PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911. s - m Only College in Eastern Oregon We are conducting a high grade school, offering instruction in the latest f rms of Bookkeeping and Banking, - such as Loos-leat Ledgers with the Voucher System of accounting. The most substantial and well triedKSystems of Shorthand are taught, together with the associated branches found in all well organized commercial colleges, '-.' Write for catalog or call and see us. Special terms lo those who will enroll i . or before September fifth. Baker Business College ' Baker, Oregon ST.PillILL get mm ; i JOSEPIIfflTEII LOCAL GROWS FRUIT COJTMEXDS RESTRAINING ORDER SUBJECT OF ITSELF HIGHLY. 7 After Visiting Orchards, St. Paul Buy , er Expresses Compliment. ARGUMENTS. La Grande's Leading Opposite U. S. Lul Offlt A dams Avenue ' - - iiMHMtitinmiHiininiiinmiitiniiiH)i' Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires LA GR AN DE I RON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor; ; COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY Ouster Suit Which Is to Be Filed in Preliminary Form Grande Ronde vallev fruit U''trtn' ACUOU commenced oy xne cuy 01 tbe good" a. the slang phrase goes', oseph about two weeks a to -accordlng to H. J. SiimsonY a f rult . vent F- D' McCully ' Joseph f rom sel buyer of St. Paui who will handle the Ung wa,r ,n what Popularly known Cove and other Grande Ronde valley ra" 01d Town on te ground that his products sold by David Clarke. Ai 1 '"chlse has expired, had an Inning ready three cars have been shipped to e Circuit Judge Knowles yester Mr, Stlmson's firm and all that Mr. day: ?he Jo8epn water legation is a Clarke buys here will go back to "the complicated affair, having several in St. Paul distributors. While here Mr.' dlvldual cases wrapped about' it and Stlmson has visited a great area of ,nvolvel. several instances, but the fruit centers and finda everything de-'caae r,ght now betore tne cour;s and cldedly In excellent condition. TheiwbJch wlU be put to Issue In Enter fruit is good end Mr. Stlmson affirm.! PrlsMhe next regular.term of circuit that the, markets will be good this court' ,s ,n teallty aa 0U8ter Proceed x;; z oiw m of hleh lng! ,n which the city of Joseph at- grade fruit such as la "shipped' out pf tenP; to P "" e . ilvCulV .. i owns tne piani-wnicn nas iurnishea water there In the past, from operat ing his plant any longer. . 1 About one year ago, the supreme court affirmed a lower court decision which beld that Mr. McCully could not ex'end his pipes to what about that time, being piped by the then organized municipal water plant In what was known as New town. The city, con tended, and was affirmed, that Mr. Mc Cully could not sell water in the new addition to 'he town. " i .... ' In the Interim between that time and this month, the city has piped the en-1 tire district and now aims to oust Mr. J MCully's plant entirely on the ground that the franchise has expired. ' In accordance with this movement a this valley, MILTOJf RUNS OPPOSITION. Cove Blaokiberrfes to Be on Market In About Two -Weeks. presented several affidavit bearing on the subject. - - Yesterday, again, the case came up here when Joseph with a large num ber of contracting affidavits, attempt ed to again have the order set aside, leaving the matter as it was just prior to the last decision with the old wa iter plant out of commission. Judge Knowles took the matter un der advisement. Pastors B olid Church. Spokane, Wash., July ' 27. Fifteen pastors in hod carriers' garb and who were armed with saws and hammers, '. Cove and La Grande blackberry growers are somewhaC Inoerised at the action of Milton growers in coming here to solicit orders for blackberriei. The, home grown product will be on the market In full blast, within about two weeks, and the growers can see no reason why they should be forced tj sell their crops out of the county tfiiea the home market will handle the out put provided, tbe markets are not flnnHFA hv mitalriA fruits Tha nunltrtf cannot be better than 'home - grown , temporary restraining order was goods It is pointed out, and the public gran ed the city, preventing Mr, Mc should bear in mind that this is a fact' Cully from selling anywhere in towi. and patronize the home growers. The Mil: on dealers "a re said to be receiving a great many orders, all of which re tards the business In their own com munity. , . v'' : but about two weeks ago Mr. McCully took action to have the restraining or der set aside, allowing him to sell wa ter until the proceedings could be put to issue. This was done after he had Colkg La Grande usiness Rooms 4-5-6 Foley Bni!din Term begins August 15 th Shorthand Typewriting Penmanship Commercial Law Banking and Legal Forms C E. Taylor Principal raised and covered the rafters and boarded thei front, rear and side walh. of a building for the Minnehaha Meth odist Episcopal church here by, work ing from 9 o'clock In the morning un til 5 o'clock in the afternoon, with an intermlsiiion of. one hour for lunch, which was served by (he women of the congregation. John Ward, a journey, man carpenter, directed operations and was assisted by Rev. H. E. Green Ig, pastor of the church. Rev. H. C. Kohr, pastor of Vincent church, flat tened his forefinger in driving a nail, but continued work until tha Job was finished. Rev. Henry Brown, presi dent of the Methodist Ministers' asso ciation, called to cheer the pastors, but did not assist them. The men of the cloth worked rapidly. Trained crafts men will do the Interior work and fin ishing and it is expected to have the building in readiness for dedication about the middle of August, when pas tors from all over the Pacific north west will be In attendance . j A Fresh Supply , of Fruit? Vegetables ; - i Bananas, oranges, . lemons, bing cherries, R. Annie energies, blackberries, black cap?, canta loupes. ;, New potatoes, ' cabbage, tur .nlps, beets, radishes, lettuce, green peas, green 'beans, wax beans, peas, dry onions, green .onions- ; , ',: ' ;' ' "''-"'':.'."-'.': RoYaiGrocery H. Pattison, Prop. Not in the Association fl. SIP A iRssmii 3 1 FOR TOMOR ROW'S . AD FINAL FAREWELL 4 . k To La Grande people. We must leave and we must let all goods go. i-t. E3 p iQJB ft i!