La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 27, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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Your Name in a Telephone Di
rectory shows you are progres
sive.';' .. r' '-:, ; ; .o.-:
You can get a listing in
our new directory. Call
up the Manager NOW
Local and Long Distance Service.
Long Distance Connection with the Entire Bell System
Savoy Hotel
The rooms are good and
Steam heated only ' one
block from depot
D. C. Brichoux.ProD.
Right in your busiest season when you
liave the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
4tjt? time, unless vou have Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera ana Diarrhoea Remedy at
hind and take a dose on the first appear
tnce of the disease. For sale by all dealers.
V. -rr . " ' ' , .'" :
Consult him before
George Palmer Lumber Co.
Retail Dept. Phone; Main 8
Kitchen wrt ham a lot to do with
cannot work overtime In a f urnace-Hke
not wcatner without paying me penany. . . ; ,v . , ,
The drudgery,' the long hours, the extreme heat, the smoke and ajbes,
will cut down her energy her prematurely old In face and
form."' J r ' -...'""'
This Is a fact that cannot be disputed and all of us can call to mind
many examples. Every woman who cooks Is entitled to an electric
ange, and) she gets one, too, w here the man of the bouse ba9 her
welfare t heart. ' ' '. . , . ; i.,,
An electric rana-e means a' cool, clean klichen, a fire without a miu.
i . ... ... . ...
"te'g Trait, that can be regulated with a thumb-screw meals In half
'4I, .. ' ' a... I . A acliAa Ia Mntfni with. : '
Our special rate to users of our electric ranges, make, them as econ- X
time uuu do iuei iu umii; w "
omlcal to use as wood. Ask about them. : '
' .: . ... . I : - . . .
Eastern Oregor tight & Power Co.
Let , your next corset be a
Gossard. Have it fit to your
form. ;-v: ,y
All the style, comfort afnd
beauty of the Iiccln.front Gos
.sard will mean nothing to yon
until "you try on one of these
superme corsets.
. A single try-on will prove to
yon wbyt they exceL . ; ?
A complete line of . Gossard
corsets, bust confiners and pads,
always on hand.' : ;
Prices of corsets $$0, $5.00,
16.00 and $8.60.
Mrs. Robert Pattison
Cors:ere. Phone Black J4SL
Contractor ; ; 'r
' -'J'- .y,
letting your sidewalk
heahh and good looks. A woman
kitchen, with a wood range In U
, , ... .
, ,
Chicago News of Yarloas Topics JJew
Postofflae. Site. V
Chicago, July 27. A new. frozen
desert made of sour milk and chrlat
ened "Lacto," which has the approval
of the food experts of Uncle Sam, la
being tried on the public taste by some
of the progressive restaurants of Chi
cago, ; It Is made of clabbered whole
or skim milk, eggs, sugar, lemons and
a flavoring and Is said by its sponsors
to taste better than sherbet and to be
much more nourishing. In addition
some medicinal properties are claim
ed for It because of its acidity result
ing from the lactic-acid bacteria. A
home recipe, furnished by the depart
ment of agriculture, reads as follows:
Take a bottle of clean, fresh milk
degrees until it coagulates. This can
be ' used as a starter for a larger
amount of pasteurized whole or skim
med milk. The curd must be , thor
oughly broken1 up until the' .'lacto milk'
Is as ' smooth and velvety , as rich
cream, Cherry lacto: .three gallons of
lacto milk, nlnei pqunds of sugar, 12
eggs, quart of cherry1 Juice or concen
trated cherry syrup, pint and a half
of emon Juice. Freeze lin freezer as
with ice cream." Recipes are also
given for orange, mint, pineapple,
marachino, raspberry and grape lacto.
The proportions are about the same
for each. The Iowa Experiment sta
tion 'was the birthplace of tjve new
desert. - .
Chicago, July 27, Another move to
.' work out practically the idealistic
"Plan of Chicago" outlined more than
ayear ago ,by the Commercial club,
1 1 has been made by ttie securing of a
J site for the new postofflce on the west
side. The block bounded by congress.
Van JBuren, .Clinton and Jefferson
streets has been selected by Secre
tary of the Treasury MacVeagh, with
the approval of the Chicago plan com
mission. The new postofflce Is needed
now to help relieve the congestion In
the present structure, which was too
small from the time It was opened.
The proposed site is not for from the
city center In the plan.;. Work in re
modeling the city to conform to that
plan has progressed rapidly. The wid
ening o'f Twelfth street, the widening
of Michigan1 avenue to connect the
boulevard systems of the north nad
south sides, and the reclaiming of the
lake front for the benefit of the public,
have all been gotten well under way.
The latter work is probably the most
pretentious and will mean more In the
way of both beauty and pleasure than
anything else. Several miles of lake
I front parks will result from the adop
; lion of a better method of disposing
continually urging the establishment
of more municipal bathing beaches.
v Inquiry as to Express Rntes.
) Chicago, 111., iily 27. With a' vlsw
to getting at all the' facts In regard
to express rates and also to determine
the desirability of greater cooperation
between J the' ' state railroad commis
sions . and : the interstate commerce
commission In the control of express
companies, a committee of railroad
commissioners from , r veral states
met in Chicago today to begin a series
of hearings In the matter. The com
mittee Is composed of Cornmlssionejs
Staples of Minnesota," Berry of Illi
nois, De Pas9 of Arizona. Oothlln of
Ohio, Erickson of Wisconsin, Finn of
Kentucky, and Decker of New York.
Upon the conclusion of the .Investiga
tion the committee will " present re
ports to the National Association of
Railroad Commissioners when that or
ganization meets in Washington next
October. ' i
v PlcturPti Are Cheap. .
Reno, July 27. Two lite sized pic
tures of Nat GooUwIn, the actor have
been sold by the 'sheriff he re for 50
cents each and a third picture of smal
ler size, showing Goodwin in a miner's
attire, was sold for 10c. The pictures
ndorn'd Goodwin's. office during the
Rawhide 'mining boom; three years
ago. and were sold to sa'.isfy'a Judg
ment against Goailwin'is mining com
pany. . '
Industrial Training for All Chicago
School Girls. '
Chicago, July 27. "Penny phones"
will be the rule in Chicago If Alder
man Dauler has his way. The city
father was .largely responsible foe the
recent passage of the ordinance fixing
the gas rate at 70 cents on the average
over a period of five years, Instead of
the present 85 cents. The Ink on the
pen with which the mayor signed the
ordinance was scarcely dry before
Alderman Bauler emitted his battle
cry for a new campaign. The alder
man thinks the telephone people can
well afford to install penny In the slot
telephones in residences., instead of
the present nickel phones." That the
gas company will fight In the courts
and that the telephone company, will
Just as surely fight a "penny" ordin
ance, does not stop Bauler.
Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, superintend
ent of the Chicago Bchools, will make
the training of girls for Industrial life
a part of the regular curriculum when
the school year opens in the fall, and
begin to put tifto practice her creed,
announced when she' was first appoint
ed, to "do as much for our girls as for
our boys." The echool for mechanic
arts will be in the old South Division
high school and in it girls will be
taught to cook, needlework of practi
cal kinds,; millinery, typesetting,- de
signing, etc. "Girls need practical
training ; even more than boys," says
Mrs. Young, ."because it is generally
more difficult for women to support
thetaselves. Besides there Is ft great
need for women trained to do certain
things and to do them well. I can find
any number of women who w.lll make
me a new dress, but . few who will
mend an old one. Of course we shall
not make the work all drudgery, and
the course will include a little Eng
ilsh, music, literature and chemistry."
The school will be open to girls of 14
years and up. It will continue for 11
months, and probably will have night
classes as well. A' preliminary ex
periment was started June 1 and has
been so successful that all the advo
cates of the new plan are very en
thuslastlc. . ' v. v '
Xegre to Iie on GaUows.
Oklahoma City. Okla., July 27.
Spending his few remaining hours of
life In reading vthe bible and smoking
cigarettes, John, Henry Prather, a
young negro, Is' awaiting the call to
the gallows tomorrow morning. The
near approach of the day of execution
and the knowledge that there is little
or no probability of a respite have
caused no noticeable change in the de
meanor of the! condemned man.
( Prather and four other young ne
groes were convicted of the murder
of W. H. Archie In this city last April.
Prather has-never denied firing the
fatal' shot, saying he committed the
murder after, he and Ms companions
had robbed " Archie so he could be
able to "say he' had murdered a white
man." The execution of the other four
negrons has.been delayed by the art-
peal of their ca:s to the high court.
Mfcsonrl Boosters Meet.
.West Plains; Mo.,;July, 27. Gtorer
nor Hadtey and ' otht r state officials
Joined in a meeting here, todaywith
representatives of - commercial ' clubs
in cities and ' towns throughont the
southern half of Missouri to discuss
plans for an organized campaign to
exploit the 0ark' region.- It is pro-'
posed to begld' a systematic campaign
of advertising td nit public attention
to the wonderful' frult-growlrig and
other natural resourcea ot thla section
of MlMonrK' ' -s
To Build BIggegt Storage House.
Pittsburg, Pa., July 27. The Penn
sylvania railroad Is planning to build
In th's city, the largest cold storage
house In' the world. It will cover at
least two entire city blocks and will
cost more 'than $5,000,000. Besides
there will be' storerooms, salesrooms
furnishing, cold storage facilities,
and ofBre accommodations for from
400 to 500 commission1 merchants.
Edward E. Mitchell, at present state
treasurer of Illinois, has announced
his candidacy for the republican nom
ination for governor. '
JL. uu.
7 s . ' .
FOR RENT Five room house for rem
Inquire Gedde s Grocery. : ,7-27-5t
WANTED Experienced man position
as traction engineer. Inquire at
Observer office." Phone Main 13.
FOR SALE 200 White Leghorn sin
gle comb pullets. Hatched In March
and April. Inquire . A. J. Bishop,
2805 North Fir street. 7-19-22-24
FRO RENT Six modern rooms. Tele
phone Main -89. . '
FOR SALE Timber c!a!m near rail
road. Address Observer. 7rl to S-J
FOR SALE Dry "chain wood In any
- quaauty. inti' vuiu l il. Ti."
ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber
company Pe.rry, Ore. . 6-15-tf
between ii) and 13 year. eld to Jo:n
the Boys' Savers' club. Call at the
laundry and I will tell you all about
it .A. B. Chrery, mgr. Cherry's
New Laundry. .
FOR SALE Furniture complete for
five rooms. Also canned fruit,' will
1sell all or any part of it. -1 Inquire
1415 X avenue, between Greenwood
and Fir streets. , ' 7-20(-2t
FOR RENT A nicely furnished room.
Inuire 1910 Second street. 7-25-tf
" Cigar 5tore
7 Fool, Billiards, CIgats, Tobae.
to and Soft . Drinks best and
most complete ltne of cigars In
the city. -v;
' Observer's Coast League base,
ball scores every day there's a
tame. . "-v".--
Corner Depot and Jefferson St
n n
n - ki 'Xonsutt him:: about
Observer office. YOUf IVOffts
Uses only Refrigerator Counters i
and they show our cut meats in a,
most sanitary and appetizing way
Br axiley Co.
,'. - . Sanitary Plumbing. - I 7
-- ..',
Those who are suf
fering from dls
cues vthtch mnay
other doctors have
pronounced Incur
able, now boto re-
lirf In sight York
St York, the fam
ous Chinese doc
tors, are now lo-
. caied In Walla
Walla, Tue mn, after years of
tody and) research in China, were
granted diplomas by the emperor, to
pursue their practice of medicine,
i For centuries the Chinese hare fcea
acknowledge leaders In the practice of
mrdfclne, and many wealthy people an.
nnally go to that country In search of
relief for ailments whlck doctors . of
this country have pronounced incapa-'
ble of permanent cure.
York A York nse nothing but pow
erful roots and herbs of demonstrated
medical Tain. These roots and herbr
act gently on the system on direct con
trast to medicines usually given.
They can be consulted) without eost
Those residing out of the city can send .
for symptom blanks and froe diagnosis
will be given. .
210 W. Main St, WaUa Walla, Wn.
Try U and yon will have ' no
i '.
other.' :,
; Ewry sack! guaranteed to
give Satisfaction. V : "
Waters-StanchSeld '
Produce Cv. .
r aims as rnpu . t
paint in ities
and makes reason
':kV, 1 - .
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