La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 25, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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    PAGE 6
r j
n pip
LJili'l I '
this shop, and Us abflltj to scire
y beat Our atrvBgrnt
V desire ta U tan eat th beat
atf t price oar wrries to
meet jonr satisfaction. "We be
lieve we do this. If yur par
iMnts na ear attFB'Jos itni
'-. them t bs and we will do yonr
wort promptly and. guarantee
Bot to ruin the materials.'
VFasbJarto ws of Tarioas klnoN
Kltea for Amy EiperiBif at
bis family has JuBt been housed in a bay and vicinity.
brand new stable fitted 05 with every
modern convenience. .
The atable itself is situated at a
convenient distance from the white
house grrands. where Pauline ts le:
to pasture, ao that ahe will not get
unduly tired traversing the distancs
twice a day. In addition to being con
structed according to the most mod
ern plana, Pauline'a abode is fitted up
with conveniences which are usually
- Washington, July 25. Under the di
rection of an expert of the Smtihson
ian institution, an attempt la being
made along the banks of th e Pan ami I Large percentages of saving were
canal to prevent further alldea by J made, by the great majority ol the Tea
planting grass seed. Announcement , while only a very few overdrew
made to each ahlp on by the various youngest bishop la the world and his-
bureau in charge of the department
of work on board ship, such as ord
nance, steam engineering, construction
and repair, and supplies and actounta.
of the experiment was made today by
officers of th Isthmian canal commis
sion. A special variety of aeed, developed
by the agricultural department after
found only in dwellings for human be-long 8tudy Md elprimenUtlon, is be-
Slain CI.
II. B. TTsesoner
Washington, July , 25. (Special)
Unsatisfactory conditions in the na
tional banks, according to Comptroller
of the Currency Lawrence O. Murray,
are due. In nearly every case, to the
failure of the directors to direct. la
a letter to national bank examiners
just made public here. Murray Implor
ed them tQ be more stringent In their
. ing used. It is hoped that the roots 0!
The stable ia built of brick and steeL the grass will form a net wodk holding
The doors are concrete and the walls the soil in its position.
cement, so arranged that the entire Most of the planting will be done in
structure can be flooded with water the Culebra cut. where trouble has
and thu kept absolutely clean. There been experienced with slides of earth
are patent automatic Cling feed and into the big ditch. Engineers declare
watering basiav c'tvtrlc l:s ait a the elides due to the fact that the lay
boirer bath. And the shower bath r of soil is very thin and rests upon
fs expressly made for Pauline. ; I smooth rock ledges
their allotments,
be Missouri led the battleships in
percentage of saving, with 76.7 per
cent. The' Uorth Dakota wa athe last
iu the list with a saving of 7.9 per
Consecrated as Bishop.
St. John, X. F., July 25. With all
ihe splendor of the Roman Catholic
ritual. Rev. Michael Power was con-
induction Into office was one of th
most Impressive ceremonies ever wit
nessed hereabouts. Mgr. Stagni, , tin
papal delegate, was present. Arch
bishop Howley of St- Johns was the
consecrator and Archbishop McCarthy
of Halifax preached the sermon.
t i . rt -a Vtm oaj aim DaiiltnA w?Tt t-A ftsi -r t hnma niK-
1 ,
I TV'aMnof Tnlv In nrilpr o
of laxity on the rart of the dlr-ttor? n bed down and massaged by a sneciul
order that some action may te tken attendant who will se that the bo-lthe "a,t,01Jde movm;?t
by the treasury department , : vine lady does not get too fleshy from proved pub ic highway the I nlted
t niu mi. aim .
' preparea a
Horses at Graad Baplds.
Grand Rapids, Mich., uly 25 All the
best known horses following the bij
circuits this summer are at Comstock
park for the opening thia afternoon of
the fourday Grand Circuit race meet
ing. The feature of the week, the
$10,000 furniture manufacturers' purse
for 2:12 class trotters, will be raced
secrated bishop of Bay St. George, tomorruw y
West Newfoundland, in the cathedral field is expected to face the starter to
here today. He is said to be the contest for the rich prize.
"For nearly two years X have been want of exercise.
urging directors to perform their duty" w!!l be bed led in sterilized straw an
Murrav sa'd. " and r.ave endeavored fanned tontc-n by an euctrlc fan
obtain the co-operaticn of tee exm-
chart which showa that
T ; nearly 15.000 miles of transcontinen-
Plumbing S
and Heatins
John Melville
123 Adams Avt .
rrs lit (tie iKKr.
ray moV. earnest efforts, reports of ex'-;
emanations are coming in day by dayj
showing that, the hoaras of directors
of some banks bold two, three, or pos
sibly four meetings a year. y
"J do not.understau'd .why examin
er irniit thoj- i-ctnditions to con
tinue. Wb?n you are in a back, th?:
has fail'id to alo;t proner byrlw.
' and you have convened the board 'i
j directors, it is ft simple matter to hav-;
an approved form of by-law?, already
I furnished you for that purpose, adopt
ed while you are there; This you
'should do in the future. If the di
' rectors object you art authorized to
f tell them that until the by-laws are
j adopted and the requirements thera
' of lived up to in Kocd faith and tlw
bank will be examined four t!ms a
' year." !. V
l4t Utnrciriia r.tA fmnlf lino rnr lie A
Is thought that if she gets restless dur- - - - -
i couieuipiaieu iu various v .luc
be Tnade for a graphophene to,00"?117'. . : l . , ,x
sooth h?r and aid her in falling asleep. - lu" . A ,
I good roada movement has taken po-
Washington, July 25. Not content
with a life of eaae and Inaction quiet-'
y munching grass on' the broad tawo
back of the white house, Pauline
Wayne II officially designated as the
milk produ? ;r- f r the presi.l''nt and
Washincton, July 23. Great kites
are to be used by th navy department
ta a, series of wireless tests this sum
mer, it wa8 announced today.
The kites, which wi!l be about seven
fet In height, will be uaed to eleva'e
the antenna 3 of ah! w!rtM- sets. By
this elevation it is hoped that the
range of the naval wireless will be
greasy IrcreajcJ.
The range of wireless stations' 0!
board warships is limited b'y the diffi
culty in elevat'ny the antennae, a It
Is' .impossible to erect wireless masts
or ajy considerable height. With the
kitfs, the antennae may be elevateJ
to a height of 1.000 feet or 'more." The of w!ri' i. prnvidins the elec
trical pwer Is Increased. 4 Is propor
tional to the height of the wires.
! session of the country, i North, south,
i west aud east, the Improved roads,
j some largely planned, others actualif
under construction, litarally make a
net-work covering the whole country.
If all the plans contemplated by the
men and comraunitiies behind them, it
will be possible to drive wagons ox
run automobiles from the Atlantic to
the Pacific coast; from Vancovuer, H.
C, to Tijunna. Mexico; from Montrea'.,
Canada, to Miami, Fla., and alwasy ov
er the modern machadamized high
ways. ' ' .. , :
That's What They All Say
It's Goo d For What Ails You
Washington, July 25. According to
a statement issued by the navy dt-
partment of the results of an economy
competition anion gthe warships of t'm
a Bavin of J107JS74.0S In thj
i expenditures for ship maintenance has
The experiments wlih the kites wl'l j been . ecetced during the six months'" $
be conducted by Ensign Boynton. In period in which, me test nas oeeu m
command of the torpedo boat String- ; opration.
ham. lie will operate In Chesapeak-i Definite
Red Cedar Shindes
Home Phone 421 Bell Phone, Main 732
money allotments were
iuiiiiiiiiiimiiHHn mi 4tMt,
These can be had in our own city and in our own Valley where you can see them every day
r 1 ' ' ' '' " ... . .' "
We have fine 80 acre tract
just outside the city limits, all in timothy, grain
and alfalfa, on 'one of the princi pal roads lead
ing into La Grande; good buildings, an abund
ance of water, and one of the best dairy farms in
the valley. This land is suitable for any pur
pose, and if as conveniently located to any cither
town as it is to La Grande, could not be bought
for double the price asked for it. A payment of
$4,000.(Hi down will handle it; good terms on the
linbttv-e. ,.' !
!!ave a splendid proposition adjoining
Just 70 acres in this property; one-half of
which is the best of soil and the balance good
pasture. Good new house and good barns. A
number of fine springs and one of them piped in
to the house. This is close to school, on mam
count v road and affords fine view, of the town
and vallev. The rrice of this entire property is
onl v $4,000.00 and 20 acres can be sold from one
end of it within another year for at least $2,000.
This would leave 50 acres with all improvements
and easily worth the present purcnase price.
Come in and let us tell you about it.
40 acres in the north end of valley
Four miles from Suinmerville, best of soil, new
buildings, fine stream of water, some timber,
only $2,200.00, one-third down, balance one and
two vears. ' - . ,
160 acres, 5 miles from LaGrande.
50 acres alfalfa, 55 acres fall wheat, 10 acres
of oats, balance summer fallow. Good six room
house, good barn and outbuildings. This place
is sub-irrigated and one of the best alfalfa, grain
and dairv ranches in the valley. Price only $85.00
per acre" reasonable payment down with terms
on balance. This year's crop will pay good share
of purchase price.
Have some fine orchards and
orchards lands
here and in the Elgin country. Prices on these
varv according to location ana age oi trees, auu
will ask vou to tell us what you want and where
you want it. These are all good investments.
Some of our good buys in city prop
erty. Good six-room house, cellar, shade and fruit
trees,' on Third street, fpr $2,100.00. Only $40Q
down, balance in stated payments at 6 per cent
Fine 7 room two-story house, with large lot,
shade and fruit trees, on Second sti'eet, for only
$2,800.00. : , '
Five, room house, modern, shade and fruit
trees, on "T" avenue for only $1,650.00. .
Four room house and two lots, wood shed and
eity water, on Xorth Depot and "V" avenue, for
only $1,100.00. This property can be bought
with a very small payment down and balance at
$20.00 per month.
Four room house, cellar, wood shed, trees, two
good lots, on North Spruce street, for $1,250.00.
. Small payment down will handle this property,
and can make substantial reduction for cash.
We have vacant lots in all parts of the city, and not a single lot that will not prove a good investment, even you
f do not improve it. Let us show you these ana oiner oargams.
. T
b-W-r ttltimn U44. n lUlllnuVltUlM
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