La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 03, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    Birthday of Norway's King
Chrlstiania, Augugst 3. Flags were
displayed and the customary salutes
flre(l today in celebration of the 38th
birthday anniversary of King Haakon
VII. The king and queen have buUre-
-ntlT returned from England, when,!
tivU'eg- ' '
Cauliflower ;
Fresh Tomatoes
Phone Us Your Order
u; . ':' y. ;t ; '.',v;t'"5''"7"l ""r"iJ
:;Y Perrv- Pneumatic Water Systems. SaJmson
Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & !Boynton
warm Air Furnaces, Pipe
ment of Nick;ei Trimmings.
I Cemenf Contractor & Builder
Get my figures before building your sidewalk. You can
build a cemenf' house as cheap as frame. 25 years
experience. Phone Main H6 r ;
That's iWhai
'',:'"' " -y .. V- i
It's Good For Wha
i -'i
Ohlo Falls Hollufss Meeting.
New Albany, Ind.. August 3. The
25th annual meeting of the Ohio Falls
Holiness association 'opened today on
the camp grounds at Silver Hills, west
of this city. The session win rm,tin.
. , "c
nd other plact. are to be heard.:
Red Raspberries
Green Beans
Valves and Fittings, Gut- 1
( 5 1 ' Y, ,; - ; ; ;
THeyJAll :Sy
t Ails You r
Farmer Samed Otis, Intents
lor High Buildings.
j Boston, Mass., August 3. One
hundred years ago today there was
born In the little '. town of Halifax,
J Vt, a man whose Inventive genius led
i the way for the- erection of the sky
i scraping buildings 'that now disting
uish every American ci:y, and inci
dentally added millions of dollars to
the value of real estate.
The man was Elisha G. Otis. His
invention was the elevator., undoubt
edly one of the most Important anu
useful Inventions of the 19th century.
Without the facilities offered by the
elevator for reaching any desired
height the tall building of today. It is
hardly necessary to state, would be
wholly Impractical.
"". ,CtJ; VT.T rmr but his
Inventive genius led him to turn hfs
attention to mechanical pursuits. Af
ter engaging In various line of manu
facturing in Albany, Troyv and one
or, two other places he finally located
In Yonkers, where he was given charge
of the erection of some buildings for
a manufacturing company. "
Iii erecting the buildings it bEcame
necessary to construct an elevator for
use on the premises, and In connec
tion with this Mr.' Otis devised a plan
to prevent th fall of the platform Jn
case of the breaking or the hoisting
cables. It was this safety device that
brought th'5' elevator Into practical
me, Y v,
. Mr.' Ql Is first demonstrated the
safety and utility of his Invention at
the International exposition held '. in
New York City In 1853. .Within a few
years thereafter the elevator system
was Introduced ltttb public buildings.
The Old Fifth avenue hotel, which
waB torfl down only a few years ago,
was the first to install an elevator and
for a long time It was an object of
much curiosity" to. all visitors to the
metropolis. ' ; ;
. , Mr, Otis lived to see his Invention
come Into general use not only In Am
erica but throughout a large part of
the world. He established a factory
for the construction of his (levators
In Yonkers, where he resided until
his death In 1861. While his name
will always be Inseparably linked with
his invention of the elevator he was
fertile In other lines of Invention and
Improvement, among his products be
ing a machine for making blind sta
ples, an automatic wood turning ma
chine, a steam plow, and a rotary oven
for use In the making of bread. ' ; ''
Prince f Admirals Comes to Washing,
ton for Ylslt.
Washington, ' August 3. Candler
Hale, third assistant secretary of state
and Captain Potts and Lieutenant
Cook of the navy have gone, to New
York to receive Admiral Togo, the
celebrated Japanese naval commander,
who is a passenger on the Lusitania
which is due to reach port at a late
hour tonight or early tomorrow morn
ing. Secretary Hale and the two nav
al officers have been detailed as aides
to the Japanese admiral and will ac
company him wherever he goes during
his brief stay In the United States. .
According to present plans Admiral
Togo will come to Washington immed
iately upon his arrival In the country
to pay his respects to President Taft,
He will remain In the capital four
days, during which time he will ve
elaborately entertained. President
Taft will give a big dinner in his
honor at the ;WhIt House Saturday
evening. Baron Uchlda, the Japanese
ambassador, will entertain his famous
countryman at dinner Sunday evening
and on the two " evenings following
similar functions wnll be given by
Secretary of State Knox and Secretary
of the Navy Meyer.
The admiral will visit the Washing
ton navy yard and will probably go
to Annapolis to inspect the naval acad
emy. A trip to Mt. Vernon is another
feature of the program.
The stay in Washington will end at
noon nxt Wednesday, when Admiral
Togo and his party will depart for
Philadelphia. Thursday will be spent
in the city of Brotherly Love. Then
will come a visit of five days In New
York City. The big feature of the en
tertainment program In the metropo
lis will be an elaborate dinner to be
given by the Japanese society of New
From New York Admiral Togo will
preceed to Boston, arriving there on
August 16. From Boston it is expect
ed the party will go direct to Niagara
Falls, where the American escort will
say goodby to the distinguished visi
tor, who will go from tha falls
Montreal to begin tin? journey across
Canada to Vancouver from which point
he is to sail for home.
Two Women,
In her book "Woman and. Labor"
Ollre Schrelner gives an nmuslng Illus
tration of the fact that It Is not the
amount of money a person has which
makes him or her a parasite on socl-
"The wife of an American million
aire." says Mrs. Schrelner, "was visit
ed by a. woman, the daughter and wid
ow of a small professional man. She
stated that she was In need of both
food and clothing. The millionaire's
.wife gave ber a leg of mutton and two
Invaluable dresses. ; The woman pro
ceeded to whine, though in vigorous
health, that she had no one to carry
them home for her. The American,
the descendant of generations of able,
laboring, New England Tuiitan wom
en, tucked the leg of mutton under
one arm and the bundle of clothes un
der, the other and walked off down
the city street toward the woman's
dwelling, followed by the astoulshed
pauper parasite." ;
Tho Size of 6ome Start.
M. Nordmann of the Tarls observa
tory believes that he has devised
a successful method of determining
the diameters of stars by a comparison
of their effective temperatures with
their parallaxes. In the case of some
of the brightest stars he has reached
Interesting results. Thus he finds thai
Aldebaran. tne bright star In Taurus.
Is veritably a giant sun, the ratio of Its
dinmeter to that of our sun. being
greater than that of the sun to the
planet Jupiter. This means that Alde
baran has a diameter probably not les
than 8,000,000 miles, or more than
thirty ... times the distance from the
earth to the moon. On the.other hand
Birlus, or the dog star, to our eyes th
brightest, of all the stars, is, accord
ing to M. Nordmann, but little large!
than our sun.
in ITT1
l'e are offering these lots at from $160. to $200. each, on
the most liberal terms
We furnish you an abstract of titl e, VJhen yov have paid
for these lots. Hot a poor lot in our whole offering
Better call at our office and learn more about these lots.
Bell Phone Main 752.
Independent phone 262,
Foley Hotel Block.
ifeXnIhe0 ViUe whit-
wasner ana man or au worK, was a,
frequent borrower of small sums from
bis neighbor, Colonel Arkwrlght, and
as a rule he repaid those little debts
at the appointed time. But on one oc
casion when he had been accommo
dated with a loan of $2.50, which he
promised to return la a few days, he
allowed two or three weeks to pass
without making any mention of his In
debtedness, and. In fact, seemed to
avoid his creditor. But one morning
the colonel unexpectedly encountered
him .at the postotlke.
"Hello, Uncle Rube! Didn't you bor
row a little 'money from me several
weeks ago?"
"Dat's right, cunnel," Bald the' old
man. "I sholy did."
"You told me you'd pay It back In
three or four days, llave you had bad
'No, suh," responded Uncle Reuben.
"I'll tell you how It was, cunnel. I
lacked Jes' two dollahs an' a half o'
havln' ten dolluhs to put lu de savin's
bank, on' I used it fo' dnt. It's all
right, cunnel. I won't fo'glt It,"
Youth's Companion.
Insane Engtish Monarch.
George III. Is the only British mon
arch who !h modern times has been"
placed umler restraint and deprived
of his authority because of Insanity,
though similar measures were at one
time contemplated with regard to his
son. George IV.. the monarch who
has been described as "a bad son, a
bad husband, a bad father, a bad sub
J?" - " iph urut a bad friend"
and whoso conduct while on the throne
was characterized by an eccentricity
which bordered on lunacy.
The Insanity of George III. was real
ly brought about by the dangerous
Illness of his youngest ond favor'.te
child. Frlncess Amelia. The unlikeli
hood of her recovery preyed upon him
and hastened the attack of mental de
rangemeut , which Incapacitated him
from reigning, although be had pre
viously suffered from this malady. lie
died hopelessly Insane at Windsor after
losing his sight as well as his senses.
Pearson's. .
The Diff(-ne.
It was at an afternoon concert, and
in the stalls sat a smartly dressed girl
and the young man who deemed ber
the most precious Jewel of tho uni
verse. Behind them sat a couple of
the type of concert goers who came
rather to discuss, the audience than
listen to the muRlc.
'Look at that "girt Just in front of
us," commented one in a very audi
ble whisper. "She's shop assistant at
L.'s. I should like to know what busi
ness she has at a gathering of this
sort.; And Just look at her hat! She
served me the other day with the one
I am wearing, and I suppose she per
suades herself that there in no differ
ence between it and mine. I never"
The girl In front turned with a crim
son face. .
"Oh, yes, madam, there's a differ
ence," she said quietly; "mine is paid
for." London Tit-Bits. !
A strennous soul hates cheap sue
rees Emerson.
ad nr
N.. MOLITOR, M. D. Physician and
Surge on.- Corner Adams Ave. and
.Depot St. Phones: Office, Main C8;
Residence, 69.
, - Drs. Richardson & Loughlin,
Physicians and Surgeons
Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353,
Office Houre 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to S.
Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55; Ind.,
Dr. Loughlln's Res. Main 757; Ind.
1297. ' ; :
C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician
and Surgeon. Special attention t
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. . Office
In La Grande National Bank Build
ing. Phones: Office Main 2; Resi
dence Main 32.
DR. II. L. UNDERWOOD Physician
3 and Surgeon. Special attention to
diseases and surgery of the eye.f
Phones: Office, Main 22; Residence
Main 728. Ind. 631.
rnysician. aommer uiag., Kooms 7,
8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332,
Pacific. Main 63; Residence, Black
951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore.
not Drugs, not Surgery, nob Oste
opathy Consultation free. Room
20, La Grande National Bank Bldg.
J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist. Room
23, La Grande National Bank Build
isg. Phone, Black 399.
DR. P. A. CHARLTON, .Veterinary Bur
geon. Office at Hill's Drug store,
La Grande. Residence Phone, Red
701; Office Phone, Black 1361; In
dependent Phone 53; Both Phonea
at Residence,
Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch
ran, La Grande National Bank
Building, La Grande, Oregon.
T. II. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law.
Practices In all the courts of the
State and United States. Office in
La Grande National Bank Building,
La Grande, Oregon.
D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer,
Baker City, Oregon., t
Tot summer diarrhoea in children !
ways give Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aBil
Diarrhoea Remedy and captor oil, and i
Hpeedy cure is certain. For sale by all
Grande Oregon