La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 02, 1911, Image 1

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Story of How He Receive J Money to
Ferret Out Grafting aud How He
and O'Xeil Browne Spent Approprl.
ations to Lorlmer Senator, Are
Told to Investigation Committee. ,
Washington, August 2. Testifying
before the Lorlmer Investigating. com
mittee , State Representative Whit,
! confessed boodler, said today he got
$1,900 from the St. Louis "Jackpot'
and' spent the money while preparing
to "show up" the corruption prevalent
In the Illinois legislature, to secure
such infornitalon, he, said, as he felt
he was Justified in accepting the coin.
He said Brown, the democratic leader,
and himself Bpent $100 dally while they
' were in Chicago, which was paid out
of the Jack pot. .
''' Spnt Bribe Money Frsely.
How Lee p'Nell Browne, leader of
the Illinois assembly, the democrats
and himself '"blew" in their share of
the St. Louis Jackpot,, dispensed for
their aid in electing Lorlmer, was told
today to the senate investigating com-
I mlttee by state representative White
who confessed that he had been brlb
i d. He said they took several Journeys
I I and lived high.
i-t. Scrnbworea'n Is Wealthy. ,'.-
t . Spokane, Wash., August 2. Mrs.
fci lda Duncan a young; widow who sup
I'i ported be rself and three small chll
drem by scrubbtlng floors in office
jj buildings and washing since her hug
s' band died about four months ago, has
f gone to Tampa, Fla.,to claim an In
I herltance of $17,000, left by her un
j: cle. Mrs. Duncan, who is & native of
l the southland, said at her home, 1124
Third avenue, before starting on the
long Journey, that the good news came
V in a letter from a solicitor in Florida.
I Four thousand dollars of the estate
,1s In cash, the rest being invested in
fruit lands, which Mrs. Duncan Is 'to
j manage during her lifetime,.;'. after
; which it will become the property of
t her children. ; :. ' "
"I was unable to take of the little
I; oneB while working out," Mrs. Duncan
said, "so I placed them In the day
; nursery, calling" for them in the eve-
ning. I was not at home when the let
i ter came, but as soon as I heard of
'! my good fortune I almost ran to the
''nursery and brought the children
home. I was not prepared to go any
where, but good friends have assisted
me to go to Florida."
Seamen's Strike Rfpnewe(l
London, August 2. More than 100,-
; .men are out today in a general renew
( al of the deckmen's strike. Twenty
. , steamers are tied up and there is a
prospect that th0 trouble will spread.
' Percy Is HIg Xearest Competitor at
. Mississippi Primary.
; Jackson, mas., August 2. Former
" Governor Vardaman's anti negro ut
. terances which stirred the south in
the past will probably be heard In the
United States senate In the future. Re-
'$ turns from the primaries today show
, he has beaten Percy, his nearest com
' petitor, by nearly 12,000 votes.
Xew Express Bates. .
Washington, August 2. The inter
state commerce commission today or
dered all express companies to so
amend -their tariffs that their rates to
Intermediate stations between produc
ing and consuming points shall . be
proportionate to the full rates between
those points. . " . ,
New York Has Fire Millions. ,
New York, August 2. Estimates of
the board of health published today
give New York City a population of
5,000,400, which 18 230,000 over last
year. .' . ' . ' .
Chautauqua Dinting Tonight
There will be an important meeting
of the Chautauqua directors tonight. at
the Commercial club. The hour is 7
o'clock. '..
European Markets Feel Dread of Re
. newed Critical Stage. , -
London, August; 2. The fear that
a renewal of the. Franco-German-English-Moroccan
crisis is impending was
manifested today In all European mar
kets. General dread was felt in busi
ness circles that the negotlaltons be
tween France and Germany might be
broken owing to the demands made for
compensation by . the kaiser from
France, which have bo "far been re
fused. .'. ' :':'4 " -; ... . '.
) RfK)rters Are Deported.
London, August Z.--Correspendents
for tw London newspapers were to
day expelled from TAgadar '"bjrOe M
mans because they wrote antl-Germaa
articles on the Moroccan 'affair. This
certain expulsion will cause further
irritation of the vexed question, as
suming as it does 'that German offi
cials have territorial rights in' region,
something England does not recog
nize. Government: representations at
Berlin on the matter are reported to
have been made. ,
' Austria Fans Fire.
Vienna, August 2. Proposing that
Austria, France and Italy. unite to
break Great Britain's po" .
"ylvester of the lower house of
the Austrian parliament caused a
great sensation today and greatly in
tensified the critical situation between
Germanyi and England. "
It is expected Great Britain will im
mediately demand Sylvester'a dismis
sal from office. : 1 ;
Flasherty Heads K. of C's
Detroit, August 2. Flasherty was
elected president 'of the Knights of
Columbus this afternoon.
Agriculture for w York.
New York, August 2.-rA municipal
need, the existence of which had not
been suspected by most of the citizens
of Greater New York, has Just been
discovered by a member of the state
legislature representing the Borough
Of Queens. - This statesman believes
that New York City requires a depart
ment of agriculture and has written
to the mayor urging the inclusion in
the new; city charter of some provi
sion to "stimulate and direct Intensive
gardening, fruit and berry raising."
It is explained in support of ths sur
prising demand that there is some
think like 40,000 acres of vacant land
within the limits of the. greater city.
Most of. this is in small scattered lots
but It is held by the originator of the
plan that If .lt can be brought under
cultivation until it is needed for build
ing purposes a considerable sum will
be realized, and employment will b
furnished to several thousands of peo
ple who are now Infrequently employ
ed. The plan is being seriously advo
cated by its projector and if It is adopt
ed New York may become a competi
tor of the more thoroughly, rural
counties of the state as on exhibitor
of prize pumpkins and big apples at
the various agricultural exhibitions
rubt mtt : Nb
Denying the charge against him iu
toto, swearing he was not at the Mo-'-fat
ranch on Sunday when he is ac
cused of having, criminally assaulted
Edna Moffat, a cripple girl of about IS
years, and denying he ever had illtcit
relations with her,: WUllain. Hogg, the
defendant in the "racy"" trial on m
circuit court took the wl:ness stand
in his own behalf at 11 o'clock today
and by 2 o'clock had Completed his
story. In conjunction with the finale
of the trial which has lasted longer
than anticipated, and will probably
go to the Jury tonight, District Attor
ney Ivanhoe branded Hogg as an ex
convict, who was sentenced to seven
years for horse stealing in Crook coun
ty but was later pardoned. ' "
Admits His Sentence.
The ex-convict newg cropped out
', ' w ..,' ! ....' : . , 1 f v j : ' -
Washington, August 2. Denouncing
W. J. Bryun on the floor of the house
today as a falsifier, Democratic Lead
er "Underwood was cheered loudly,
plainly showing that the power of the
Commoner Is not what it used to be.
Replying to Bryan's recent charge
that he wag a prevaricator Underwood
declared the state was false and that
Talks to Aged Mother While Belnf
'Rescued. From predicament.
Joplin, Mo., August 2. Joseph
Clary, who had been eutombed in a
mine 73 feet below the surface since
early Sunday morning, was extricated
today from hlg perilous position by
his rescuers.
Yesterday he was fed through a drill
pipe and ..while his rescuers dug he
talked to his aged mother over a tem
porary telephone rigged up. When
he was brought to the surface he al
most collapsed from weakness and
lack of sleep and cold caused by the
mine waters. '
Clary was rescued from the mine in
good shape and this afternoon1 after a
short sleep, said: "I was never bad
ly scared." ,''..'',' ".,. : ' '
Three thousand persons cheered S
the rescuers who had worked since
Sunday, pulled him out. ,
Rennlon of Alcn Descendant.
Duxbury, Mass.,' August 2 Several
hundred descendants of John Alden
and Prtscilla Mullins, of Pilgrim fame
gathered here today for the 11th an
nual reunion of the Alden Kindred of
America. The exercises were held on
the old John Alden homestead prop
erty. The society ha8 secured a title
to the present John Alden house, built
In 165, where one of the ninth gener
ation of Aldens still lives, and has an
option on the land occupied by the
origlnaf house where John Alden was
' T' "' r.'";'-v -' -''' ." '.'' ' '
Flu STIiliD
during cross examination when Dis
trict Attorney Ivanhoe sprang the
Question suddenly. Hogg admitted It
from the witness stand, but on re-dl- j
rcct examination testified that the!
governor had pardoned him.- His de-
main points set up by Jh state, deny
ing he had been at the Moffat. home,
of having hitched his horse there, or
of having been at the hen house that
day as the Moffat girl testified to.
Some rebuttal estimony was taken
this afternoon and it ig now thought
the Jury will get the evidence late
this, evening. The denials of the de
fendant himself and the story of the
girl aud her slstsr will form probably
the two Issues from which the Jurors
will decide. "
he did not attempt to prevent a con
sideratlon of the revision of the steel
8chedule. "" ' , '' . '';:. ''.
Underwood then called on Congress
man Kitchen to reply to Bryan's state
ment that Kitchen had denounced Un
derwood, before the democratic cau
cils. Kitchen said Bryan was badly
informed as he never believed the dem
ocrats would slander Underwood.
Oregon Conditions Good TodayMore
Men Fight California Fire.
, Sai) Bernardino, August 2. Beyond
control again, the forest fire in San
Bernardino range has swept over the
divide and is headed toward the Mo
Jave desert It look like it will sweep
on until it reached the desert. A big
force of men Is en route to fight the
fire as the others are almost exhaust
ed. ; ;;-, : ; ', ;,
Oregon Conditions Good.
Portland, August 2. The forestry
office reports Oregon and Washington
free from dangeroug forest nres to
day. , .;. '; ' -' .
Blaze Menacing In Idaho. ;
'. Spokane, August 2. A forest fln
six mlle8 long Is sweeping the head
waters of Oro Flno creek near Pierce
Idaho, according to reports here to
day. The district is thickly timbered
The fire was started by lightning.
All available men are being rushed
to the scene.
Dominion Trap Shooters.
Belleville, Ont., August 2. The 11th
annual tournament of the Dominion
of Canada Trap Shooting association
is being shot oh here under condition
that promise one of the .most success
ful competitions in the history of the
association. Tomorrow will be the
big day of the tournament, when th
events will Include the Individual
championships and the Grand, Canad
Ian handicap, In addition to a number
of team competitions.
Toronto's Aiiatlon .Meet
. Toronto, Cnt., August 2. With an
aeroplane race' frpm Hamilton to
Toronto as the Introductory feature,
to be followed by an entire week of
prize contests for speed, duration,
altitude, etc., the aviation meet which
Ig to have Its opening here tomorrow
promises to be one of the most notable
and successful affairs of It kind yet
pulled off in America. The aviation
field, located within easy access of the
city, consists of a tract two miles la
extent, without obe'r.uctions of any
kind.: Half a dozef fle of Inter
national reputatioii larev., fbs 1
In the meet, among them being
F. Willard, J. A. D. McCurdy, J . J."
Ward and LadU Lewkowicz, the last
named being a young Prussian aviator
and the first one of his nationality 'to
fly in America -
-inHiin Rnniy Tn
Child to Be Cored for fiy Children's
Aid Society Mother Life Termer.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., August 2.
Mrs. Angelina Napolltano, who was
recently reprieved from death for mur
dering her husband on account' of
hundreds of petitions from the United
States, today gave birth to a girl
The Children's ,Ald society will care
for It.' v'! '-. . .. '
If the mother Is ever released from
prison the child will be given back to
her.- Her term is for life. ' '
Daisy to Have Potlutch. ?
Spokane'Wash., 'August' J. Captain
John McA. Webster, superintendent of
the Colvllle Indian reservation, ' an
nounced in Spokane today there will
be a great potlatch at Daisy, Wash.,
the middle of August, when tribesmen
will mourn the passing of Chief Barn
aby, who was for years the represen
tative of his people before the presi
dent of the United States at Washing
ton, D. C. At the potlatch the crown
ing incidents of Chief Barnaby'a life
will be recited, after which his posses
sions -will be distributed among his
friends. ' Barnaby was 75 years of age
at the time of his death and Is survived
by a son of 16 years. His most nota
ble 'speech was before President
Roosevelt and Indian officials five
years ago, to intercede for the pay
ment of $1,500,000 due on land sales.
He adopted the ways of the white man
years ago, and the sermon at bis bier
was delivered by Father Caldl, a trav
eling field missionary. The body rests
in an elaborate. casket In the Colvllle
Indian burial ground.
Women Dodge Jury Duty.
Spokane, Wash., August .Ten wo
men drawn for Jury duty at the com
lng term of the Spokane , county su
perlor court declare they will noi
serve unless compelled to do so by
law, Mrs. Sarah Witherell, living, at
1528 Ninth avenue, the first woman
drawn for the venire, voiced the sen
tlments of her sisters In saying that
while women should use their fran
chise in voting for good government
she believes Jury duty is a man's work
"I voted because I am a taxpayer,"
she added, "and because I had the
right right to vote." Mrs. Flora P.
Atchison, 808 Shannon avenue, said:
"There are certain cases where it is
all right for a woman to serve on a
Jury, but they are scattered, I will not
serve if called. My home Is the place
for me. I am not an advocate of the
equal suffrage cause, although I think
that women will .be able to accomplish
much good with their votes." Mrs. E.
G. Hubbard, 2116 North Madison street
told her story In a few words. "I pre
fer to stay at home, for I tbfnk that l
the woman's place. Women Jurors on
a divorce case? Oh! My! No!"
Top Is Improved.' . .
Rome, August 2. Pope Plus shows
Improvement today.'
Belleied That Present Session of Con
gress Will End Hurriedly If Taf
Vetoes the Farmers' In c List and
Wool Bills When Measures Come to
Him Bryce aud Knox to Sign Pact-
...'.Washington, August .2. Republican
Standpatters today cmim tny-irS
eurances that President Taft will ve'o '
the farmers' free list and wool bills
passed yesterday. If they reach him
this season. The white house will hot
talk. In case the president does,' an
abrupt ending of ;.the congressional
session is likely. ;','
Treaty Slirned Tomorrow.
The arbitration treaty between the -United
States and Great Britain will
be signed in the historic East Room
of the white house tomorrow after
noon. Secretary of State Knox signs
for the United States, and Bryce for
also be signed and will be sent by
Great Britain. The French treaty will
be sent' by messenger to France for
signature.'; ; ';".': ;';".;,
; It became known today that Presi
dent Taft expectg to' send the treaties
to the senate for ratification before
this session closes.
" Wool Conference Wanted.
The house campaign puDllclty bill
today was sent to a conference with,
the senate. Senators Gamble and Dil
lingham and Johnson will represent "
the upper chamber. The senate to
day also agreed to request the house
for a conference on the wool bill. Sen
ators La Follette, Bailey, Penlnose,
Cu Horn and Simmons were named as
the confreres. '' ' ";
Xew Highway to Cross Mlssoari.
Jefferson City, Mo', August Gov
ernor Hadley and the state board of
agriculture gave t public hearing to- .
day on the matter of the proposed
state road to connect St, Louis and,
Kansas City. Three routes are under
consideration and nearly 1,000 dele-
gates representing numerous cltlea"
and towns were on hand to urge the
claims of one or other of the proposed
routes. . .. ; ;
Meets at Lake Geneva. : '
Lake Geneva Wis!, August 2.-,Rey.
J. Campbell White. Col. El Hah W.
Halford and other rellglousworkers
of. note are scheduled to address th
summer training conference of the
opened here tpday The, conference
Laymen's Missionary Movement which,
will continue Its sessions ' until Sun
day evening, ;. '
; officer......
Will Fight the Issue Through to the
End, Says Accused Bunker.
; Portland, August 2. Angry and as
serting that he would see matters
through to a finish, Louis Wilde, the
San Diego banker, arrived here today
accompanied by officers and one of his
lawyers to face a charge of embezzle
ment in connection with the sale of
bonds to the defunct Oregon Trust &
Savings company. ,; , '
H was allowed his liberty on $20.-
r000 bonds, by Judge McGinn.
'I f