PAGE 7 - Perry Pneumatic TTater Systems, Sanson Wind Hills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces-, Pipe Valve3 and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. BAY & ZWEIFEl PLUMBERS, HEATERS, : JOHN DYER ; Cement Contractor & Builder Get my figures before building yovr sidewalk. You can build a cement house as cheap as frame. 25 years experience. Phone Main 46 V That's What It's Good For What Ails You Special Excursion Rates of $4.25 for the round trip from La Grande to "The Beauty Spot of the Northwest" Rates from following points . Adams . . . . Athena ..... Baker City. Durkee . . . Elgin ..... Enterprise . Gibbon .... Haines . . . . Hllgard Hot Lake .. Huntington Imbler . . . . Kamela . .". . :..r 8 ... 6 ... 7 ... 3 .-. , 1 ... 6 ... 6 ...4 '.;,- i:-;;-8. ... 5 .be sure to ask foe tickets direct to wallowa iakb park. - '. ... . . RATES 1 Tent with I bed 1 Tent with 1 bed and 1 cot 1 Tent with two beds , ITent with I bed ........... t Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot. . 1 Tent with 2 beds .......... are furnished at the Restaurantand Lunch Counter at reasonable pric es. $5.50 meal tickets, can T pa chased for $5.00. Parties desiring to bring their own camping outfit will be alloted .space FREE.. .?''.';',' ' " . , Burros and Saddle Horses for mountain climbing 25c per hour. Special rates T by the day. ri Wednesdays and Saturdays and on ' g UailClDg special occasions if desired. ' For Further Information Address the Wallowa Lake Amusement Co. JOSEPH, OREGON 11 lj 11 ' f "" H ' SHEE1 METAL WORKERS' They All Say k l l mil La Grande ............. L08tine Meacham ............... Milton ......... ........ North Powder Palmer Junction . . . ; . . . ; Pendleton Pleasant Valley . ... ..... Teloraset .............. union ..vr.7..r,.,,.. Wallowa v,..... . Weston ......V.. Walla Walla, Wash. at Park ,....1.00 Per Day . X . .1.50 Per Day . ..'..$1.75 Per Day . . . .$5.00 Per Week ...$7.00 Per Week ."$7.50 Per Week 1 on 4.25 M 1.60 I 5.25 8.70 5.5o ; . ti 2.90 , ' 7.25 , ' 6.85 . 5.10 r 4.70 . 1.85 8.10 r 10.10 lira puis 1 TIMBER HUE . 31 A XI' CAMPERS REPORT GOOD LICK AT BOX DOW A. Palmer Camp to Be Moved) Down Riv er To Build Eight Mile Road. Rondowa, July 29. (Special) For est Ranger Tulkn with his assistants has commenced the valuation of the timbiT along the right of way of the O.-W. and he commence last Thursday morning. He will follow the Grande Ropds to its intersection of the Snake river. . " ' ' Th-. rs are a number of people camp ed along rivers and creeks and most of them come home with well filled baskets every night. Grouse and pheasants are very plentiful this year. The Palmer Lumber company Is preparing to move its main camp to th- mouth of Howard creek, three miles southeast of her;. They will build a logging road eight milts long np Howard cree u viuu Ii t! fine timber on top of the hill. Messrs. Dr. Ril':y, McKay and Mur "chison were -camped at the Bloomer camp this week. They report One fishing. Wilbur Brock was here a ?:w days looking after his property internets. BE ! TELEGRAMS SHOULD BE SENT TO STATE FORESTER. Many Fires Net Reported In Time to Present Much Damage. The state forester advises the Ob server that he- is constantly getting notice through the daily press and from residents of the state of fires having gotten beyond control after several days' fighting, that have not been reported to his office until aft:r becoming a menace to the neighbor hood. He wishes to urga- upon all th-3 state fire wardens the necessity of re por ing to him all fires as soon after bing discovered as possible, Instead of waiting until they Decome danger ous to life and property. One such fire hag Just been brought to his notice af ter having burn;d three weeks, that might have been controlled and prob ably enlirely extinguished if reported earlier so that propir assistance could have been given. ; Evry Btate fire warden, or other per sons. In case they are unable to g:t in touch with a s ate warden, should tel ephone or telegraph (collect) F. A. Elliott, state forester, Safcm, Oregon, Informing him of forest fires before they get beyond control. . ' XOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: No tice Is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore gon, on the first day of December, 1909. creating improvement district No. 9 and designating Fourth street as such district, and In pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the fifth day of July, 1911, whereby said council determined and peclared Its intention to Improve all that por tion of Fourth street, in said improve ment district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement sidewalks, on each side of street, tne council will, ten days after the service of this no tice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by Buch Im provement, order that said above de scribed improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so Im proved are as follows: All that portion of Fourth street, from the south curb line of Jefferson avenue, to the north curb line of M avenue. (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said improvement Is as follows. . East half of blocks 1, 2, and 3, Grandy's addition and west half of block 58, 59, 60, 97, 103, 104, 105 and 115 and east half of blocks 75, 74 and 67, Chaplin's addition to La Grande, Oregon. Also tract of land on Fourth REPORTED street situated In SE corner of sec 6. T 3, S.. R. 38. E. W. M laying be tween Pennsylvania and Main ave nues. Notice is hereby further- given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such improve ment. That thie estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of 12,300.00. That the council will, on the second day of August, 1911 meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy, of said assessmentwhen a hearing will be granted to any peron feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, July 21st. 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON. , By C M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder or the City of La Grande, Oregon. 7-21-10t ' XOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No ties Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore gon, on the 27th day of October, 1909. creating improvement dls rict No. 8. and designating Second street as such district, and In pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the fifth day of July, 1911, whereby sa!d council determined and declared Its intention to" improve all that por tion of Second street, in said Improve ment district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement sidewalk and constructing curb on each side of the street, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above described improvement be made; that the boundaries of said d'8 rict to be so Improved are as fol lows: '''' . . ' AIL that portion of Second street from the south curb line of Jefferson avenue to the north curb line of Main avenue. . . - (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said improvement is as follows: ... -.. ' : East half of blocks 7, 8 and 9 and west half of block, 14, 15 and 16. all in Grandy'g addition to the city of La Grande. Oregon., , ; ', Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such lm provemenC That the estimated cost of such Improvement Is the sum of $2 197.60. That the council will, on the second day of August, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sesssment. when a hearing will be NICE LEVEL LOTS LOCATED TWO BLOCKS IIOIHHOF THE RAILROAD SHOPS. x IVe are offering these lots at from $160. to $200. each, on We furnish you an abstract of fffi'e,;;iVAen-. yov have, paid for these lots. Not a poor lot in our whole offering Better call at our office and learn more about these lots. Bell Phone Main 752. Independent phone 262. Foley Hotel Block. granted to any person feeling aggriev ed by such assessment La Grande, Oregon, July 21st, 191L , CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON. - By C. M. HUMPHREYS. . Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. 7-21-5t nappies! . cMtoia A Lincoln, N- - .. -in- "l Sad been tiling for tome .... ih rVi t ic constipa tion and stem vh trrtMe it-cnn taking Chamberlain's Sicnuvi xv", ir Tablet! aid in thr nh lo be ui and got better re I. girt In Lin!i sine." For 'in. I mo roudet 'I :k-I a good roedi NOTICE OF STREET IMPROTEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the ciiy of La Grande, Ore gon, on the fifth day of August, 1909. creating Improvement district No. 2, and designating; Third street as such district, and in pursuance of a' reso lution adoptej by satd common coun cil on the fifth day of Julj, - 1911, whereby said council determined and declared Its intention to improve all that portion of Third street, in said Improvement district aa hereinafter aescriueu, uy ijiug , lLMVvt:Z.? sidewalkg on each side of the street, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, order that said above described Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows: All that portion of Third street, from the south curb line of Jefferson ave nue, to the north curb line of Main avtnne. ' (A) And the property affected or benefitted, by said Improvement Is as follows: East half of blocks 7, 8 9 and west half of blocks 1. 3 and 3, all in Gran dy's addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon. ' Notice Is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by siicb improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum of $1,019.60. That the council will, on the second day of August, 1911. meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clcok, p. m. to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any. person feeling aggrlev by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, July 21st, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, r OREGON. r By CY M. BUMPREYS. Recorder of the CHy of La Grande, Oregon. , .. ' - 7-21-10t ' f EfNVESTlWENT CO. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY PHYSICIANS AND SOGEONS N. MOLITOR, M. P. -Physician and Surgton. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot St. Phones: Office, Main 68; Residence. 69. A. L. RICHARDSON. M. D. J. W. LOt'GHLIN, M. D. . Drs. Richardson & Loughlin, Physicians and Surgeons Phones Office Black 1362; Ind. 353. Office Houre 9 to 11; 2 to 3: 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 55; Ind. 312. Dr. Loughlln's Rf8. Main 757; Ind. 1297. ; . C. H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D Physiclaa and Surgeon. Special attention t Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office 1n La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2; Resi dence Main 32. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to distases and surgery of the eye. . Phones: Office, Main 22; Residence wain 'tun. inu. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN OsteODath PhyBlctan. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: , Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black 951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moore. G. T. DARiLAND, CHIROPRACTOR. not Drugs, not Surgery, not Oste opathy Consultation free. Room 20. La Grande National Bank Bldg. J. C. PRICE. D. M. D. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing Phone, Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON, Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug store. La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701; Office Phone, Blaek 1361; In dependent Phone 53; Both Phones at Residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW COCHRAN ' & CCCHRAN Attorneys. Chas. E. Cochran "and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National .Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. ' T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in all the courts of the State and United States. t Office in La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. LAW OFFICES OF GREEN & SMALL, - Attorneys, over Silverthorne's Drug store, La Grande, Oregon. R. Jos. Green and Chas. A. Small. Rooms 15 and 16. V D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer, Baker City. Oregon. LaGrande Oregon i