LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, I'fttDAY, JULY 14, 1911. PAGE 3 Thi3 plat gives size, location and price of 2 choice home sites. Nearly acres for $300.00. Hake your own terms. Buy in Riverside addition and be assured of a big profit in a short time. S3 az H , () 'so i g 1 SB o ; a Price $300.00 3 fnce S3 50.00 " -PS 3 j. Y AVENUE WM. MILLER & BRO. PHONE MAIN 1 1107 Adams Ave. Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated only block from depot one D. C. Brichoux Proo. Bight in your busiest Benson when you have the least time to spare you are most iikeiy to take diarrhoea and lose several flays' time, unless you have Chamberlain Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a dose on the first appear ance of the disease. For sale by all dealers. FAM US KING . I Lt 7nl CUM MEAT 0011 POSSIBLE AUSTRALIAN SHEEP SEXT WESTERX CAXADA. TO Careful Study , of Meat Situation America Indicates Drop. , In Chicago, July 13 (Special) Hope for cheaper meats in the United States is held out by the rapid growth or tne alfalfa fed beef cattle and sheep Industry of the western provln cea of Canada, attention to which has he said, "wifl supply the world with wheat and meat In time to come. I make this statement from the stand point of one who is In a position to know what the future has in store for this country. Now that it Is being rendered accessible to the markets of the world through the construction of the two new transcontinental rall raods, the Canadian Northern and the Grand Trunk Pacific, and the further extension of the. Canadian Pacific, this country will be developed beyond the expectations of the most optimistic. NOTICE OP STREET IMPROVEMENT TO WHOM IT MAN CONCERN. Not t'ce i i pursuance of a resolution adoptea by the. com mon council of the city of La Grande, Oregon, on the ,17th day of August, Just been called by the arrival In that) J910, reatIn improvement district nu. -so. ana Designating unestnui are those that everybody Is looking for, because when you smoke one of thcin, yon want more. The Inst pnll is the sweetest Get the last pull. t ; Cement Contractor J Consult him before letting your sidewalk 5 POUND TIN TOPS CAR LOAD RECEIVED George Palmer Lumber Co. Retail Dept. Phone, Main & Your Electric Range is Ready for You cation to hrnr. ,,,.w.U;f;,,i,, ".-., '. $ It will make your kitchen hours shorter and eas ier. , No fires to build, no wood or coal to carry in, no - ; smoke or soot. Just press a button and the range ' i heats up in an instant and stays hot as long as you ' want it. No heat wasted, you pay for just what you . wrn rvr . r 1 v .1 ir. 1 win in 01 uverneac me JXJtcnen " If you have been sweltering for hours every day in I a hot kitchen, this range will be a Godsend to you. J OUR SPECIAL LOW RATE of five a kilo-watt hour makes electricity for cooking no more expensive Eastern Oregor Light & Power Co. section of the advance guard of an In-' vading army of Australian sheep growers. F. W. Falrbain, an Australi an wool king with headquarters in London, recently purchased 4,000 acres in Alberta for sheep raising pur poses. Mr. Falrbain la the largzst grower of wool in the world and his determination to have his son en gage in the sheep industry in western Canada is taken as an Indication umi his future operation on a large scale will be on this continent. ' A study of the" business at the Chi cago stockyards and' at the other packing centers of the country and the reports of the. federal government In dicates that unless the livestock of this country Is largely increased, or there is some relief from our neigh bors, the prices of meats will contin ue to remain high and may go higher. . There are four million fewer cattle in the United States than there, were four years ago, while there are ap. proximately seven millions more peo ple to feed. The cattle number 47,270. 000 according to the government fig ures. In 1907 the number was 511,665 000. The number of cattle decreased in the United States. In the last year by 4.4 per cent. Thrsre was a slight In crease in ' the number of eheep, al though there are 6,750,000 fewer than there were in 1903. The following table of percentage increase in the last year in the United States and the provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta show how western Can ada is rapidly preparing to meet the meat deficit in the United States. .y V -v., ' Sheep . , ; : ; - Increase In U. S. in year 2 per cent Increase in Canadian Provinces . ............. .......4.4 per cent caitie .;,v;.-,':';;; Increase in Canadian provinces in ' one year . .,; ...... . . . 2.7 per cent Decrease in U.. S. ....... .4.4 per fcent Thus our northern neighbors are increasing their supply of sheep more than twice as rapidly as we are, and they are maintaining a substantial in crease in the cattle supply while we are unable, to malfe a gain. l - ' Alfalfa that has been acclimatized. and that has been found by experi ments to be as good as any fattening food for cattle, sheep or hogs, is res ponsible for most of the rapid growth. The alfalfa that has been found to be the best producer for thig part of the country was Imported from Ger many by a settler In Northern Minne sota nearly eltxy yearri ago. His name was Wendelln Grimm, and the alfalfa has been given his name. The plant has become thoroughly Ameri canized and a series of exhaustive tests both in Canada and the United States have proven it able to take case of itself and furnish bumper crops un der even adverse circumstances. Ex periments conducted between 1904 and 1909 at the Indian Head experi ment station in Saskatchewan proved Grimm capable of averaging three and a half tons to the acre, withstand ing a temperature of more than forty degrees below zero, and with only nineteen Inches of rainfall during the growing season. .., Mr. Angus Mackay, superintendent In charge of the experiments reported "From the first the Grimm alfalfa has never been winter or spring killed In the least and on this account I consider it the most valuable strain for this country." - There are millions of acres In Man itoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta which can be converted Into alfalfa fattening fields for cattle, sheep and hogs. Mi. Falrbain saw the possibll Itles In these acres and instead of buying a small cattle ranch a8 he or iginally intended before' arriving In Calgary, he decided to purchase the 4.000 acres for cheep. -"The western Canadian provinces," fir ; ."II I III MM I (',' ti street, as such district, and in pursu anca of a 'resolution adopted by said common council on the 7th day of June, 1911, whereby said council de termined and declared its intention to improve all that portion of Chestnut street, In said Improvement district as hereinafter described, by constructing cement walks 12 feet wide on both Ides of the street, the council will, ten day after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property af fected and benefitted by such improve ment, order that said above described improvement be made; that the boun daries of said district to be bo Im proved are as follows: All that portion of Chestnut street, from the north line of alley between Adams and Jefferson avenue, to the south line of Jefferson avenue. , (A) And the property affected or benefitted by said improvement is as follows: Lot 13, block 115. Chaplin's! addition and Lot 1, block 114, Chap lin's addition, all in La Grande. Ore gon.:. . . Notiec is hereby further given that the council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected or benefitted by such Improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement. That the estimated cost of such Improvement is the eum of $412.33. That the council will, on the 19th day of July, 1911, meet at the council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, p. m., to consider said esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment when a hearing will be granted to , any person feeling, ag grieved by such assessment La Grande, Oregon, June 28th, 1911. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, ' ' OREGON. By C. M HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande, June 3O-10 t . : 34003! T0TJ OUGHT TO. KXOW this shop, and its ability to sine you best. Onr one strongest j desire Is to turn out the best i ILEAXIXG AXD PRESSING and to price onr services to meet your satisfaction. We be. Heve we do this. If your gar. mcnts need onr attention send them to us and we will do yonr work promptly an guarantee not to ruin the materials. ELITE DYEING & CLEANING y'GftKS Main 61. H. B. Waggoner let yonr next eorset be a Cossard. Rare it fit to yonr form. All the style, comfort mid beautj of the late-ln-frout Gos .sard will mean nothing to you until yon try on one of these snperme corsets, . A single try-on will prove to you why they excel. A complete line of Cossard corsets, bust conflners and pafs, always on hand. Prices of corsets $3.50, 15.00, fCOO and $3.50. Mrs. Robert Patticcn Corseilere. Thone Black 14Si. S Raaldent nd Dr School ff Girli . OolLflkV. Ilwntur hpuiMR. Hull, Art, ElocnUoa, 9;nnu1iim. For catalog iddtw THE NIATER fet'PEMOIl tncr2L St. Helen IUU I? Citation. In the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union. In the matter of the estate of Da vid ,Troy, deceased, citation. To Dellla.Beam, John Troy, Thomas Troy and Mary Knight, greeting. In the name of the state) of Oregon, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande, in the county of Union, on the 28th day of July. 1911, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order of sale should not be made, as prayed for In the petition of R. C. Hays, administrator of the setate of David Troy, deceased, of the follow ing described real property towit: All the N. W. 1-4 of Sec. 22 in T. 1, N. of R. 39, E. W. M., of the probable value of $4,000.00. . Also that certain par cel of land described as follows, to wit: . .'. ..- ". Commencing at the NE corner of the SE 1-4 of the NE 1-4 of th SE 1-4 of section 15, T. 1, N. of R. 39, E. W. M and running thence west 160 - feet, thence S. 272 feet, thence east 160 feet, thence N. 272 feet, to the- place of beginning of the probable value of $250.00. ' All of said real property situate In the county of Union state of Oregon. Witness the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union with the seal, of said court affixed, this 21st day of June, 1911. , Attest: .. i '' (Seal) ED. WRIGHT, July 7-14-21 Clerk 0 LadiesV White Button Boots Have You Got Yours? L J.FRENCHSHOE CO Agents for Onyx Hosiery , Monk) r Invested in aHomeBrinasYou 0 Real Rewards that cannot be measured alone in dollars and cents. There's satisfaction in knowing you have a home when possibly .all other investments fail it gives you a feeling of security and demands ; , cause by building you show your faith in the fu i jt ture of the community., And every community m iuiuwu uy its uocua. iuu vau xxcip tuiu ai uuu same time help yourself. A home investment is always the most meritorious, and loss is less like ly because you are dealing in values you under stand and with people you know. We have pup pleid the lumber for the homes of many of your friends who are now on the road to success, and want to talk with you whenever you're ready. For summer diarrhoea In children al ways give Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and I Diarrhoea Remedy and curtor oil, and a I 'peedy cure is certain. For sale by all I --alora, WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISOiN 1 Home Phone 421 Bell Phone, Main 732 ?