2 to 5, at.....75c Sizes 5 1-2 to 8, at. ........85c One lot Children's Shoes, tan and black, 2 to 8, at.65c One lot $4, $4.50 and $5.00 Men's , tan and black Ox fords, broken sizes, SALE PRICE $2.50 i ; 10 per cent discount on all high shoes. Don't miss this chance to get real bargains. Come ea get your pick. SALE STARTS SATURDAY MUKINIWU Al :3U IJa "In Onyx Hosiery not Included : in inisjttic 206 Depot Street J.P. umitf. wHi.iiijm'w.im'ii"li'TiiiJ'n'im'nii'.).iiiii'iiiiiM'iii'll"i. i rf-i-n i TU1'I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I . I I I I I I I I I & JJ f llI.lAltltl) II .f.r..-. . i- : jr A l r f M s ' t