La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 19, 1911, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    WEDNESDAY, JULY 19, 1911.
k. -civile
Editor and Owner.
across .the
latered at the itostoffice at La Grande
as second-clsss matter.
to occur when t!ie crops
mountains fail. '
Every lumber mill of the northwest
of any siza hag a large quality of Its
product on the yards which nians the
output must lie curtailed and expenses
Dally, single copj
.Dally, per week, .
Dally, per month..'.
; I I I IT
9. 10 U12 13 14 13
1617 1812012122
2J24MM 272829;
3(f3ll I I I I
Today the people of Cove are holding
their first cherry festival and the at
tendance is large. Long has it been
generally known that Cove Is one of
the Ideal fruit .pots of the northwest.
Long has It been' known that Cove Is
tine horns of the best cherries. In or
der to .further 'illustrate and show to
the outside world the merit of its claim
the ' little town and community has
gone to considerable expense to pre
pare an exhibit that is par excellence.
This wa9 not considered an Ideal
cherry year in most section of Oreponj
yet In Cove the growers have cher
ries in large quantities and tbiey are
willing to back their crop by holding
an exhibit, which is evidence of their
faith Jn the Industry.
Cove people are to be commended
for thus pushng to the front and plac-
-.- on exhibition a crop that is bound
to give wide publicity to the Grand
Ronde alley. - ' . ; .
There was but one thought in the
minds of the Grande Ronde people to
day and that was Cove Early in the
morning the big "chod-ebbo' drays be
gan hauling their human loads of buz
zing and expectant freight across the
valley toward the welcome shades of
Mt. Fannie. The trip is especially en
joyable to resident and Granger alike,
for the bumper crops laughingly sway
and nod their golden heads that so
soon are to fall before the crisp step
ping of the. giant "combines" and the
golden coins can be heard tumbling
Into the enlarged pockets of the happy
farmers. '
The commonly thronged bitullthic
trailed through our city were almost
depopulated and the sad-faeed ones
cooped up In their stern office walls
were sad only because they , couldn't
"go to Cove." . .'
: Several loads of Wallowa county
cattle, were shipped through La Grande
last night on their way to the Portland
market. Each load meant a bunch of
money for It has been many, many
years since cattle growers received the
price for cattle they are receiving this
summer. The suppjy is very short and
the demand is heavy, hence the high
price. It tg JuBt as Impossible to di
vorce supply from demand and vlca
versa as it Is to make the sun Mop
There Is always more or less Jug
gling by trusts and packing houses to
govern prlees, but the great main
spring of the cattle business Is the
supply and demand, after all. In this
I Eastern Oregon country flew people
are raislnit cattle as compared with a
' few1 years ago. Sheep became profit
: able and many entered the business.
' ' ? j .flange for cattle becauw curtailed and
No worse nfw could reach ; the oa(! bjr one rattlemen either went out
northwest than the story of crop fall- r of buginesg voluntarily or were forced
ures in the miauie west. At present pUt
It Is said the stateg over the mountains i The effect of this whole transaction
."will have practically a failure which , l8 now belng fejt Xhe ghortage is on
: mean that a period of close tlms and all over the coontry.' What few cat
financial depression is bound to roi- Ud are jeft ar bringing very high
, low In that region.
Tho reason that this Is bad news to
years ago to get their business inte
ests effectively represented In con-'
gress in other words, to keop from
being eaten alive, first by the transpor
tation Interestg, then by the manufac
turing interests and finally by- the
sheepmen who, when profits in cattle
took a slump, sprang up on every hand
like the mythical dragon's teeth. The
cowmen call themselves by the go d
mou'.h-filling name of the-'American
National LIto Stock association. All
stockmen are welcome, but the mem
bership Is made up chiefly of cattle
men, the sheepmen prff erring to flock
by themselves. These men represent
over 1500,000,000 In live stock", a source
of gigantic p wer In an age when mon
ey la the ruling force if organized.
Inls H. Weed In Success Magazine.
Julian W. Mack.
Judge Julian W. Mack, associate
Justice of the new court of commerc?
of the United States, was born In Sar
Francisco, July 19. 1866, and received
his education In the public schools of
Cincinnati, Harvard university and
the universities of Berlin and Leipzig.
la llWI U3 Was ,.ui tu
and three years later he was appointed
civilaervlce commissioner for the ;lty
of Chicago. From 1895 to 1902 he was
professor of law In Northwestern uni
versity and In the latter ho ac
cepted a similar position at tin Uni
versity of Chicago. In 1903 he was
elected to the circuit court in Chlngo.
As head of the juvenile court In CHcn
go he established a wide reputat'en At
the time of lilc "'V'nted to the court
of commerce he occupied the poslv.'i n
of Judge of the appellate court for the
First Illinois d'strlct.
, touno u a uauuuai uat'ig some ugnvi ga ti'.ry-v.r.v. i .y -
' . . .
the northwest Is that hard times in
the middle states means a slow lum
ber market Whn the people of Kan
tas, Iowa and Nebraska have light
crops they cannot build many houses
and barns hience the demand for Ore
gon pine Is lessened and the mills of
ths section fee J It. '
No one doubts the fact that Orepon,'s
lumber market Is In the middle states
and no one can doubt another fact: Not so many years ago the cowboy
that the money producing business of. had orders to keep his finger on the
the northwest country Is her lumber trigger; today such actions savor, of
prices and beefsteak Is a luxury carry
ing a heavy expense. It will take
number of yars to change this condi
tion for a cow Is not raised In a year,
Meanwhile there Is nothing to do but
encourage cattle raising. : It Is the
staple Industry of the hills and will In
time prevail again.
Not so long ago
vowing perdition
Industry. True, the wheat crop and Wild West shows,
live stock help materially, but the big. the cattleman was
. business the business that gets tho't fences (and hfl meanC it); today he
. money of the outside world and brings ' is all for fencing. Not so long ago It
It to this country In large urns 1s the Nwas every cowman for himself; today
lumber. lit Is Join, co-operate, help push. Why
This condition Is not mentioned with ! the change? Franklin's old saw gives
a view to pessimism, but It merely answer "We must all hang together
state what exists and gives every j or we'll all hang separately."
reader an insight into what is llhely The cattlemen were obliged to or
Old Friends and New
Winning permanent, lasting friends is the work
of time, and this bank numbers among its clients
hundreds of banks and business houses with whom
it has had close relations for a great part of the
twenty-four years of its existence.
Our friends have helped to make this one of the
largest and strongest banks in the West. We have
helped in their making, too.
We welcome new friends and will attend to their
wants with the 6ame fidelity which has cemented
our relations with our older ones.
La Grande National Bank
CAPITAL ... $ 100.000.00
SURPLUS . . . 100,000.00
' RESOURCES . . ". 1,100.000.00
Fred J-iHolmesiPi es. W. J. Church, Vxe Pres.
F. L. Meyer. Cashiei . Earl ZundeWss'i. Cashier
The Saving Event of the Season
W est
r ,
July 19.
1333 Buttle of Halidon hill, which
resulted In the placing of Ed
ward Baliol on the throne of
1588 Spanish armada arrived in the
English channel. 1
1779 Major Henry Lee surprised and
defeated the British garrison at
Paulus Hook (now Jersey City).
1808 Gen. John Peterson, a disting
uished oldl?r of the American
revolution, died. Born In 1744.
1810 The king of Prussia, by decree,
forbade American v vessels en
tering his ports.
1814 Samuel Colt, Inventor of the re
volver, born In Hrtford, Conn.
Died there Jan. 10, 1862.
1821 Coronation of King George IV
, . of England.
1854 The execution of Iturblde, the
deposed emperor of Mexico, who
had returned from England In
an endeavor to recover his ruler
It Has Bean Proved That Microbes
Cause Baldness. '
rrofessor Utiiiu of Hamburg. Ger
many, and Dr. Sabourand. the leading
French dermatologist, discovered that
a microbe causes baldness. Tbelr the
ory has time and again been amply
verified through research experiments
carried on under the observation of
eminent scientists. This microbe lodges
In the Sebum, which Is the natural
hair oil, and when permitted to flour
ish It destroys the hair follicles and lu
time the pores entirely close, and the
scalp gradually tukea ou a shiny ap
pearance. When this hapMns there
la no hope of the growth of buir being
We have a remedy which will, we
honestly believe., remove dandruff, ex
terminate the microbe, promote good
circulation in the scalp and around
the hair roots, tighten and revitalize
the hair roots and overcome, baldness,
ao long aa there Is any life left In the
hair roots.
We back ap this statement with our
own personal guarantee that this rem
edy called Rexall "03' Hair Tonic
will be supplied free of all cost to the
oser IX It falls to do as we state.
It will frequently restore gray and
faded bnlr to Its original color, provld
lng loss of color has been caused by
disease; yet It Is In no souse a dye.
Rexall "03" Hair Tonic accomplishes
these results by making every hair
root, follicle and pigment gland strong
and active, and by stimulating a nat
ural flow of. coloring pigment through
out the hulr cells.
We exuet uo obligations or prom
lses we simply ask you to give
Rexall "03" Hair Tonic a thorough
trlnl and if not satisfied tell us and
we will refund the money you paid
us for it. Two sizes, prices 60 cents and
$1.00. : Remember you can obtain U
only at our store The Rexall Store.
Hills Drug Store. .
Exceptional bargains in merchandise that you will need
. ' VV right now.
All Men's and Boys' Suits. Reduced
25 per cent
Men's Dress Straw Hats, Reduced 25 per cent.
Entire Line Men's & bovs OXFORDS reuucea 1 0 per
Eiitire line Laches Lingerie Dresses' reduced 25 per cent.
One lot Ladies Tailored Suits exactly one half price.
All Summer lawns and Fancy White Goods reduced
V?.- 25 per cent.
All Ladies Dresses and Long Coats reduced 25 per cent
Entire line Summer Parasols reduced 20 per cent.
Leather Hand Bags reduced 25 per cent.
Ladies Dress Skirts reduced 25 to 50 per cent.
All Ladies and Misses Oxfords and Pumps reduced 10
; . per cent.
Values like the above through the entire stock.
m wes
Tv The Quality Store
Object to Any Flag but "Old Glory."
New York, July 19. Lafayette post.
G. A .R., of Brooklyn, today adopted a
resolution denouncing the blending of
the bfue and the gray battle flags at
the Bull Run reunion and declaring
that a public display of the union flag
only should form a part of the cere
H-f f f ff 1 111111
. USE "
for summer
Its delicious flavor will be a
revelation to yon in making
tmt if yon don't try it.
Ut per bottle.
For Bala By
I Pattison Bros. I
f bone Blag. 1.
Distributor of '
The Walger New Model Awning
The Best Awning Ever Put Up
" ji
. 3
1 .
I and jon wiu mi a real dessert J t Suitable for Residences, Summer Resorts, Office and
xioiei jDuuamgs, scnooi nouses, Factories, etc. .
Hammocks, Ice Cream Freezers, Lubricating Oil, Hav
Aoiiw, auu wagon uovers, nay carrier Rope.
Electric Drink Mixer
The latest method for preparing such delcious bev
erages as Malted Milk Chocolate with egg. lgn
Lemonades, gg Phosphate. 0-ange Punch, and
other combinations that CUT Tt7'DfC
are very popular OJCiJU 1 J2i JLv &