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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 3, 1911)
LA GKANDE EVENING OBSERVE!?, TIIUUSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1911. PAGE 5 I v. THEATRE A MONSTER PROGRAM.' ,-. "Told Jn the Sierras" ...Selg An unusual type of western story of the early daya in Cali fornia. : . CORONATION PICTURES FBI. DAY AND SATURDAY. 1 "The Juggler's Vengeance... Kosmik Incident taken from actual', facts of circus life. CORONATION PICTURES FRI DAY AD SATUKDAY. 'Feeding the Hungry Man".: " Edison If you don't laugh we'll give you your money back. ' , , . CORONATION PICTURES FBI DAY AND SATURDAY. "Fishguard Harbor, Wales". "" 1., ... m ......... .w... Transatlantic liners now dis- i rrrK passengers there for London. ', CORONATION PICTURES FBI DAY AND SATUWAY. "In and Around Havana", Edison ; A beautiful reproduction. Tbte picture will tell you more about "Havana than any.h'ng you ever read about, that country. . CORONATION PICTURES FBI DAY AND SATURDAY. Illustrated song sung by Mr. C. P. Ferrln, La Grande's popu- '.,' lar tenor. - HAS IT as usual. v - Secured at an enormous Cost THE CORONATION i By PATHE FRERES First time in the World's History of a Coronation being reproduced by MOVING PICTURE Prices just the SAME TEN CENTS Come early and avoid the rush. FRIDAY & SATURDAY GEORGE LOCALS I ' 4, $ $ q $ Q OR. A. C. POSEY. Specialist tor Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat diseases. Eyes fitted with glasses. Oyer Selder'i tore Prof P. J. Freenor. Hia nmoiu healer, has returned to La Grande and is located at the Savoy hotel, room 10. Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. He.trtata! . vuiumc oisease. if you would be well see him. All treatments, by ap pointment only. '7-27 8-3 Place your, order now for fruit tre spraying. Red 3821. Huckleberry sundaes are the new est ice cream sodas at Silverihorn's for the season. Miss Ka harinf'Trevette of, Chicago, will give a recital at the Island City Union church,, Saturday, August 5th. under the auspices of the Alerts, fol lowed by a lawn social at the home of Ed Kiddle. Ice cream, sherbet ami cak; will be served. Come. 8-l-5t ' You will ' lie thoske hucklebirry sundaes at Silverthorn's fountain. .' The ladles of ' .he Christian church ! will give an Ice crsam social at the I church, corner of Washington and I Depot streets Thursday, August 10th, at 7:30. Everybody invited. ' , . Detora'fong ,and lectures for the benefit of railroad wtn shown In the various cities along the O.-W. are to come to Eastern Oregon,, visiting La Grande and other towns.' It Is now at Pendleton. . ' The lawn Bocial to have been held '.his evening by the Guild of the Epis copal church, has been postponed un til more favorably weather. FAY TOCM WATER MORROW. REM TO- a 4 & 3s ft Q PERSONALS. ' -S ' $ 4 St .. S '; Frank, Toaey jeft this raoniixg for Joseph lake to spsnd a few" days. . " Robert Hughes 6f Wallowa was a Savoy hotel guest today : ' P. W. Johnson of Baker was a Som mer hotel guest last night. : Miss H. Meyer, a resident of Spo kane.'was a La Grande visitor las; night ad stayed at the Sommer. . .- - ' . , .j ' -1 Jack Bates and A R. Emmons, both well known citizens of Enterprise, stopped at the Foley last night. R. C. Appelgate, Jr., a fruit buyer of Kansas City, was In the city today and stopped at the Foley. . E. A. Holllshead. of : Portland and Albert D Eliot of Portland were Foley guests last night. W. E. Wilcox', a national bank ex aminer with headquarters at Topeka, Kansas, stopped at the Foley today. Mrs. ' and Miss Forseth, tf Palmer Junction registered at the Savoy ho tel yesterday evening. . - ? .: Clyde. Kiddle who has been at the hospital for some time recovering from an operation for appenditlcis, is re ported as Improving rapidly today. ; ;Misa Opal Barnes of Portland ar rived this morning to be a guest with hr sistsrT Mrs. Albert Hunter of Is land City. ' - ' ; ; '.: :' ' . - O. C. Tumar of Weston. R, C. Slake ly of Elgin and James Clark of Wood land were some of the Savoy guests , last evening. W. W. Evans and W. E. Evans, rep- resenting Tootel & Campbell of St Joseph, Mo., were Foley guests this morning , ; A. J. KIght and L. A. Balr, both of Canby, Oregon, were Somemr hotel guests while transacting business in thel city this morning. Miss Ethel Gulling arrived home this morning from Portland and will spend a half month with bcr parents and other relatives In the city. She is employed at the head offices of the 0. W. In Portland. Fannie Mayfleld an Elgin school teach er, to the Grande Ronde hospital yes terday afternoon and last evening she was successfully operated upon by Drs. Kirby and Richardson for appen dicitis.' " , 3. H. Hughes and family of Weiser are In the city visiting Bert Hughes and otlnr relatives. They expect to return to their Idaho home tomorrow, making the trip both ways In an auto mobile. Mr. Hughes reports excel lent crops in his state and prosperity at high tide, PALMERj MILL YARD NOT TO BE . CUT IX TWAIN. Farmers Who Started Proceedings Now ; Pray for Abandonment. " . A roadway over which ' litigation has been carried to the supreme court was given consideration, and final ac tion taken, today, when the county court acted on a' petition of Henry Young t al, to abandon the road' through the Palmer Lumber company yards. This, roadway was abandoned through the Instrumentalities of the Commercial club when the Palmer milt was built that the company might hav ample yard facilities. Several farmers living ou the north Bide of the river opposed the abandonment and took the case through the circuit court to the supreme court where It was decided In favor of the petitoiners to have the road again opened up. In the mean ime, thousands of feet of lumber had been piled on this former highway. : .. ' . , . . .'. Now, however, the farmers 1a that section have been offered and takn relief in a substitute road and were the ones who petitioned the county courf to permanently ; abandon this road, even though It was con:rary to th dictates of the supreme court who gave the farmers'' there the right to that Toad if theydpsired. The. settle merit .ends what' has been an obnox ious problem to many, f, ,, Three road, pet! Ions were consider ed by the court today, Mr. Cruikehank of Elgin petitioned for a road, Joe Wright of Summrville asked for a road and Gus Binglesdorf of this city asked for a road on Whiskey creek. The roads were ordered surveyed and viewed. ' ' ) ' ' , With the hearing .of the Imbler dis pute the county court will adjourn to night ' ' FIDS 100 DEFICIESCX IS THE . v ACCOUNTS. ' Expenses Would Be Met if All scribed Tickets Were Paid. Sob- To go over the accounts and karn exactly whero the association stands, the directors of the Grande Ronde Chautauqua met last night They found that the association is J100 short and that there are about $1.65 In tickets un sold. These tickets were subscribed and wfren: the collections were at tempted the subscribers weTe' delin quent In meeting their promises. As an Indication of how many people feel In this respect It need only be said that several checks have "been receiv ed by the management to help meet thfc' deficiencies. ' There will be no passing of the hat. however, the committee depending up on the ticket subscribers to meet their obligations. No organization was attempted last night and this will be done at a nearby meeting. Rose Stahl, who Is resting In Ire land, will return August 18, and di rectly afterward rehearsals will be gin for the New York production of KBed !!5ets the Klein play, "Maggie Pepper," which is to open the Harris theatre I the last week In August .'.I Gil FOB THEM DR. JIOLITOR AXD ATTORNEY HESS RETURN FROM NORTH. Had a Pleasant Outlay but Believe Opportunities Are Better Here. . Returning from Canada today where they had been enjoying an outing of several weeks and at the same time investigating coraimroial condiloms of the Dominion, Dr. N. Molitor and Attorney Franklin Hess, the lattar an old schoolmate of the doctor's, were decisive In stating that Canada was a nice place to visit hut so far as they can obSH ve no place for opportunity as compared with the land under the stars and stripes. .''". Mr. Hess is the chief legal counsel for the Chicago division of the Inter national Harvester company and hailu from Illinois where he and the doctor spent their childhood. They mt at Vancouver, B. C, by appointment sev eral weeks ago and together they trav ersed the country owned by the crown. In speaking of Prince- Rupert they what of, a city thiere but It is doubtful if there will be what the Bangulne promoters claim , for It. The trans continental railroad will reach Prince Rupert but at th same time it will also reach VancouvfcT, B. C, which means only a little longer haul. Some think the fact that Vancouver Is al ready built and equipped for com merce will cause much of the business to go that way even if It is a trifiu nearer to the Prince Rupert harbor. : A railroad now extends inland 90 miles. This the doctor and his fr'uil took and after using various other means of transportation, reached Haz elton, an Inland city of several thou sand. They pronounced it a good in land cl y of Its size. When asked what advice should be given to Oregon people relative to the Canadian country Dr. Molitor said: "Tell all who aw bothered with wan derlust to go and see for themselves, but my guess is they ' will return to Oregon be ter satiafled to remain btre than ever before."" ' , , Mr. Hess will remain here for sev eral days thif guest of Dr. and Mrs. Molitor. ' . . , - CORONATION COMING SEAR. Isis Theatre to Present Authentic Pie tures of Crowning. Coronation of King Edward will be brought manifestly near to La Grande Friday and Saturday when the Tsis theatre presents the only authenticat ed film production of the regal festivi ties In London In June. Thus far Portland and La Grande are the only towns In Oregon to show this picture, and as it is a Pathe production and taken with the exclusive sanction of the king himself, the makers claim for It perfection In every detail and no faking anywhere. ... J'rX" The film will be shown at the Isis tomorrow and Saturday, and it Is brought here at an expense that will require about 800 more, admissions during those two days than under normal conditions. If the house breaks even. But to give the best Is the aim of the house, hence this picture. . CiroumatanoM Alter Cases. When Israel ZangrwlU was as ob scure youth teaching In a Jewlb school la London be seat a short poem to a leading American monthly, it cam back by an early pot Be keot It, and after be bad achieved tam as a writer be sent the same pom to the same magazine. This time oe recfrtvwl a cable from tb editor oH"lng to bny the "world rights" for a Urge com. The poem , was tne sama, word for word. '. - Different. .''." "Why. a year ago yoo told ma thin place was easily worth S1&0001 Now you estimate its value at less than $10,000." , : "Yon most remember that I was try ing to sell It to yoo then. Now yon want me to sell It for yon-Chicago Record-Herald, Adam Wae Orouohy. The Rprrwnt - What' Adam ao grouchy about today ? 1'n A;-On. be says that the arrival of woman i"1 a""11'L "I !!0 tor good,tac. .. ' ; ': . . ' ' .'. .YOUR BUSINESS.- If you are a customer of the United States National Bank you have assurance of our personal interest in your business success. We make it a part of our bus mess to give such time and attention to our customers as their interests require. Wo make it a point that every business transaction with our patrons shall be satisfactory. We want each one to feel that they are free to come to us in all mat ters where our experience and advice will be of valua and assistance. You can also be sure that' every business transac tion passing through our hands is held in strict con fidence.', - , When we speak of service rendered to customers we mean the "BEST SERVICE" all that you rea sonably expect from your bank. Our service includes a hundred and one little -details, all of which go to make of our patrons, "satisfied customers." 7 If you have had no business with this bank, we feel confident you will appreciate the service we can ren Uer. ' united:states NATIONAL ' Early Comblnts and Corners. - "Engrossing" was an offense punish able In England by fine and Imprison ment, and the lawn agRlnst It struck at those called "engrossers" who plan ned to guln control over necessities, such as grain or foodstuffs in consid erable quantities, either by purchase or with the Intention of raising prices. The statute book holds quite a series of enactments designed to pre vent anything In the nature of what we know as a "corner" or "combine." "Regratlng" was : a criminal offense, and no wns "forestalling." The former consisted of buying and selling the tame day In the same market or near It, and the Intter Implied the purchase of merchandise on the way to market or before the hour at which the market commenced with the Intention of Bell ing ut a protlt while It was also "fore stalling" to circulate rumors calculated to raise the price of commodities. Though ttife law bare fallen Into desuetude! they were In force In our grandfather' time.- London Mall. Ruined by Jartlng. ' The Antlochenes themselves brought about the ruin of the beautiful city of AntIoch.v the ancient capital of the Greek kings oi 8yrla. These peopU were famous for their biting and scur rilous wit as well as their Ingenuity in devising nicknames. When the Per sians under Chosroes invaded Syria in 538 tht Anttocht'OPH otild not refrain from Jesting at them Ample revenge for this wns taken by the Persians, who totally destroyed the city. : Would Do Hit Own Biting. The British frentWm;in new to- our shore sfeppwl np to the clttiir counter and requi-Hfed of the "clurk" 1i cigar. "What .will you imve. a bit cigar?" asked I be "dark." "No; I'd mwfher bite It myself," re plied the . Brltun. - Sun Fruactoco Chronicle. ' ' BRING US YOUR FILMS ; ton who haven't the time to 'develop your own films ' bring them to Ug and we will develop them for yon in very short order. With onr modern equipped dark room we are able to do this work for yon quickly and) at a very reasonable cost. We do developing every day so you won't have to wait lonjr for yonr films. We can also print your picture on paper or Mst card and guarantee satisfaction. . When yon are out of town, mall ns your films. They will b developed and returned to yon without delay. ' Drug Co. THE KODAK STORE. Wright ANI i in. i uti run m &ttF eiiomi GEN' A POUND Royal Grocery H. PaUison, Prop, i Not in the Association Now isn't it Foolish to'leep straining the ejesj That may eventually develop Into a permanent Injury to the f eye sight, andj it is so easy to mate things comfortable, ANY ONE who reads, or does near work even for a short time, - KJiOWS TO A CERTAINTY Whether or not they are : STRAINING THEIR EYES STOP IT at least long enough to CON SIDER THE CONSEQUENCES THEN - Have your eye examined. DO IT. TODAY, IT WILL PAY Any lens duplicated in s few minutes. V I GRIND ALL MY GLASSES HEACOCK Eyesight Specialist Next Door to Pogfofflce. W M TWO TS 9 . ,y V) K S Dr. Kirby of Elgin brought Miss