PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, JULY 28, 1911 i I ; s 5 Only College in Eastern Oregon IVe are conducting a high grade sch 'of, offering instruction jnthe latest f rms of Bookkeeping and Banking, such as icos-leat Ledgers with the Voucher System of accounting, TTht most substantial and well tried Systems of Shorthand axe taught, together with the associated branches found in all will organized commercial colleges. Write for catalog or call and see us. Special terms to those, who will enroll iu or before September fifth. ; Baker Business College Baker, Oregon CROP FAILURE UUH HI ill RESIDENT SINCE '64 TELLS OF A SPECIAL TRAIN ARRANGEMENT BARE RECORD. , i . FOR VISITORS. LIKES HOME IN manager of the creamery, todajr, "but 'during a few months In the spring we sometimes have enough to make ship ment profitable. Within six weeks we will be shipping in butter again, for there is not cream enough produced in , the northwest to supply the demand of the northwest for butter." ; While Amassing Fortune From Tilling Big E rent at Elgin Tomorrow Pro. Son, Keeps Other Data. j ; tides ('omen fence for AIL J. H. PEfrRE, , la Grande 's Leading Jeweler , Opposite C. S. Lani Office A dams Arena. IHIHtltHllIHmmillHIIIIIIIUIIIHIlllltUII S3 Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing' ' : Rubber Buggy Tim LA GRftNDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor V COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY To come to Grande Ronde valley la 1864 without dollar able In 1911 to show clear title to hundreds of acres of fertile Grande Ronde valley purchased by the fruits of the soli and not through speculation in any form, is the feat accomplished by John Von Blockland, a resident of the Island ' City district; hut -what isfeven more remarkable" he yesterday gave S. .M. Slough, Commercial club manager, au thorltatlve data on local crop condi tion in that long period of time which would be interesting reading to local people but is even more so to eastern ' . ,.-Mu:.;77r. scc?r; woRtorn facts.' While he has amassed a for- tune in tilling the soil he learned these definite facts: since bib arrival in '64 he has never seen a crop' failure, has never seen or heard of a man or beast freezing to death or overcome by heat; has grown 72 bushels of wheat an acre on a small tract. haV never sold an acre of ground once purchased. The industrious son of the "Fatherland" has a record for thrift that few can duplicate and his cer tainly is interesting and lauding to the Grande Ronde valley. - 1 ' ' ',. ROOM BILL SITARTS TROUBLE - Yonng Man Arreted ai Raker Accused of "Jumpiing" Room Bill. - E. C. Sraysner was arrested, in Ba- kor last night and brought to. La Grande this morning on a warrant is sued from Justice Williams' - court charging him with "deserting" a room bill at he Savoy hoel He will be given a hearing before Juslice Williams. ' Provisions for giving La Grande and surrounding towns splendid train ac commodations to Elgin tomorrow to atteud the pioneer reunion were mide last night when the O.-W. announced it would provide a special return train for all visitors at the reunion. The visitors to the annual affair at Elgin tomorrow will leave La Grande and intermediate points on the same schedule which prevails eyery week day and at 6 o'clock a special train will leave Elgin to. carry, the visitors home agatn. This regular train leaves La Grand:'. at 10 o'clock In the fore noon. ' t ; - "'-' " '.'.' ..,.'', - ' The round trip ticket will cos: one dollar.- ' ' ' ' -. ; . - DENIES WIFE DESERTION. Charles Johnson Claims .to Be Still I Living at Home. ' V j . Charels Johnson! ; who resides at 1516 Monroe street, denies vehemently that he' has left his wife, as accused by an erroneous 'Observer news item a few days ago. "I wa and am living with .Mrs. Johnson and the family has nev:r een separated. We went to Portland together and Returned on the ilth of 'this month, coming together.' As far as my wife's lllnesg Is concern ed, it may, have been brought on by a hysterica attack to which she is sub ject. The point that I dispute Is that I have left my wife," said Mr. John son 'today In asking for a correction of the misstatement of'facts. '' FRONTIER LIFE PLEASANT TO PARTICIPANTS. , District South of City to Hare Im. proved Schools, Too. -""Mrs. M. M. Burnapp of Lone Elm ranch, eight miles south of La Grande was In town today. This occurs about once a month at which time the fam ily receives its mail, provides neces sary food supplies and clothing to last until they can come down fr mi ih-lr. frontier home once more. 11 Is a rocky, hilly road to town and the fewer times they need to come to the city the better. Mrs. Burnapp can hear th? roos:ers crow from neighbors barn yards, but they are more than two miles away.. Hidden away In what sha terms a little garden of Eden In the Blue Mountains she and her family tmmaniwlv enlov th yHllght'ful BUm- mers and strenuous winters. The school district, has voted a 20 mill tax to perfect its school system and the mountaineer boys and girls will have better schooling hereafter. They are harvesting, back there In the hills, and the high and prolific grass makes Ideal hay and all In all the mountaineer's life Is well mixed with pleasures as well as hardships and frontier incon veniences. ; . ': UtALLA WALLA SHIPS BUTTER Firtt Time in History of City That n Car Was Consigned. FOR RENT, One nice parlor and" bed room, newly furnished. 905 Spdn street. ' 7-28-6t Walla Walla, Washington, has adopt ed the commission plan of government il IIIIII.UI...I iiiii.iirwi -iiiiiii.i.Lj..,iii. II. ii., ii in. ii I i i iii.i.i. ..ill ... imi I IIP" " ' m M."!!1" '. ill ' W mpm mm . , , mwt Wk :1 w e will close t It' is rumored in Washington that Senator Galllnger of New Hampshire, has desidedk to retire from public lift, owing to recent familv bereavement. .'A Walla Walla dispatch says: For the first time In the history of Walla Walla industry a carload of locally produced butter was yesterday shlpr ped from this city. The butter was the product of the Walla Walla creamery and comprised 12 1-2 tons, all of which was cohBibgned to Seattle. : . ' , "Usually: we have to import large ouantitlis of butter" said Ward Emlgh La Grande Business College Rooms 4-5-6 i Foley Buildfcg Term begins r August t5th Shorthand i Typewriting Bookkeeping Malieniaics S Penmanship Commercial Law Banking aniil Legal Forms C E. Taylor cipal fee Store RiloinioaiT" mm W AAtffcAAWwP J flV at si3C f Vi u Mi' AllCnildr We hope the La Grande people wll take advantage ot " . .-winter needsv;v':;v;,:;-;.;:!; V'v!" " . v en's Coats at $2.50 Children's Sweaters . Skirt $1,00 50 cent values .15c 75c An Ribbon Children's n . ---Stockings--' . , v ' ; ;Hose;;::'''.B.::- MMETT TRUSTFF ' f r 'I