PAGE 2 LA GEADE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1911. Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon ' L. r. A. M. U -""d- ooflg. No. . J JE3EKAHS CrriUl Lofle No. i 41, A y. & iu M. tof ::. meet- meets every Tuesday evening in th lugs first aad third Saturdays at , - 1. O. 0. F. ball. All visiting mem 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all j bers are invited to attend. ' . Masons. L. M. HOYT. W. M. i MRS. KATIE ARBUCKLE, N. Q. ' 4. C. WILLIAMS. Secretar. I MI8S ANNA ALEXANDER, Sec. L TE HEBE METROPOLIS ADMITS BAKER AJiD . LA GRASDE PROFIT. 8- P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No, 433 1 KNIGHTS OF PTTHIAS Bed Croe meets each Thursday evening at 8 o'clock in Elk's club, corner ot De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. H. J. HITTER, Ex. Rui. H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Bee. always controlled. The valley towns and those in East ern Oregon feel Jubilant over the de cision. Here. ofore they have taken the terminal 'rate plus the back-haul on eastern shipments. Now the back haul Unabolished and they take th( Spokane rate in all instances, which, In the- case of Missouri river common poims, is equal to the terminal rate. Portland jobbers assert that th Missouri river territory is able to sup ply nearly 50 per cent of the trade in lwdnd Onmnliiii Outline Some of 1 this region. - It is na ural, as a result Lodge No. 27 mease every Monrtaj night In Cast! hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all visltlnj Knlghrs. , JESS PAUL, C. C. R. L. LINCOLN, M. ot R. ft 8. Uie Benefits From w Rat. . i WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La Grande Lodge No. 169 W. 0. W meets every second and fourth Sat urdays at K. P. hall. All visiting mebers welcome. D. FITZGERALD. C. C. J. H. KEENET. Clerk. O. E. S. Hope Chapter No. 18. O. B C. bolrf stated communications th second and fourth Wednesdays o' each month. Visiting members cor claliy invited. . CARRIE B HUNTER. W. M. MART A. WARKICK. 8ec M. W. A.--La Grande Camp No. 703 meets every Monday in the month at h 1. O. O. F. ball. , , All visiting neighbors are cordially invlteU to . attend. , - , " E. E. DANIELS, ED. HEATH. CleTk. ' WOMEN OF, WOODCRAFT ftru-. Konae " siccts . '. '..'' first ann ioird Thursday vv.J. In the mo. vt the t O. O uau All visitlsg uibers are XOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore Con. on the first day ot December, 1909 creating Improvement district No. 9 and designating Fourth street as such district, and in pursuance ot a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the fifth day of July, 1911, whereby said council determined and declared rt Intention to improve all that por tion of Fourth street. In said improve ment district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon " cement sidewalks. ; on each side of street, the council will, ten days after the service of this no tice upon the owners ot the property affected and benefitted by such im provement, order that said above 'de scribed Improvement be made; that the tifitmifarlaa nf aaM AtntTttt in Ha mt fm. ' proved are as follows: I All that coition of Fourth street from the south curb line of Jefferson 0Te8n avenue, to the north curb line of M avenue. ;.: ' '' (A) And the property affected or : benefitted by said Improvement is as. follows. '' : . East half of blocks 1, 2, and 3, Grandy's addition and west half of block 68, 59, CO, 97, 103, 104. 105 and 115 and east half of blocks 76, 74 and tt. Chaolln's addition to La Grande. Oregon. Also tract of land on Pourth street situated in SE corner of sec. 6, T 3, S., R. 38, E."W. M., laying ba tween Pennsylvania and Main ave nues. ", , . ( . ' Notice Is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such Improve ment. That ttve estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $2,300.00. That the council will, on the second day ot August, 1911 meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said estimated cost, and the levy of said assessment, when u hearing will be granted to any peron feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande. Oregon', July 21pt, 1911. CITY COUNCIL. OF LA CRANDE, OREGON. ' ; ; By C. TS. HUMPHREYS, Recorder ot the City of La Grande, 7-21-l0t. Uappieet Gii ; I a Xlncom. A Lincoln, write. "I had been si line for some Mine 'th Mcr.ic constipa tion and itoin -ih tni hie . -vw taking CnaraberlaiiiV .Ktrniut nil ivr Tsblet S'jd in thr ' , ' ; ie to up and ot better ' ' jin-nd! 'ir; i ' -"' HAPK" ANIY Uptown office Mam 720 ri-li tViU Residence phone Main 25 AMBULANCE E. L bussey Portland papers freely admit thu La Grande and Baker and the other Interior towns profiling by the recent raw reductions, will become jobbing centers of at least a small scale. The Oregonlan sums up the situation this way: .'.. .';.'';' Trade relations throughout the northwest will be readjusted as a re sult of the- interstate- commerce com mission's decision in the Spokane rate case, in the opinion of Portland traffic men and attorneys. The carriers will be forced to cut thetr raVs to meet the ruling established by the commls slon. Some railroad men predict mark ed reduction in earnings s a rtsuH while others said yesterday that iu creused business would discount me loss in revenue. The more op imlatlc see an Indirect benefit to all concerned. In the end, they say, business will be on a sifer, mere economical and more substantial basis. , ' ';' '':'! While Spokane receives the benefit ot terminal rate8 on - ail ihipments originating west of the Missouri river., other cities in the interior lecelve the same rates. The Spokane rates from the various eastern sores, in which the carriers are allowed to charge from 7 to 5 per cent more to Spokane than to Portland, also will apply to Baker, Walla Walla, La Grande artd Willametle valley points and cities east of Spokane. Small Jobbers Are Helped. The natural effect will be the estab lishment of small jobbing centers n each of these citlea, on the sound bus ness rule that it, will not be economy to pay the local rate from Sjokane when the saraa rate thnt Spokane en Joys may be obtained from the points of origin. - j . . ,On poods coming froiu west of the Missouri river these small towns will have the same rate as Portland. The towns In which tran sacts Jobbing! and wholesale h.islnuss may establish small joll-lng houses ot their own. While Portland mny lose some of this detailed wholesale trade, the busi ness will drift Into hls city in other forms. The banking of these, smnll wholeRl? establishments naturally will flow to this city. To a large ex tent the payrolls will be expended hre. Building material wil be bought here. . Other business accrultrg from whatever Industries spring up In th Interior -'owns as a result of the de cision will come to Portland, which Is the natural financial and commercial nter of the territory which it has of this decision, that large distributing houses in the Missouri river territory, such as are situated in St Paul, Om aha, Kansas City, St. Joeph' and other points, will make a deefded effort to jxtend their trade into this territory Repr sentativcs of St. Louis and Chi cago bouses; which will .be under a charge of 7 per cent more to ship into interior points than to Pdrtland, de clare that they will meet this competi tion by a cut in prices sufficient to discount the 7 per cent, advantage of this Missouri river competitors. How tvr, with the advantage of 7 per cent, always in their favor, the Missouri river towns are likely, to control com petitive trade, sa'd well informed stu dents of the situation yesterday. A (vfrtsln effect of the decision will be to force Portland to patronize hs water routes more extensively in the future. . Wi:h the completion of th; Panama canal thlB coursf will become more practicable and will.; be more practiced. In this way Portland will regain and maintain any, advantage that Spokane has gained by this de cision. , ., " . In view of this diversion of traffic to the water, lines,' the' railroads may decide to cut rates to the terminals, and consequently by the. ruling of the commission to the interior. It is cer tain that the' rates to Portland and other terminals will not be Increased. However, whether Spokane will be able to invade any of the territory now held by Portland will depend, largely upon the decision in the dl ributiv rate' cases now pending before the Washington railroad commission and which likely will be followed by like action on the part of thst Oregon com mission, i '. '' ' benefitted by said improvement is as follows: . . . East half of blocks 7, 8 and 9 and west half ot blocks 14, 15 and 16 all in Grandy's addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon. Notice is' hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess- ' . ... .jran(A(1 nnn ment on all tne proper buw benefi ted by such improvement for f niirooge of paying for sucn im provement. That the estimated cost Of such improvement is xne eum 197.50. That the council will, on the second day ot August, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the nour oi ? o'clock' p. m.. to consider said esxr mated cost, and the levy ot said as KPSBsment. when a hearing will bi granted to any person feeling aggriev ed by such assessment. ,',.. La Grande, 6regon, July 21st, 1911 CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS. Recorder of the City of La Grandi Oregon. - ' 7-21-5t Bpeclflcatlons on file in this office. All proposals to be filed In this office bj five o'clock p. m. Juiy in, isii, H each proposal to be accompanied br ( ; certified check o' five per cent of the ; amount of the bid. .The council n. serves the right to reject any or u bids. '.;-...:' U Grande, Oregon, July roth, I9n. C. M. HUMPHREYS, , Recorder. Pipe for Sale. Notice to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that seaieu proposals will te received by the coun cil' of the city of La Grande. Oregon, for the construction ot 8.700 lineal feet, approximate!. i-J ctr.rrt venX five (5) .feet in width; also for the construe ion of 8,700 Jlr.eal feet, ap proximately, of cemtnt curb, to be built along certain streets in what is known as Connordale addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon, same to be constructed according to the plans ana A large quantity ot terra cotta p!w suitable for well curbs and drains, a. menslons. from 18 to 30 Inches. This will be sold very cheap as I am clean ing up all work in La Grande. , '...., B. S- DAVIS, Foley Hotel 7-11-tf . : Xotlce io Contractors. . Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be. received by the coun city of the city of La Grande, Oregon, until eight (6). o'clock p. m., Aurih the second.' 1911. for the construction of fpur hundred lineal feet (400, ai proximately of board s'.dfl walk ve 1 5 1 feet . !ri width to be built on thi sau h side, cf S avenue In the city (f La Grande, ar.d according to tbc p';ia? ttv.A speciScations on file in tMt o"S Certlfed check of five a per reinw accompany all proposals. By order of the county July ?. 1911. . . ;"' : ' : ' C M. HUMPHREYS. - ' ' City Recorder. 7-24-5t : s For rommaBder-In-Chief, O. A. R. ; Washington, July 27! Colonel John McElroy.'edl or and publisher of the National Tribune of this city, con fidently expects to be elected to the office of commander in chief of the Grande Army of the Republic at the national encampment in Rochester next- month. Colonel McElroy wa a candidate for the honor at the nation al convention at Atlantic City last year, but was defeated by John E. Gil man of Boston. At that time charges were made against Colonel . McElroy of bavins; nBed undue influence to se cure his election. These charges sub seqmntly were found to be without foundation , and Colonel McElroy said to be In receipt of assurances from state departments and local posts throughout the country which indicate that there will be practically no oppo sltlon to his candidacy at the Roches ter encampment. COLUMBIA COLLEGE MILTON, OREGON ic 'rni? tt iru ta sfti TOUR BOYS AND GIRLS. ' Christian, but not sectarian. Grounds and buildings valued at $75,000. A select school for young men and young' ladies," who seek, for th? highest ideals In Manhood and Womanhood. CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED AT STATE UMTERSITY ASD OTHER smnm.S WlTHOCT RE-EXAMIXATIOX. Thorough course. Literary, scientific; commercial department; n f rludlmr shorthand and typewriting; conservatory of music, incluOIni? piano, voice and stringed Instru ments; elocution; art. Dormitory refitted, refurnished, steam heated, electric lighted; etm fortable, attractive, gymnasium, good athletic fields Beautiful for Situation. A land of fruits and flowers. Monntafp water. Pre s!r. Heslthfnl condition. Six pasengcr trains dally. Electric street cars. . ot a saloon In 20 years. N'o gm Wing dns. Morsl atmospbfre U 'wholesome. , , ; Send for Catalogue or other Information to H. S. SHANGLE, Financial Secy., Milton, Oregon It Could VNbi iSuittle Bettet li It - Thlt is common epret,ion where the Royal Standard Typewriter is 'used. Court Reporters, Teta rapn operators and expert tenographers in all llneB ot bashMMflna a the Hoyafl tboee "built-to-or-tbe Ideal writing machine. You will y der qualities that represent to them ay the tame when you have become 1 the owner of a STANDARD TYPEWRITER $65. y f7 'ii; Simiile, ftroaf, QtiH' Portable, . Light Runanp, dtaadaN Keyboard, . Tlslble Writer, Bavy Kanifotder, Rlgtt Price, Gaaraatcei, RellabK On the Job. it Royal ale are increasing more rapidly than the tales of any other Typewriter, because EVERY ROYAL SOLD SELLS MOTHER" ROYAL TYPEWRITER COMPANY Royal Typewriter Building - - A branch in each principal city New York, N.Y. American Weds English Girl. London, July 27. Many Americans of social prominence attended the wed ding today of Miss Dora Jeslyn Taylor, member of a well known English fam ily and William Pancoast Clyde, Jr., of New York city. Mr. Clyde la a Yale graduate and belongs to the well known family of steamship owners. NOTICE OF STREET IMPROTPMEM TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice la hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grands, Ore gon, on the 27th day of October, 1909, creating improvement district No. 8, and designating Second street as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the fifth day of July, 1911, whereby said council determined and declared its Intention to improve all that por tion of Second street, in aald improve ment district aa hereinafter described; by laying thereon cement sidewalk and constructing curb ,on. each side of . the street, t,he- council will, ten days after the service of this notice pon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that Bald above described Improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so improved are as fol lows: All that portion of Second street , from the south curb line ot Jefferson avenue to the north curb line ot Main avenue. , (A) And the property affected or Call in and see the of Demonstration on Friday and Saturday Daily shipniente of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Fine Ripe Watermelons I? -n & -i