La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, August 01, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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"The Mfsslon Worker", .Selig
A clergyman's daughter opens
a mission school in the Chinese
quarter of a large city. A rich
Chinaman is one of her pupils
and falls madly In love with
his teacher. . Tha Chinaman Is
an inveterate , gambler and a
great scene takes ; place in a
Chinese gambling Joint."
' "Her Brother's Photograph". .'
.............. .... . Edison
A splendid dramatic produc
tion. : Absorbingly interesting
from s art to finish.
"Dava's Love Affair". .Biograph
i A pretty comedy. Dave's pal
put up a Job on fclm by sending
a note to him signed "Clarice."
He receives this not; whilst in
the company of his swteihsart
May. . Imagine the rest.
Peturn Engagement of La
M B, C. P. FEKRIN. - -
Illus: rated Song "There Come
a Day.-' v.
DR. A. C. POSEY, Specialist for Eye
Ear, Nose and Throat diseases. Eyes
fitted with glasses. Over Selder's
store : ';,' '". .. ":
Prof F: J. , Freenor, the, ".magnetic
healer, has returned to La Grande and
is located at the Savoy hotel, room 10.
Office hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. He treats
all chronic disease. If you would be
well, see him. All treatments by ap
pointment only.' ," v 1 ' - 7-27 8-3 '
The ladies of St. peter'g guild will
hbld Vlawnlocfal at the residence of
Mrs. James .Kussel," corner of Main
and Third streets, on Thursday even
ing. Home made cakes, cream and
sherbet will be served. y Everybody in
vited. ' ' -,i : . ; -
of Hobbies
It provides endless enjoyment
In years' to come as well as at
the present tim. Pictures ta
ken today will' be a source of
enjoyment In after years as well
as now. "'''- ,',: . . i ...
Eastman Kodaks
Premo Cameras
These are the worlds best in
the camera line and when yon
get an Eastman of us yon may
know that yon are getting the
best to be had and at a very
, reasonable price, .
Photo Supplies-
, For these yon can depend ip
on onr stock as we aim to keep
always On hand a fresh lot of
'films and paperg and all other
supplies, required by the ama
tear and professional photog
raphers. We develop and print
Drug Co.
Mr. Atkinson of the Old Town store
was ill yesterday but la somewhat im
proved today.
Mrs. Winn, an aged resident of
South La Crande, is not enjoying htr
customary good health this wk, al
though she is not serlouBly 111.
Three county prisoners were takea
to Elgin today where they will be em
ployed by the county on the road mak
ing department. V . '
' Mrs. Ev P. Day and hr pupils are
having - their vacation. Mrs. Day
leaves on No. 5 this evening for Port
land,, Seaside, Silvan Park and other
placeg of interest. She expects to re
turn the first of September to resume
her music teaching. ;
Thr Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian
church will meet at the home of Mrs.
Sara McCall,: residence S05 Washing
ton street, at 2:30 p. m., Wednesday.
August 2nd.. All members are espe
cially requested to be present. . Busi
ness of Importance. ;
Miss Ka harlne Trevette of Chicago,
will give a recital at the Island City
I'n'on church, Saturday, August 5th.
nder ths auspices of the Alerts, fol
lowed by a lawn Bocial at the home of
"d Kiddle. 7 Ice cream, sherbet anil
-ak; will be served
Come. 8-1-
The Ladies' Altar socle. y of the
Catholic church will meet at the resl
1ence of Mrs. franc Wilhslm , on
Thursday afternoon at 3 p. m.. Instead
of Wednesday.
MORROW. 'i i ? $ 3 $ $ 8
C. W. Cotham, of Chicago, was
among the Sommer guests this morn
ing, 'fj-u :.:':'')
. L, N. Church, a Walla Walla cattle
buyer,' stopped jat the Sommer last
eight. ' - l': . w ': ' '' '
E. C. Qulrck,' representing v John
Koebltng & fioB', wire rope makers,
was af tht Fot&Ftfc1inRnin'g'; T
; Dr. 'C. T Bacon left "lasT nlghl for
Portland "where 3ie was called by the
Illness of a relative.
; Dr. W. D. Zimmerman and his par
ents have returned from a camping
trip to Joseph. '
George Bedwell of Telocasef was a
usiness visitor in La Qrande list night
stopping at the Savoy while here.
Boy Ellsworth was here from Lima
last night and stayed 'at the Savy bo
tel. ; . ':S , ;. -; ,
Miss Jessie Booth of Pasco, Wn., is
expected ; to arrive tonight to b - a
guest with her friend, Miss Etta Foley,
for a few days. . . , , v
F. N. Fox, a well known young man
of Imbler, stopped .at the Savoy last
night while transacting business mat
ters in the city. : J
- Ward Emlgh, a well known cream
ery man of Walla Walla and interested
in the Valley creamery here,-stopped
at the Savoy, last night. , ,
Miss Runa Bacon, daughter of Dr.
and Mrs. C. T. Bacon, has returned
from an extended stay in Portland
where she was a guest with friends.
, Mr. and Mrs. Keene and Mrs. Stev
enson, all of Bremerton, have returned
to their homes after being guests with
Mr and Mrs. J.' E. Reynolds of 4his
city the past few days. . , -. ...
Among the arrivals . from Joseph
lake yesterday where he has been
on a camping expedition was George
Erlckson, the Newlin drug store drug
glst. ' .'. ;; .v "
Misses Xynette and Genevieve Kerr,
daughters of President and Mrs. W.
J. Kerr of the O; A. C., returned to
their homes last evening after spend
ing a few weeks with their sister
Mrs R. E. Reynolds. .
j . Prof. H. M. Mars of the Oregon Ag
ricultural mining department was in
the city yesterday, seeking data for
the government geological department
He went on to Baker last evening.
While here he was a guest of 0. A. C.
students who are home for the sum
A. R. Emmons of Enterprise is vis
iting in La Grande for a few days.
Mrs. G. W. Walk was here from
North Powder today, staying at the
Foley. .
J. H. Louch of Denver was a Foley
guest todey, while, meeting business
J. W. Cormach, an auto dealer of
Pendleton and W. R. Wither. aUo of
Pendleton, were Sommer hotel guesta
today. ,
Tom Burham, of Union and P. J.
Power, of Union, constituted some of
the Union visitors to La Grande to
day. They were guests at the Foley.
J. W, Wycoff.-a Warren ; Construc
tion company representative, stopped
at the Foley today while transacting
business in the city.
Mrs, Knapp Dooley went to Baker
ih's morning and will return next
Sunday to Join her husband who is
efmployed in this city, and make their
home in La Grande. ; " '
J.'Lalrd of Elgin and M. Kennedy of
Elgin were guests in La Grande last
evening. 'They were registered at tin
Sommer. '. '.: '
Stone of Pendleton, C. D. Earl of
Portland, E. C. Herzenger, a Portland
sahsman, and G E. Sommers of Ok
lahoma were among thev, Foley guests
this morning. 4 ; . ,v
An Ideal Outing.
The Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company, will have on
sale August 23rd special reduced
round trip tickets to the seashore,
which will afford their patrons an op
portunity to enjoy a delightful outing
on the beach. Also the privilege of
stopping at Portland and Astoria. The
rate for the round trip is only $10.
Children half fare. Tickets are lim
ited to fifteen days. Make your reser
vations at the earliest practicable mo
ment. . , . - ". :! ' '
JoRtlceVf the f Peace Williams Has
Afternoon Wedding Ceremony.
OUbert Dunu, son of 0. A. Dunn, a
resident of East La Grande and Miss
Florence S. Doollttle, also of this city.
were married this afternoon. The
ceremoney was performed by Justice
of the Peace Arthur Williams in his
office. " . ' 'V - , .
C. E. Sysner Pleads Gnll'y and Is Sen
fenced In Justice Court
. C. E. Sysner, captured ifl Baker a
few days ago on a charge of defraud
Ing. a hotel, the Savoy hotel being the
one thus, defrauded, plead guilty yes
terday afternoon before Justice Wil
liams and was fined $30 and costs. At
noon today he' had not paid the fine.
Hftrheock Heard by Probers.
New York, , August 1. -Postmaster
General Hitchcock" was the. first" wit-
itBS.,today before, the federal commis
sipn -.investigating second class pos
tage rate.'' He insisted that the maga
zincs should pay higher rates on ad.
vertlslng pages than on their news
and features, He said the current fis
cal year wjll And a surplus In the de
partment He promised to make the
department self sustang.
Enjoy an Ootlng at the SeashoreA
Stopover at Portland.
Visit the Astoria Centennial cele
bration. Take advaptage of the very
low round trip rate of $10.00 offered
by the O.-W. R. & N. company from
La Grande to any. point on the Sea-fhore-North
Beach A special train
affording every accommodation will
leave. La Grande at 8 p. m. Wednes
day, August 23rd. Ask your agent tor
Information in detaiL
FOR RENT Part of good barn, close
In. Apply this office. '.
Board Silent on Graft Charge,
Sacramento, August L Saying the
matter was not In their hands, mem
bers of the board of control today
declined to make statements regard
ing the charges filed with the gover
nor in which it is alleged that the
state printer wasted more than $90,
000 of the state's money by illegal pur
chase of the supplies.
Silant Lawyer.
It Is almost a maxim nowadays that
a lawyer's real importance at the bar
is in inverse ratio to his prominence
in the papers. The truth is that law
yers of great importance seldom now
adays appear in court In the old days
the great lawyer was the, eloquent
lawyer; today the great lawer Is th
silent one. Then bar reputatlous weoe
mado literally at the bar. Today they
are made in the offices of the sky
scrapers neighboring on Wall street.
In England a visit any day to the law
courts will be repaid by the sight of
some famous K. C. assisting the court
in a dramatization of the trial chapter
from "Alice In Wonderland." But you
might prowl for a month withlu the
precincts of the New York courthouse
without encountering a lawyer whose
name would signify anything remark
able to the hlstorlnn of the New York
bar. American Magazine.
Curious Justice.
A Tarls contemporary gives us a
glimpse of the admlnlst ration of Jus
tice. among the natle8 in the Lower
Niger territory, which for its ettlcacy
mlgh tie compared with Swift's ac
count of -the means adopted by Judi
cial anthorlties in Laputa. we believe,
to discover conspirators. If a native
Is accused of theft the heads of the
village make a decoction of herbs and
put Into the essence about a grain of
ground pepper. The ii(juld is then
lightly applied to the eyelid. If the
suspect weeps he Is considered guilty.
But the murder test Is an improve
ment upon that of theft. The "wise
man" of the district draws a vessel of
water, Into which be puts some poison.
Then he takea a cow's tall and "as
perses" the eyes of the supposed as
sassin. If the man becomes blind he
is pronounced a murderer.
' For Testing Gold.
The add used by Jewelers for testing
gold Is extremely powerful and has to
be very carefully bandied. To pre
vent any considerable qunntity of the
acid being spilled a specially -constructed
bottle is employed. The stopper of
this is made of glass and contains a
long pointed glass rod which passes
down the center of the bottle. When
an article of jewelry is to be tested
the stopper is simply ' removed, and
the Article is touched with the point of
the glass rod to which a very slight
quantity of acid has adhered. Gold is
not affected by the acid, but imitation
metal turns green.
One Way to Arbitrate.
, Commodore Vanderbllt used often to
arbitrate his tenants' disputes, and one
day two fnrmers cnlled on -him In his
function of arbitrator. The commo
dore before consenting to act put to
the 'first tenant the necessary question:
"Now, Henry, if I consent to arbi
trate will you abide by my decision?"
The farmer, a bard headed old fel
low, answered tbougntfully:
"Well, commodore, I'd like to know
what it is first"
A Crusl Aoologlst
"Mr. Bligglns takes tnmself very se
riously," said the critical young wo
man. i . ' .
"Well," replied Miss Cayenne, "you
can't blame him. To be thrown into a
cruel world wltb no more brains than'
be possesses would be a serious mat
ter for anybody." Washington Star.
, Har Taet
Howard Did she refuse yon, old
man? CowardWell. In a delicate, in
direct way. She told me she never
wanted anything she could get easily.
Harper's Bazar..
'.Fixed to no spot is happiness. Tis
nowhere to be found or everywhere.
Pope. '. .'
i in Fly Time.
Did you evict him T
"The fly." ; . i
"No; he claimed swatter's rights."
The Haughty One.
"I guess I've a right to my own
opinion." v 1
"Yon probably have as long as yon
keep It to yourself."
' '. Amicable. '
"I like peace." ? '
"Weill I'd never guess it."
"I don't want it too long or too often,
but still I'm fond of It"
' 8oftnlng the Blow.
"I thought he bad a life Job in the
bank." ,; . , ;
"They pardoned him out" f
Her Defense, ,
"Do you slngT
"I do .unless I find my company en
tertaining." . Carried the 8ign.
What date and make of car Is that
That bumped Into tha truck f
A nineteen thirteen, I preiuma,
Jurt judging from lu luck.
Boy Mnrderer Pleads Innoeenea.
New York, AugOBt 1, Albert Oeldel.
the bell boy, today pleaded not guilty
to a charge of murdering the aged
millionaire; JackBon. The trial Is set
for tomorrow.
If you are a customer of the United States National
Bank you have assurance of our personal interest in
your business success. We make it a part of cur bus
mess to give such time and attention to our customers
as their interests require.
W e make it a point that every business transaction
with our patrons shall be satisfactory. We want each
one to feel that they are free to come to us in all mat
ters where our experience and advice will be of valua
and assistance.
You can also be sure that every business transac
tion passing through our hands is held in strict con
fidence. When we speak of service rendered to customers
we mean the "BEST SERVICE" all that you rea
sonably expect from your bank. Our service includes
a hundred and one little details, all of which go to
make of our patrons, "satisfied customers."
If you have had no business with this bank, we feel
confident you will appreciate the service we can ren
- V Iff'" t.-"1
Speclui Train Excursion to Seashore.
The Oregon-Washington Railroad
& Navigation company will operate a
special train consisting of free recllu
lng chair cars, tourist and standard
sleeping cars to Portland in connection
with thelf Bteamers to North Beach
resorts and Astoria. The special train
will leav La Grand's at 8 p. m., Wed
nesday, August 23rd, arriving at Port
land the following morning at 7:15.
Passenger may have their choice of
steamer Potter, leaving Portland at
8:30 a. m. August 4th and 5th or the
steamer Hassalo, leaving Portland on
the same dates at 8 p. m. A round
trip rate of $10.00 wll be named which
Includes stopover privileges at Port
land and Astoria on return trip; limit
15 days from date of sale. Make your
sleeping car reservations now.
Wanted Girl to strip
apply at
106 Fir street,
between -f ive & six
I la for CAKE FROSTIJiG, :
Z (To spread on Bread, Hot CakTs I
I or BJscoIts.
J ."' . &c a Jar. ;' "
For sale by
iPattison Bros. I
Fresh Fruits
cauliflower; "
Royal Grocery
H. Pattison'Prop.
Not is tht Association
Some Glastes Disfigure
( Some ghxssog disfigure the
face and; destroy the expri-ssion
of the ryes, by preventing their
color being seen. This
frequently results from the is
v-'- of ..
ffl which becomes opaqne soon af-'
ter wearing and ghps a pecoliur
.'to the eyes. :r -' ,
Remember, that I grind all' my
glasses, and that I nse only
My glasses fit well, set well
. and . ' v...-,
WHh them yon gt
for yonr money.
Any lens duplicated on short
est notice. "
Eyesight Specialist
Nxt Door to Postofflee.
I' ? f ;