PAGE 8 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1911. : i MEN'S G OTHES Tin -J KllLli t. I : - - ; i We have just received a line of CRANE'S Writing Paper and Envelopes This is the very finest writing paper made, and as ii conies in bulk the prices are most reasonable con sidering the quality. Call and see the different styles. ! NEWLIN BOOK and ST AT POOR MEPIfS PRICES ; . Our August sale of high class suits for men and boys offers the very finest of Ready-to-wear clothing at prices far below what the goods are really worth. You can nowown a "rich man's suit" at a "poor man's price,, if you come here. All $22.50 Suits $16.85 All $18 Suits $13.50 AU $20 Suits $15.00 All $25 Suits $18.75 25 Per Cent Discount on all Men's Trousers All $27.50 Suits $20.60 All $30.00 Suits $22.50 (3D . N E Y S (C 0 Complete Equipment tor Resetting ana Repairing Rubber Buggy Tires ; LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor , COMPUTE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY BIB BUSIUESS SWELLS CHECKS IVTEXTY-FITE PER CREASE 15 CEXT 15- Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. BAY 6 ZVJEIFEL PLUMBERS. HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS HM1IIMIMII IMMIIMMUMI sa. La Grande's Leading Jeweler Onwtu Ik. ft. IsU-WSm A lw Areas. iiiiiiiniiiiiiuft' 11111 Uur JDSSt D argain IN IRRIGATED LAND, 720 acres,. 5 mL from RR; Good improvements; 800 inches of water and bumper crop goes '. with place; $40:00 per acre; small payment down and easy terms. Enterprise Real Estate Company. Enterprise, Oregon. IflG MIU PROPERTYSflLES BUijLSESS. Lng Hear Noticed kj Everjea the teal Sapply Exkaavted. An increase of 25 per cnt In busi ness done by the O.-W. storehouse here has resulted from the return of a long hour schedule in the local shops. S'.orekeesr J. A. Martin noticed the difference ia volume of business lm- media; ely and though the lons-hour schedule has been la vogue but a few days the business at the storehouse here all material tor roundhouse and machine shop activities are supplied. has Increased 25 per cent already. Storage teal Gone. This week will see the storage coal bunkers empty once more. This eon ditlon of affairs is true about once a ytar and as soon as the demand for fuel has exhausted the storage supply, the O.-W. makes arrangements for refilling the mala storage bankers where approximately 12.000 tons are stored during the summer and fall months. The first of this storage fuel for the ensuing year will be ar riving soon, as a consequence of the exhaustion of the present supply. Dur ing the past rear there were as many as 17.009 tons stored In the local yards Sew Sight Faretaaa, J. M. Burleigh of La Hunta. Color ado, has accepted the position of night roundhouse and machine shop fore man. Mrs. Burleigh will arrive soon and they will make La Grande their future home,' Mr. Burleigh succeeds Former Xight Foreman Jackson who resigned to accept another branch of O.-W. work. ' Ballaa, Here Tacay. ,; Private car "03 Is In La Grande to day with Assistant Superintendent W. Boilons and other O.-W. officials who are making a regular Inspection and business visit to La Grande. Easiness Heavy. , Hum of Industry Is the kynoteot railroad circles. Passenger and freight business Is good and some big pay checks ara being molded as a result The August lth checks will be far In excess of what they have been during hj nrin and earlr summer If the present rush of business It maintain ed. ; VILLUS 3IILLEB k BROTHER closixg mttber of deals. deuce ia his Cove home, fina ic'ally, and is now living ia ease but can't keep away from nls old environments for long at a time. SOUTH LA GRA5DE SEWS. Dntaa4 for SauH Prapertles , HeaiKr'Thaa Ever Before. The jirmand for small properties is greater than ver according to the real estate firm of William Miller and Brother. This firm has been handling! the Riverside addition and it is sur prising to' know the number of lotsj sold to parties who inUnd to erect homes In the very near future. In the past few weeks they have sold $5,500 worth of lots ranging in price from $75 to $230. Last week th j sold seven lots, and last eveuing they closed deeds for four more. And the fine features of these transactions U that In nearly every Instance" there will be a home erected on each lot sold. ' la speaking with Mr. Coffin the sales manager for the firm he said: "I have dealt In subdivisions to cities all of my life and I am very much pleased with the manner la which Riverside Is be ing bought for the reason that there will be homes built on the tots. ' Henry Ferguson shot a coyote on thft Frank McClure ranch this week. J "Grandpa" Ferguson who has been Is j seriously ill for some time is greatly improved. He is 85 years of age. Frank McClure has finished haying this week. Mrs.- George Smith, who operated the boarding house at the Palmer mill has sold out and as soon as she can arrange business details wjll leave for Moscow. Jessie Strong has purchased " the Ed. Propeck place and will Improve H throughout by building new addi tions to the house. Mrs. Fitzgerald and family of Port land are visiting at tha McAnish home. NORTH BEACH is the pleasure haunt In this part of the country this summer. Its devotees rejoice to learn that they can now ga and come on a regular schedule Inde pendent of tides. The popular excru sfon steamer. Mr. Denman and Mrs. Delmore hav opened a first class cleaning and pres sing parlor at 1908 Third street Mr. Denman is a practical tailor of long experience and makes a specialty of ladies' tailoring. . 7-21-lt Dutchers Wagon Shop No Horse , Shoeing Wagon repairing a specialty. If your Tires need resetting give us a call, Second-hand Buggies, Hacks and Camp Wagons tor sale. Red 12. "T. I. POTTER" . Tenag Saars Sack. - John Young, the E. O. L. ft P. com pany employe hurt yesterday Is suffer ing considerable pain today. On the whole he Is reported to be la about the ssme condition as last evening. Until late this afttrnooa It had been found unnecessary to amputate one of his broken limbs, as was feared would be necessary. p. m. (Saturday at 10:00 p. mj REDUCED FARES PREVAIL Frest All Pelats la tk Northwest via the leaves Portland. Ash Street dock. DAILY, EXCEPT SATURDAY A5D SC5DAY, 8:M A. X. SATFTSDAYS OYLT. 1 tM P. V. There Is a supreme satisfaction In j temnwr HASSALfr Ieaylng helping a man make a deal tor a home j porUMd MCept SundaT at 8:M ror say wnat yoa may u u in ui American heart to own oar owa homes. That is the foundation of oar govern ment today the homes. If we should degenerate Into a transient people yoaj could look for the foundation stones' of this great republic to totter. But! there Is positively no a anger or 0REG0 w-tTASHTXGTOJ RAILROAD La Grande Is going to see more people j 5AYI6ATI05 CO. own their homes la the future thsa ,deal tage and camp life, a magnlfl ever before and anyone knows waatjcent ftat not ,0, j. that means. It means better ba-.wner. -enlgt beneficial climate. provemcnts. greater Interest la Pb-jtnd all the comforts of home without lie affairs and a firm determination to' cctinj any n,ore tnan lt yom remalned at home Call on or write to any O.-W. R. ft N. agent for complete in formation; also for copy of our summer book, "Ou'tngs la Oregoa.-" General Passenger Agent. O-W. R. A WM. MclWRRAY. K. Co. Portland, Ore. make of this olac the big city of Eastern Oregon, which is sure to come." COB BUCK 10 SHARE BEIIOII 3K. A Fresh Supply of Fruits and Vegetables Bananas, oranges, lemons, blng cherries, R. Annie, cherries, blackberries, black caps, canta loupes. New potatoes, cabbage, tur .nlps.. beets, radishes, lettuce, green peas, green beans, wax beans, peas, dry onions, green .onions- Royal Grocery H. Pattison, Prop. Not in the Association If the democrats are superstitious and believe In luck they will hold the convention next year In Baltimore, for Baltimore and democracy have four times proved a winner, which is mor? than can be said of Chicago or any other city where the party has met in late years- OTHO E( EERSLT BACK FROM WAL LA WALLA 03 T1SIT. Pfeaer ef Cave Will Be One at Llgta Tbltars Satariay. Forty-six years la Cove have creat ed an attachment for old and young In i. t j n'.iL... Mmitlfi that ntfin Eckersly. now living at Walla Walta. but nnta last spring a resident or' Cove, that could not be overlooked for j long and the veteran Covit? was tn La Grand today on bis way to Joseph He will return to Elgin next Sa u-dayj to attend the pioneer reunion ;iere, and visit once more with thoe who made Grandf history with him. Mr.; Eckersly made a succeas of Ms res'- COLUMBIA COLLEGE MILTON, OREGON IS THE PLACE TO SE!fD Y0CR BOYS A5D GIRLS. V raristtaa, bat aet seeUrlaa. Crsiads sad batlolags vtlae at A select school for young men and young ladies, who seek for the highest Ideala In Manhood and Womanhood. CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED AT STATE OITERS1TY AXD OTHER SCHOOLS WITHOUT RE-EX111XAT10X. t Tkereaxh rear. Literary, scientific; eanste trial departaeat; la rinding skrtaaad a ad typcwrftlag; ceaM-natory af atisic, Jacladln? piaa, valce and stnag lastrm nea4t etocntisa! art. Deritry refitted, tefaralshea, steam keated, elertrk U?htd cam fertaMe, attractive, gjaiaaslisi, geod athletic field BeaaUfal fer SitaaUea. A land ef fralts and fiswen. XeaaUla watr. are air. Healthfal ceadiUoav Six patenter traJas daily. Electric JV street cars. i l i 29 J1 x Mlsf d-as. Xaral atmeplicrc U wkeleMme. Send for Catatftcwe ar ether lafenaattea te -. H. S. SHANGLE, Financial Secy, Maton, Oregon ft S