La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 03, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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    U QfiAKbfl VNtNf(i OBSimVEIt, THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1911.
page a
(Irfstian, but not sectarian. Grounds and building valued at $75,000.
A select school for young men and young ladies, who seek for the
K-hsat ideals in Manhood and Wnmanhnnrt
Thorough course. Literary, scientific commercial department; In-
flnfllng gnonnana una typewriting; conservatory of music, including
jtlano, voice and stringed lnstru meats; elocution; art.
Dormitory refitted, refurnished, steam heated, electric lighted t com.
nrtahle. attractive, gymnasium, good
c.TiiJfnl for Situation. A land of frnlt
... 111. Slit Na
Pare air. iieauniai conujuons. ix
street cars.
Sot a saloon In 20 years
Send for Catalogue or other Information to
H. S. SH ANGLE, Financial Secy., Milton, Oregon
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam heated only one
block from depot
0. C. Bricaoux.Pro9. -
Bight in your busiest season when yon
hue the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time, unless you have Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera ana Diarrhoea Remedy at
hand and take a dose on the first appear
ance of the disease. For sale by all dealers.
C. T. Darley
Cement Contractor
' . i. ..... j
Consult him before letting your sidewalk
-x-:i'---- at the v. :
George Palmed
Retail Dept. Phone, Main 8
Health and Good Looks !
Kitchen work has a lot to do with health and good looks. A woman
cannot work overtime In a furnace-llte kitchen, with a wood range In
hot weather without paying the penalty.
The drudgery, the long hours, the extreme heat, the smoke and ashes,
will cut down her energy and matae her prematurely old. In face and
form. ,. '' .'' , ' ... .. .
This Is a fact that cannot be disputed and all of us can call to mind '
many examples. Every, woman who cooks Is entitled to an electric
range, and) she gets one, too, where the man of the hous bag her
welfare at heart xv v.. ';,.'.. ,'
An electrie range means a cool, clean kitchen, a fire without a mln.
nte'g wait that Can be regulated with a thumb-screw meals In half
the time and no fuel to handle or ashes to contend with.
Our special rate to users of our electric ranges, make, them as econ
omical to nse as wood. Ask about them. ';
Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co.-
athletic fiplA. 1
nnA flnnn
a-..?. 1UVHUUIU Aiv I
passenger trains dally. Electrie J
. So gambling dns. Moral atmosphere Is
Return to La Grande.
Prof. J. D. Stout and family return
eed to La Grande last evening after
several weeks spent in Washington
state. While gone the professor did
a little outdoor work and as a result
he Is looking very " well...' Although
somewhat reduced in flesh he says he
never felt better and will at onoe be
gin the work of arranging matters for
the fall term of school.
They law In front Think what
that means the classic back
correct poise beautiful lines
ease of adjustment with abso.
lute comfort The proof Is In the
fitting ; - ; .-
Mrs. Robert Pattison
CorsetJere. Phone Black 5481.'.
. .i ....
Sidewalks, Sewers, Construction Work
and Other Subjects, Too.
With Councllmen Mackey and
Church absent, the council met last
night for its first of the month ses
sion and was busyt up to the midnight
hour. With liberal spurts of oratory
and He votes the evening presented a
varied program, but for all that, the
body wadfed through an Immense
amount of routine1 matter. '''.
Residents on Adams avenue between
First and Oak, streets want cement
walks on both sides of the street and
their petition for this was read and
referred last evening.
To change the nam of Twelfth
street to Caylor street is the purpose
of many of the residents on that
stree t. They petitioned the council
last evening for such action and their
ni-vr were referred to the street
committee. T,", ' '''."". ' '-
Suit Is Threatened.
; J. H. Peare served notice on the
council that he would institute pro
ceedings to recover $1,000 damages
said to. have been sustained because
his properiy was Inaccessible during
the present summer in .East addition
because the city sewer so obstructs a i
strip of land connecting the land with 1
Adams avenue, that a man cannot
cross It. In his communication to the
council Mr. Peare pointed out how
the city could remedy thig obstruction
but in th8 event that It . was not
changed as , requested, proceedings
would be commenced. The ; matt r
was, referred to the clly attorney.
Four residents along Lake street
want permission to run an 18-incl
plp across the road in such a way
that it will carry water to their res
spectlve properties and yet be no det
riment to the street , They agree to
keep the streets clean and offer to
have their contracts rejected if they
do not do so. The petition was referred.""-''"'''
'""'" ",
Sidewalks Discussed.
s August 16th th date t't for har-!
ing remonstrances on Fir and North
Fir streets. Second and H. street
committees were given more time to
report. Attorney Turner Oliver pre
sented the council with a suggestion
that the grading on the Fourth street
hill be done at one time and not re
quire the property owners to make th
deep fills thre and then later hava
the entire hill graded. In some places
the wooden sidewalk Is far above the
surface of the ground and must be
brought down to proper grade before
the cement walks are built. It was
the opinion of the council that' Mr.
Oliver's suggestions be adhered to and
j also that Mrs. Anson's and similarly
located walks be not Included in the
proposed improvements. Mr. Anson's
walks are in fine repair and almost
exactly on grade, but will be torn out
next year. 1 ' , ' ' ' , .
Kxl ordinance defining more clearly
what constitutes a nuisance, and aim
ed at careless property owners who
piple- various odds and ends in their
alley, was read and passed with an
emergency clause. , '
Allow Water for Contractors.
About one cent per lineal foot
frontage is the amount the city will
allow property owners who supply
water for construction of the cement
wakfl In front of their property.
The report of J. L. Jones, special
sewer Inspector was read and shows
that he has kept close tab and has
found occasional Joints of sewer pipe
that had to be rejected. There had
been 105 Buch rejections when the re
port was made out. 'Bids were re
ceived for the construction of cement
walks and curbing in Connerdale. The
two bids presented were by C. T. Dar
ley whose bid amounted to about $9,
613.13 while the Smith Construction
company" wa8 represented by a bid of
about the same nature. The bids were
referred. "-'
The construction , of board side
walks on S avenue were also bid in,
L. P. Oesterllng offering , to do the
work for 29 cents per Hnal foot. John
L. Mars offered to build his own walk
for $1 per lineal foot, using cement
Instead of board walks. 1
hit ino
General Manager O'Brien to Be Asked
to Ylew the Territory.
(Pendleton East Oregonlan). ,
Through action of the Pendleton
Commercial club an invitation has
been extended to General Manager J.
P. O'Brien and other Harrlman line
officials to visit the southern end of
this county to investigate the resourc-
e8 of that section with a view to ex
tending the Umatilla Central and the
Invitation has been accepted,
'f hua far no specific time has been
set for making the trip but word Is
expected from Mr. O'Brien setting
forth when he may make the trip.
As soon as this information Is re
celved preparation will be made for
taking the trip by auto and a local
delegation will accompany the rail
road man on the journey.
At the Commercial club meeting
j ' ' ' L. Thompson who" has
been in negotiation with the railroad
men.. In his talk Mr. Thompson
urged the feasibility of a, railroad to
the southern end of the county and
expressed the hope " that after the
railroad' officials had viewed the
country they would look with favor
upon the Idea of extending the Pilot
Bock branch. , ...'.
, But a few days ago Mr. Thomp
son made the trip to Uklah by avito
and he sayg he was astonished at the
extent of theresoureES of that section
and at the possibilities open to a rail
road. .,' .;; '; " .
Aside from the timber, which h
says should be brought here for man
ufacture, there Is also a vast body of
agricultural land awaiting transporta
tion facilities and the people are anxi
ous for the building of a road. v
Fire at Medical Springs Has Been Or
erpowered Is Report
Baker, August 3. (Special) A for
est fire Is raging out' from Rock creek
and Supervising Fire Warden Palmer
left for that place thlg morning to dl
rect.the work of putting it out. No
reports have been received from him
today but last night he believed that
It was a large blaze from the smoke
that was coming from It.
The fire at Medical Springs ' has
been corralled and Is giving no further
trouble today unless the embers are
revived by a sharp wind or it breaks
out from some other cause.
Buckeye Solons In Reunion.
Cedar Point, O., August 3. Present
and past members of the Ohio General
assembly, together with many politi
cians from over the state, rounded up
here today for their 11th annual re
union. While pleasure and entertain
ment are supposed to occupy the leg
lators and other visitors during their
out ing it ' Is expected they will find
tmel for considerable discussion of
political affairs and , it . is pos
Bible that developments' of not lit
tle importance may result from the
gathering. " '
Much Interest centers in the reun
ion banquet to be held tomorrow night
and at which the speakers are to in
clude Governor Harmon, United States
Senator Pomerene, Lieutenant Gover
nor Nichols and other public men of
prominence. ;
ew York! Tacht Club Cruise.
New York, August 3. Glen Cove's
picturesque harbor was the rendez
vous today for a fleet of the finest and
fastest sailing and steam yachts in
the United States, assembled to take
part In the annual cruise of the New
York Yacht club , to Newport ' The
commodore will order the squadron
under way early tomorrow morning
for the first run of the cruise from
Glen Cove to Cove, where the
(night will be spent. There also will
ibe the customary over Sunday s op at
jXew Loudon. Newport will be reach
ed Wedne sday. The race for the Astor
cups takes place Thursday, and that
for the King's cup on the following
Oarsmen at St Catharine. ,
St. Catharines, Out., August 3 Many
individual oarsmen, doubles, fourg and
eights have arrived here with their
needle pointed shells In read.'ness for
the annual regatta of the Canadian
Association of Amateur Oarsmen. !
Some of the preliminary, racea will
be pulled off tomorrow, with the final
and most Important events reserved
as usual for Saturday. With an en
try list that Includes some of tlie
speediest oarsmen from Toronto, Mon
treal, O tawa, Buffalo, Detroit, Ham
ilton an. odthr cities, the regatta
promises to, be fully up to the high
standard established by the associa
tion in former years.
Special Train Excursion to Seashore.
1 he Oregon-Washington ' P.ailrond
& Navigation company will operate a
special train consisting of free reclin
ing chair cars, tourist and standard
sleeping cars to Portland in connection
with their- areamera to North Beach
resorts and Astoria. The "special tralii
will leave La Grande at 8 p. m., Wed-
... ...
FOR RENT Four good rooms. Phone
Red 42. 1505 Madison avenue. 8-3-tt
LOST Jersey milch cow three years
mid, branded J E on right hip. Re;
ward. A. B. BurnettIsland City'
, ',.... ' , -8-1-tf
WANTED Piano to rent by month
Call La Grande Investment Co.
FOR SALE Dry chain wood In any
quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per
ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber
company Pe.rry, Ore. 6-15-tf
WANTED Girl to work at I. X. I
store. 7-28-6t
FOR SALE Good header and binder
combined. 12 foot cut Deerlng
make. Inquire L. J. Ferguson, El
gin, Oregon. '
FOR RENT One nice parlor and bed
. room, newly furnished. 905 Spring
street ' 7-28-6t
FOR RENT Part of good barn, close
In. Apply this office. '
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and
housekeeping rooms. 1914 Third St
. ! ' tf "
50 cent paper for 30 cents. 90 cent Odt meals for 70 cfs.
A Nict line of tO, 15, 20 and 25 cent paper.
Bradley & Co.
1 Sanitary Plumhiftg. ,
' :,'.'"'''?,'& -'o;'' -
nesday, August 23rd, arriving at Port
land the following morning at 7:13.
Passengers may have their choice of
steamer Potter, 1-aving Portland at
8:30 a. m. August 4th 'and 5th or the
steamer llasaalo, leaving Portland on
the same dates at 8 p. m. A round
trip rate of $10.00 wll be named whici
includes stopover privileges at Port
land and Astoria on return trip; limit
13 days from date of sale. Make your
sleeping car reservations now.
Five Boys
"aF , ':
Fam Us King
Cigar Factory
Must be over 16 years of age
to work till starling of school
106 Fir Street
Cigair Store
Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobae
co and Soft Drinks best and
most complete line of cigars in
the city.
Observers Coast League base
ball scores every day there's a
Corner Depot and Jefferson St
Try It and yon will hare no
' Every sack guaranteed to
giro Satisfaction.
Produce Co.
Phone Red 971 next .door to
Observer office.
''r..t;in'' - - .j; .
'Via, wits J
J' jf(f,NsiisM,trt'H,fsVi