fit r .j w it n (i t VOLUME X. LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREGON. ..FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1911. NUMBER 213 SCHWAB TA TO HI1TIEE TELLS OF EARLY EF FORTS TO COMBINE STEEL TRADE IDEA SPRUNG BY HI M . AT IMPORTANT DINNER J. P. Morgan and E. H. Harrlmau Pres. fBt When First the Steel Trust Was Suggested Suyg He Villi Be Glad to Jell the Committee All He Knows About the Steel. Trust. rToitlsjt "17"' A dte Klnv Schwab the first president of the United States Steel corporation, was before the Stanley committee today. He remarked he was glad to tell all he knew concerning the formation of the trust prior to its organization. He said cutthroat competition existed. He said that Jn 1899 when he was president of the Carnegie Steel com pany he sprung the idea' of the steel manufacturers having a controlling organization at a dinner which J. P. Morgan and E. H. Harrlman were among the 30 guests. .. Then he recommended that all steel mills exchange cost sheets which he said they are doing now. He sail that after the dinner, he accompanied Morgan home and re-outlined the plan and afterward took up the matter of the price of the Carnegie plant with Morgan. He did nothing further, oth ers doing the rest. DOCKMEX STILL OCT. Arbitrators Hope to Bring Peace out ? of Chaotle Situation. , London, August 4. More than 100 ships are tied up here today through ythsdockmen'e strike.- Arbitrators "are attempting to bring peace and hope to Teach a' settlement before . .Saturday thus preventing" general transports tlon from a tie up. " Birthday of Oldest Teen London, August 4. Probably be cause the bouse of lords is so much to the fore front in public discussion these days, nearly all of the London newspapers made mention of the fact that today is the birthday anniversary of the venerable Earl of Wemyss, who has the distinction of being the old- ; est member of that body. Though 93 years old, the earl shows no signs of mental decreptltude and few persons have displayed a keener Interest in following the progress of the events at Westminster than he. .' ' Lord Wemyss Is regarded as one of the most remarkable members of the British peerage. Though he long ago passed the age when most men are supposed to have something more than one foot in the grave, he drives his own motor car, shoots and fishes makes speeches, writes books and be guiles what leisure he has left at his favorite hobby sculpture. . f ...-. The venerable earl is known as a prophet of woe. Ever since he en tered public life and that long before most of those now conspicuous in It were bnm he has Dreached a doctrine of national pessimism. The times to him bave been always out of Joint, but be has never inveighed agal Joint, but he has never inveighed gainst the spite, however unblessed, .which has caused his creation to et Tight. , .; .U-- , ' -- But his sincerity and patriotism bae never been disputed. No man has done more to foster the volunteer movement It was more than half a century ego that he first assumed the command of a corps, and his gift, the Elcho challenge shield, still testifies to his practical Interest in the body hose motto la "Defense, Not Defi ance." He has the courage of his convictions at all times and is never bothered by considerations of conslst ncy. He once opposed the habttual 'brlates bill in the house or. lords n the ground that every Englishman sht to be allowed to gen drunk hen It pleased him to do so. ' ' HUSBAND MURDERER NEAR ' COLLAPSE. - '" 4 ' San Francisco, August 4. Free ? but abed and unstrung, Anna 3 Lngley, who killed her worth- ' less' husband,, is near -collapse. After the coroner's jury late yes- terday found a verdict that she $ shot and killed the man while e temporarily insane she' was re- S leased on $100 bail. Tomorrow S the preliminary hearing before fc $ Police Judge Deasy takes place. 3$-&&S4fcfc&&3$g& To Visit the Canadlau West. London, August 4. Wi:h a view to acquiring first hand knowledge of western Canada with especial refer ence to the needs and opportunities of that section in relation to emigration from the home country,, a party of Vtw. inni-naliRtR reiiresentin a dozen of the leading newspapers or Great Britain sailed today for the oth er side.. The party was organized by J. Obed Smith, assistant superintend ent of emigration in Great Britain, who wlir accompany ' them on their tour of the western provinces. IS T SECOND FIRE IX FEW DAYS SUSPICIOUS.' IS Property Ow ned by Mrs. Shaffer on , North Spruce Jfow Gone. What smacks of imcendlary fires and firebugs, was seen today when the barn on North Spruce street, owned by Mrs. Anna Shaffer of Wallowa county, was destroyed by a fire evi dently set by some one. The fire is the second one within a few days to visit the same property the Shaffer house was destroyed, jjractically, a few days since. Workmen occupied near the barn today say that they saw no one about the vacant premises, but that when the fire started, it came with a whirl indicating petroleum had been used to fan' it. The blaze was. a big one and though the department was on the scene hurriedly, the struc ture was pretty, much ruined. , w In view of the fact that no children were Been about the place today, and that no one lives there, the conclu sion has been drawn that some firebug has a mania for firing the Shaffer property. Mrs. Shaffer is not here, but everything indicates a person with a grudge Is applylng'the torch to her property. :' ' ' ' : CAMUS SCARCE ARTICLE. Im'ans Have Little Success Hunting ; It Ladd Canyon News. Ladd Canyon, August 3. (Special) Very nearly all of the farmers out this way have finished harvesting their wild hay. . Those who will have largo ci ops will no doubt finish by the lat ter part of the week. Most of those who have grain commenced binding yesterday morning.- T . ' Huckleberries are ripe up In Ladd canyon now and a number of families have already gone In search of them. A great many Indians have passed through here In search of camus this summer but have bad very poor sue cess as they have it pretty well thin ned out, as a result of constant dig ging annually. - : V' Mrs. Dick Peebler and three young er children arrived nome Saturday from Enterprise where they have en joyed the past thre weeks with their daughter and sister, Mrs. Eula Dough- The Misses Helen and Minnie Line- burger returned home last Tuesday from Forrest Grove, Oregon, where they have spenf nearly a year with relatives'. '"-','-''".'' Miss Kate Ashby returned to her home at North Powder one day last week, after a week's visit here wlth Miss Frankie Peebler, LOCA I HI SHE MEXICO MAY BECOME , INVOLVED IN A NEW. WAR FOURTH PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE APPEARS General Reyes Latest Addition to List of Presidential Timber Says He Will Retire and LeaTe the Country If Trouble Ensues In Such on Event Madero Wonld Likely Win. Mexico City, August 4. Formal an nouncement oi tn t-auuiuacj- tu Ident by General Reyes is expected to day, and it is believed to be certain to embroil Madero. be La Barra, and other chiefs in a situation which may mean resumption of the civil strife." Emilo Gomez, who was formally nominated for the presidency by the anti-re-electlonlsts party Is arrayed against Madero and Reyes. Reyes says if his candidacy promises to cause trouble he will renounce it and go abroad. This would leave three Gomez, Madero, and De La Barra to fight it out and there is but little doubt that Madero would be elected. SPOKAXE COMMERCE CRIPPLED Newspaper Unable to Publish "Morn- lng Edition Because of Fire. Spokane, AuguBt 4. This city is to day paralyzed In a commercial way owing to the burning out of the main Electric trunks of the Washington Water Power company, , under the J can senate passing the tariff revision street. The flamea shot up20. feeUWUs xTer tfitxDected Presidential and the lire department . was called out A short circuit was the cause., The newspapers cannot issue their papers and street car lines are tied up as well as mills and plants. Christian Workers' Conference. ' East Northfield, Mass., August 4. The General Conference of Christian Workers, one of the series of annual religious gatherings established here by the late Dwight L. Moody, met for its 29th annual session today with an attendance of visitors from various parts of the United States and Canada and also from Europe. , Prominent speakers will address the conference during Its session of 16 days, among the number being Rev. John A. Hut- ton of Glasgow, Rev. J. Stuart Holden of London, Rev. R, A. Torrey of Penn Bylvanla and Rev. 0. A. Johnston Ross of Cambridge, England. . Pacific Highway Convention. Portland, Ore., August 4. The Paci fic Highway convention began a two days' session In Portland today with a large attendance and a list of prom lnet speakers that combined to give promise of a highly successful and profitable gathering. The attendance Included delegates from commercial clubs, automobile clubs and other or ganizations interested in the good road movement from British Columbia to southern California. Governor Hay o Washington, Governor West of "Ore gon and other men of wide promin ence are on the program for addresses. The convention is being entertained by the Portland Commercial club. Odd Fellows to Meet f Indlanapalis, Ind., August 4. Gov ernor Marshall and former Vice Pres Falrbanks will welcome the mem bers of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows when they assemble in this city next month for the convention of the sovereign grand lodge of the or der. A large attendance of visitors is expected from all parts of the United States and Canada, One of the fea tures of the gathering will be a visit to the Odd Fellows' Home at Greens burg. ,.; .',..'" TUFTS VETO PREPARED FOH COALITION MAY END IN PASSAGE OF BILL OVER VETO COTTON SCHEDULE REVISIOX V'MAY DIE IX THE SENATE ! When Tuft's Expected, Veto Is Attach cd to the, Schdule as Fussed by the House and Senate, coalition will Force the Measure Over President's dent's Veto. : Washington, August 4. Practically dent Taft will veto the wool tariff re vision bill -end the farmers' free list bill, came this afternoon, when Con gressman Dwight, the house whip, af ter a conference with . Taft, sent a hurry call fbr absent republicans, urgi ing them to be back to vote against tfio bills should an attempt be made to pass them over the veto. , That the call was made at the pres ident's suggestion Is taken as certain and It is an indication that he baa decided on what Bteps he will ''take whan the bills come to him from con ference. In his Winona speech Taft declared the bill "indefensible" and many democrats believed ' he would sign the Underwood measure as it was changed. Republican regular, howev er, urged differently.. That there is real danger that the two measures will pass over the veto is seen in the haste with which Dwight acted today.. Washington, August 4. The- sight of a democratic house and a Tepubli- veto, Is predicted by leaders today. It Is believed that the Underwood cotton revision bill which passed the bouse last night, will not pass the senate because the southern democrats are disinclined to take it up at present It is freely predicted, however, that a coalition of the democrats and republi can progressive, which passed the wool revision and the farmers tree j list bill will hold together and prob ably be strong enough to pass these measures over Taft't veto. Standpatters , are canvassing the house and senate for pledges against the bill. ':; .v'V ; Would Not Regret It If Taft Refused ,,y. Eastern Oregon woolgrowers would prefer not to see the La Follette wool bill-become a law and they will not mourn if President Taft vetoes that bill, according to Dan P. Smythe, sec retary of the state association, accord ing to the Pendleton East Oregonlan. In the view of Smythe, and" also of other wool men, both araonc ihe growers and the buyers, the La Foil 1 lette bill is not objectionable within itself. But . they do not believe the passage of the bill would end the de mand for a further reduction in the woolen schedule. They are , afraid that ihe democrats at the regular session will demand a still further reduction. ,; . ! ' ;' .. '; ,'';' Accordingly the woolgrowers share President Taft's ideas that all legis lation relating to the wool schedule should be withheld until the tariff board can make its report If this course is taken they say there is hope that the matter of the tariff on wool may be adjustde "once anl for all," so as to stop further agi tation. It Is the uncertainty that does the barm, according to the growers. Jewish Cbantauqna in the West. San Francisco, Cal., August 4. The first summer assembly ever held by the Jewish Chautauqua society In this part of the country opened here today and . will continue in session until nextTeusday. Among the prom inent speakers to be heard are Dr. William RoBenau of Baltimore, Dr. Henry Berkowltz of Philadelphia and Israel Cowen of Chicago.' $ $. s $?' ' '"",' -,:. i ITALIAN STEALS GIKL AND , POSSE PURSUES. r . $ Richmond, Cal., August 4. - Spurred by' the belief that Elma 4 Sleurs, aged 14, has been abduct- ed and possibly murdered, the 3 Richmond police force, headed by Chief Arnold today engaged In a manhunt for Tony Sllvlera, a ? suspected Italian. It U believed $ that if overtaken he will do bat- tie and the police fear he will kill lhe girl before surrendering. - ' .''.'. . LODGE OFFICER ACCUSED. Woodmen of the World . Auxiliary Funds Misspent, Suy Charges. St. Paul, August 4. Alleging gjoss mismanagement and misapi - on h Preat.of funds, charged ra icavnV -la aiancnesteiv'-?!-"- dlon ip rxi v:. and U- dies' iC'Il,,C ..-me", Woodmen of the WVi-V- Vtfre filed today by: Minne apolis women with the commission of insurance of Minnesota. T BERLIN ID NO SUCCESS COMES OF EFFORTS TO REACH AGREEMENT. Russia as Mediator Turns Encourage ment on Pessimism. Berlin, August 4. With Russia as a mediator, reports this afternoon say that prospects for a. settlement of the Franco-German embroglio are bright er than they1 were this morning. Conference Has Failed. Berlin, August 4. That the Moroc can negotiations' instead of progres sing satisfactorily have come to mn ac tual standstill, is the statement of the German press today. The tone is do cldedly pesslmsitlc.; V 1 The National Gazette which Is close to diplomatic circles says negotiation are not progressive and that there is little hope they will end satisfactorily. It is intimated that a ministerial crisis i near. Foresees Certain War. ; New York, August 4. England la firmly convinced that war between France and England on one side and Germany on the other, is sure to come soon, according: to James tfeck. former o.w.aiui attorney gener- al who has returned from abroad. f: - DEMANDS ;M0M00 OF MORGAN Financier Has "Demander Throwu Into the Street by Force, New , Vork. August 4. When Percy Passomer if Long Island Walked Into the offices of Plerpont Morgan -. and calmly t'.t-inftnded $10,090,000 today, the genial ilnanc'er crooked his finger and husky attendants threw Passmore In to the streets. Passmore Bald he In tended to ' "hurt" someone. J Brain storm sharps are examining him this afternoon. . : . '. '- Revenue Cutters Celebrate. Washington, August 4. Aboard all craft in the revenue cutter service wherever stationed from the Maine coast to Bering sea, ceremonies were held today at noon (fomraemorallve of the birth of the serflJ.21 years ago. The . celebration, inLy tH,ice with custom; includes t' 1 "'mcJ or tne snips ana inj ' fleers and crews onf listen to the readU'-'o. ........ . ., -. tory of the revenue A the executive officef-, a, ro Kaiser Acred Berlin, August 4 Informed the forelp lection of John United States ami as Hill's sticceaso! here was acceptabl1 1 f . (. : w V' V ho 'to Ao 1111 CHEERS 11 TOGO POLICE USED TO KEEP CROWDS AWAY FROM OLD SEADOG V TOGO AND GAYNOR EXCHANGE ' OFFICIAL CALL THIS MORNING Cheers Gnnt Arrhal of Xatlou's Guest nt New York-Will Go to Washing, ton Tomorrow uml Re Guest of Dif Momatlc Circles-Wears Full Drs Japanese Atyilralty Uniform. S g 4. CROWDS PRESS ADMIRAL . New York, August .4. Making $ his way through a , crowd so -5 dense that it was necessary to & call out the police reserves, Ad- & f mlral Togo, the nation's guest," and accompanied by a large es cort called upon Mayor Gaynor $ $ in the city hall today. He was at- tired lu the full uniform of a 4s Japanese admiral. - ' $ Admiral Togo was cheered heartily. Uter Mayor Gaynor returned Togo's call at Togo's apartments at the Knickerbocker & hotel, i ' New York, August 4. Right royal vas the wolcome to Admiral Togo when he landed in New York today to begin his brief visit to the United States and Canada on his way home from the coronation in London. The Battery walls and the docks were crowded as the Lualtanla, on which Admiral Togo was a passenger, steam ed up the ban and thousands of peo ple were in the vicinity of the pier to cordially welcome the great victor of the battle of the sea of Japan. Aa the liner passed through the Narrows the forts on either side roared a sa lute and passing Into the harbor the ship was greeted with a blast of whistles from all the craft in the vt clnlty. .Representatives of the civic, naval and military authorities were on band to greet the visitor. As soon as the customary formalities had been concluded the admiral departed for Washington in company with As sistant Secretary of State Hale and the naval officers who have been de tailed to act as his aides. After sev eral days in Washington and Phila delphia Admiral Togo will return to New York for a stay of five or six days, during which time he is to be the guest at several notable features of entertainment to be given In his honor POISOX PROYES SERIOUS ' Mrs Ernest Morgan in Critical Condi- : tlon as Result of Poisoning.' Blind since Monday, her body,terri- - bly swollen, and suffering much pain as the result of being poisoned by working la her garden where she Came in contact with a poisonous weed, Mrs. Ernest Morgan of North La Grande is today showing slight evi dence of improvement from her very critical condition of the present week. Relatives called here from Pendleton returned this morning but Mrs. Mor gan Is still in a critical condition. Her arms and face as badly swollen, use - of her eyes being removed by the swollen face. He rcousln, Walter Mc Cormach, the Pendleton auto dealer, Was called here a few days ago when 1 Mrs.'Morgan's life was despaired of. Her friends will be pleased to know SlJ trifle improved this evening. ; Hng lady is the wifVofngi "?loky)i.Iorgan. . i I i i PI I. 1 ' ' Vi - ft! W