La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 25, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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If you are not
content.. -with
your condi
tion -improve
YOU are the
one on whom
your success de-
nends. IUU must
earn your living
save your moiiey
If ybu are NOT
saving you CAN
improve your
condition by open
me an
with this
exists u a .
I.-!.'- '.. . '"" a
BfcH..n .......I, , . . . . M
Groff of Portland, C. F. Walker of Se
attle, L Church of Walla Walla and
Mrs. Roger Besmell of Walowa were
some of the Sommer hotel guests last
U. S. National
$ s s " 4 3
uiw A. 0. POSSKY, Specialist for Eye,
Car, Nose and Throat diseases. Eyes
sued withf glasses. Over Se.kler's
W : '
Just come In and see the new fall
line of ladles' hand bags. Came In by
txpress direct from New York factory
today at Sllverthorn's.
1 1
1 1 1 tQSSwM
" :
"The Flag Didn't Rise".".. Pa the
An absorbingly Interesting
war drama. Red cross nurse
prevents flag rising which was
signal for execution of ber sol
dier lover. " . . V -
"The New Faith",,.....'. Selig
A magnificent story of early
Christian days. A Roman pa
trician with the slave girl Tic
Las learned to love, suffer death
after embracing the new Faith.
"A Clever Fraud" , . . Vltagrapb
A rollicking, Joyous and joc
ular comedy. Full of frolic and
Ifun. We say It's good. See it!
Favorite . popular ' Illustrate!
song "Put on Your Old Gray,
Bonnet" sung by Miss Garrlck.
Pat Foley and Charles J. Schumann,
who is representing the Western Mer
chants' Protective association, will
leave In a fw days in an automobile
for central Oregon points to be gone,
two weeks. Pat will visit his old
friends in Harney and Lake counties.
O. A. C Experts Wipe Out Pest Entire
ly at Hood River.
Oregon Agricultural College, Corval
lts, Oregon, July 25. "Remarkable re
sults have been obtained In Hood riv
er by the college experts in eradicat
lng fire blight.' said Dean A. B. Cord-
ley of the Oregon agricultural college
today, discussing the progress of this
branch of the pest eradication work of
the institution. . '
'Tire blight was first reported to
this experiment station from Hood
Rher last fall, and Prof. H. S. Jack
son of our department of plant path
ology spent some two weeks with Mr.
Cassner, their county fruit inspector.
and the corps of Inspectors In locating
the disease and cutting It out as thor
ing more ice cream Uian any city in
the world. No less than 310,000 gal
lons of this summer delicacy are be
ing consumed daily here. Just what
the weekly consumption of more than
2,000,000 gallons amounts to ig Bhown
by the fact that if all of It were piled
up In Madison Square it would be suf
ficient to make & huge cone with
base 50 feet cross tapering to a point
more than three hundred feet in the
air, or nearly half as high as the Met
ropolitan towr. This huge mass. If
it could be kept, from melting, would
be sufficient to reduce the temperature
of Madison Square and the neighbor
hood to. near the freezing point. It
would ' ncessltate the starting of ail
the furnaces In the big office buildings,
clubs and residences. To transport
this huge mass of cream from the fac
tories to the dumping ground in Madi
son Squire 'would require over 600 j
two team wagons every day for a week,;
or 4,420 big wagons, each one having
a capacity of 500 gallons. This pro
cession of Ice rceam wagons would be
very much longer than the coronation
parade. If one day's output was placed
in one gallon 'Ins and laid along the
ground like a pipe line, it would be
73 1-2 miles In leng.h. Altogether
Father Knickerbocker's Ice cream ap
petite is truly gigantic.
Birth of a Nation,"
or "The Life of Moses."
Five complete reels of 1,00(1 fvct each. Without question the most In.
teresrJng Biblical production evT presented and treats the subject
most fully.
Ing the compressing cost $200 and It Chicago day In 1S92 .when visitors
takes about six men to run It. To
advertise the sales and hire an auc
tioneer further swells the expense. In
Tact those who have figured it out
,i say .that lv may take 20 year to pay
t ' v $ 3 & S
" '
7 . 7 7 .
8S 8 $8 4 $ $ S
After nearly half a year-of
When W. H. Lawrence assumed " r ' " l for tne paper press aione win t
e Hood , River feUow- niPi,0i,0-,imuB ol wu"-" ""' proceeds of the paper which it com
. .. - . I rornrd hnn been nlaced on exhibition I . . . .ivia,i
. presses so nea.iy. . a loi-msuicu
in the American Museum of Na ui-al .lrnomy thg WU break all local rec
Hlstory. Caliph who until the time-of i ord provlded the presa last8 the nec-
nis aeam amuseu uiuvsauu vu", essary number of years
dren In Central parK weignta a smaii
the duties of th
shiD in horticulture, one of the first
lines of work he took up with the
spring investigation and eradication of
the disease. Together with Mr, Cast-
... aa.lntonti htk Vina flnnnt i
omBth ng ke two month7 in making -tter of 10 000 pop and his mouth
.! ".., ,-rv B,ffi.,U'hen opened to ltt widest measured
lour ieei, nine mcne$ iruin jw m ju .
p&ft RENT A nicely furnished room.
Inuire 1910 Second street. 7-o-tf
rinifla Rika want ii tome to La
Crnde to piAy the La Grande lo tea
and movement is being accepted
wlta f&VOr here. , It is possible that
Ih tame will 'be puyed within a
Week or two. The Bolee players un
der the Elk colors .we credited with
being exceptionally fast.
Prof. F. J. Freenor,-the magnetic
healer has returned to La Grande and
Is located at the Savoy hotel, room 10.
Office hour 8 a. in. to 4 p m Be treats
all chronic diseafl If you would be
well ee him. All treatment by ap
pointment only; ,
W. P. Cot:rell, a resident of Los An
geles, was at the Savoy last night.
O. S. Kent was h re from Union last
night and stopped at the Savoy1 hotel. .
S. W, Hammon of Caldwell was a
Savoy guest last night. . - 4
George H. Currey, ;h real estate
dealer, Is a business visitor in Union
today. - . '7 .777";.-.:'
'F. M. Denson, Of Meacham, stopped
at the Savoy this morning while tran
sacting business In La Grand,
Thomas fiufttafi, Attorney L. Den-
ham and Car Young oi Ann Arbor
were guests last night at the Soman
johVi "McNeill of Los Angeles, a tail
rba'd shop inspector, . stopped at the
Foley last night. 7 7 7 ;
J. E. Foster of The Dalles, Chasi.
Powell of Cove, were some of the Fo
ley hotel guests last night.
The' fire in Deal canyon has abouti
burned i.eelf out. A few old logs and
stumpg are still a blaze, however. It
appears that the fire yesterday tended
only to remove a lot of underbrush and
dead timber.'.'
Pure apple sherbet today at Silver
thorn's. : ' . ' '
Fred J. Holmes, president and Wil
liam Miller, secretary, I sthe" off.clal
oreanization of . the. business mens
'committee appointed by Mayor Rich
ardson recently to recommend a new
city charter. The committee met last
n!ght and discussed ways and means
to get data before the members,' aud
elected the officers named;
You have been wanting some nice
cool sherbet. Whave it at Silver
The United Amateur Press assocla
tlon of America -will hold its national
convention here-next year. The feat
of the locaT members in bringing the
convention nerexxwithout aid from ma
ture business men is considered a fine
one. There ' were 800 delegate at ih
Bridgeport! convention tn,B yfar
. Homer Littleton of Allcel was a La
Grande guest last night, stopping at
the Foley hotf l.
r W Henderson, the Pacific coast
syTup salesman of Portland Is at the.
Foley. ;. - '
W. F. Braton ana wue vi ou. ,
( n : Vntnl nllCCta
Nebraska, were soimuei u..6-
list night ' ' . 7 7 7
TPr.tik Conner; a window decorator
at ibv N. K. West store, has returned
from a visit with relatives in e
Iamette valley. , .7
v A. Harmon, general manager of
r trrXx A PnwPf
. T?nntdcn . i ire km ii uihuii - - -
company, is in city toaaj vv
at the Foley.
a n Tellv of Mangrove, Oklahoma,
has gone west after' looking over ral
estate offerings here. He was
Foley. " ' '..' : 1 '
John Kelrgan, J. O'Conner 'and
Frank Roberts, all of HOTner, were
Tlim are
Foley guests 'ul- ' . "
sheepmen. -
r.uv'M. Byrkitt bag returned from
the coast where he and his , family
spent the past montn. wr. w
Is still at the seaside. ,
tree in over 3,000 -acres of orchards.
They also made a careful survey of
trees In hundreds of acres of sur
rounding orchards.
"The results of this fall and spring
work under the direction of Professor
Jackson and Mr. Lawrence appears to
be that fire blight has been completely
eradicated from the Hood River re
gion,' 77:7 '
"This, so far as 1 know, is a resuli
which has never before baen accom
plished, in .any fruit growing region
that has once been infested with flri
blight. They have" not found a case
of, fire blight there in the past two
!Hhth3 . ; iv ii J.
- ReRarttil'ig genarai orchard , condi
tions, in that district, Dean CoidUjr
said: "I found the orchards of Hood
River in excellent condition the crop
will perhaps not be Vr tO or (V per
cent of that itmually obtained there,
but it is of unusually good quality."
"Oregon hag demonstrated, through
the eradication of fire, blight at Hood
River and the excellent work In con
trol of pear blight at Rogue river, the
fact that she has at least two of the
most progressive fruit growing sec
tions in the entire country," said
Dean Cordley. "
''Some four years ago, when I first
from all over the world crowded into
the exposition grounds. Every amuse
ment resort and every fakir at the ,
iEland Is overwhelmed w!th patronage
and even the- frankfurter men whose
this year ran out of supplies in the
evening. A canvass of the breweries
that furnish Coney Island's supply
showed that an average of one barrel
a minute was being consumed. Yet
there was practically no disorder in
I the great, crowd. The police found It
' ). . ... HI .
A few "nift "ladles' hand bags
new fall shanes. A factory line
samples received from New York to
day by txpress at prices anyone can
afford to pay. At . Silverthorn s
Word has been received v Mr. nu
Mrs. B. W, Grandy that their son, Ben
Grandy'jr., who was operated upon
last week for a severe case or eppei
dlcltlB, is geetlng along nicely. He is
at a hospital In Boise, Idaho.
Hla hide when first removed weighed
1,200 pounds and mon hs were spent in
the delicate task of scraping it down
to the last degree of thinness compati
ble with strength, at the end of which
operation the weight was reduced o 6
pounds. It takes someth:ng more than
a taxidermist to mount a Skin of this
sort.' The services of a sculptor are
required for the skin l not stuffed but
but placed over a clay model which
has been prepared to fit it exactly. The
task of making these models so that
the skin will fit every wrinkle and
fold In proper place is an extremely
difficult one. Tho"sands of measure
ments must be made to assist the man
who must, be both sculp'pr and natur
allst. The mounting of old Caliph's
bide Is said to be the biggest feat ever
accomplished In its field.
A plan tor keeping cool which has at
least the attraction of novelty has just
been received here by Police Commis
sioner Waldo in a letter from an altru
ist In Liverpool, and although the com
missioner has been so busy that he
has not had time as yet to test it, he
has passed H along for what it may
be worth. According to the Inventor
! of this scheme, all that Is necessary
thia brolllna: weather the
c i si Pnnnv Island SK
gregate 500,000 persons or enough to Intoxication charges
populate one of the largest cities In .
the Union. The is toff Ice authorities
reported that- on one Sunday over
300,000 picture postals were mailed
from the island, a fact indicating that
ih9 greater part of the crowd came
from placs other than the metropolis.
It is estimated that the number of
visitors exceeded the attendance at the
Columbian exposition at Chicago on
Wanted Girl to strip
tin the laundry 1 the houseiwii.
fr' friend.
It tnkes the dirt and (rreane
lout of clothes inickly and with.
4 lout nibbing. ,
tor a cool night's rest, paradoxical as
it may seem, 1b to cover one's self buN
detected the presence. of pear blight
In thA RnffiiA River vnllpv thp frnlr
..... ., , .... ' Scleatly. It is the methol -of covering
growers of that section immediately , . ,
Inniis'iiratpfl fin pn.prpptln rfiniaflTi
for its eradication. ,'Wa being in-the fl'6t requisite Is a stock
tormed that, owing to a lack of funds,
1 heavy cord sufflcUnt
For a Blngle
In length to
reach from the head to the foot of tbe
Saves Labor
Saves the Clothes ?
L,lVjt rV 1 Jl- i ' Parowax is now being demon-
- it . .
strated at our store.
106 Fir street,
between five & six
4i in iniHiiiniKiHt
ihla Inatltiitlmi rrmlH tint rlnrP a tnan
in'the field, the at once applied to the b-d; avf 'n "on oveu the
department of agriculture at. Wash-1 eenter f the ed abo"t 18 ,nche8 abv:.
I its surface. From th's are suspended
lngton for assistance. The result was
that Professor OGara was sent to
their assistance. .
"Profesor O'Gara organized the
work so successfully, and gave - such
satisfaction that when the government
deefded to withdraw him ; from the
field the fruit growers themselves rais
ed the necessary funds to retain his
services. .. - ; -,: .' ;. ;.
He has. been in complete charge of
the work ever since, with' such .suc
cess that notwithstanding the fact
that hundreds aud thousands of acres
of orchards have been completely de
stroyed to other fruit growing sec
tions, the losses InSouthem Oregon
have Been Insignificant though the dis
ease has not been wholly eradicated as
yet.& ; V 7 ' 7':" V.. 7; '
newspapers' sewe or posted together
j filling ever the eges of the bed to the
Poor, lormlng a sort of tent-like struc
l tn re It In nf con run nnpn at each end
and should extend It within about IS
Inches of the head. Over the newspa
pers is next spread a blanket, or sheet
and tha cooling plant is ready. Its In
ventor claims that any one sleeping un
der this cover will be kept cool by the
contlnuoug breeze moving from end to
end caused by the difference in temper
ature inside and outside. On the fare
of it the plan seems a little fanciful
But then there are plenty ;of ; people
who do not know that waterfcan be
cooled in a dry climate by putting in a
porous Jar and placing it in the sun.
Evaporation does the rest. r
Tnhn Shea and son Waldon re
turned this morlnng from Portland
.t...- hPT snent the summer with
friends. ' : '
Miss Ldia Turner, bookkeeper for
the J W. Welton"& Son transfer com
pany is 111 and Mrs. Kinwey of Tucson.
Arizona, Is working at her desk.
C. S. Knight of Portland, G. A. De
Don't run away or try to los
yourself for the heat will get yon
anyway. Turn right around and
'face the music with a can of
When it comes to attempting econ
omies of every and any kind, Father
Knickerbocker is second to none. Un
fortunately, many that sound finely in
theory fall to work out in practice to
the delight of his critics. Just now
they are chuckling over attempted
eaonomles In the disposal of waste
paper. A four months supply, amount
ing to about six tons, of neatly com
pressed and baled paper was auc
tioned o the other day for $24. This
I'tnM nf ll 1 1LI . 1 1 .t .1 1 1 4a Tl O ' ....tln.lnff n .Va .'Inf. nttndf !a
Place In Museum. gald to be a part of the policy of econ-
" New York, July 2S. New York has j omy, but Just in what manner it is
now achieved the . proud, though prob- difficult to discover. In the first place
ably dyspeptic, distinction of conBum-l the patent reversible paper press do-
the main pillar of comfort dar
ing the hot weather. It Is cool
ing, refreshing, reliefs Irrita
tion, makes the day pleasant and
, yoorgelf agreeable. ,
Drug Co.
Pure Drug Druggist
If they ache after steady use for
ome time; If you hate head
aches that yon cannot explain
coipe In and have me make
an Examination
If you are putting off 'getting
glasses when yon netd thm
you are adding Injury every day,
to your eyes. ' Too are adding'
also to your discomfort add nltl
mate expanses. ' However, If yon
do not need) glasses, I f ill frank
'y tell yon go, and an y
. costs -vV
Any lens duplicated In a few
minutes. . '
Kycfclght 8KJaUt. '
Xxt Door to Posiofflce.