La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 24, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    PAGE 2
Directory of the Fraternal Orders
of La Grande, Oregon
Mlli MI'I .'.9m
UUU.U.'itilUL C
ua C
i. f. ft A- It. L ""' fa I EBEKAHS mrstal Lodjre No. S
41, j y. ft a. M- -"au meet- meeii every Tuesday evening la th
tan Ant aad ius Sit ar day at LO.O, F. hall. All visiting mem
7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all ; bers are Invito to attend.
B- P, 0. E. La Grande Lodge No. 433 KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Rod Cross J
meets' escb Thursday evening at t Lodge No. 27 mesa every MooAsj j
o'clock In Llk's club, corner of De- night la Caatla hall, (old Elk's halL)
pot street and Washington avenue. A Pythian welcome to all rlaltla
Visiting brothers ara crcdlally to- Knight.
Tlted to attend. JESS PAUL, C C.
H. J. BITTER. Ex. Rai. B- L. LINCOLN. M. of R. ft a
l H. E. COO LI DOS. Rec. See. ' '.
-WOODMEN OF THE WORLD La 0 R g.Hop chapter Ka 11 a I
Grande Lodge No. 168 W O. W 61 stated cotcmnnicatkms th
meet every aecond and fourth Sat- ,econd gai fourth Wednesdaya of
urdays at K. P. baTL AS visiting month. Visiting members cor
ineber welcome, dlaliy Invited.
JL W. AvLa Grande Camp No. 770 J . -
. masts every Monday la the month at
" tmm i. Z. C r. tz!!. " 'ttaa WOMEN OF , WOODCBAFT--nui-
aalghbora are cordially taTlteU to ' Rond Circle no. i .
gttend. : first ano rolrd Thursday eve..:--
; E. E. DANIELS. to the mo. -,t 15 L 0. 0
' ED. HEATH. Clerk. AH Ttoltlng u.ber are
,wj.--jiMiJw-..u L-L - --TTT
Life .board Thsre Var Craft Is
rertila and Osgreeabl work. The
only appliance for thia purpose la a
small electric nearer. Thla la Jnst
bout tig enough to beat water to
make a rap of coffee and nothing else
The rrew hare their food cooked
aboard the tender. -..v
Tbe submarine ta bo lit 00 the prin
dple of economizing space In every
Yen May Get a Cup Almost Any Plao
Except In Java.
It eeema strange that In tbe far east
where tea and coffee come from. It tc
and Main are-
Notice la hereby further given that
the council wUl ery a special assess
ment on all the ptoptrty affected and
JOTICE OF 8TBXET I3PE0YEXE5T I Oregon. Also tract of land on Fourth
'a. " street situated la SE corner of sec
TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: No-j. TLR. 38, E. W. M,' laying bc-
tJct la hereby given that in ponnanc
Oj a resolution adopted by the common
council of the city pf La Grande, Ore
gon, en the first day of December, 1909.
"creating Improvement district o.
and designating Fourth street as inch
dletrict, and in pursuance of a resolu
tion adopted by said common council
on the fifth day of July. 1911. whereby
said council determined and declared
its Intention to Improve all that por
tion of Fourth street, in said Improve
ment district as hereinafter described.
by laying thereon cement sidewalks,
on each fide of street, tne council will, ;
ten days after the service of this no
tice upon the owner of the property
affected and benefitted by such Im
provement, order that said above de
scribed Improvement be made; that the
boundaries of said district to be so Im
proved are as follows:
an that nortlon of Fourth street.!
fmm thm uniit h mrb line of Jefferson .Oregon
. .v v ...k t.. r 7-21-10t
BTCUUr, MJ 1UB UUMU lain "us v "
. avenue,
(A) And tbe property affected or
- benefitted by said improvement is as
East half of blocks 1, 2. and 3.
Grandy's addiion and weet half of
block 58, 59. 0. 97, 103. 104, 105 and
115 and east half of blocks 75, 74 and
7.' Chaplin's addition to La. Grand.
Svtween Chok'ng For Air r.d SaCo
catinj From Fumti of Gasoline
the Agonjr Is Excruciating Asaed
Terrers When Caught In Storm.
Submarine boats have been develop
ed to the point where tbey can cover
a their own power a radios of 800
mile to t-ffrrtlve fighting trim. In
storm and mini the sobmarlnea arc
capable of navigating tbe aeas with
credit to tbeir InwDtor and construc
tors. ; With a Ceet of these vessels sta
tioned In tbe vicinity of any of our
large coast cities it won id be difficult
for battleships 10 gel wit bin effective
striking distance. ' ; ;
Tbe first impression rewired on de
scending Into tbt bold f a ubmarine
are tbuur of di-ornfirt and uHn
tJOn. " T1m n-cimoiclalin for a rrrw
of tblrtrt-n wvnt alH-ut rsln tit naif a
dozen. ' Jd 1 is mi rUt-v initimity
to wblrriui: marb'-nrry. !. to mijoy
tbe mttailn
On SSI I0 arr r..m Iri Z'.
derk-e ami nia-Umrry to ojirrsitr ihe
crafl and t It- trti'.. a tnm hrll
of ittcel wiwrair. 1 ii.- vli't frtu tn
torpeU1! "I'd ouisia- watrr to o
Close tbat one rau almost tvri it
Wben under way on the surface the
submarine Dams and trrmbie. The
fumes of gasoline are almost suffocat
tsg. There Is no escaping from them.
Soma of the men contract wbat ta call
ed "gasoline bean." If under water
too lonf the fames make one sick and
diary, 'j.i ;V;U "tJ - !:' i
A novice cannot remain In a sub-
very difficult for tbe traveler In nearly
all places ia India, the Straits Settle-
thing. There la no room for anything jmenta and elsewhere in tbe orient to
procure a enp or reauy gooa tea or
coffee. This, says Sir Frederic S
Isham. the novelist, although seem
ingly paradoxical, la only on a par with
conditions In so many of our little
American hamlets and villages where
good butter, rich cream and good
chickens for the residents are practi
cally nonobtainable, all of them having
been "sent to town."
Is Calcutta 1 beard an American In
the beat hotel there say to the waiter:
"It, thia." Indicating the contents of
a enp before him, "Is tea. bring ma
coffee If It Is coffee, bring me tea."
And the waiter (an Eurasian), who
bad no sense of humor, took sway tbe
drink and phlegmatically brought some
thing else equally bad. no doubt
So after India. Burma and the Malay
peninsula w waited with bated breath
for the coffee of Java. "Java coffee!"
Tbe excellence of it was a childhood
tradition. Tbe coffee "mother used to,
make" was compounded of real Java.
In Java surely we aLould find a nectar
of tbe gods. What did we discovert
An extract of coffee served to little
casters! It would bar made ths gods
" tmHw Waalon ffimat
Don't go to Java for real Java cot-
fee. Ton may find It In TpsllantL
MlctL. or Parts, O, but yon won't un
earth It In Java not for money.
expt tbe actual necessities. Every
Inch of space is given over to ma
chinery. This ia everywhere compact
and efficient, bat multiplied so often
that one wonders wbat It is all for.
There is machinery for running the
boat, for guiding It under water, for
controlling It wben It dives, for com
pressing the air tanks, for operating
the torpedoes and even for regulating
the power of vision above and below
water. .
Wben caught la a storm to a sob
marine life la really not worth living
It consists of a series of Intenae strug
gles to prevent death by being batter
ed against steel walls or to keep from
becoming Involved in whirring wheels
snd dynamos. If yon survive tbe or
deal yon conclude that it Is not neces
sary to wait for war to find bade. II
Is with yon an the tlme-Harper's
Weekly.1 - - - . . -.. .-;
The Human Sid of New York's Groat
Financial Quarter.
Tc '.-Z Z? ""'" mn from without
opoa Wall street it seem a place or
deep and dangerooa mystery, a region
of dens sod raves snd labyrinths full
of perils which threaten lose and per
haps ruin to him who enters there.
And such to too many Instances It nas
proved to be. But nevertheless there
s a decided human side to Wall
street It is pernap tbe moat "two
faced" street in tbe world. Here men
wbo occupy tbe highest pinnacle or
financial snccess snd wbo are power
ful kings, in fact daily brush elbows
with office bora and bank messengers.
get-ricb-qulck" highwaymen, silly and
marine ' under water for any great I pretty girt stenographers, curb brokers
uvutruiit;u w fir uu.v!-..-. ... - . . - .
.... 'wngth of time wltbout suffering ex- and corn mercnanis ana sonrp tongueo
purpose of paying for such Improve- j, tortTire i toe. however, and ready willed newsies"-w1th all
raent. That the estimated cost of such j on gets used to It, and a trip may be tbe motley tide that Bows Into "the
im..M f t ' one of enjoyment street" eacb morning and ebbs back
A Hoipital NwrWa Hinds.
As an example of trademarka have
yon ever noticed the hands of the hos
pital nurse? The soft white hand
which In fiction ia occupied to cooling
fevered brows does not exist and could
not It is a skilled band, but its work
makes it rough and chapped. Try
bathing your banda in disinfectants,
twenty times a day and yon will find
that look after them aa you may, they
will soon be seamed with cracks,
which an east wind often turns to
bleeding cuts. And as tbey are work
ed bard for some twelve or thirteen
hours a day the nurse take a some
what larger slzo in gloves than most
women.: If yon ever see tie photo
graph of a hospital nurse yon may ob
serve that abe prefers to keep those
hands behind her back. London Chron
icle. ., .
Longest Family Tree. . , .
Tbe biggest family tree In the world
Is believed to be the one which traces
the genealogy of Queen Elizabeth back
to King David and thenco to Adam.
or at least as near to Adam as one
could get Ifbe. coat of arms ia given
to almost every case, with fail par
tlcnlara of the dates of births and
deaths. 1 Tbe labor of providing coat
af arms Is abandoned before Metbuae
tab's time, but tbe chart measure
forty-five feet and certainly does taki
one through a maxe or uowiity
That the council will, on the second
day of August, 1911 meet at the council
chamber at the hour of t o'clock, p. nt,
to consider said estimated cost, and
tbe levy of said assessment, when a
hearing: will be granted to any peron
reeling aggrieved by such assessment.
La Grande, Oregon, July 21st, 1911.
Recorder of the City of La Grande,
supplest Z-i . KnooiA,
a V V..- ..;-, "I V,.t ka.n
tiling for ance -r 0 ;&.!'' vctc const ip
boa snd st-i:: v.i in -n '.tn uicmc
Chamberlain'- ",:; .! n r Tablet
s-id in tiir- t. I . m he u( acl
jrot oettrr n
jir: ,n Lie-
Uptown office Main 720
Residence phone Main 25
Bnt It Is when ths submarine dives
that the moat unpleasant . symptoms
come, Tbero are ten compressed air
tank supplied, and these furnish suf
ficient air to keep the crew alive a
good many hours.
But did you ever live on com pressed
sir? It not It will be a new sensation,
especially If you are fifty feet below
tbe surface of tbe water. There Is a
tingling sensation all over. tbe body,
a pounding of the eardrums and pos
sibly a sense of nausea.
As the air Is automatically regulat
ed from tbe compressed air tanks one
gets his share of the oxygen, but some
times the supply may vary. 'It cer
tainly doe in different -parts of the
ship. One may be choking for lack of
rood air In one part and be exhllarat-
j ed by a too abundant supply to anoth
Sometimes wben tbe engines are
running to charge the batteries the
fumes of tbe gasoline become so strong
that men are rendered unconscious.
They must be taken np on deck then to
get a whiff of fresh air.
For this reason tbe batteries are only
charged wben above tbe water. But
to time of war it might be necessary
to charge tbem while running below.
Then, indeed, the man aboard tbe sub
marine migbt envy the aerial navi
gator flying above the sea with bis
abundance of fresh air to breathe,
t Conklnc nndr water Is a pretty un-
"It Could Not Suit Me Better If It
Had Been Built to Order for Me.
This is a common expression where the Royal Standard Typewriter is used. Court Reporters. Tele
graph operators and expert stenographers in all Hneg of business find In the Royal those ?built-to-or-the'ldeal
writing machine. You will
der" qualities that represent to them
say the same wben you have become
Ihe owner of a
v.. O
Portable, '
Light Rnnnngr,
Standard Keyboard,
Visible Writer,
Heavy Manlfolder,
Right Priced,
0a tbe Jeb.
Royal sales are increasing more rapidly than the sales of any other
Typewriter, because
Royal Typewriter Building - - - New York, N. Y.
; A branch in each principal city
again at nigbt
Wall street may be said to be tbe
most democratic street In the world,
for all its vaat wealth. There Is no
street where a crowd will gather more
quickly than there, even opon the
smallest pretext It may be a street
faker selling some newfangled toy or a
man gilding tbe ball on a Dagppie suu
feet np to tbe air. A suffragette mak
ing a speech wonld transfer practical
ly tbe entire population from a dozen
skyscrapers to toe "standing room
only" In ber Immediate vicinity. Bat
unless one harries be will not get a
good view of tbe fair creature, for
soon she Is tost from view in tangles
of ticker tape tossed to reels from tbe
nearby office windows, a favorite sport
among tbe Brokerage noose rierk.
This sort ot tblng nsoally takes place
during tbe noon hour, and at that
time all work Is suspended at the Orst
sound of a band in tbe distance.
Everybody flies to tbe curb. Business
can wait n this busiest of atreets for
most anything before 2 o'clock, wben
tbe chimes of Trinity sound tbe after
noon session and "tbe street" settles
down to It terious business ot mar
tog flnanrlal olstory.
Sm-n ta the everyday outside" lit
tle cn6ed street, "with the nrer at
one end and a cemetery at tbe other,
which has seut w tires upon scores to
one or the otber-tbe street witn
destiny. Strand Magazine,
Ghosts Without Heads.
Speaking of ghosts, the London
Chronicle snys that -headless coaches"
are fairly numerous in England. Tbe
most famous la the one that drives
once a year, on the anniversary of
Anne roleyn s execution, up tne ave-;
nue at Bllckllnc. ber Norfolk home, i
Tbe coachninn and the four horses j
have not a bead between them, and
Xnnn'a own Is not anno ber shoulders.
but she bolds It In her lap as she sits
to tbe coach all in white. At the nau
door the whole apparition vanishes.
Anne's father. Sir Thomna. also rides
to s coach drawn by headless horses
once a year, and bis ride Is much more
exciting than bis daughter's. He baa
to cross forty county bridges Muring
tbe nigbt and a company of yelling de
mons pursues the coacb to keep tbe
horses going. But how do the horses
bear the noise if they have no earsT
. .. , t
. A Shadow Fifty Miles tons.
Tbe peak of Tenerife projects a huge
shadow stretching upward of fifty
miles acrosH tbe deep and partly ecllpn
ing tbe adjoining Islands. Exaggerat
ed shadows of immense size are com
monly seen In many other places. On
tbe llarx mountains tbe so called Spec
ter of the Itrocken throws gigantic
shadows of mountain climbers tnto tbe
sky. repeating every movement made
by tbem. The same occurs on the
summit of I'ambaruarra. In Peru.
On tbe tops of Alpine peaks and on
tbe aummlt of Ben Lomond, in 8-ot
la nil. mists to one cam and raretled
air "in the other explain ibeie optical'
illusions. Tbe same causes produce
also colored .shadows, varying at each
-hour of tbe day and traceable to the
dispersion of tbe iar ray.-8clentinc
Tee Much For Him.
Voltaire could not speak much Eng
lish,. The reason why be refused to
study the language ia this: ' It was
drilled Into him that -plague", was
pronounced "plaig," which be thought
very pretty and acceptable, " But right
on top of it be was introduced to
"ague." which bis teacher said must
be called a-gue." Finding It impos
sible to reconcile the difference, be
went off tnto a philosophical tantrum
and dropped the stody.
A Bit of a Brag.
Lawyer Are you acquainted with
any of the men on the Jury ? Witness
Yes, sir; more than half of them.
Lawyer Are you willing to awear that
you know more than half of tbem I
Witness Say. '1 it comes to that i m
willlng to swear that I know more
than ail of tbem put together. Mil
waukee Journal.
An Afterthought.
tt." ti toii us buxbaud
at breakfast "tbene bl ii:i are pretty
good, but don't you think there onsrtit
to be a little more" -
"Your mother made thi ni." Interrupt
ed the wife quickly.
"of tbem?' er.d;d the bnslusn-1.
With a flab Inspiration.
Man is hi hits st.r. and that soui
that can lie lionem I lb only perfect
man.-Fief ber.
Deserving of Pity.
"There goes Roxbam. Every time I
think of that man's financial embar
rassment It makes me yearn to help
"Financial embarrassment?"
"Yes. He's got so much money he
doesn't know what to do with It"
Catholic Standard and Times.
. .. -t :
The Main Thing.
Political Iender-How does Bump
it and f Henchman-All right, I gness
He itelongs to tbe same political party
is we do Political Lender-Confound
It! Thafs no sign. Is be with us or
gainst os? Puck. i
The Best Family Hair Dressing, Grew,
er and Dandruff Cure eaEarta.
Dear Madam: You are responsible
for the condition of the hair o' your
entire family.
You dont I want your husband ?o
grow bald; you don't want your chil
dren to grow np with scat hair and
scaly scalp. You want lustrous hair
for yourself and every member of
your family.
Then always use Parisian Sage to
your home. It is a delightful refresh
ing hair dressing that kills dandruff
germs, banishes dandruff, stops falling
hair and Itching scalp and puts vigor
and luster into the harr, or money
back. Large bottles 50 cents at th
Newlin drug store and druggists everywhere.
Sprains ion le careful treatment Keep
quiet and app.; Chamberlain's Linimeut
freely. It will' remove the soreness and
quickly restore lie farts to a healthy con
lition. For i bv k!l ileaUra
Cement Contractor & Builder
Get my figures before building your sidewalk. You can
build a cement block house as cheap as frame. 25 years
experience. Phone Main k6
$2.35 Per Crate
Gty Grocery and Bafcery