PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, "WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 2, 1011. L IFHE5 TO BE AIRED mm FOR IIS AVE. BU 11 IMBLER PEOPLE TO APPEAR BE FORE COURT. Tomorrow at Ten OTIock Hoar Be - ginning of Arguments. Hearing of issues involved in the Ilmbler school controversy will occur before the county Judge and commis-jon sloners tomorrow at 10 o'clock when botn aides In the issue will present their case to the court. . One section of the lmbler district is anxlousrfo build a high school and another section wishes to secede and j become a district of its own. The vot Ing of bonds for the building of tho school house and the subsfquent cam paign to bring the south district Into a territory of its own have all occupied considerable time and argument in and about lmbler. The matter was tv hv been aired before, the county f judge last month tut was postponed ; until all the commissioners could be present. La Grande usiness ge Rooms .4-5-6 Foley Building Term begins Shorthand y Typewriting Bookkeeping Mathematics : Penmanship Commercial Law Banking and Legal Forms UNCLE SAM i THE FOR HEALTH i DYSPEPTICS Jean eat this food and be benefitted by It. X REGULATES the bowels In ft 4 X natural way. , ' ', , Ready lor Use, 3c Fuckafre. . ft www-asBgr For sale by Pattison Bros;? mm one Principal FOOD Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tirei LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS RNDJOVNDRY , TENTATIVE PLANS PROVIDE FOR BIG BUILDING. Movement Afoot to Erect Modern Sky. .,' acra'Kr Office Building. Construction of a .five-story building Adams avenue opposite the Foley hotel on property now vacant and oc- cupled by lumber shacks, within tho next yar, is a project now on foot. Th9 scheme la yet young and the Iden- (Ity of the actual promoters is not decided upon but that the plan has been given serious thought, is admit ted. J. E. Foley, owner of the cornet property, is to be one of the builders but Just who will form the other names on the corporation is not known at this time. The proposition Is yet too young to be given definite explanation but that such 'a structure is under contempm. tlon and is likely to be built next spring is definitely known to be a fact When built it will be one of the highest structures In Eastern Oregon j and will prove sufficient office room, In addition to what city buildings al ready' offer, to accommodate a much .large city than La Grande.' DK. -UPTON'S CHERRIES. "Late Dnkc" Variety Shows a Won- , '., derfui Yield. Dr. Upton's fruit ranch In Fruildal beats' the world prolific cherry trees. He has the "Late1 Duke" variety and It is surprising to see the number of twin ' and triplet cherries produced thlg year. One stem will .carry three cherries slightly grown together and it is very common for twin cherries to be found on single stems. The crop Is very large and the doctor is elated over his fruit ranch, as he has a right to be,. It ig located Just outside the city limits. ; WANTS TO BURN HOUSES. ' " V'Ult 4J.J.IIttUlJUIl IV! -4113 Mental Condition Today. Ed Boyd, single, resident of this city, was examined, for his janlty this afternoon by Dr. M, K, Hall and the county court. Boyd's mania seems to be Ares, and It bag been his desire sines becoming attacked by the men tal derangement to burn houses and other combustibles. REAL MOUNTAIN CLIMBERS Horseback Party Returns After a .. . : ' Pleasant Journey. : Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Blrnle and Misses Ruth Russell and Nell Grlm raett have returned from a horseback trip Into the wilds of the Mlnam which for mountain climbing evidently has all othet records beaten. Each of the party was mounted on a trusted, horse which knows the mountain climbing game. They scaled the mountains at the head of the Mlnam, and In fact' entered regions where It is doubtful! If even a sheepherder or a prospector had ver been. The fishing was ex cellent and it was no trouble at all to catch trout until they grew tired ! of the sport. They pronounce this ' Journey one of the most delightful any of the party had ever experienced, . Happiest -a. i . la Lincoln. A Lincoln, N--:.. 8li' "I had been tilinglTor some ;iiic ih r'"i:i:lo constipn-' tion and tmi vt tut Ule Jt'jnn ukinj: i CharaberlninV Stonu i i vr Tablet d in thr" ' I ' , ''r n up anl golMtter ii. ' t.w vrirt girl in LWiv. - ; jod ued: Portland. OntM .. , X , HMlAm nd PT School for Olrl DnuKVW Dinrnvi in. u . .uh Oolliil.W. Ia4wli ka Itouaury NpuIshU, ' Mull. Art. SlMttle. Otbsmiiub. For nUlot KUtm THE B18Tt:H Mlf ERIOR , Offlo24.8t. IlgtomlUU OFFICE AND STORE ROOM OX I ADAMS IX CO DAYS. Walls of Adjoining Buildings Will Be Utilized by Builder. Excavations for a basement on which will stand a two-story office and store room building were commenced today by S. A. Gardinler on .the va- j cant property betwefn the Arcade the- j atre and the Buzzlnl building. , The j two sidewalks are practically com plete now, though tne Arcade build ing wall will have to be Increased In htlght to reach the required height. The front will be of a modern plate glass type, though the exact details have not been completed as Architect Slater Is still working on them. While '. the plans are being perfected the ex cavators are at work, breaking ground is the aim of the builder. - V ' ; Several are attempting to lease the ground floor already and It ls likely that Mr. Gardinler will close a lease with one of them Bhortlyr . ' The s'mcture will occupy the 20 vacant feet alid extend back 110 feet CANINE HURLED FROM BALCONY INJURES MISS. Dog Fall on Daughter of High Valley : Parents Last Evening:. A dog thrown from the balcony of the court house to the ground for th purpose of , ridding the court room floor of the canine, came near costing the life of a little girl of tender years, standing on the ground below last eve ning. The little girl Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Voil of High Valley who are In the city while Mr. Voll is a witness in the Hogg case. The lit tie girl was quite seriously hurt. It being reported that her collar bone was broken when the dog Btruck her on its downward flight from the bal cony many feet above. She was In jured severely and was hurried to sur gical attention. ON ROCK PILE AUTHOR IS ANGRY AND PROMISES ! VENGEANCE. J Shewn No Mercy Ylolatedj Blue Laws , Played Sunday Tennis ' Wilmington, August 2 Sentenced to 18 hours on the rock pile for violating the blue laws by playing tennis and baseball on Sunday, ' Upton Sinclair founder cf th single tax colony and autbor of "The Jungle," ls wild with rage today and has threatened to en force the blue laws to the limit. ' As it forbids every manner of business oa Sunday, lawyers. Judges, and preach ers may become involved. No mercy Is shown Sinclair and his associates t, on the rockplle today. Prominent Baker Man Here. Charles A. Johns, one of the leading attorney of Oregon, accompanied by Mrs. Johns and Miss Colleen Foster, passed through La Grande today on their way Jo Wallowa Lake where they will enjoy the hospitalities , of the Wallowa Lake Amusement com pany for a few days. Pipe lor Sal. A large quantity of terra cotta pipe suitable for well curbs and drains. Di mensions, from 18 to 30 Inches. This will be told very cheap as I am clean ing up all work in La Orande. . B. S. DXVIS, Foley Hotel. . 7-11-tf ' OllSJlilOllS READY 'l--'v; a m Tiiir irmir UPTONS iu m LL vt PORT AU PRIXCE IN SAD TURJMOI TODAY. Family of President W Board Yacht Ready to Takje Flight. Port Au Prince, August 2. -After a riot today in which four men ' were killed, President Simon's power la plainly broken and he ls preparing to flee before the advancing revolu tionists who have already taken the outskirts of the city Simon's family is aboard the yacht America and will leave when the lin er Allemanla arrives. Most of: his officials will depart on the liner, f ' Firing along the water front was In termittent this morning and it Is re ported a number of soldiers were kil led. ' ; , .';' - .. -; " May Not Sack City. Port Au Prince August 2. Follow Ing a conference with the revolution ary leaders who are infesting the cap ital foreign diplomats here today etat ed'that they secured the promise that the revolutionists will not sack the city if they capture it. President Si mon was given three days in which to resign. ; . - v L E SOUTHERN PACIFIC HAS MOYED A , RECORD C1WP. 2,844 Carloads Shipped by That Line . Alone : .: San Francisco, August 1. (Special) The Southern Pacific company has practically completed one of the great est, crop movements In, the history of anv transportation company in this" country. This movement was the handling oft he cantaloupe crop of the Imperial valley, California, and of the crop In Arizona and Nevada. Up to and Including midnight, July 24, the Southern Pacific company had shipped 2.S44 cars of cantaloupes out of the Imperial valley during the sea son of approximately 2 months. About 100 more cars remain to be shipped j from this point to the markets. ! This record exceeds all previous shipments by approximately 100 cars. The cantaloupe crop of Arizona up to and Including July 24, amounts to 403 cars, with about 300 cars more of this fruit to be shipped. About 23 cars NT IE ' we are especial anxious to close out the balance of our stock of men's and boys suits and all summer goods and we have made final cut prices on all these garments, so low that it means a great saving to all who buy-now. Come and see. 3ESES have already teen shipped from the Moapa district in Nevada by the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake road about 100 more cars remaining to be shipped.'- Nearly 57,000,000 pounds of Ice were required for the shipping of these cantaloupes. The biggest day's pick ing was June 11 when 133 carloads were h irvested. These "cars wen hauled from Brawley, the shipping center, to Imperial Junction on the main line of the Southern Pacific, In one train, the length of w.hlch was 6, 175 feet considerably more than a mile long. There were 324 crates in each car and 45 melons to the crate, or a total number of 14,580 melons In acii car and 1m thlg' long train 1,939,140 melons. The large previous trainload of cantaloupes was shipped from the Imperial valley in 1908, 89 cars mov ing over the Southern Pacific lines to eastern points. When one appreciates the fact that each of these melons was handled at least three times, in pick ing, wrapping and crating, they can readily imagine the army of men nec essary in the field to do this work. Two and a quarter million dollars is the estimate of value put on the Im perial valley cantaloupe crop, now that the season l8 near its end. One fHIMIM HIUHMfMniM La Grande's leacfng '':. Jeweler ; Opposite V. 8. IH Offiee n 1 dams Atcom. " kmiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiinniiHiii as Only College in Eastern Oregon IVe are conducting a high grade school, offering instruction in the latest f rms of Bookkeeping and Banking, such as Loos-leat Ledgers with the Voucher System of accounting. The most substantial and well tried Systems of Shorthand are taught, together with the associated branches found in all well organized commercial colleges. Write for catalog or call and see us. Special terms1 to those who will enroll mi or before September fifth. Baker Business College Baker, Oregon uy feature of this year's output, 1b that despite Its size, the melons have been of "better quality than: ever before. Everett Buteerfleld is considering an offer from Martin Beck for a season of vaudeville, which is to begin the lat ter part of September, WANTED Five Boys Fan? Us King X Cigar Factory a, "" ' """ ' ' ' L Must be over 16 years of age to work till s'arting of school W6 Fir Street HI 1 1 1 HHH444IKHHH