LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 19li. PAGE 8 n ttn yf . . . Ta TTs e7"iN prni Tr vnr-NJ . JAV n - lM Mi jiuii- ji j .Asia. 11 ii mile. : 1 5 , Days of Bargains There is no need for us fo offer lengthy words of praise for our merchandise, for H its merits are too welt known. We do not need to say that you can save many dollars by taking advantage of this sale, the prices here quoted prove that con clusively. Everybody knows that we do exactly as we advertise. u Ifs simply a case of too many goods on hand and not enough cash. We must get the cash and get it quick, so we make it a big object to you to bring us casn. i l: Labor Leader Charged With Fraud. Boston, Maaa., July 19. Robert P. Neil, president of the International Brotherhood of Railway Employes and well known in labor circles through out this country and Canada, was giv en a preliminary hearing before Unit ed States Commissioner Hayea today on a charge of using the mails in a scheme to defraud. It is alleged that some months ago Neil Issued circulars soliciting advertising for a magazine, the proceeds of which were to be used for death and sick benefits for rail road men, and that the funds received wtre diverted to Nell's own use. . Corporation Officials to Be Punished. Washington, July 19 Facilitation of punishment of officials of corporations which have been convicted of break ing the law, Is the design of an amend ment to the Sherman anti-trust bill Introduced in the house today by Con gressman Small of North Carolina, The amendment makes the conviction of such corporations presumptive evi dence of the controlling officials' guilt, and imprisonment is the mandatory punishment . . Police and Laborers Clash, Cardiff, Wales, July 19. Many were Iuju.- t lo'duy In fighting between the striking Cock laborers and the pol'ce and soldiers. .Troops dispersed the mobs this cfternooc. Wanted Girl to strip Tobacco. apply at FAM US ICING CIGAR FACTORY $2.00 $150 $1.25 $1.00 .75 HERE ARE SOME ATTRACTIVE OFFERINGS IH MEW'S FURNISHINGS Men's Caps.. . . $1.50 $1.10 .90 .75 .50 Men's and Young Men s SUITS The newest and best of the season. Select the one you want now and save 25 per ON ALL cent SUITS Don't fail to take advan tage of these bargains in Shoes and Oxfords $3.50 6 $f.00 Oxf rds $2.50 $3.50 & $4.00 Shoes $2.50 We have nearly all size sin these lines but want to close them out hense the prices. Prices $1.50 & $2.00 underwear per suit $1.00 To close out. 33 1-3 percent off on all Boys shoes all go:d styles. ;:iAV)V--;:; Prices 25 per cent discount on straw Hats. ; 25 per cent discount on men's trousers. k Cut down high cost of living. Buy now when you can save from ohe-fifth to one-third on all your, wearables. Don't delay but come right away. V The Store That Satisfies Walla Walla Institution to Gt Former Chief of Police. Seattle, July 9. Charles W. Wap pensteln, former chief of police, who was convicted of receiving , a f 1.000 bribe from Gibbon Tupper and Clar ence Gerald, as protection for houses of ill fame, was sentenced by Judge Ronald today to not less than three nor more than ten years years at hard labor In the penitentiary. 106 Fir street. between1 five & six o'clock Anto Kill Two. Los Angeles July 19 Alexander Alk man, a cafe 'proprietor and John Sum mers of the Pacific Biscuit company, were instantly killed and Aikman's two children severely Injured 'near Puente today when an automobile turned turtle. Scranton Dutchers Wagon Shop No Horse Shoeing Wagon repairing a specialty. If your Tires need resetting give us a call, Second-hand Buggies, Hacks and Camp Wagons for sale. Red '42. V A Fresh Supply of Fruits and Vegetables Bananas, oranges, lemons, bing cherries, R. Annie cherries, blackberries, black caps, canta loupes. - " - New potatoes, cabbage, tur .nips, beets, radishes, lettuce, green peas, green beans, wax beans, peas, dry onions, green .onions- RoyalGrocery H. Pattison, Prop. Not in the Association 9 GARDEN CITY MERCHANT HERE r KS OVERLAND FROM LEIIMANi HOT SPRINGS I 11 Known Walla Walla Man on i . riwfture Trip. . j . , ' i drive through the Blue mountains re gion, in order to kep abreast wUh the development of the towns and farming country. J". Kastinan criticises the wagon road Vtwien the summit of the Blue mountHins and La Grande. He Bays tha: the individual who induced him to put his coach horse over that "moun tain boulevard fit for automobiles' must belong to the Ananias club and ,hat he will not think of him kindly. SAVOY OFFICE IS RELOCATED LEAGUE CALLEO I a m m .w m. w. ,w. ,w. f, A mg. .. .m. m. .m. w. . tTtttTfTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTi T " "T 1 TTTTTTTTT FttTTTTTTTTTtt j. H PE4RE, La Grande's Leading Jeweler Opposite U. S. Lnni Offlee cn A dams Arena. . iiuiiiiiiniiiiniiiunimimtimnntni XET ADDITION- NOT ENTIlQELl CMFLETED. Thomas East :.ani for 35 years one ' ol "the leading merchants of Walla jeen spending Mr. Eastman is out on a pleasure trip, haying driven over the Blue mountains from Lehman Hot Springs by way of Starkey. No merchant of the inland empire UNION AND WALLOWA COUNTIES TO SEND DELEGATES. By fast walking his horse traverse.! office Now on Ground Floor and Rooms tl road In one day 40 miles, but ar- will Be Increased rivtd at La Grande somewhat stiffened . .. , .. . up from sliding along over boulders. j d. c. Brlcboux today moved the of- , Mr, Eastman speaks well of Lehman flce of the gavoy hot(fl tQ the nw quar. I 1 - .... ,U -J l K ,11J1 us i-w " " - . t... V .I,,: low" w.D e.vuUU uuv. .u wo UU..U.UB - I , . . I - ., MnMtatlnn. anrf .nlrmlnlg la a,ih ronu worit ui lure, i at? gprui&B .vmw,v.v,b .... 0 vU ao ily accessible by the direct route over that it is not all competed yet but suf- Stnrkey. , flcient has been done to move the office Mr. Eastman will rest up several from the upstairs floor to the ground . . j....- i . .i 1 o n,il. onit will Hnnr In tha wine In thn hutlrtlnflr tiro n. icraiXeZ1 Z S etu;;7wa7awalia via Elgin., e, The space "formeriy occupied by ZT:Z ame nearTy evly man.' Looking Glass and Bones Springs the office and ,obby be converted woman and child in the Walla Walla', rouku ... - - wuntry. : He is known personally by or les. familiar. t I r le" SprJldnt. of the Garden City as! Mr. Eastman has visited the Grande from the new offic to the halU and wellTs-by nearly all merchants and' Rnde valley in ,8-. and 10-year per- corridors 0f the hotel proper. The new "r" . . r-t - iL.t V. . nn,.1 , Inn lannt finished hut urban If Is tirjiva nf tha nlher town of the In- loaB- uml i ' " - rfemptre ?Z,V '"WV Per-t w, add materiaUy to the room mm Meeting Postponed by Request Vote to Hold tl Here. July 23th at 1 o'clock is the hour set for the meeting of Wallowa and Union county representatives of com mercial clubs to organize a two-county publicity league. The clubs, of which thene are many In. these two counties, have voted, so far as record ed, to hold the meeting In La Grande, the central point and by request the meeting has been postponed from the 20th to the 25th. The meeting will be held In the Commercial club rooms j commencing at 1 o'clock and at that time the two counties will decide on what line of publicity to pursue. wtl easiness tof himself and during -od than at any other time in the his the long period or ume mai ne wan onager for the Schwabacker com- j Qy Thomas Eastman Is said never! have done anything but what would i ir the cloeeit Investigation of con-, epacespace In the popular hotel. 100 New Ira to Be Created. London, July 19. It was learned to day that the list of new peers who cre- Ilammond rraJses London. New York. July 19. Praising Brit ...... .,ii,.. Tmn n ti ih nnnnttnlltv. John Hsts Hammond. : atlon ls Intended to force the As Ired from active commercial busi- special ' American ambassador to thequlth governnnenfs veto bill through - and be now amuses himself by coronation, returned here today on' the house of lords has been completed. rf.PloBl!g W lare eat farms and tho Olympia. The envoy said every-Three hundred barons (to be) are on Inlne hi nne horses. where In England expressions of the, the list and the way In which eaeh will A. few dayn Ko he left Walla utmost friendship for America were vote Is said to be fully ascertained by tiv horse and cart to make a expressed." i the government. Mllng of Canadian CInbs. Winnipeg, Man., July IS The As soclatton of Canadian Clubs began Its third annual convention in this city as the guest of the Wlnlpeg Canadian cttib. Considerable business is to be transacted during the two days ses sion, though much of the time will be given up to the entertainment of the visitors. The latter Include delegates from 2$ clubs representing nearly all the principal citiee of Canada from Halifax to Vancouver. Our Best Bargain IN IRRIGATED LAND. 720 acres. 5 mi. from R.R.; Good improvements; 800 inches of water and bumper crop goes with place; $40:00 per acre; small payment down and easy terms. Enterprise Real Estate Company. Enterprise, Oregon.