LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. MONDAY, JULY 2 i, 1911. PAGE 3 If "0 MTEB To. v:ork on fie lOSWlEVJafer System ; i I'ages $2.50 per day Confracfor LOS TINE Oregon n ...... EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot D. C. Brichoux.ProD. Right in your busiest season whan yon have the least time to spar you are most likely to take diarrhoea and lose several Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appear mice of the disease. For sale by all-dealers. days' time, unless you have Chamberlain's Mill lililiG 1 ,1'iiPin nnriTroTi UIND UUUILG1 j' ccv.ris A;o""o:..fi3:' the LA GRAXDE BATS OCT YICTORY .'. AT LAST HIXCTE ? "Bill Bohnenkamp Break Into Faster Company in Good Shape. ; . Let your next corset be a Gossard. Hate It fit to yonr form. . ' '. All. the style, comfort atnd beaHty of the Iaeelnfront Cos .sard will mean nothing; to yon nntfl yon try on one of these snperme corsets.. ; . A single 'try-on will prove to you why they ezceL : A complete lino of Gossard corsets, bust confiners and pads, always 9a hand. ?;- f Prices of corsets $3.50, $5.00, $6.00 and $8.60. ::; Mrs. Robert Pattison Cors-cre. - lhni Work 1431, Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk Landing on Stone for clustered hits in the last of the ninth when, by a whirlwind finish Baker had made the scorebook read 8 to 5 In her favor, La Grande poled out a ninth-inning vic tory against Baker yesterday alter noon in an exhibition game, final score 9 to 8. The game was a seesaw affair the victory pendulum swaying with frequent rapidity. Stone and Mclnnis were both landed on hard, but errors also contributed to the scoring busi ness though there was only one costly boot by La Grande. There are innay fans who like to see a slam bang game lots of hits, some errors and plenty of pinch conditions. Well, the few fans out yesterday saw ell this and harrnr rtmt away admitting that ,lt was a pretty fair game S3 far as excitement goes. ' . "Bill" Bohnenkamp broke into fast company yesterday for the first tln.e and satisfied the fans with his show ing. He pulled down a Texas leagur that looked like a safe bingle and threw the baserunner out at first bfa- fore he could return, mixing with a double play first crack. Jackson's pegging and A. Hpgo boom's grab of a sizzling grass burner were the features of the visitors' per formance. , 7 . The Lineup. ' La Grande Coffee," ss; McDonald, 3b; Owens, c; Proe, cf; Elwell, lb; Bradley, 2b; ' Stoddard, rf; Bohnen kamp, rf; Mclnnis, p; Pidcock utility. Baker A. Hogoboora, ss; Kid well, 2b; Jackson, c; Stone, p.; Oswell, cf; O. Hogoboom, 3b; Cooper, lb; Laurence-Goodman, rf; Tbebbedo, If. ' . . . f' SCORE BY INNINGS. v Runs 0 0'1 3 0 0 1 0 49 Hits 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 0 3 J ' BAKER .; ' ' " Runs ......... 0 1'2 0 0 1 6 0 4 8 Hits ... '.. 1 2 4 0 1 2 1 1 315 : SUMMARY. Struck out By Mclnnis, 6; by Stone, 8; two base hits; Coffee, Theb bedo, O. Hogoboom, Proe, McDonald, double plays: Bradley to Coffwe to El well; Bohnenkamp to' Elwell. Bases on balls: off Mclnnis 2, of Stone 3. Total error, La Grande 4; Baker 10. Umpire, Kooser. . Odd Superstitions That Darken Dressmaker's Shop. "Women who wear One dresses are as superstitious as the girls who make 1 therm" said a dressmaker. -If tho lit tle accidents that happen In the work ! room were not . mercifully concealed from tho owners of rich gown they would be sick with apprehension, half the time. I had one customer who re fused to accept very expensive dress because a girl who assisted with the fitting dropped a pair of scissors, which fell point down and stuck In the floor. That meant an order Tor mourning within six months. The cus tomer hoped that by refusing the hoo doo dress she could avert the calamity. but the. precaution was useless. In less than three months her father was dead. .- . -Girls are especially particular in their work on wedding dresses, for if a tiny drop of blood from a pricked finger should fall on the gown the bride would surely die before the end of the year. Then , there is green thread. Whether the customer is there to see it or not. no dressmaker will keep green thread near' spool of on other color. Green thread used for basrlng means i he return of a dress for alterations, and there la enough trouble of that kind In u dressmaking establishment without deliberately bid ding for it ... -j -i ;., i ' ' "Women who are themselves super stitlous are never surprised or offend avenue. (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said Improvement is as follows: ' East half of blocks 7. 8 and 9 and west half of blocks 14, IS and IS, all In Grandy's addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon. ' - Notice la hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess-1 ment on all the property affected and ' benefitted by such improvement for! the purpose of paying tor such im-' provement. That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the sum of 2,- 1415 X avenue, between CieawortJ and Fir streets. ; -7-20-2t WANTED Girl for general housework Inquire 1616 Fourth street, or phono Main 69. 7-21-tt READ for PROF Ml Ml m smwuu. "nnw nmrrnr.i The girls tumble their hair about on purpose when working on a large or der, for it Is a sacred belief, among dressmakers that a hair Inadvertently worked into the garment shows that more work. Is coming soon from the. same customer." New York Bun. . . - U for Result FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS They work directly on the KIDNEY3, . BLADDER and URINARY PASSAGES, ; and their beneficial effect Is felt from the tart. FYir RATtr ACMTT V friMTTV .n l 197.60 That the couneir will, on the CLADDERTROUBLE.RH2UMATISM second day of August. 1911. meet at CONGESTION of the KIDNEYS. IN the council chamber at the hour of 8LAMMATI0Nof tha BLADDER and o'clock p. m., to consider said stl- 0vWtirimarvtj?p.ttt atttw mated cost, and the levy of said as- they exercise a permanent benePt. sesssment. when a hearing will be tonic in action ouick in result granted to any person feeling aggrlev- ed by such assessment. ' ........ :-.:.-T7;- '"a La Grande, Oregon, July 21st, 1911i CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, OREGON. By C. M. HUMPHREYS, 4 Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. 7-21-Bt : - m$ OOOOOOCOOCO 5 POUND TIN TOPS CAR LOAD RECEIVED ') at the George Pamer Lumber Co. Retail Dept. Phone, Main 8 one Sac rincea One sunny disposition One sound constitution One clear complexion THE ALTAPu WAS AN ANCIENT COOK STOVE. The Time July and August The rest of the family who called her mother saw what was going on when it was too late. " ' MORAL: Don't permit any woman you care for to noolr on anvthinsr but an Electric Range especially during the torrid days of July and August. An elec tric range Will ao away Wlin me aruugery i uiuiuiiiijj fuel and ashes, and will insure a COOL KITCHEN. Eastern Oregor light & Power Co. AtwsrfaKdMW'Sh SyiOrsfct A GRANITE BOMB. Jack Frost Hurled It Down Into the Yesemite Valley.' . , Delicate frost triicmiis on the wId dow panes iwin to be the work of fan ciful und hnrniless c imniveuess. but the band th.ii fnniis them Is capable of greater dovds and nt other kinds. Mr. J. Smeutou Clias-. In "Ynxt-mlt Trails." describes it u experience that must bstve been wonderfully Impres sive to the spectator, lie hud been spending some weeks In es)loring the' Yosetulte vitile.v mid ilie "jireut .rocks. llke El Caiiitiin. tlmt. wall it In. Standing one day of late uutumn about the middle of the valley. I wns startled by u report like a cannon shot, which filled the . whole valley with echoes that roared and boomed, re plied and multiplied, in a long contin ued, glorious tumult. As the deafening sound died away In sullen mutterlngs under the vizor of El Capltan I was able to distinguish the point of attack by the long, clat tering descent of a vast quantity of rock. . ' . . . The night bad been a cotd one In the valley, and on the seven to eight thou sand foot levels of the upper rim the temperature must have dropped al most to sero. " Frost, working quietly with his Archimedean lever, bad just succeed ed in shifting from the shoulder of the sentinel a trifle of fifty tons or so of granite. For near a thousand feet the bowlder fell sheer, swift and si lent; then, striking the cliff. It burst like a bomb, shattered Into a myriad flying shards and splinters and dis lodged a smother of fragments tbnt trickled down to the valley In a stream that lasted for minutes. Then from the spot where the bowl der bad struck dust began to rise Into the sunny air. slowly building up and burgeoning like a summer cloud and every whit as snowy. It was the flour of granite, powdered Instantaneously by the terrific shock.. WHY HESITATE? -; -S'J'.- , j".' An Offer That Involves No Riak Per .Those Who Aoospt It We are so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation, no matter how chronic It may be, that we offer to furnish It free of all cost if It falls. ; -. Constipation is caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the large Intestines or descending colon. To ex pect a cure you must therefore tone up and strengthen those organs and restore them to healthier activity. Wo want you to try Rexall Orderlies on our guuruntee.'They are eaten like candy, and are particularly ideal for children. . They act directly on the nerves and muscles of the bowels. They have a neutral action on. the otb er organs or glunds. They do not purgo or cause any Inconvenience whatever. They will positively overcome chronic or habitual constipation and the myr iads of associate or dependent chronic ailments. Try ltexall Orderlies at our risk. Two sizes, 10c. and 25c. Sold only at our More-The Rexall Stora Hill's drug store. 'otlce to Contractors. ' Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the coun city of the city of La Grande, Oregon until eight (8) o'clock p. m., August the second, 1911, for the construction of four hundred lineal feet (400, ap proximately of board side walk five (5) feet In width to be built on the south side of S avenue In the city of La Grande, and according to the p!ans and specifications on file In this office Certified check of five (5) per cent to accompany all proposals. " By order of the county July 19th mi.. ' ' . C. M. HUMPHREYS. . - City Recorder. 7-24-Et iCassfedl mdvertismgTW pO$G0 0 0 FURNISHED" ROOMS-Modern. " Tel ephone red 1571, 2002 Adam and Oak. .M4-11U O'CONNELL'S Cigar Store I'ool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobae. co and Soft Drinks best and most .complete line of cigars In the city. :r j.; Observer's Coast League base ball scores every day there's a game, Corner Depot and Jefferson St FOR SALE 200 White . Leghorn sin gle comb pullets. Hatched In March and April. Inquire : A. J. Bishop, 2805 North Fir street. 7-19-22-24 FRO RENT Six modern rooms. Tele phone Main 89. FOR SALE Timber claim near rail road. .' ddress Ob:c-rver. 7-1 to S-5 FOR SALE Dry chain wood in any quantity. $1.60 per cord at the Per ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber company Pe.rry, Ore. ; C-15-tfY . fir W A. t f A u tii 4 ia. L Grand ,.v et,v. . i 9. and. 13 year? old to Jo:n the Boys' Savers', club. Call at the laundry and I will tell you all about it A. B. Chrery, mgr. Cherry's New Laundry. - , FOR SALE Furniture complete for five rooms. Also canned fruit, will sell all or any pari of It. Inquire .'.'Needs A Granulated Bone, Oyster Shell, Charcoal, . in order to do their best. "We can supply you. J'.;.''. Waters-Stanchf.std U2G JEFFEESOy iYKXCE Phone Red 971 next door Observer office. to F aints as they pint in cities and makes' reason able charges. Consult him about your work. NOTICE OF STREET iinTROVEMENI TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore gon, on the 27th day of October, 1909 creating improvement district No. 8, and designating Second street as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu tion adopted by said common council on the fifth day of July, 1911, whereby said council determined and declared Its intention to improve all that por tion of Second street. In said improve ment district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon cement sidewalk and constructing curb on each side of the street, the council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such Improvement, order that said above described improvement be made; that the boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as fol lows: '.' ' : ' All that portion of Second stre3t I from the south curb line of Jefferson j avenue to the north curb line of Main GRANDE RON Uses only Refrigerator -Counters and they show our cut meats in a most sanitary and appetizing way TWO MARKETS BOTH PHONES Bradley & Go. " Sanitary Plumbing. ' 1 ; J ... ',' V - . .... ... 'li'.l.' Z; 'l "r-r-;'n: ,:) , ,, , a REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. phoxesi snop-BLACK 871. NEXT DOOR' TO RESIDENCE BLACK 1183. CITY HALL j