La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 25, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    ' PAGE 4
j body's business. It Is as complex as! months over five and a half trillion.
can be and has more curves than anl "The number of bacteria on a sln-
.' Editor and Owner.
Cstered at the pe to Aire at La Grande
as second-class matter.
Call, single copy ............
rally, per week, ........'..'..V
Pally, vr Baonti. ...... .........
English walnut. Several citie have
shaken off the old mayor and councP
form by electing what are termed
commissioners. It is found In the
larger cities that this works very wall,
especially when the right kind of men
are chosen for commissioners. In
smaller cities the results have not
been so good largely because weaker
men in some Instances have been elect
ed. One thing remains prominent and
certain the old time form of city gov
ernment Is a miserable excuse and the
people are going to get away from it if
they even have to try ssveral meth
ods before centering upon one that
will prove satisfactory.
i we ara io:a mat nown m iorgia
" there Is a city that has taken the bold
step of selecting one man, placing him
under bonds and his duty is to run the
! city government.- Every month th
(whole proceedings of his office are
( published and he is held entirely ro
i sponsible for the- public work. It is
1 said the plan works very well and tbat
i better results have been obtained un-
! der this form than any other.
! - Th ereaut trouble in city affa'rs
' has been to place "responsibility.: i
t one is responsible under the old form
! and when there is a bad mistake it is
gle fly may range all the way from
550 to 6.660,000. Early in the fly sea
son the numbers of bacttria on flies
La Grande pfople are holding their
breath awaiting the work of Manager
too asy to shift the burden if t'jere
is a disposition to do so. With the
England of the Oregon Central rail-; one man administration .in Georgia it
road who is at present making plans' is said this is eliminated and if there
to put a motor car at work between Is any blame whatever all fcppw where
Cove, Union and La Grande. This fea- to place It. V i'k .,
ture- of. transportation has long been Doubtless the commit U: In La
the dream, of this valley and now that Grande will investigate 'thoruaghly all
it seem almost a certainty there is 'of the forms ip use and we can expeci
general rejoicing in each of the com-! something -ot intense interest .when
munities named. With a le vel valley , this committee announces Its reiiil
llke the Grande Ronde!t has always nesa to report. ,"
teemed unbusinesslike to have trans-
. . , . Baker Is still In the throes of the
' ,. t , Lovt- divorce case and "society , is
come to' the county seat In the morn- ,, ,, , .
. ... , . , all agog over the sensational charges
lnr and return home-in the Avenine . ' .
.. . , , " land counter charges according to a
I report from that city. The Loves be-
' longed to the swagger set In &ew York
and the refore the-divoce proceedings
sparkle . with sensation. There Ic a
But It takes time to work out all these
problems and It would seem that we
are about to face that remarkable;
period when people from La Grande
and Union and Cove-will be brought
closer together by mtans of a motor
car. It will the greatest builder that1
bas ever entered this valley. It will
be the advanc- runner , of irrigation
and where thera are large fields now
there .will bi- small holdings In less
than three years after the service is
Inaugurated.- ' Union and Cove" and
along Catherine Creek will be noted
for the small farms, for in that re
gion water ill' plentiful now which
means that a man could do business
In La Grande and yet live out on a
mall ranch In the ' Catherine creek
lesson to be drawn from these proceedings--for
every boy and girl of
East;m Oregon, and also evtry pr
en.'.; The lei-son is: Stay away from
the primrose path, for there lg tooth
ing to it but brief and heartaches." '
President Taft Is right when he
says that- the future will Justify' his
action on the reciprocity measure.
People of the United States are Just
beginning to realize there is a real big
man in th- president's chair and that
h:: does not cater to applause but rath?
er to bard work with a desire to sho,w
' results. 'All of he unresl in the coun-
lfMHAWA. Vm1mA ... 1 1 1. M(.U.t VI,...
. . . ' trv will flnallT ferment and s:et acute
Bed wnen-mis is put' rnrougn ana . it . , . ,,, . ,
would be th' prdptr thing to put a ' . , , , , z . , .
v . vi i v i v . their faith to Taft, and they will not
bronze tablet In the court house to . , .
honor his name. V,
. The committee appointed hy Mayor
"Richardson to Investigate different
forms of city government with an Idea
of recommending a new form for- La
Grande has bad its first meeting. Peo
ple muse not expect too quick results
from this body of men for they -are
upon a mission which takes delibera
tion and careful study. . .
One of the problems of this age Is
how to improve municipal government,
where nverybody's business Is no-
be disappointed.
Texas, which bas been largely local
option and In the hands of blind pig
men has had an election and the re
turns are so close that It will likely
require an official count to settle 'the
question.- Meanwhile both sides claim
victory, as usual: ' v
If only one female bouse fly should
survive the winter and on April 15
lay only one batch of 120 eggs the
number, of flies born from the suc
ceeding, generations would be In five
Old Friends ahel New
. Winning permanent, lasting friends is the work
of time, and this bank numbers among its clients
hundreds of banks and business houses with whom
it has had close relations for a great part of the
twenty-four years of its existence.
Our friends have helped to make this one of the -largest
and strongest banks in the West'. We have
helped in their making, too.
" ; We welcome new friends and will attend to their
wants with the same fidelity which has cemented
our relations with our older ones. . .
La Grande National Bank
CAPITAL . . . $ 100,000.00
SURPLUS . . v, 100,000.00 .
RESOURCES . . .1,100,000.00
Fred J." Holmes,' Pi es. W. J. Church. Vce Pres
F. L. Meyea, Cashiet Earl Zundel,ss'J. Cash:er
are comparatively small, while later
the numbers are comparatively large.
The places where flies live also deter
mlne8 largely the numbers that thy
carry. The average for 414 flies was
about 1.250,000 bacteria on each. It
hardly seems possible for so small a
bit of life to carry a large a number
of organisms."
, The most thorough sanitary pre
cautions are necessary ja order to get
rid of the fly. Manure piles must not
be allowed near human residences.
Screens, until we have learned to de
stroy the breeding places of the In
sects," must be freely used. Fly traps
and fly poisons are effective helps in
the process of extrminatlon." Most of
those upon the market are good and
sticky fly paper la especially, recom
mended. Dr. Howard describes In de
tail several of the modern ' fly traps
and gives directions for their home
manufacture. Formalin or formalds
hd?, d'ltitsd six to one with water
and placed In a shallow dish, is a good
Lrn:!n2tcr. rum. carbolic
acid, laurel 01L and other deterrents, j
used frequently and with care, will
kill or keep out flies. Jhe Christian
Herald. ' ". '"
J'The sense of smell of the typhoil
fly must be very keen, although .Its
selection of attractive odors undoubt
edly differs from our own. It is very
catholic In Its choice of food the milk
Jug and the freshly baked custard pie
are apparently equally In favor with
the slop bucket, the garbage pan, and
all sorts of unmentionable filth. It
knows the odor of cooking, and it flies
unerringly towards the nearest
kitchen, although the temperature of
the kitchen stove may attract it al
most as much a the possibility of
something good to eat. Its food muat
be liquid, and when its lights upon a
solid, a 'plentiful flow of . a salivary
fluid enables It to maka some slight
impression, and to gain sustenance.
Ev?ryone who reads this knows how
in tha old days, and even now In, some
places, the typhoid fly swarmed, or
swarms in a certain class of public
r?staurantr; and in poorly-cared-for
eating places. The story erf the man
who entered a dimly lighted railway
restaurant "and asked for a 'piece of
that huckleberry pie,' and was Inform
ed that It wag not huckleberry, but
custard, -Is literally true.
"Three years ago I made an attempt
to estimate th amount of money that
was spent annually In screening hous
es In the United States. As close an
estimate as -could conscientiously be
made seemed to Indicate that more
than $10,000,000 are spent every year
for this kind of protection against the
flies and mosquitoes. In fly ridden lo
calities the expense is undoubtedly
Justified, since " the majority. of the
flies are kept out by careful screening.
No sysm of screening however seems
to be so perfect as to keep them all
out. --,' ; - -. , .. .
"The whole expense of screening,
however should Ira an unnecessary
one, just as efforts to destroy flies In
houses should be unnecessary. Their
breeding should, be stopped to such ah
extent that all these things Would be
UBeless'-rDr. O. L. Howard In The
Christian Herald.
i w it
All Summer Goods Sacrificed
'' ' ' 4
S T1 i
CHIC- if
I CIothingRedac (1
Half Price
Includes our .entire
stack of exclusive
and stylish millinery
All summer
wash goods
;r educed
25 per cent
50 per cent
69 ladies
suits at
Half Price
Ladies wash
suits -Half
Ml ladies dresses reduced 25!
Summer parasols in all the newest pat
terns reduced - .r .
Entire Line of Ovfnrrls Mpn'c T nrltVc"
and Children's, Reduced - - -
These prices in force untii August! stonljr
You know what a sale at Westys nieans,r
July 25. " 'v'
1722 The New. England colonies join
ed in a, war against the Indians.
1759 Americans . surrendered .Fort
Nfagara to the British. .V '
17S5 The ship Maria, of Boston, seit-
, ed by Algerians and her crew enslaved.
1799 A French force under Bonaparte
defeated the Turkish army at
Abouklr, Egypt. .
Arthur J. Balfour.
Arthur J, Balfour, former prim J min
ister of Great Britain and now the
leader of the Opposition, was born In
Scotland, July 25. 1848, and was edu
cated at Eton and at Trinity college.
Cabuiridge. He .entered th house of
co'nmons in 1874, and for a time was a
follower of the late Lord Rardolpii
more or less Iniortancs betwoot'. the
years 1S78 and 187 In 188? and ISSfi
be was president of the Leal iJwm-
ment board, and before tha he had
been private so t'rry to h!p untie, the
Marquis of ! iibury, whn th'j .'
wns sf cvetury f Ptate for foreign nf-fatit-.
In Mi. Balfour wn ap
pointed to 'the nuch covet d p.icii'o
i f l".vd loctor of St. Andre v": :!
sity. tl in Jit htingthe Irl3h vay
a8 ni-i Hi iury lor Ireland
1887 to 1891 t'.uit he made .lis oII,i.,l
reputation. In 1891 he became govern
ment leader In the house of commons
and In 1902 he reached the premier
ship. He remained in power until the
fall of the Unionist ministry In 1905.
. ... .... Haln JO. ..
0. K. SANE0R0
We handle Van
Camp & Snyder's
Pork and Beans,
Ubby's Veal Loaf ,
Lunch Tongue and
Chipped Beef.
' .. Distributor of ;
The Walger New Model Awning
The et Awning Ever Put Up
, Suitable for Residences, Summer Resorts, Office and
Hotel Buildings, School Houses, Factories, etc. r
Hmmocki, Ice Cream Freezers, Lubricating Oil, Hay
Forks, Tents, and Wagon Covers, Hay Carrier Rope.
; H0NE, BLACK H31.
The latest method for preparing such deldous bev
erages s MaUed Milk Chocolate with egg, Egg
Electric Drink Mixer tfit SELDER'S
. :