La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 02, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Uthe place to send tour boys axd cikis.
Christian, but not sectarian. Grounds and bullduig8 valued at $73,000.
A select school for young men and
hiehest Ideals In Manhood and Womanhood.
Thorough course. Literary, scientific) commercial department; In-i
piano, Toice and stringed lustra meats;
Dormitory refitted, refurnished, steam heated, electric lighted; com 1
fortable, attractive, gymnasium, good athletic field
Beautiful (or Situation. A land of fruits and flowers. Mountain water.
Fare air. Healthful conditions' Six passenger trains dally. Electric
street cars. . -, . '
Not a saloon In SO years. So gambling d?ns. Moral atmosphere Is
'wholesome. - '
Send for Catalogue or other Information to
f H. S..SH ANGLE, Financial
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam heated only ; one
. block from depot
D. C. Bdclioux.ProD.
- Right in your busiest season when yon
have the least time to qpare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time, unless tou hare Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at
band and take a dose on the first appear
ince of the disease. For sale by all dealers.
Consult him before
George Palmer Lumber Co.
I Retail Dept. Phone, Haiti 8
I Health and
;; Kitchen work has a lot to do with health and good looks. A woman
cannot work overtime In a furnace-like kitchen, with a wood range in
hot wather without paying the penalty.
The drudgery, the long hours, the
will cnt down her energy nd matae
form.' ;
fw .. .
TIU8 is a lac iBai cannot ot uisputea na u vi us cmi can iv uuuu
11 many examples. Every woman who
W range, and) she gets one, too, where
welfare at heart, .. '
An electric range means a cool,
ote't wait, that enn he regulated
U. A.I A. I Jl.
me ume ana no luei 10 nmiuic or
Our sneclnl rate to users of our
omlcal to use as wood. Ask about
I Eastern Oregor light & Power Co.
young ladles, who seek for the
elocution; art
Secy., Milton, Oregon
Let your next corset be a
Gossard. Hare It fit to your
form. , ,'
All. the . style, comfort afnd
beauty of the Iaee-in-front Gos
.sard will mean nothing to yon
until yon try on one of these
snperme corsets. .' "
., A single try-on will proie to
yon why they exceL
A complete line of Gossard
corsets, bust conflners and pads,
always oo hand.
Prices of corsets $3.50, $5.00,
$6.00 and $S0. ,
Mrs. Robert Pattison
CorseiSere. I'hone Black 34SL
letting your sidewalk
extreme heat, the smoke and ashes, ft
her prematurely old In race and
1 . . ;. :7." " . :
a a a -
cooes is enuuea to an electric
the man or the house ha. her
clean kitchen, a fire without a mln. 1
with a thumb-screw meals in half J
..I... Ik will.
nsiirs i cvukuu ni . it
electric ranges, make, them as econ. 2
them. , ' -
coos w is
115 ML
J. P. O'Brien Announces Decision of
His Company Directors.
Ieics J8 given out that the Harriman
system is going to build to Coos Bay
out from Eugene, and the announce
ment is being received with a great
deal of Interest because of what It
will do toward thtf development of
Western Oregon. The Poriland Jour
nal relates of the announcement:
Forced Into the open by the activity
of two English syndicates, one plan
ning to build to Coos Bay from Rose
burg and the other to follow the Slua
law river, General Manager J. . P.
O'Brien has issued a statement that
the Southern Pacific will begin p.t
once' the construction of a line from
Eugene to Marshflt Id.
. .The announcement includes an ad
mission that work already done ou u
line from Drain to Marshfield was an
expensive mistake, and will have to
be abandoned.' Several hundred thoii'
sand dollars at least was expended in
surveys, grading and bridge and con
struction work on the Drain-Coos Bar
road, which was favored scheme of
E. E.. Calvin when he was general
manager of the Southern Pacific Ore
gon, lines. '- . . ; . . ;. ".. .
Some 30 or 40 miles of work was
done on the Drain-Coos Bay line, In
cluding grading, laying of rails and
bridge work. Mr. O'Brien said today
the bridges will be taken down" and
the steel used elsewhere, the rails al
ready having been taken up, and what
ever steps are possible will be taken
to retrieve the mistake of the Drain
line. It remains, however, one of the
costly errors of 'the Harriman chiefs
In the northwest.
Haggle Over Terms.
, Since the late E. H. Harriman quar
reled with the people of Coos Bay over
the terms upon which the Drain-Coos
Bay line .was to be built, and aban
doned the project the Harriman chiefs
have been busy looking out for anoth
er end cheaper route to Coos Bay.
Some time ago the Euge-nc-Marshfleld
line was decided upon as. the more
feasible proposition, and surveys wer
made. Then, following th usual Har
riman policy, work was temporarily
abandoned to aee whether anyone else
wanted to get to Coos Bay badly
enough to expend money on a road, .
Several propositions were soon tak
en up, among them the Haines-Clarke
survey from RoBeburg to Myrtle Point
to promote which a company headed
by Samuel ConnEll of Portland was or
ganized.. The survey was offered for
sale to' numerous parties, but, it Is
said, has never found a purchaser.
Last spring, however, two English
syndicates came .upon the- Bcene. Both
have enormous financial backing and
both were apparently working lnde-
I pendently of each other.' :
English Capital Interested. (
One, represented by . E. Copper
thwaite, of London, In which E. C
Cox, a millionaire operator of West
Virginia and other wealthy Americans
were interested, has taken up a pro
ject from Roseburg. The other, which
is said to have the backing of . the
greatest financiers oi England . has
been at 'work on the Sluslaw project.
. In that remarkable way In which
the Harriman representatives seem
able to learn the most secret moves of
possible rivals, the Southern Pacific
officials heard of the plans of these
two syndicates. Investigations made
by Mr. O'Brien Impressed him with
the necessity for a quick move on the
part of his people and he hurried east
last month for this purpose. The de
termination to make an announcement
of the Harriman plans was made at
that time, and Mr. O'Brien has made
a detailed statement, apparently in
the hope that it may deter to the Eng
lish syndicates from going ahead with
their plans.' That it will have this
effect Is a matter those who have been
closest to the English syndicates are
Inclined to doubt 1 , .
The Harriman plans as detailed by
Mr. O'Brien are to complete the Eu-gene-Marshfleld
road within two years.
He says he expects It will cost $8,.
000,000 and will be from 125 to 130
miles in length. It will follow th
Sluslaw river, through the coast rang?
and on to the coast, thence sou.h to
j MarshEeld.
; Thrfe reasons are advanced by Mr.
O'Brien for preferring the Eugene to
Drain routt! first, that the former will
.pass through a richer district; second
that Eugene will be located, on the
main line upon the completion of the
Natrcn cut-eff, while Drain will be on
the western, or branch line; third, that
the Eugene road will tap a very larg?
body of timber own;d by the Oregon
& California railroad. This : timber.
however, may not long remain the
property of the Oregon & California as
the United States has brought suit to
cancel the railroad's title to it, and
has already won out In the United
States circuit court This timber Is a
part of the Oregon & California con
gressional land grant '
The company organized to cons: met
the Eugene-Marshfield Hue Is called
the Willamette' Pacific Railroad com
pany, and was Incorporated June 14.
George X. Wendling Is president; S.
O. Johnson of San Francisco, vice
president; R. M. Cross, of Portland,
vice president; S. R. Bodine. of Port
land, secretary; C. H. Barrel!, Los An
geles, treasurer; C. R. Breck, Eugene,
chief engineer; R L. Hughes and J.
D. Miller, Portland, directors.
..: ... v . . ..... i AAA AAA ...
George X. vendling, of San Fran
cisco, the president. Is manager of the
California Sugar Pine company, which
operates an Immense plant at Mc
Cloud, In northern California. Mr.
Wendling and his ' company attained
considerable prominence In California
as enemies of union labor. His back
ers are men of great wealth and own
large tracts of timber tributary to the
proposed Eugene-Coos Bay line. Mr.
O'Brien estimates the total timber tri
butary to th proposede line at 15,000,-
000 feet. ' ,
The Wlllame'.te Pacific has a capi
talzation of $1,000,000, and all of th
stock Is held by the Southern Pacific
company. The line win be built lu
the same manner as the Tillamook
road the Pacific Railway & Naviga
tion -company Is being constructed,
and will become a part of the main
line- when completed. The Tillamook
line will be In operation September 1,
It Is expected. " '
Search and Seizure Act on Deer Hay
'ot Stand. , , ,
Over in Enterprise there is a deffir-
ence of opinion on the search and sei
sure act under which city officials are
operating. Several weeks ago the city
officials through search and seizure
enteed Al Emmons soft drink store
and confiscated some beer which has
proven to be private property. The
beer was put in the hands of Sheriff
Marvin who carefully stored it in the
basement of the nw court house. Now
Mr Emmons is bringing suit to re
cover his property. There never has
been a charge of Illegally selling the
beer, but under the city laws of Enter
prise It seems a search and seizure is
permissible with anybody or at any
time. - Thus a man who has had a
fresh case or keg sent to bis residence
for private use may awaken to find
officers searching the premises for.
the liquor. ,
Now comes the question of owner
ship. Has Emmons a right to drink
his own beer, or has the city a right
to keep in storage th beer that was
bought by Al. Emmons. . When thi Is
decided by the courts then the cus
tody of the beer will be established.
An erroneous impression prevailed
outside of Enterprise relative to the
nature of a place run by Emmons. He
stands well in that community and
has never been in any trouble. Th
report coupling the Joseph girls who
were serving time in the Enterprise
Jail, with the confiscation of the Em
mons beer only served the purpose of
showing what a plight the officials
were in when the Jokesmlth decided
to get in his work, as Is always the'
case around the county seat. The Jo
seph girls were arrested and convicted
in' Joseph and had nothing whatever
to do with the Emmons matter other
than that the two events happened
approximately at. the same time.
!IE IIElffl
lase liosemuies rear at Aorta row dor
Farmers InToIvfd.
One of the most Important water
contests held la the state of Oregon
will be at Vale some time this fall or
winter, says the Baker herald. The
case closely resembles the contest re
cently heard over the water rights ou
North Powder.
Iu this case- the water of Willow
river is Involved and practically, ev
ery water right on the stream will be
contested. The Willow River Land
and Irrigation company which ;. has
built two reservoirs aud claims all
the water flow of the stream as wel!
as the flood waterg Is opposed to the
rights of the farmers.
jonn i. nana or tnis piace fin?
sents.the Lower Willow Creek Water
Users' association, , which embraces
some of the oldest and most suubstan
tial farmers and ranchers in the val
ley. The hearing will be held before
Water Commissioner Cochran of La
Grande.' -
I Advertising
LOST Jersey milch cow three years
old, branded J E on right hip. Re
ward. A. B. Burnett, Island City.
WANTED Piano to rent by month.
Call La Grande Investment Co. .
FOR SALE Dry chain wood in any
quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per
ry' yards. ' Grande Ronde Lumber
company Pe.rry. Ore. , 6-15-tf
WANTED Girl to work at I. X. L.
store. 7-28-6t
FOR SALE Good header and binder
combined. 12 foot cut- Deerlng
. make. Inquire L. J. Ferguson, El
gin, Oregon.
FOR RENT One nice parlor and bed
room, newly furnished. 905 Spring
street 7-23-6t
FOR RENT Part of good barn, close
in. Apply this office. " ' :
FOR RENT Furnished rooms and
housekeeping rooms. 1914. Third St
:' tf
50 cent paper lor 30 cents. 90 cent Oat meals for 70'cts.
A Met line of 10, 15, '20 and 25 cent paper.
Bradley & Go.
Sanitary Plumbfef. .
rill" Work A Nell -As Tray.
ev. J. M. Cornelisun, Prtsbyteriau
missionary on the reservation, and
Rev. Dixon, the native ;;r.itor of Vm
reservation church, rot oiJy believw
In observing the Sabbath day but, they
also observe the commandment thnt
says "sis days shalt thou labor."
Just at present the two "sky pilots'
are showing their belief in the diviu
l y of labor by working in the harvest
fields on the reservation. They work
throughout the week, merely taking
sufficient time off for the evening
meetings, and on Sunday they davot
the entire day to church work.
Incidentally, bo'.h men hope to as
sist in impressing upon their Indian
followers that It Is good for th& body
and soul for one to work and to In
duce the tribesmen to follow their ex
ample. Pendleton East Oregonaouian.
Ready for Canadian Henley.
St, Catharines. Ont., August 2. Th
local committee in charge of arrange
ments for the annual regatta of the
Canadian Association of Amateur
Oarsmen, to be held here Friday and
Saturday: next, completed the final
plans today and is making prepara
tions to handle, one of the biggest
crowds that ever attended the Canad
ian Henley. The regatta will bring
tniretlur aiany'. of, the ..speediest ars-
nienotv both sides of the internation
al boundary. :
Cigar Store
Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobac
co and Soft Drinks best and
most complete line of cigars in
the city.
.Observer's Coast Le ague base
ball scores every day there's a
Corner Depot and Jefferson St.
Try It and you will hare bo
other. .:
'. ' t '.'.' ' '.-'.;: ' '
Every eacb guaranteed to
give Satisfaction."
. Waters-Stanchfield
Produce Co.
Phone Red 971 next door to
' ' ' Observer office.
i i