La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 25, 1911, Image 1

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1 i
IJili !JS''.fh
TUESDAY, JULY 25,1911.
making any comment or expressing!
any vlewa on the ' local situation.)
wnetner or not he will support the
andldates aelected by the party is a
question, but It is certain that he has
not endeavored in any way to Influ
ence the choice of candidates or the
construction of the platform.
la Foliate Emissaries Headed by Got.
ernor Aldrfch Aim to Get Conven
tion to Endorsee. Wisconsin Senator
for President Bryan Is Silent and
Tales Ne Part In Campaign.
Local Merchant Returns After Attend
" 4 In g Fnneral of Brother.
ance with the state primary law which'
requires that all of ths pollttcal par
ties shall hold their conventions on
the same day, the republicans assem
bled In state convention here today
while the democrats and the populists
met at Fremont. All candidates are
selected In primaries, so that all that
is left for the conventions to do U to
build platform and select the state
campaign officers.
The conventions, nevertheless, are
attracting the attention of politicians
the country over. They are the first
state conventions of the year to be
held anywhere in the north or west.
Furthermore, they are held In a state
which has furnished some of the most
conspicuous leaders of the "insurgent"
movement In the republican party and
at the same time still Interests the
democrats as the home state of Wil
liam J. Bryan.
Unless all signs go astray the repub
lican convention in this city will fur
nlsh more . interesting developments
" than the gathering at Fremont." The
republicans are badly split. The reg
ular and Insurgents vught, and the
Nebraska Progressive Republican
league was the outgrowth. ' Then the
latter party split and the Reformed
Nebraska Progressive Republican
the latter being those Insurgents who
have returned to the support of Presl
, dent Taft, while the Mid Road Progres
sives are still fighting the administra
tion. ' :.;; ;v
La Follette emissaries have been bus-
lly engaged at work In Nebraska for
some time and they have succeeded in
working up considerable sentiment fa
vorlng the Wisconsin senator for the
.. uresldentlal tinmlnnMnn. If the La
Follette supporters succeeded in pre
venting the convention from indorsing
President Taft they will be satisfied
' If the president Is indorsed they prob
L1 1 1 . a ..... - i I . I -1
aui win lose nine ume in urgauizius
a La Follette league and beginning the
.. fight in earnest.
Victor Rosewater, the Omaha editor,
Is leading the fight for Taft, while Gov
ernor Aldrich is an avowed supporter
of La Follette. A successor to United
States Senator Norrls Brown Is to be
chosen before long and this tends to
still further complicate the situation In
the republican party. Congressman
N. K. West, owner of the N. K. West
store, returned this morning from
Portland where he was called by the
sudden death of his brother, Tad S
West. His brother who was 43 years
of age, died at St. Vincent's hospital
Saturday njght, following an opera
tion for appendicitis. He was taken to
the hospital last Monday, but ills con
dition wag so serious that the opera-
tlon was delayed several days. He did
not rally from the shock, v The de
ceased was a son of N. K. west, or.,
the pioneer merchant of Portland,
whose death occurred some' years ago.
He wag unmarried and is survived by
a -brother,. N. K. West, of this city.
bill Is a plain statute that requires no
action by the president to carry it into
Senator Nelson (republican, Minne
sota), ha8 said It is "utterly outside
the scope of the reciprocity agree
The opinion of Sf"" jr Cummins
(republican. Iowa) ,hus expressed
"The difficulty of the present arrange
ment Is as the senator from Minneso
ta has said. For some reason or other
the house has segregated section two
from the remainder of the bill and It
Is doubtful whethe lit will be- controll
ed br the nrovlsos and the conditions
of, the nrevious Dart of the bill . Hit
Is not so controlled then It is not re
clprocal, and we would be In danger
of the favored national clause
in innintll .If-fAPI T1 til A United
x . J v.. l tl cz , m r n r fiAn nnr All Ain n A uvea An r m a 1 vn nni. ruij
t iMimva, juiy """" .u.u... latata. hm noint outhv bv some
England and Germany, ' with France relief to war risks to . obtain after ' B6nalora . It Canada should: some day
ana bpam unea on euner Biae ig iou, i Auguat 15th The rorelgn offlce ad. r , the Canadian bill, 'the United
States law would remain In force un
til congress could take action
Overland in Automobile.
George Small and his son Fred, of
the- Baker Morning , Democrat, are
guestg' in the city today with County
Judge and Mrs. J. C. Henry. They
They have been
probably more Imminent than aa . , . I
. . milieu luusjr n citievis uciuiouj iw
been for many years. The financiers
think Germany is in earnest concern- an natlon ch; ;
ing the war, the result of the recent j " - m Cmv C.t. . ,
speech of Chancellor Lloyd George in, Berlin. July 25. An official denial
which he said England favors peace ( of the report that 400,000 reserves Ead
but not at a cost ot sacrificing the au- been called out was issued by tne uer
premacy obtained by the efforts of man war offlce today. Only l6o men
hundreds of yeass. . are affected by the . order. These
This is taken as a warning to Ger- were summoned for the regular an
many to keep out ot the Moroccan sit- ' nual manoeuvera it is asserted. The
uatlon and leave France alone In the foreign efflce intimates the report was
handling of It. Newspapers generally circulated in order to create a sentl-
credlt the general alarm and the stock inent favoring Frances 'Moroccan
are traveling from Hood River to Ba-I enchange- is nervous. The Lloyds will course.
ker In an automobile,
at Seaside. .
It was several, times suggested that
Cioverniut nt Will Snd STraI Carload
Lots to Colon and Wallowa Coun.
11-8 for Experiment Dylnf liipldly
, ly In Se'W Winters of Wyoming
Co-Operation Essential Feature.
, Starving elk in and about Jackson"
Hole, Wyoming, are' to flnd; winter
the bill be amended so that it would net range uu (
automatically repealed In the Tepabottt Union county, following a care
the repeal of the Canadian law C , ful inspection of conditions here as
. be- regards favorable environments for
under the propagation of elk, by D. C. Nolin,
Ottawa parliament but the
lief was that the co- co" .
which it might orT the dlsad- of th biological survey of the Inter
vantage of v --d States were lor department at Washington. Find
beyond the
of possibility.
Stamboul Has Fire. ; .
Constantinople, July 25. With un
known numberg dead and Injured, 20,
0000 are already made homeless Ty a
fire still raging today In Stamboul
quarter. Sixty five hundred homes are
destroyed at a damage of $10,000,000.
It is believed political Incendiaries
s arted the fires. ,
' Xatlonal Hay Association. ,
Nlafiara Falls. N. Y., July 25. The
National Hay association met In an
nual convention here today with a
large attendance of representatives of
the trade In various parts ot the eoun-
ing conditions ideal, Mr. Nolin will
recommend the Importation of about
three carload of Elk to La Grande
from where they will be distributed to
various suitable locations. One car-'
load, or perhaps two, will be sent to
the district back of Mt. Emily and east
of the brakes of Meacham creek
where tontlltlons are very favorable,
try. The business ot tne convention
will last over tomorrow and Thursday, both for winter and summer ranges.
The elk can thrive where two feet ot
Saskatchewan Premier Visited Xortli. snow covers, the- grass, and In the
Tendon. Julv 25. The Hon. Walter territory where these elk are. to ne
Scott, premier of Saskatchewan, who placed there is seldom tnat mucn. m
Belief In Westers Oregon Teday-
The Eastern Put Warm, Too.
Olympia, July 25, J. H. Wilson, sec- arrested. Peterson proved an alibi,
tlon. -foreman on thJiortliein. JEacificlKUaon as;rrested four days ago, af:
ier nis wue nau ioia me ponce uo
his person the
at Rainier July 9, according to Sheriff , . h . . ja t km d th,a
at Rainier, Washington, today confes- i
sed that he killed Archie Coble and washed blood from
Mrs. Coble as they slept in their home ' morning after the murder.
came over for the. coronation, return
ed to London today after a trip to
Spltzbergen and the far north.
Gaston. Following the discovery ofi
the crime,' Wilson furnished informs-,
Uion upon which Swan Peterson was grievance
was his only explanation. He had no
Portland, July 25. 'Following yea
terday's torrid spell, the hottest for
years In Western Oregon,, It Is decid
edly cooler' In Western Oregon ' and
Washington today. ' It Is -expected to
drop 15 degrees lower. East of the
Cascades, the weather bureau aays the
hot wave will -continue . today with
relief tomorrow. Though the tempera
ture yesterday was 99 in Portland,
100 at Roseburg and Walla , Walla,
and 102 In Oregon City, there were
no deaths but several prostrations
occurred. ,,
With but little breez yesterday at
ternoon and even the little amount of
Norrls, one of the foremost insurgent moving air heated by forest fires south
leaders In congress, is an aspirant for j
the senatorshlp and his friends will not
tand for any action on the part of the
covention that might militate against
his interests. ' '.
As Governor Aldrich . has been ap
proached by Victor Rosewater with a
view to bringing out the governor as a
candidate for senator, the Aldrich and
Rosewater interests are to some extent
In sympathy. At the same time, how
ever, Rosewater Is an ardent supporter
of Taft. while Aldrich leans toward La
Follette. , Senator Brown, no longer
beloved of Rosewater, Is supporting
Taft, thus opposing Aldrich. 'whose sup
port he would like In the -senatorial
fight. , . '. .
While the republicans are thus bad
ly mixed up, the democrats, on the
other hand, appear to be working In
more perfect harmdhy than for a num
ber of years past. For the first time
In more than a decade they are ap
proaching a campaign with a thorough
organization behind them. Mr. Bryan
seems to have been eiiminated, or to
have eliminated himself, from Nebras
. a politics. He has refrained from
and west of the cltyt La Grande exper
ienced an exceptionally disagreeable
warm day and evening yesterday. The
mercury ; In the government lnstru
ment read by W. A. Worstell read 96
decrees, several points under what
ha8 been attained here this year.
Iowa Firemen's Tournament.
Des Moines, la., July 25. The Iowa
State Firemen's association opened its
33rd annual tournament in the; capital
today. 'Tire meeting will continue un
til Friday .night. Delegations of fire
fighters from all corners of the state,
many of them accompanied by bands,
are here to content In the many eventj
which make up, the program,
JTeeting of Lumber Manufacturers. "
Wausau, Wis., July 25. Wages, in
surance rates, uniform accounting, the
new workmen's compensation law and
the general outlook In the lumber
trade were among the subj cts discus
sed at the summer meeting of the
Northern Hemlock and Hardwood
Manufacturers' association which met
here today.
New York, July 25. That a $10,000,
000 National City company to be oper
ated by the directions ot the; National
City bank, was organized to nullify the
supreme-court' bust decision In the
Standard il and American Tobacco
cases is reported today on Wall street.
It is ascertained the new company will
be a holding company for both trusts.
The trusts, it is reported, will be split
Into their integral concerns, confirm
ing the decision and then the National
will control them Indirectly.
The stock of the bank and the Na
tional company will be interlocked so
the owners of stock In both concerns
must sell both stocks or none at all.
When the reorganization plan ot the
oil and tobacco trusts is announced it
is believed all stocks of the compan
ies composing the two trusts be turn
ed back to their original owners with
a similar : interlocking clause which
will effectually prevent the sale of
any single stock but will allow the
sale ot all or none, This will hold
the trusts virtually Intact.
pin ii
the summer time they can WorK v s
wards Mt. Emily and find good range.
They will," of course, be placed on th
government reserve. ' ; - " "''
A greater per cent ot the shipment
to Oregon from Wyoming will go to
the experiment range 'lnl-,wanowa
county where "conditions ars also "I
tremely favorable'to the- propagation
of ik! : '. . ' ::"':
Co-OperatioB Essential ( x
While Mr. Nolin, in a trip6Ver thfl '
government ranges with - Forest
Ranger Thomas and J. D. McKennon
HENBT FISHEKi PIONEEB WAOOX of this cty, found condltiona ldeil, b AD. ; lafflrms that co-operation between the
residents of Eastern Oregon and th
TwentySU.Iears of Usefal Life government Is very essential Wlth-
a A. w - li J' V ' V ' I !L.-v... ' - - . ... t... ' .
ofvof m m . out nroteouon by every loan ana ooy ;
from' a sense ot duty rather1 than fear
Oiy of the stamch pioneer .citizens l 0f th law, the elk will never thrive
of La Grand was buried today when anywhere. The' propagation of this -the
remains of Henry Fisher, wagon animal Is slow at the best and unless
painter, who died yesterday afternoon conditions are very favorable tnsre
following a gsneral physical break- wm D9 DUt little Increase even under
down and an attack, ot paralysis,' were tnfr best of natural conditions,
laid away with services at the- Henry Mr. Nollne Is especially well versed
k Carr undertaking parlors. Mr. tne habit of elk and known to a
Fisher was In La Grande for about J all Just what Is wanted and how to
26 years and at the time of his death get the best result.
was a little over 71 years of age. He
came here from The Dalles.
Mr. Fisher Is survived by his wife,
four children, namely Gussle Fisher,
Mrs. J. J. Harlan, Harley Fisher and
Julius Fisher, and two step-children,
! William Rush and Edith Rush, all ot
La Grande. .
He was taken 111 a few days ago and
sank rapidly.
-Washington, July 25 Just when the at not more than four cents a pound.
Canadian reciprocity agreement will Senator Reed Smoot (Republican, of
become operative, now' that it has Utah, one of the highest authorities on.
been finally ratified into' law by con- the tariff In the senate!, today asserted
gress and President Taft, was a ques- that the first section of the bill could
tlon upon which there was a division not take effect until it had been pass
of opinion among authorities here to- ed by the Canadian parliament,
day. ' ' .-, "A to seotlon 2." he Bald, "there Is
As agreed to, the measure contains a strong opinion among -senators that
two sections. The first sets forth the it will take effect on the passage of the
full dutiable and free list articles to bill by 'congress, even If Canada, at
be sent under the terms of the bill that time, has taken no action on the
from this country to Canada, and the reciprocity measure.'
dutiable and free lists of articles sent - In the first section of the agreement
form the Dominion to the United is a provision setting forth that the?
States. ; V . . dutiable and free lists of articles from
The second section provides . for Canada "shall take effect whenever
free ntry Into the United States from the president of the United States
Canadian - provinces that do not en- shall have satisfactory evidence and
force any export tax or other restrlc- shall ' make proclamation" that the
ttons. on shipments to the , United dulable and free lists of the Untied
Stat,, of wood pulp, newsprint and States goods sent to Canada are rec-
other paper and paper board manufac- ognlzed by th Dominion
turd mainly of wood pulp and valued - ' Section
... - - . - i .:, -
Dying by Hundreds. . v
In the famous elk district of Wyo
mlng, the elk are dying with startltng
inroads on the herds and unless some
thing is done at once the specie will
disappear soon. , ' :'
" Come Next Winter.
The elk will be sent here next win
ter for the' government employes can-'
not catch them unless they come to
the ranches during the extreme snow
and cold. ' In their fatigued condition,
their capture is an easy matter. They
are hauled about 90 miles to the;
nearest station and there loaded and
shipped away. ''
Much interest has been attached .
to the) proposed shipment and local
Said Family Affair Drives Woman to
Attempt Sniclde Yesterday.
Mrs. Charles Johnson, now a resi
dent of South La Grande, her old home
prior to moving to Portland with ber
husband, is suffering today from the members of tte Elk8 lodK0 wiU become ;
effects or an auegeo. attempt o a rara,Uee of the whole to spread
ner sorrows witn morpnme. it i .. m ntant.nn aA,annn .mo, tha
ranks of those who do not have the
protection of the wild elk at heart.
Belgian Qneen Congratulated.
her husband left her in Portland and
that she has been growing despond
ent over the . family troubles. The
poison failed to do its work and she
is reported to be on the road to recov
er tndftv.
Brussels, July 25. Queen Ellzabetn
Few Oregon Fires. , I who has but recently recovered from
Portland, July 25. Save for the la very serious illness, received worim
Mill river forest fire near Albany, Ore
gon, sensational reports of destructive
forest fires are without firm founda
tion, today's Investigations indlcato.
At Estacada, Ore., 200 men are guard
ing a large fire which is clearing up
two of the United States an old burn. v , i
wide congratulations today on the 34th.
anniversary ot her birth. Before her
marriage ten years ago her majesty
was a princess of Bavaria. She Is the
mother of two sons nnd a daughter,
her eldest boy. the heir to the throne,
being now in his tenth year, '