La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 21, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1911.
a. -
''This plat give3 size, location and price of 2 choice,
home sites. Nearly acres for $30,0.00. Hake your:
own ternis Buy in Riversids .'addition and be assured
of a big profit in a short time. - - - . -
af-. I Price $300.00
...v -,r,a
Price $350.00
' I I '':
The rooma 'are good; and
Steam - heated only .one
v block' from depot
D; C. Brichoux,Prpp.
. .,,' v.
. .! ' . ' ? V
. : x
- . .
f i j : l.zil Isnnyni If n ; hi
...... r
E U07 AdainrAveJ .
'.,- r t -i , ?
' . f-.f ; ,.'
SMS Bill
patkoxs told how to pi30ceed
with accounts.
Savings Bunk Explained In Jlinute Do.
tail by Published Booklet.
Let your next ; corset be a
GossnraV .., Ha v 1 it fit W ..your;,
form. ', ; ;. r
ljUli' tbe BtyIeJ pomrprt KnV
beauty of the late-in-front Gos-
sard will meaa nothing to you
try bn oho of thes
Rieht in your busiest season when you
have the least time to spare you are most
likely to take diarrhoea and lose several
days' time, unless you have Chamberlain's
Colic,. Cholera and Diarrhoea. Remedy at
hand and take a doee on the first appear
nce of the disease. . For sale by all dealers. .
until yon
gnperme fcorsets - jvf f (
. A single try-on will prove to
yon why tJvef exceL , rK ? ; .... r
A' complete line ldf' (Sossard
corsets, bust confiners and padN,
"alwayl on hand.''ifi''A" "
Prices of corsets $3.50, $5.00,
$6.00 and '$&. v-V s -e . ,
Mrs; Robert Pattisbn
JCorsfiiUTe. .Phone Klacj.L
(5 t. ml- W
Cement CorillTactor
Consult him before letting your sidewalk
Interesting data feganling" ruUs ajid
fefjultaons-'ptiyeming' the jwatal. sav
ings bank in thiBcitj- la contained In a
booklet Issued by the government. The
La Grande patrons and prospective
paronj fif-.Jhei. yaylns Jns'itutlon.jfor
thft bank does not borrow money' me re
ly acting as a savings institution, will
read with Interest the following capl-
tualtion o the rules: . - ,
Object. .
1. ' The postal savings system Is es
tablished for the purpose of providln
facilities for dopositlng savings at In
terest with the seeurltyrof: the United
StateB government -f or repayment.
Is solemnly pledged to the payment of
deposits made In postal savings depos
itory offices with accrued interesfcas
iTOvkled by tne'postai-s'avin'gs sakiX ,
. Who May' Deposit-,
I r,. ji Accoynta Kayi ber Opened arid Je
nosits madefy any" person o? the age
ot ten years or over ,iBihisir her Wn.
name ana Dy a uiunieu wuwnu iu u-i
own name and free from any Interfer
ence or control by her husband. No
person can hate mpr than ope Jttcc6uni
1 at any one time. j
4. No'nerson -may open a- postal
savings1 accouW at any ; posfoffice who
is not ft patron of that office.
K .; All BAitnunta n-iiist Via nnanflrl 111
cordon jby the. depositor or his au
thorized representative. After opening
an. "account ,a depositor may forward
subsequent, deposits to the postofflce
by,ma!l. v- f. s v - vj ' ;-- ?
' Ci Deposits t wIlUbe.'accepted ,onl
from ind'vlduals, and no account will
.be openj In thej name of any jc pjpo
atlon. association. : society, firm, or
partnership, or In the names of two o
more persons Jointly.
ed in the
for or on
behalf of another person or persons
nioru jiersuua guiuuy.
fi -7. INTo account will ifepene
name of one person In trust f
Serrlce Free.
FP Man 8
Si f,The service o.the postal; savng3
is collected or required In connection
with; the opeiiEng'of an 'account or the
wrhdrnwa! bf money deposited.
.t4" jrrlvacy , of , Accounts. ,
91 1 No person 'connected -willt - thf
"j pogtfiffieft department or the iiostar' ier
vice is permitted to aisciose tne nanje
of kny depositor or give any luforma
tfoii -concerning an. account, except to
thej depositor himself,, unless directed
to, do so by the postmaster general.
1 1..
v 10. vWhen a person applies to open
an account he must f.urnish th? neces
caryj Information? iifor Mn postmaster
or lAa representative to fill out an ap
plication, whicfjt "M tO'Jnnf be re
rfuirpd to slgn.GltJtiiipulieani. signs
ry njark his chnature miSst be wltnes
Jd sy n disinterested person. , Deposit if : ,
plj Drpcrits are evidenced by pos
yt iavinrc ccrtlHt'ii'-iiAuC(f in fixed
noi:natlon of . $20. $30
Hjid l00, each bearing the name of the
tje hate i
iyslory office, and the dato cn which
Interest begins. Tho portmater or
Ts epresen'atlT ppmak)i)ti 4a
ijkate of each certi.ficala Isstlea. frhlth
tie flr-oosltor wlll.lia reaulred to
J2E! No account tery be opened for
less 'than $1. npr will fractlons.of a
dfellir be accepted fdr deposit!
liaf; No person fls permitted to de-
1dsI more than $100 in any one calen
ij&r Jnonth nor to have a total balance'
tfr'bjs CCtlit ojia1 tjjme pf morehjin
$Soot exclusive' of accimiijlaed; jter-i
st k thlxXJ zU
I'll.' Savings certificates cannot be
transferred or negQtid.and will be
$ayble only to the person to whom 1b-
ne4r.v,...r.-.v. t -: : :
X..J15. On opening .an account, a de
positor fa Jjupplled with an envelope
Jin whtchhe' may teep his Barings eer
ttflcajtes. Onthls nyljpe is printed
Urtfopnatlonforjhls guidance, ano; aio
a blanlc-leager record on jnncn.tcMfSep
an account of his deposits and wlth-
fawala. t n - . If l
16.' IrtkB nertlflcateBls lost Or
How to Oien an Account."
i r i
I - '
, tho &)j6r,ibf5S!a?f
of issti.e,.il.Jxiii .Hfl'
o cie
One sunny disposition J
f V7
ilifl rest oi tueijiisiiy
it Wks'going on when
v TJear.vco
. . - T. .- ' - - mi - xt-ai.. ---- -
The TimeWuiy ancJAugusrH
who called her toother saw,whi
it'ras toft late. MU KkSKWSAVx
urn-D at.. Tifwi't TiArmit. anv woman vou care for to .1
TK. nnnlr rvrt nnirfhitlft hilt. OH HllP.P.T.TlC lUUiy B--CJ)UCUaH V -
during the torrid days. of July.and August.. An exec-.
tnc range wui ao away .wilu. i-uo.uj. uuv jr
Eastern vOre2Qii;0
deatroyed the deptsitor should notify
the postmaster. If deemed proper, a
new. certmcate - will be issued upon
coiapllance by the depositor with the
cepsary requirements. .
Postmasters are not parmltted
to receive savings' certificates tor safe
keeping.- ' ' ' .' . '
i.1 SavlnsTM Cards and Stamps.
:5S. Amounts less than $1 may be
Siti?d for deposit by the purchase of
1 A Q"nt 'postal 'savings cards 'and ad
hesive 10 cent postal savings stamps.
Ktich postal savings card contains
bjank'spaces to which -eavlaas stamps
may be affixed from time to time as
purchased' and ai postal savings card
with nine 10 cent savings stamps thus
affixed will' be accepted as a deposit of
?i either In opening an account or In
adding to an existing account. ' ".,
J9.' 1 Savings cards and stamps will
be redeemed only by the issue of sav
ings certificates and are not valid for
postage. They will not be received In
exchange for postage stampB nor will
postage stamps be accepted in ex
change for postal savings cards or
stamps.' " : '" :
;:'""-'' ' : Interest. ;-:
"Oft TtitaiQot irlll Ka a 11 iir a4 w bTI
deposits at the rate of 2 per cent per
annum, computed on each savings cer
tificate separately, and payable J an-
KnWBf JVlll - h ,101(1 OH
money which remains on deposit for a
fraction of a year only.'1 ' ' ' ; s :
,31. Deposits will bear Interest from
the 1st day of the month next follow
ing that in which deposited. '".
22. Interest will continue to accrue
cm a savings certificate as long as H
remains outstanding, certificates being
valid until paid, without limitation as
to time." ' ' ' -';; " ' .' !.:; 1
23. Compound Interest is not allow
ed on an outstanding certificate, but n
depositor may withdraw Interest pay
able and include It in a new deposit.
which will bear interest at the regular
rate. '
' '' Withdrawals. V!v;'':V '.
24. A depositor may at any time
withdraw the whole or any part of his
deposits to his credit with any Interest
payable by surrendering savings certi
ficates, properly endorsed, for , the
amount desired. , . ,, t, ,. ' i ,
25. A depositor -presenting a cer
tificate for payment in full with all in
terest payable must endorse It on, the
back in the presence of the postmaster
or jils' representative and surrender It.
The postmaster or his representativa
if .satisfied as to the depositor's Idbn-
tlty", will then make payment.
;26. When. a depositor desires to
withdraw onlv a part of the amount
c'nlled for by any certificate the post
master will .cancel the certificate and
issue, a new , certificate covering, the
amount jo be left on deposit, The new
reritifteale will be so dated that the de
positor will not lose' Interest on tb'o
money remainlns continuously on ds-
27. 'OTien a depositor desires to
withdraw.merely'.the Intersst payhblt
on any certificate, Instead of endors
ing, and surchicrlng;' the certificate In
a In case 'of full payment, he will bis
required to give his receipt In dupli
cate for the amount of the interest paid
Th$ postmaster will enter the interest
payment on' the back of tho certificate
and return it to tne ooposnor.
; Deposits 'ot IffRde In Person.
When a person who has o?4hed
an account can not appear personally
tri make an" additional deposit, 'be
cause of' Infirmity or! for othci gocf
ail sufflclent reaspn Iho amount to bo
deposited may be sent by a' represen
tative or: forwarded by: mall.!, On re
cdiiit of the amount' the postmaster will
siflpd to flic depositor the duplicate of
rtrh savinea certificate 'to be issued
wVn the dttpH'cat'd'of da plicate thus
Cllyered have been uigned by the de
ptjgjtor and returned to the' d'.ip6a!tory
nffirie-." thrf'-noBtmasten will ' send him
v . , .
payment will be made to the de:)".-'
tor's representative.
30. When a depositor who is ufcnlKe
to appear in person desires to with
draw merely the interest on any certi
ficate, the blank order furnished will
1,000 Prizes for Bluddcd Cauiu'.
Long'Branch.N.. 3., July 21. The'
fourth annual bench show of tim Mon
mouth County Keuuel dub will be
held at the Hollywood grounds tomor
row with more than J.'O enirk's rcp-
1 include receipts for the Interest to' be; resenting famous kemu's
paid, upon return of which,
properly ' parts of the country.; ".Over
prizes of value'. wilt b
signed by the depositor, the postmaster . cial
wui iuukb payuieui iu ins represfnia- av tun euuw.
the. "
in many
1.0 00 BpiV
e' awarded
Death of Depositor.
31. In case of the death of a' depos-1
itor the amount standing to his credit'
will be paid to the execntor or admin
istrator of hig estate upon compliance
your boy if you chooe.
M. Ro8enbauin,;H02 Si
Gran.le, Ore.
Come early,
.lit s-re(;t, L:v
7 -'I ' ',.'.
FOR. SALE Furniture complete
with the necessary requirements.
case no formal ' administration la
fContlnued on pag 6.)
five rooms. ; Also canued fruit, will
Bell all or any part of it. Inquire
1415 X avenue, bat wen qreenwoo.i ;
and; Fir' streets. ' ' ' " 7-20-21
a -V!t i"tf dA v. st. yf. .. " i
o o
ephone red 1571, 2002 Adams and
Oak." :,:r 7-14-lltf
rOR SALE 200 White Leghorn sin
gle comb pullets. Hatched In March
and April.' Inquira A. J, Bishop,
2805 North Fir etreet, . T-19-22-24
FRO RENT Six modern rooms. Tele
phone Main 89.
FOR SAS Timber claim near rt!-
road, .'tdress Cb:c-rvcr..- 7-1 to 8-5
, l Gigar:Store'
PoolT Billiards,' Cljrnrs, Tolmc":
co! mi Soft Drinks best and
most complete line of cigar In
the .City - -.'..
"ObserverTs Coast Ingue base
ball scores Tery day there's a
't'orner iepi ana enV oi.
FOR SALE Dry chain wood In any
quantity. $1.50 per cord at the Per
ry yards. Grande Ronde , Lumber
company Pe.rry, pre. " ', 6-15-tf ;
WAM'!;"..,. At! i'a-t lyC'i iu L Grange
ijetwsn i! and ij year, old to Jo.n
the Boys' Savers' club. Call at the
laundry and I will tell you all about
It. A. B. Chrery, mgr. Cherry'i
New Laundry. . 1 ' '
. BOYS ,',
A TREASURE CHEST, full, of hun
dreds of dollars In hard cash! The
TRAIL to it, any wideawake boy can
follow. , Don't worry any, longer
. where to get real money or whatever
. 'article you want. , Come to me ami
get - iti,,, Parnta,.,(ittvest1igat?9! for
( 'thia self-same RAD hag lad many, a
lioy to a bankiaccount.' Come with
Needs ...
' Granulated Bone,
Oyster Shell,
in order to do their
best. We can supply
1420 jiffi:k' vr.xtrsi
. i
',i',l . ,'
. ..(,.' '"
Red 671 next door
Observer office. ..
Faints as ihey
paint in cities
and makes reason-
able charges. .
Consult him about
your worh. ' . ,
; v Uses 0
and they shcwMr wt m
Kmost smiar
, i inm iiwn illinium in i nT-fiin nTmnimit nr i minim in limn T
tile orlfeinal 'cert Meaten cove; lug -ihe
nriouht of the'depoEit. ! Ndw accounts
csninot be opened b.v ninll. 'iWhen t!i
iiitijnding' depositor 'desiring to op-n
an account 1b unable to appear in pcr-
hn he may forward th-e money by n
rtphsentatlye- -wlla-wlu be. Brovlrfed.
vfith an application form,, which must
pf-operly filled theilntendlug
djeposltor and'retutrted with tne au-
lllca'te .certificate of crtnilcates.4 '
; , Withdrawals Xot Made lit Person.
29 Whenunder .' 'Bimllar '.;'clrc'umT
stances a depositor .can not appear vln
person to make a withdrawal, a blank
order will be furnished for his use up
on t-eouestbvblB representative. When
sich order, has been nrppeyy filled m
aijid; afgnecl by. the,' depositor Jwlth hJs
Bignat-nre wltnetBed ny'a disinterested
person, and haa been Teturned io'.the
flcjaj 5 to : be' bald 'proprly etidorBed,
nrrutmsii'i mxt
:U.i:. ,Ji-
,-..17 l (. ,..;...
.gn!(a,rf,PIqm1!p.i; V, k'n
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.I. ' ' '. w' ; I'-, i ,?'.', ' " ' - '..,,' .'' '.'
j i lriwiir' ''-fiV !;
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f- 4' . .. '
, ' .n, i -I, ,m i in. mi i .in .in in.iiiii i. f -i :.
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BLACK 971.
.s t '
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,r-ir-- .