iA THURSDAY, JULY 0, 1911. 1 SWIFTS v . premium and Winchester COM 4 3 A .5 ;f. Logan Berries for Canning - 2:35 ner crate City Gf oce?y and Bakery FiflST IN ED O -0 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Q o ' physiciaks asd suegeoas. COOCIL SUSTAINS OBJECTION OF THE EXECCTrVE. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT. PHONE j Main 75 " Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air FurnacesPipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort- ment OI INlCKei Anmmmga. BAY 6 ZlEFEL PLUMBERS, HEATERS, I SHEET METAL WORKERS Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing Rubber Buggy Tres , i; ; : LA GRAWDE IRON WORKS ' ' ; p. FITZGERALD, Proprietor ... V ' , . -COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY ; N. MOLITOR, M. U. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street Office. Main 68; Resi dence 69. ' m-'ri ffif;,1.:1:,"""" "" .....i' " t - - i i ...i.mm.11 iim imiiiiiMiw U k ftf AMH Uptown office Main 720 ll JlU ; Residence phone Main 25 AMRI II ANCE . L. BUSSEV Bg ii . mi mmmmBfmm i. . lilj" ''T ' T ' T"iIm' ' Rates of I Une ana a inira rares L xt.. a nr t , "wr rift frATvi Walla Walla. Pendle- Iton, La Grande, Baker City, Huntington and mter I mediate points direct to the park. (Be sure to ask for tickets direct to Wallowa Lake Park.) LUKE P ARK "The Beauty Spot of the Northwest" RATES II Tent with 1 Bed 1 Tent with 1 Bed and 1 uot 11 Tent with two beds : 1 Tent with 1 Bed -v.---- 1 1 Tent with 1 Bed and 1 Cot-..:.;.. 1 Tent with 2 Beds - ..$1.00 Per Day ::-.$1.50PerDayg ..$1.75PerDayfi .: $5.00 Per Week g xL $7.00 Per Week $7.50 Per Week ! t'.;. MEALS : 1 1 . -i' n.Aiinnnf and T.imo.li Counter rtSe $5.b0 pal tickets can be pur- AtlARA (tH OA ' " If Parties desiring to bring their own camping out; fits will be allotted space FREE. v r J Qarlrll Horses for mountain climbing 25c per hour. Special rates by tne aay. UailClPr s-vial occasions if desired. For Further Information Address the Wellowa Lake Amusement Co. . JOSEPH, OREGON Great Many Matters of Inirest Were i Before CobwH Last Xight . Mayor Ai Li Richardson swung his first veto axe last night and was sus tained by the council when he vetoed the ordinance creating the office of as sistant city engineer. The ordinance was passed originally but the execu tive attached his official objection and last night at a regular meeting of the council when every councilman re corder and city attorney were present, his veto was sustained. Another Im portant matter coming to the attention of the council last evening was a pe tition from the Blue Mountain grange asking that the t city provide bitching racks and posts.. The petition was presented by Councilman Logsdon and will be acted upon at once. It has beeu nmntf.fi our .hm.. .. able step for the clfy to take as the farmers have not suitable facilities for hitching tMeir teams when they come to the" city. The few racks that exist are entirely lnaV;uate, it 1b said, and as the farmers cannot hitch , their horses on the paved streets they must go to the side thoroughfares and as a consequence the few hitching racks become congested ' on Saturdays and other days' when there are many farm ers In the city. r ; , " . . A large amount of routine matter was transacted, commencing witb'the allowance of ; the regular budget of bills. . - -v:'.-" A motion to discontinue the pound fund was carried and the money of that department will go to general fund channels. ' The ways and means committee was empowered to take charge of the sale ot the city scales to the Fowler firm. The trus.ees of the Presbyterian church petitioned the council, setting forth at some length the reasons and causes for the prayer, to have the cost and assessments for paving on Wash ington and Sixth streets reduecd to $1,- 500 from the present reading of $2, 300. The matter was referred to the proper committee. ; . J. F. O'Connel requested by petition that he be rtionded certain sums of money which he considers due him be es us a his license was not gran-ed un til some time after he paid his license fee. This was referred. .; ; , ' ' , V. E. Bean asked permission to relay pieces of pipe in the overflow channel from the reservoir as the water was doing damage to his lawn and was dan gerous to his stock. :! ; v" The Honeyman-Hardware company of Portland informed the council b letter that it would not handle wai- rants on the general fund because it took too long to redeem thiin. it was pointed out that other wholesale firms did the waiting and did no complain ing. The letter was referred. PoUce fay Established.- Salaries for special police was fixed by resolution to be $2.50 pe? day of Uu hours. ' ' -' ' v; The La Grande irrigation contract for rlghtg of way for flume was read by the recorder and occasioned consid erable discussion pro and con. ' Dr. O'Connor appeared before the council relative to thi extensive street improvements to be enacted on Con nerdale streets. Bids will be advenis ed for at once. Bidg for construction of board walks on S street will be asked for at once. ' North Fir macadam work will . be dropped in accordance with a commit tee report urging such action, which was adopted. ' Sidewalks at various places on Sec; ond, Third and Fourth will be built soon according to action taken by the council ast night A resolution dealing with the shade tree question wag Introduced and read. A . L. RICHARDSON, M, D. J. W. LOUGHL1N, M. D. . , Drs. Richardson ft Loushlln, Physlclaaa and Surgeons. . Phot 0 files Black 1362; Ind. 153. Office Hours 9 to 11; t to 6; 7 to I. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 65; Inl 'ia. , v..: ;c Dr. Loughlln't res. Main 757; Ind 1297. - - ' - :- C H. UPTCN. Ph. Q. M. D. Physlt lan , and surgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office tn La Grande National Bank Build lng. Phores: Office Main 3, Resl dene Main S3. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to diseases and surgery, of the eye. Phones: Office Main 22; Res dence Main 72& Ind. 631. Directory of the Fraternal Order of La Grande, Oregon L y. ft A. M. " 41, A F. & A. M. Li. legs first aid ! tun 7:30 p. m. Cordial ; . meet ; Saturdays at welcome to all Masons. L. M. HOYT..W. M. t. C. WILLIAMS. Secretary I JEBEKAHS Crystal Lodjte No. M meets every Tuesday evening in the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting mem bers are lnvite-d to attend. ' MRS. XATTE ARBT'CKLE. N. O. I "hi ISA AIMMA Al.KY ANnr.R. gee n. P. O. E, La Grande Lodge No. 433 ' meets each Thursday evening at 8 ' o'clock In Elk't flub, corner of De pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothel i are cordially In vited to attend- ' : ; . i H. J. BITTER. Ex. Rai. ' H. E. COOLIDGE, Rec. Sec. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Croat . Lodge No. 27 me4s every Monday night in Castle hall, (old Elk's halL) A Pythian welcome to ail vlslt&a Knights. ' JESS PAUL, C C K. Ik UNCOLN. M. of R. ft 8. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD 1 1 0 B.Hope Chaptef No. 13,' O. E. Grande Lodge No. 169 W. o, ,vy meets every second and fourth Sat urdays st K. P. halL All rutting mebera welcome. D. FITZGERALD, C. C. J. H. KEENET, Qerk. C. hol9 ttated eommunicstlona the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially Invited, s. j ' - -. CARRIE B HUNTER. W. M. MART A. WARNICIC. Sec 3EO. W. ZIMMERMAN Oateopsth Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332, , Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone. Black 95L. Successor to Oi. C. E Moore. - ' G. T. DARLAND. CHIROPRACTOR, not drugs," not surgery, , not OBteo' M. W. AvLa Grande Camp No. 7703 ( ' meets every Monday in the month at j the I. O. O. F. haU. All vlslUng neighbors are cordially lnvlteU to .. attend. ' -.: : .e. e. daniels. ED. HEATH. Uteri.' I WOMEN1 OF WOODCRAFT Ors.UA Ronde Circle No. 47 meets first anu . tnird Thursday evcilnKft in the mo. k! Oe T. 0. O ; ".'"'AH i.'.-s Mtr are j..!V.r.".J.. mercial club, expects to hear from hlral with those parts of the state needing in about 10 days or as soon as "he r turns from a trip to Europe.1 If he cannot be secured to assist in the Astoria program, prominent bus'. ness men of the state will co-operat nothr OnnniiltBtlnn frpfl. Room 20. La Grande National bank. ' 't wlth the club to secur hla attendance : ' : ".atthe convention of the Central Ore- J. C. PRICE, D, M. Dentist. Room gon Development league, at Burns, op J3. La Gronde National Bank Build v October 2-3. The Intention Is to give lng. ' Phone Black 399. him an opportunity to get acquainted railroad extension, and enliBt his in terest to secure better railroad facili ties for districts east of the Cascade mountains. ; ' . . '; Sprains leoliectrefol treatment Keep "uiet and pp ; Chamberlain's Linimetit ireelv. . It will rerw.v the soreness and quickly restore . lie purls to a healthy con dition. For nali by all (iealnis DR P. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office st Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, Rei 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone C3; both phones si residence. ATTORJiEIS AT LAW. COCHRAN ft COCKRAN Attorneys : ' Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Cocb-' Bldg.. La Grande, Oregon. 1'. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at . ; : v Practices in al lthe courc a the , SUte and United Uie. Office tn La Grande Nt.uui Bans Bldg., La i Grande, Oregon. ' I LAW OFFICES OF GREEN ft SMALL. Attorneys, over SUverthorne's drug store, La Grande, Ore. R. Jos. Green and Chas, A. Small. Rooms ' 15 and 16. ', ? v ' O. W.'C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Rkr CHt. Oregon. ! "" Your Name in a Telephone Di rectory shows you are progres- sive. : - ; 1 ; ly: :f : : :-T You can get a listing in our new directory. Call up the Manager NOW HOME INDEPENDENTTELEF HONE CO. ; . Local and Long Distance Service. k ' f nntr Distance Gonnaction with tha Entire Bell Svstem i JIDGE L0VETT MAY COME. T7 C? liullroad President to Be Invited to Astoria Convention. The Portland Oregonlan says that Judge Robert S. Lovett, of Xew'orK, president of the Harrlman system, wi'.l be invited by the Portland Commercial club to attend the annual convention of the Oregon Development league In Astoriaa August 14-16. as one of th; speakers. Mr. Chapman, of the Com NICE LEVEL LOTS LOCATED TWO BLOCKS tlORTHOF THE RAILROAD SHOPS. We are offering these lots at from $160. to $200. each, on the most liberal terms vT ; '-'- We furnish you an abstract of title, When yov have paid for these lots. Not a poor lot in our whole offering Better call al our office and learn more about these lots; LA GRANDEi NVESTBflENT CO, Beli Phone Main 152. Independent phone 262. Foley Hotel Block. LaGrande Oregon