LA GRANDE EVENING OBSEHVEH, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911. PAGET i jrerry meimiatlc j . Wind Hills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Eoyntcn i a ters, Plmnhinff Fixtures ft- meat of Nickel Trimmings. BAY 6 . PLUMBERS, HEATERS, Cement Contractor & Builder Get my figures before building your sidewalk. You can build a cement house as cheap as frame. 25 years experience. Phone Main A6 - . V That's What It's Good For What Ails You Special Excursion Rates of $4.25 for the round trip from La Grande to 8 "The Beauty Spot & Rates from following points ' Adams Athena Baker City . . Durkee ...... Elgin ....... Enterprise ... Gibbon ...... Haines ...... ' Hilgard ..... Hot Lake Huntington . i Imbler ...... Kamela ...... .$7.80 . 8.00 . 6.30 . 7.40 ." 3.45 . 1.20 . 6.40 . 5.90 . 4.69 . 4.60 . 8.2C . 3.89 . 5.00 ft ft .BE SURE TO PARK. ASK FOB TICKETS RATES 1 Tent with I bed ,,...;... 1 Tent with 1 bed and 1 col ..... v. 1 Tent with two bels .-. '. .-. 1 Tent with 1 bed i. ...... 1 Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot. . . . . 1 Tent with 2 hedi . ar rurttTslfeA at the 'RefBtaura'ntand Lunch 'Counter at reasonable pric w. $5.60 ltfe1 tl Aefii can 1 tin chased fcfr fJO. ' , . Parties desfn to "brlrig their orwB coWplilg ouflt I11 be aHoted spac FRXB. Biifros fttii Saddle Horses for motriliiin tlixuliing 25cTe- "hour. Special ratei u by the Dwftrr .Wednesdays and Saturdays and on iCIDg special occasions if desired. tcir Farthfcr Information Address the .tin-'i .1. iwa LMinxs AiiiiudCiiiciii vu JOSEPH, T7ater Svstems. Samsn ) of AH TTinrla Thin VBA-. t ZWEIFEk SHEtl METAL WORKERS They All Say iE Pit of the Northwest" La Grande . Lostlne Meacham .V. 4.25 1 1.60 B.25" .union iiiiiiii .i.ftki.i. . .70 ' North Powder Palmer Junction .......... Pendleton . '...., ........ . Pleasant Valley Telocaset ................. 5.60 2.&0 6.815 . Union .. Wallowa Weston . . t? . . . 8.10 Walla Walla, Wash. .10.10 I D1KECT TO WALLOWA LAKE at Paris f l.M Per Cay il.'50 Per Day Per'Dayk .15.00 Pet Week. $7.00 Per Wee .tf.50 Per "Wteelt day. p. OREGON SHI FOR MTi'En 00 CRATER LAKE T1CTIJTS BODY IS SEARCHED FOR. Well Known Eastern Oregon Man's Body Hunted for at Crater. . MedforS, Ore., July 27. J. V. Steph enson hag gone to Crater lake where he will assist In fur.her search for the body .of B. B. BakbwskI, the lost pho tographer. Mr. Stephenson is the partner of the missing man and was on the scene last winter, soon afUr Bakowskl dls- I appeared but at that time nothing ; could be done toward seeking , ihe body. While It will be difficult now I to make a thorough search owing to I the snow under tin r!ni of the crat?r; I Mr. Stephenson, Superintendent Arant ' and Head Ranger Momyer will immed iately make another thorough search ;so far as it Is possible Mr. Stephen ! son feels the loss of his former chum .and partner In business ventures , keenly and hi will go to the lake with ! the avowed inttption of not returning until ihe body is located and removed ! from Itg snowy grave. I It may be possible to find the body -weeks before It can be located. Al , ready Superintendent Ar'arit and i Ranger Momyer have made some' ef , fort to' loca e the body but, to date . nothing has come of this. In fact no j evidence of where the missing man ,fcd e?n after he left his camp this ( side of thr rlai has been found other ( than the finding of the snow shoes 'and &ove by Walter J. McDonald a logger who crossed the mountains from this elds to M;dford during the early spring. These were found Just to tne right or the road leading jrom the government headquarters to the rim and It is believed that near this spot is where the the unfortunate man went over. 'Mr. Arant state that It J will be several weeks before the snow. will be sufficiently gone at this point down under the rim to admit of a search that could possibly be thor ough. Mr. Stephenson expects to spare no effort or expense in trying to locate the -body of Bakowskl and It is ex pected that his efforts will prov suc cessful within the next few weeks. ST RAILROADING MARVELS AT LACK . OF IXJCIJlES. ; . Nine Coarheg Leave Track Still No . Paslngr Suffer. ; San Francisco, July 27. (Special) In theee. -day of modern railroad equlpinent, where the traveler is pro tected "at itlmoat 'every ' tufn ot ; the track by some new device, it Ib appar ent that the trUBpormtlon companies of tbe uhtry lave come to recog nise the truthfulness of the maxim that U I better to avoid losses than to Incur the-expensive luxury of law suits. These may not mean any even tual Job's fn the way or damages, but they do mean publicity, In which the traveling publfc takes an abiding in terest . . : ' S. - One of the best testimonials of the efficient equipment of the Southern Pacific company Is found fn the report of an "aCcldeHi't that occurred on the night of June 24, 1911, In the vicinity of Sparks, Nevada. ' The affair was one of these events which cannot be guarded against wheb a broken rail snapped with the impact of the train as it passed "over 'the weak spot. Just think! Nine coaches left the track and. not a single Soul was Injured. Such an accident three years ago would have meant a catastrophe ot sufficient magnitude to arouse the en tllre ' world Krlth "attother recital of horrors. : '. '.''.;.'. The accident at Sparks Is one that has not been duplicated in the United States, and the freedom from fatali ties Is. due to the excessive care ex ercised by the operating and all other departments which have to do, with the handling of passenger business. This vigilance explains the Immunity I of the Southern Pacific and Us allied lines from serious accidests. Steel trains coupled up on the vestibule plan form aerolite that penetrate space without regard to obstacles. In addition, when these meteors of th railroad world are further secured by the block signal system and countless other checks against the forgetfulness of human nature, the traveler may rely upon that particular system as the one best bet of his life. - THE DRINKS AT JOSEm. Water In Litigation, and Why Drink One Joseph man gives an excuse for imbibing in liquor and.othsr con coctlpns. 1 He says the city water sys tem Is In litigation and no aelf-respec'-ing citizen wants to do anything to get mixed in a law suit therefore he deitos It unsafe to drink water from the hydrant, because In so doing a 'man might convert himself into a witness capable of giving expert testimony. And -wile the litigation Is pending it Is therefore considered permissible to drink a beverage, the kind to be selected by the individual whose thirst is going to be slaked. DEFENDS NATIVE STATE. Dr.Mcknnon Max tiiie tytiug . Arkansas. An amusing conversation took place last evening between J. D. McKennon and his brother. Dr. A. M. McKennon, who, with his wife and mother, is visiting the McKennons of this valley. J. D. was telllne of the! ereat Oregon country and was belittling the sta'e' of Arkansas. To say the meanest' j thing he could think of naturally the chills and fes-ver were mentioned., "Doctor knows that for over 20 years I chilled every day or every third day. Why, I could go back -:o Arkansas I now and In two days' time sit on the sunny side of the house and have chill that would make my t?eth sound tike one of these automobiles with the gear busted." After this remark had been made. J. D. waited to hear what Dr. McKennon would have to say. Addressing his remarks to the writer the doctor said In a low ev?n ton: and with agitation, j "You see, it Is like this In the state of Arkansas. No on but he extreme- lv shiftless fleople have chills. A man who Is good for anything at all never chills for he has something else to do. Jiut any time you see one who likes to fiddle or ne. who likes to fish and oc casionally one who llke to trade horses, Just so sure you will .see one who chills , every other day or every third.". J. D. listened attentively .and the doctor would have gotten off without argument had he left out the horse MCE LEVEL WTS LOCATED WO BLOCKS llOfcHOF THE RAILROAD SHOPS. I'e arc 'offering these lots at from $160. to $200. each, on the most liberal terms , " , :, . - i(. ' (- 'V . ' . .. ' . ( .;" , . ; ; ;-, ; We furnish you an abstract of titl e, When yov have paid for these lots. Hot a poor lot in our whole offering Better call at our office and learn more about these lots. Bell Phone Main 752. Independent phone 2S2. , Foley Hotel Block. trader, but after mentioning that ihere wag a brotherly argument on state, climate and crops that would have done- the Arkansas publicity bureau good to hear. ' Ion Want "A if" V ...i .. I ' ' " . I1 1 m IIJ II. Des Moines, la., July 27-A large , aeiegation representing the advertis ing clubs of Iowa left by special train today for Boston to attend the nation al convention of advertising clubs to be held In that city next week. The delegation will endeavor to secure next year's convention of the associa tion for De8 Moines or some other Iowa city. I SOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore- gon, on the fifth day of August, 1909, creating Improvement district No. 2, and designating Third street as such district, and In pursuance of a reso lution adopted by said common coun cil on the fifth day or July, 1911, whereby said council determined and declared Its Intention to improve all that portion of Third street, In said improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement sidewalks on each side of the street, mtj cuuuvti w III. , U4 ' i " IZ'.iX .. t!S.C service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above described Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as follows: All that portion of Third street, from the south curb line of Jefferson ave nue, to the north curb line of Main avenre. . ' (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said Improvement Is as follows: -" East half of blocks 7, 8 9 and west halt of blocks 1, 2 and 3, all in Gran dy"s addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon. . Notice Is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Im provement. That the estimated cost of such Improvement ig the sum of ll.019.6Q. That the council will, on the second day of August, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clcok. p. m. to consider aid esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrlev by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, July 21st, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. ." OREGON. - By C. M. HUMPREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon. K ... 7-21 -lot .-. - : ' srTTI La o PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. o . OOOO OOOO v v PHYSICIANS AND SCRGEONS. N. MOL1TOR, M v. Pbyslcia a a Surgeos. Corner Adams Ave. aaS Depot stmt. OEce. Main 68; - deaee 69. k. L. RICHARDSON, M. D. J. W. LOUGHLINv M. D. ' Drs. Richardson ft Loughlla Physicians and Surgeons. . Photos Offioe Black 1362; Ind. I'JX. Office Hours 9 to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8c Dr. Richardson's Res Main 65; In. sir ' Dr. Loughlln's, res. Main 707; InA 1297. - v C H. UPTON, Ph. Q. Mi .. PhysWlaa and surgeon. Special attentkut u Eye, Ear, Nose ana Throat. CtSa' in La Grande National Bank fcuili Ing. Phones: Office Main i, RmJ denca Main S3. DR. H. L. . UNDERWOOD Pbysiclaa and Surgeon. Special attention t diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones: Office Main 22; Resr dence Main 728. Ind. 63). GEO. W. ' ZIMMERMAN Osteaptk 8. 9 and 10. Phones; Home 1333. Pacific, Main 63, Residence shes, Black S51. Successor to Dr. C E. uoore. G. T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTORv , pathy. Consultation free: Knu. La Grande National bank. r .... 11 .1 J. C PRICE, D. M. 1.' Dentist Rooa 23, La Gvande National Ra&l ull4 Ing. Phone Black 399. DR. P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sun (eon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone. Re 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones s residence. . ! ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN ft COCERAN Attryr: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Cocfc- . ran. La Grande National Baa Bldg.. La Grande, Oregon. V. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at ?:. rracuces in ai une cour .'. ine Stats And United KUtc. OSes la La Grande National fians Bldg Lav 1 Grande, Oregcu. LAW OFFICES OF GREEN, ft SMALL, Attorneys, over SHverthorne's drag- hi firs. iii 1 rrt 11 n rt im , h. .iss Green and Chas. A Small. Roum 15 and 16. D. W. C NEI01f BTnihf Engineer. nkkpr C'tr. Oreaoa. Grande Oregon