r PAGE 4 T7 LA GKAXDK EVtSlXQ .OinJEBVSg, " X THE OBSERVER 1 1. B PUCE'. DEN Ni'S !' ' , Editor and Owner. Catered at the postoffice at La Grande at second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION HATES ;'"i- ' DaH, single copy it Dally, per week, ........... . lit Dally, per month................ 65e 191fJULY' 1811 I S lAUTIWWnr I S ' i 'r-H-Tr JLIJ1 3. 1 8 9 1011 112 1314 If 16)1718 19 2021 130311 I I i r; Etructed. ' Tfcsy will be boand wfth ccacrpe ana sunn to a aepta oi i feet after which HUt will be driven to a depth of eight feet Following the construction of thse cofferdams the water will be pumped out and thrf Interior concre:ed and re enforced. Upon the base thus formed the' concrete plfTs will be erected to a height of ten feet above low water mark, the superstructure to be built upon these piers. The largest of the piT will be 22i25 feet and will en close So piles. Thirty-five, hundred yards of con crete will convpose the thnee piers. The King Bridge company of Cleveland building . the material . from designs furnished by the Strang Bascule Bridge company. The parts will soon be shipped to San Pedro and Installa tion' will probably begin about ttao first part of September. The work U being done entirely by the engineer ing department of the Soufch Pacific company. ...... . '. .. THE FATALITIES OF FLIGHT. , 1 LA GRANDE'S BOOiDEN DUTY. Tomorrow Cove an " enterprising community that has shown to th" world at two various world's fairs and expositions "that; Jt.caio' grow the fin est cherries on earth win hold a cher , ry fair and expects fairly good rep resentation from "La Grande, Union, for instance,. Is gtfing to .close-.up Us tores; that Is a matter" entlreiy out of the question for La Grande but each business house In the city Is In diry bound to send a representative up to Cove tomorrow. Don't let the otter fellow go; but make It a point to be rare that you go, Mr. Reader. SCIENCE PERFECTS BRIDGES. Work on one. of th largest single span uplift bridges ever to be con structed has been started by the South-! era Pacific company in San Pedro bar-' bridge Is 187 and one half feet. Thej bridge will carry's double track and' will be operated by electric power, ' capable of lifting the ponderous mass of steel In 60 seconds, affording a clear j channtl of 185 feet for the passage of. boat traffic. ! The new bridge is what 18 known' as the Strauss trunnion type, differing ' from the Bascule bridge of the Salt' Laity railroad, also al San Pedro. In that the latter is lifted on a rocker, while the Southern Pacific bridge will be lifted on a ta-il ipln or hinge. It Is also to be double tracked. A latch op erated by a moTor will hold the bridge In place when it is Jown. This new bridge will replace the present South ern Pacific and Pacific Electric tresle bridges. The Southern Pacific company mad a application to the war departmfnt a "year ago for permission to. build this bridge, which was granted on the first of December, last, on condition that;' the structure would be completed within a year. The Southern Pacific ! engineers have been working all '.of j these months In making tests for pier f niinAaf Inns An1 '(. ev ' w ... v. vn nuu di uuj tug me vanuiis i designs of bridges. : Test wells bored, to a depth of 100 feet found nothing more solid In the harbor bed than sand. Three cofferdams are now being con-! A month full of Incident In aeronau tics has elapsed since 'Jie first" install ment of Victor Lougheed's article on the Popular Mechanics Magazine. No withstanding that the names of several airmen have since" been ..added to he deafh roll, Mr. Lougheed, In the August number, continues In the same vein as before, pointing out the weakness? s of machines, and the recklessness of airmen aB the seat of the trouble, rath erthan excessive Inherent danger. in aviation itself. Mr. Lougheed says. "It Is most manifest thai very near ly all the aeroplane accidents so far have been clearly due to careless con struction or assembling, to flying un der Tad conditions of wind or locality, to Incompetent driving, to distinctly reckless exhibition stunts, or to clum sy experraentlng." ' He then addun?g a table valuable from any point of view naming the airmen who have sacrificed their lives to the science, and stating the make of machine, wind conditions, distance of fall, etc. In concluding Mr. Lougfited says: "A summarization of the data thus far presentee reveals several more contradictions of common opinion One is the altogether superior safetr of the monoplanes most of which have the. motor In front which are known to be Involved In only 18 of the 58 fatal accidents. Of the others 33 are known to have been due to bi planes, while the best Information the writer can secure is to the effect that iwere also biplanes. In two of the biplanes and two of the monoplane ac cidents, two persons were killed. This showing is still more favorable for the monoplane when t is considered that the total flying with monoplanes undoubtedly exceeds that with bl planes. Curiously enough. It is rather probable that :here actually have been more accidents with monoplanes but they legs often result 8erlouly., DENVERITE IS PLEASED. Claims La Grande and1 Valley Are Well , Well Known In Denver. Louig Williams, secretary of the Publishers' Press Room company prominent printers and book binders of Denver, is In La Grande today look ing over La Grande while on a tour of ?M ' M If f Ml 1 1 1 ft 1 M H jll ttfttftWIH f tHHWtf Old Friends and New Winning permanent, lasting friends is the work of time, and this bank numbers among its clients hundreds cf banks and business' houses with whom it has had close relations for a great part "of the twenty-four years of its existence. . ... :.. Our friends have helped to make this one of the ' -. .largestsand strongestbanksi in-.the West. "We have , helped in their making, too. .' , " '"' 1- i-.w B'eic.omt nw jnenas ana wiij attend w.-theb.':1-,. I a2t8 W V16, 8ame fidelity" which-' has . cemented . - '.fv orelinwltrY our older orles. s'"' V :"v .''. - La Grande National Bank ;?APlf ALT1-V" -$ 100,000.00 vii rt-J5URPLUfi . .f. ioo.obo.oo ' ivRESQURCs, . . ;i :f aiaoO.ooaob. vi- . UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Fred J.lHolmgBe ,. ,W, J, Church. V7ce rcs. F. L. Meyers Cashiet Earl ZundeLss".'. Cash.er the northwest. Mr. Williams stated today that th good name. of La Grande had reached Denver and that the val ley of the Grande Rondo la more or less widely known In Colorado points. "I wa surprised at the city or La Grand and the valley as a whole," said the Denverite today after glanc ing casually at the city's business dis trict and residence section. "I have been told that La Grande was a top notch town and now I know it" After spending the day here Mr Williams will go on to Portland. C03TM18SIO3 PLAN IX MAXT C1T- IES. " The unvarying nuctesx of the Gal veston or iH-s Molnt plaii of city gov ernment has been so pronounced as al most to challenge belief. Here are the actual records of a few cities: Gloucester. Com mixtion plan In ef fect 1U0U. ' Tbe first year's report showed all bills paid and a reduction In the city debt ot S1H.UUU. It ts claim ed that tbe roads and streets have been better kept at $0,000 less annual ex pense. The dry bookkeeping has been reformed, and tbe commissioners point to a reduction in tbe expense of caring for public property; H is still too curly to demand mucn in tit way vi ble results. Haverhill. Commission pjan In ef fect In 1'JCrt. Tbe first year's report nnder tbe new plan showed a saving of $97,900 In running expenses. When tbe commission took hold tbe financial status of tbe city was very bad. It had reached both Its debt limit and tax rate limit and was steadily falling behind In its payments. Appeals were being made to tbe legislature for an extension of the tax rate limit, but this extension ban now become unnec essary. In addition the city has voted no license, tbe rerecue from the sa loons beinu no longer needed. The commission hu been flKtitiui; a big battle against the gas and electric light monopolies to obtain lower rates for the city und for private consumers and baa obtained from the people per mission to resort to municipal owner ship if necessary. There was fierce political opKsition to tbe commission at the expiration of Its first term, but It was re-elected. Party lines In Hav erhill, which was formelry a Kepublio an city, have been completely broken. Tbe commission consists ot two Dem ocrats, two Hepublicaos and a Social tot Cedar Rapids, la. Commission plan In effect In 1908. Tbe commission has reduced tbe tax rate and the debt while making certain big Improve ments, such as the acquirement of a big island lu the river out of current expenses instead of bond Issues. The Island Is for municipal buildings In a handsome park setting. In accordance with a "city beautiful" plan devised by an expert. The police and Ore de partment forces have been enlarged despite tbe reduced tax rate. Leavenworth, Kan. Commission plan In effect In 1908. The commission has reduced the bonded indebtedness by 1112.950. while tbe tax rate has re mained stationary. Kansas Is a pro hibition state, but Leavenworth bad always defied the law and allowed the saloons to exist, subject to periodical fines which brought lu $80,000 u year Tbe commission closed the saloons and disposed of this illegal revenue with out dlsturblug the tax rate. Over J'JOO. 000 was spent in seclal Improvements the first year as against au average of $25,000 In previous years. In the first two years under the new, system six miles of street were paved as against twelve miles in the preceding twenty Ore years. The Saving Event of the Season, 9 Mid-S V TJ (TO r tc Clearance; Sale eason Exceptional bargains in merchandise that you will need right now. All Men's and Boys' Suits. Reduced 25 per cent Men's Dress Straw Hats, Reduced 25 per cent. - Entire Line IVWs & Beys OXFORDS reduced 10 per ' V cent. . -j",". . . : ; .'-'.'V Entire line Ladies Lingerie Dresses reduced 25 per cent. One lot Ladies Tailored Suits exactly one half price. All Summer lawns and Fancy White Goods reduced 25 per cent. All Ladies Dresses and Long Coats reduced 25 per cent Entire line Summer Parasols reduced 20 per cent. HALF PRICE MILLINERY SALE , Leather Hand Bags reduced 25 per cent. Ladies Dress Skirts reduced 25 to 50 per cent. All Ladies and Misses Oxfords and Pumps reduced 10 per cent. , , , Values like the above through the entire stock. . K. WEST, The Quality Store SLEEPER FOR FAST MIL i. SAID THAT OFFICIALS SEE SEED OF SITU ACTION. Would Relieve Situation ExMIng lu n- v? Easfra Oregon. . That - some , rOjef l8 in sight for . La Grand travelers. bound for Portland held put In an account by protulntwt railroad oJfli'iiU to the Pendleton, cony merclal club, that, the re Is a Jlkeljhood of a alseper being, attached to the. fast matl.r . This . would apparently, fill .the demands of local pe.ojile. who now have to apmid all of one sll.t an more than half of the next day in going to Port land, not leaving lfore until 1:36 u. raf The plan.' now. a.Vwv.Sc.: ri'.i-o'.i.l ofnv'.aij; them.-clve.s Is to ;rt r,n a i !ee; r a; IX-.U v. Th5 w.uhl reil the. slttia'icn and u'ji t:siall the heavy j Mpeuiij. i-l i'U:h.s or, a total train be tween HuLt!n;ton aucl Portlad. SUBSET MAGAZINE FOE JTJ1T. Yccatlon Time at the Los Angeles Beaches. "The Call of the Cool Sea Breeze," by Peter D. Kyne. Beautifully Illus trated In four colors. "The Spell," by C. N. and A. M. Williamson. Hunting, fishing, motoring, fiction. On asle at all news stands. J A 15 CENT PACAGE OF SALAD DRESSING? POWDER Will make a qnat of salad dre. I nr and will keep Indefinitely t t .In a cool jlace. 4" . 1 Iwb. riuAr fnr asA for TO. 2 I MA TO, BANANA, APPLE and I EGG SALAD. - I Pattison Broisi. I : . ' f hone Black ?L 4 ! I l l F L LILLY Distributor of The Walger New Model Awning The Best Awning Ever Put Up Suitable for Residences, Summer Resorts, Office and owei jjuuamgs, ocnooi nouses, factories, etc. . Hammocks. Ice Cream PrfiMnrs T-rtVivfoorimrr on ti VA1m VPnvtim O TTT ft TV . ' , x wo.o, cttw, imu wagun vovers, aay uarner Kope. LA GRANDE, OREGON ' PHONE, BLACK 1I3K , , &&&&&&&&& O' Q TP TT I T f Tbe laiest method for Preparing such deidous bev , OJCjL JJl erages as Malted Milk Chocolate with ego; foe - i. , .. .ciwndoc5. tgg rnospnaie, u:ange Punch, a;io j EUctric .Drink Mixer Sr'SELDER'S ft I