LA GRANDE EVENING. OBSERVER. FRIDAY, JULY .21, ,1911. ' ' f'"Y I1. v El . B9 ..fl r- ! r nnnmi :--r.i rinfri i n nri if mi T SHOra-afT 111 tLL3 LLfl U ' . f -' - f 11 MM - - - i -' : ' - a I n ?- ?ii r RFLAflOX OF nitn'CH TO SUGAR -t i- .1 '1 : :;. j Je will f.'.I-1 i sons and (toughers, complied with t!ie law. "Arter all, the only problem how is vsith us old members: o( the church. who came up unckr tb obi regime. There Is no problem with th' Veu riser generation.' But onrj- a few o? us are lefDowt nrh about the j t ngesfJnnd I am C3 and soon there will be non Then there will be no problem. "As to us old-timersi while, v? obej , i'ho'.law.Ve shall' never .ci& anj 'Bita maim rortlaml 0'g:on!uu (Jives 'Interesting .SUry Smith, fy ' J Port!rtd...Qi cgouian.) . w t Th Binrir rf fliii L'(nrt!nn hft- tween the' Mormon church -arid the ' sugar trust !wa told lnj Pprland ,3f?p ', terday by Joseph F.' Smith, the vener able and famous president' of the U.tirciOv,:lt!, '?is i'j' -H'ofhio . t'hiltirtVanif onefranchilil, his sec ond .councillor and cbunsin, John Hn j.r(y Smith jflioiv fChai-les Nlbley,; : presiding bishop of the faiih; Seymour U ! D. loung. president of the Seven- .its, tne pnuf'.pai uoig.- or tne .vior- mcn clercy. their wlws and some' of M . their children, a uartv ot 22 in all. ,)as- fsti 'tub 4.i"y.;iiii ;hi eUy; ,.. ' . "The coming of President llavemey- i ;, : of thejsv.gnr trust. i our country,' 5nag!!g3tgasaua'igm gray ..beard ,as; h-3 . talked, In'.nncon- selous emhas . b..i.;"has ; been one -pf tfrs grandest and greatest ? boons .to ptospqrit and 'eucct ss to the ' , people; of; Utah ami Idaho that could -i possibly have happened. It has given employment to the settlers and their ; , families, and to,hq;usaucl5. jnore' who f VittiA eiirtC -ntvtN i 1 .u lioe lMtilf- tin rt vasl' iudusiry, whe3; ndno waS ?fc-e) and it has increased three-row, . the value cfJthe Wnrf. (. 4 j'l'J ?4 '5 i Sugar Price Doesn't Rise. n' ur wives nor oar children. Qnil.i'j proved ai as follows; said council determined ana cxtared OOO (0 its intentiou to improve all that por- tjoa of Fourth street, iu saia lmprovei n;OFi:SIil .U 1!RK' TOUT. rfient district as hereinafter described; J ' . ' ' by laying: thereou cement sidewalks,' -C'O't'O 0 O --O" O ' rti each side of street, tne council will, j rJlYSIQA.N'S AM) Sl-nCC0S. . tea days after the service of this no-1 lice upon the owners .t :c. property j. N.-"MOLlTOK.' M- Ptiye'i .-i-au aft'ected and benefit ad by such 1m- Pureou. Corn-.-r Adams Ave. ats4 provement, order that said above de-r "Depot street. " Ot'.U-e. Main 'S; P.isl scrlbed improvement be made; that the 'A?. :.. ' - '" boundaries of said district to be go in.' TIE CHERRIES SEW POTATOES WAX BEANS . CORN OS COB ;crccaiBERS PEAS WATERPIELOSS CANTALOUPES SUGAR LOAF PIXEAPPLES ORANGES BAXAXAS BLACKCAP BERRIES ' RED RASPBERRIES . ; . BLACKBERRIES . '''CG BlXfl AXD ROYAL AXXE CHER- GREEX OXIOXS ries ' '. : beets ; ; LOGAXBERRIES FOR CAX5IXG f(ZAi PER CRATE. ;l;i..::.L!V:0'-A'V'i:''.t-.'-;; '! .';" '".'"'i. FRESH TOMATOES CAULIFLOWER ' Bakery THE HOME OF GOOD TniXGS TO EAT. PHOXEs Main T5 I Special Excursion Rates of One and A: Third Fare on the 0. wlR,'& NCo! from WaUji Walla,'Pendle ton, La Grande, Baker. City, Huntington and inter mediate points direct to the park. (Be sure to ask for tickets direct to Wallowa Lake Park.) vs r : ; 'And .more:; than, that; . '' !,';.' til ,. . he ; added throwing -back hs broad shoulders. now gomewliat! bent from 73 years of a life most of which was passed In the sturdy Industry of the pioneer farnie. "since Mr.. Havemeyer came to Utah in the early '90s, the prices of chickens of hogs and livestock generally, and of vegetables,' farm products and food stuffs of all kinds have gone up many times, bat the price of, sugar there still remains substantially at the game figure.,- ;'.-'. , .r,'.,'. . .' ' "We hold Mr. Havemeyer, as far as tbe work he has done In our country is concerned, in the greatest respect. ..He looked up squarely in the ye and did as he said he would do. . Never , once did bo, wrung 113 or try t6 wrong us not. once, And for all tiat' we feel very kindly towards his memory. !"I,et i. be understood, hoWve' tliat ihe-Mormon church has never bought stock and does net bold stock in the Sugar trust. Mr, Havemeyer bought a half , interest in the sugar company which the church, by baclcing with Its own credit and taking" stock in pay ment at a time when the. corporation was one the verge of bankruptcy, had saved. ; Later this company built or ac quired control; h& hhifi- si;aa-!nhffe Votr expect 'tis to? " 1 'say It wouP b wicked and -julvumnn ,-end no nia n would do it."- .. ' i-V&rUs l) iiia$aziues that th Mov inon church owns stock In thejUnicn Paclfio railroad and i other "Q-usts,? John Henry Smith declared to be ab sblutely' false. ' , ' Jlenldes Wing'" a ' iiioheer'' bf j Utah. John HonrV Smlth'is -a .pioneer, in t'iy farming and irrigation -ma hods. H is(ono,of t,he founders of tho Xtjtioiu.l Iirigation congress. .the Xatonsl Dry Farming';: conrfss, the Tryns-irissls-' sirfpl congress and the1 National'; Farm lahd cencresg, ' Moats persons 60 not kifow that. irrigation was first attempt ed on a l,arge scale by the Jlormon colony in Utah. . . ' . ;' Grande Romle Estolleil. j ' John Henry ; Smith, and PrwUlent Stntth. jtnn., ;dclar6.. that ' the drando Ronde : valley' hr-. Cregon, .'thfough'i which thry traveled on their, Ray. o Portland, has a wonderful future, and Qwyi dicTatr" Uit;' tltere fep't spot In Oregon, so-called desert cr not. that lrrlgatloji' will not mal.e fertile.' ; . "In the GrandetRo'EdJ.-Val'.e.v.,sald' President' Smith,- "I saw some, of. the finest wheat I have evfr laid eyes on e ibeftt? that The heat 'does! cd' ;'?bem to Injure It that I could see." ' ' . Pr8idnn( 'Sraltlt a'n.ft hi "pBr!ti'left Portland Jast night (hi f.?attle, (icboni- panlejajby Ttesldent'lJtard ci Tprt land. They will visit Victoria Frldair,' and return to Portland Sa'urday, Sun day' President mith will conduct spe cial services at 11:15 a. m, ond 7 P- ni. at the church of the Latter bay faints at East Ten'h and Sherman streets. Th wife of President Smith, who Is accompanying him, la a sister of the wife of S. ; H. Kimball, a Portland contractor and former schoolmate of John Henry Smith. , Mr, Kimball Jives In Gresham. . ... . Wc,;often" run $(J $ 0 liiisliejs to " iit. icrf Jnj 0!tabrjbtj t' wfjeat. jVits All that,- portion... ?r, Fourth stree,,! from the south curb line of .Jefferson r avenue, to the north curb line of ,M i awnueJ '',,'''','' . .. . ' ', t ;' y "(A) And the proparty ' affectml, f,v j benefitted, by said improvor.ient is aa ' follow?. ;. ;;,' : : : , , . East' halt ' of blocks' i, 2." and i, Crandy's addl ion and west ''half of! block-. ?S 59.. ,00,. 07, 103, 104, 105 and! 115 and (sat,ua!f.of blocks 75. 7t and! i", Chaplin's , addition . t- Ia Grand;-, "j Oregon,'. Also tract of; land on -FourtU i street situated in SB corner of ae:. i 6, T 3, S., R. SS.. E. W. M. lai-ing bo Uvten. Pennsjivania and Main ave nues. . -' Notice is hereby further given that the council will levy a special asst-ss-lo :::'!.' on all 'the' property affected and benefitted by such Improvement for tile 1 mvrnos-a; of naylcK foe such , Improve-, menu That th.? estimated cost of sttcu Imni-cvrm-.i)',;., iV;,B-t:; .. of JSoQ.wO, That tha coumit will, on the. second ;-,;. of Aii'ik, pi'j ni at ihei:f.;l climber till? houriif $ o'clbok, iCw., to consid.-VJsaid fsilniated jcos'tj 5p.d (he levy of Said assessment, vv lien a hearing;-wrill g)-diid o ;fin fyeron fettling jgri'ttd jby stiijH 'ajkefsinent. 1 rja'iiAjido.Okon.tiiy ':it )911. I CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE I OREGON. ' ; ' i py C M. HUMPHREYS. ; ; Recorder cf the .'0t,v cf La Grande. Uregon. ' -" ; 7-21-10t ;'' v ',' I J..W. LCUGIi,LIN, Mv D. , . , , j Drs. Richardson & Loughlia, , j ( Pbysicfans and Surgeons, ,. ., Fbois Oifice T.lack 1362; Iud. 353. t Omce tHours 9 to 11; 2 to 5;, 7 to 8. ' Dr.! Rlrhardson'fi lies. V,ati 55; Iqd. '; 312. V 1 ' ;I)r. i.ou'.hifi, i,;s.-;-M.-!u .7:.7j :ii I 1 :?r. ' : r'.".'' "' C VI. C'PTLN-. PL and aijr.-'.f-'.T,.' ; . Kye.' liar) Xt :H ':V .'.' hi La Grn.vie X:,r!-i!-i! Bu Ing: . Phme'sJ c :Nli'n ; Kesi decce Mala S2. '-" 1 DR. 11. t. i:xni21lW00r)PUysician-: . and Surgeon.' Special attention' to ! -diseases and surgery cf the eye: " Phones: ; Office Main 22 ;'.-Res dence Main 72S. Ind.C31. , ' I 01 "The Beauty Spot of the Northwest' -RATES 1 Tent with l Bed 1 Tent vrftH 1 Bed and 1 Cct 1 Tent with two beds .Tent with 1 Bed .1. l;Tent with 13 i Tent with 2 ,.$1.00 Per Day ...$1.50 Per Day -.$1.75 Per Day , .....:....:.......$5.00 Per Week: Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Coi!..u.-.,.I$T,03 Fpr7eck Sed3621I..-...H.....l$7.50 Per'Week f are furnished at th Rentaurantland luncJCounter at reasonable prices. ' $5.50 meal tickets c&rr bo pur chased for $5.00. "Parties desiring to bring .their own camping out- m6wotij, ww.wimwMmmunim mm n wim i immt mmmmmmmmmmmnKmmmtmgmtmmmmmimuwimmmiim v Burros and Saddle Horses " ; for mountain climbing 25c per hour. Special . rates c- by the day. ', '." n'niC 5 vfc.fHuiiys.'and Saturdays and on uanciD'U'.iaccasfonsif desired,';;-; :;;;,f 1 For Further Information Address' the . I : )' WelIowaXake; Amusement Co; $ 3 JOSEPH, ' OkEGON ' ' w-n, .1 T II I, I . , M. mil 0 lull iljt 'TjT'MHi'W"W '".llll M lM ' Mill' III T "I I". tk "plants in IMh, ud Jflaho,? Mr.-f :tr-i- I meyer putting ui);tt;.iy t:ic j.-.caiy. '-, ? church was intercs cd only In so fcr.aa it .iifiii i.stoc)qinut;ouilf : " la th4 '8imiie.5icaJgh:J'3iv-ard lan fcu'ag oif t pljirijcir,,wi!ngir at emyt at embeliiehment Preidtnt Smi.h tho, told the 'interesting -story 'of how the beet .sugar lndustry-j.becams'Eucli ,an. Important factor in -.)& r industrial growth of Utah' and Idaho,-and of . the events that led to the coming-of Ilave meyer,, None njore to: tell these details, ; for. President Smith himself came across the plains 'a Join the Mormon colony in 1S-1S and 1-as been one of the most, prominent I'sures in tbe fostering of th3 Industry, 'I have two wives and President Smith haa five." said ' John Henry Smith. "Dut since the' supreme court held as legal the law prohibiting plur al 'marriages, we and all the members to-lfsa foi-bit'ii any of: He members fo practice poly gamy,' and ministers cf-the church aie forbidden to perform of authorize In any way any such marriage, rhis.'r? mniber, is an' absolute rule of the church, and Un church Itself Bee1? tlint It is carried 6utt ''.'; 1 - ' Law Fought, Then Obeyed. "Yes. ihere have been some viola tionsonly a few, as you will find vio lations of any law, and mostly tlies violations occurred soon after the law was passed. We fought that law, for we did not consider It legal for con gress to Interfere with religious mat ters, and we fought it in the supreme court but when the supreme coutt j decided against us, we, who are as law-abiding and love our country, the United States, as much aa any of har XOTICE OF STREET IMPROVEMENT , TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : No tice Is "hereby given that In pursuance of a resolution adopted by the common council of the city of La Grande, Ore gon, on the first day ot December, 190!), creating improvement district No.1 9 and designating Fourth street as such dis'rlc', and in pursuance of a' resolu tion adopted by said common council on .'he .fifth day of July. whereby G E6r ' W . ' "' "?. I M MER M AN Oa loop? t E " - Physician. Sommef Bldg.; l'coms 7,1' ! 8. 9 and. 10. : Phoaes:-, 'Home 1333.';, j PaclOc; Jlaln1 C3, Residence ; phono," ; i Black 951. Successor to Dr. C.' E. .' Moore. ' '. . ," :, ' ," .;; ': 'l: ,. ,;.' G. T, . DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR, not drugs, not surgery, not -'csteo- pathy.-XonsultaUon free.. P.C;:3i 20, La Grande National .bank. .; - 1 - i J. C. PRICE. D. M: 1. Dentist. .Room i , 23, La Gxande National Bank Build-, j Ing. Phone Black 3S9. v " 3 DR P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, Rei 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Jnda pendent phone C3 ; , both phones f residence. ; -,' .... -i ATTORNETS AT LAW. . Xotlce to Contractors. Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received by the coun cil of the city of La Grande, Oregon, for the construction of . 8,700 lineal feet,- approximately, of cement walk .five (?) feet InV width; also for the construction of 8,700 -, lineal feet, ap proximately,, of , cement curb, to bs built along certain streets in, what is known as Connordale addition to .the city of La Grande, Oregon, same to be! TH. CRAWFORD-! Attorney at T-av COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attornys; Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. I.a Grande National Bank v Bldg., La Grande, Oregon, ; ; :.'; ,V Practices In al lthe cou-r,. . the ; State and United Swie. ' Office' la JLa Grande Nati'omii Banit B)dg , L Grande, Oreg-u. '' " : ' ' ": constructed according to the plans and specifications on file In this office. All proposals to be filed in this office by five o'clock p. m. July 26th, 1911. and each proposal to be accompanied by a ; LA.AV OFFICES OF. GREEN & SMALL cn-unea cneoc or ove per cent o tnej ;.Alt6rMjr, over S!lVerthorne8 drH( amount of the bid. The council re- S , La 0rRnd Qre -. serves the right to reject any or all Green BnfJ Cha3. A. Sraall. Room, La Grande, Oregon.. July 20th, 1911. .- : , '-;; C. M. HUMPHR-BTS. D. W. O, NELSON Mining Engineer. ' ' .u ;'"'V ' !F5 ; ;.;!: yA:' A : -, f - . j ; ; t i I i i-, : , . , .. ,. rri ofthe church have lived .up law. The church absolutely NICE LEVEL LOTS LO CR TED TWO BLOCKS MORTHOF THE RAILROAD SHOPS. We are ofkring these, lots a f jFron, $ 1 60? o $200.1 eacfc ,4 on the most liberal terms j We furnish you an abstract olti for these lots. 'Not alpoor lot in our whole offerina p'i ;C:'::;.rVo::- D. ;SLn mv& tu-J "rm .osy Better call at qur officemd learn Jmdrbout these 'lotsm ! 1 t tutitt I'm t ni"ii t rrnii i im -n ni u n i Z-iZZ- LAGRANDEINVEST '; - ' c i j MENTm, Bell Phone . Main 752. . . Independent phone 262. :j Foley Hotel Block. :.') . ,. J .( ; ll "1 t-UVif CJI1UC Uf Ct on i .I I-.3