La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 10, 1911, Image 1

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    I A
ir in in i
I A'
Spreading his mighty -wings to the ed . gracefully on Its three wheels,
wind with the ease of an eagle, rising stayed on the ground frouf the grand
to-an altitude of about 200 feet and stand, diagonally across ihe grounds
scooting out over Grande Ronde val-' Until the place where the hole in the
ley .in, the direction of Island City,' fence had been made for It. It looked
swerving gracefully ana oettuuiuw. z ":T.?r"n ' tboiieb, it would not
the right reaching a point about ove lift, but, with a sensation, that" is in
Gekler's lane and then swinging down de'scribable, the planes tipped to the
to the ball park again with perfect' proper angle and the machine wa8 fly
control, Charles F. Walsh yesterday i lng, headed due northeast.; , Up gradu-
evening at 6 o'clock gave the Grande! ally but forging ahead at rapid speed!
t" t' t' ;. !. C. f".
i ft U fj : ' t f- fy t'i .
. if
Walsh has his machine1 in readiness to asrnin bat- O
Q tie with the winds tonight at .! :30 o'clock when lie".'
will again leave the hall ' grounds for a flight through .'O ,
air, and the lovers of aviation are hoping he will,
O have the same measure of success that came to him 0
O last evening. V . ' . ? - O
O Tonight's flight will he the Jast that "Walsh will O
. make here. .It is" to make up for the failure last Sat-
urdav, and those: who saw him last evening are con- &
fident the gritty little aviator Avinltirtk'4"u'lfcr.hi:,
vS machine seems to be running more 'smoothly after 0
w iuh iidspt. ot l.nsr. riJiTiiT'( n mir t inn rif rnro
v A view p"" ," CurtisK-Far
man biplan''.
air. TV; ,
.ts through the
Ronde .valley its first aviation, His
descent was marked with a mighty
cheer of excited thousands about 400
of whom had paid admissions and the
others pgered ,from without. Hun-
i . J .1 ... .V a n.fff 'aln
master and wrung his hands with con
gratulations -and the brilliant flight.
Walsh did not attain great height or
xo many' miles for he aimed to keep
always within view of the audience,
and he did. From the moment his
that was his schedule. ' Out oven
housetop and tree top, until the man
was no bigger than a hand, then a
long graceful turn, and" then soon the
roar of the engine in midair could
be heard. He was cotnng back, and
the cheering Increased In volume and
tension. In a moment he was on top
of the excited crowd, and many
thought he was ' going ; on without
alighting, but no, down a few feet
at an easy angle, then over the fence
.,ict reproduction of
it aDueared yesterday
''Jj ailing over the ground be-
. the ball park and Island City.,
vtice the bird-like poise.'
propellor kicked up a cloud of dust , at an altitude of 40 feet Another drop
In front of the grand stand, and the j0f 25 feet at easy stages, thnn out on
machine headed majestically toward a level, then down until the wheels
the aperture. In the fence,' engines touched, a cloud of dust, then all was
barking, dust flying, until the excite- j over, except the Bhoutlng. The land
ment was over there was a cheer from lng was by far the most catchy thing
thousands of throats that must have . of the whole flight once it had left the
been heard miles. The machine, pois-1 ground.'
Miss Marine Delventhal. tran drum-J or Jftfl. Iippbhrp thniisandn -ontfirrtnv
mer at the Isla theatre will be a pas- yesterday refused to contribute; td
senger with Charles F. Walsh when ward the costs. Notwithstanding this
that individual makes his second flight the aviator and the iub will fulfill
from the ball grounds at 4:30 o'clock their tvery lota of the contract and if
tonight. Miss Delventhal will be ta-i people desire to stand outside and see
ken on the journey in air provided the! what they do not pay for the club will
wind does not make it dangerous fori make It up and the club isthebusl
such a venture, and her presence be-j ness men,
side the wheel will add even greater i Jugde Flenner of Boise will make a
Interest In the aviation. . La Grande pre-fllght speech at 4:30 this evening
Is aviation mad right now, though the and there is to be considerable ado
Commercial club stands to lose $300 1 over the start. i , '
. Philip S. Bates, special representa
tive for th edepartment of agrlcuture,
department of good roads, A. H. Aver
ill, president ot the Oregon Thresher-
men's association and Marshall Dana.j
a special ocntributor to the Portland
Journal, arrived In La Grande today
noon on the delayed train, and are
awaiting the departure . tomorrow
morning of the Joseph train to take
them to Wallowa county . where they
will deliver a series of lectures on
good roads, and prep'are articles of ex
ploitation on Wallowa county. Union
county is to come in for Its sharo, and
It Is likely that the lecture will also
be delivered here. , The series was to
have started at Wallowa today and be
finish In three days, but this Itinerary
5 S
. Washlngtoa .July 10 The alleged
Morgan-Guggenheim grab of Control
ler bay, Alaska, and the part Presi-f swered subpoenaes.
being the Invested capital from a scen
ic standpoint in Oregon which Is not
being utilized from a good roads stand
point. ' . 1 : ' :
"I find that on leaving Enterprise
on the morning we will be unable to
leave La Grande until 1:20 at night
and if It is possible for you to ar
range for the furnishing of a hall, ma
chine and operator , in your city on
Thursday evening I will deliver" my
adress free of all charge to you. I
shall be accompanied by Marshall
Dana of the Journal thlch publica
tion Is most active along good roads
lines in this city... Mr. Dana has in
structions from Mr. Jackson to send
in a story every day by wire and to
was broken by the delayed train, prepare a page story for the bunaay
Some other arrangement will have to, issue. This etory will take up the re
be made as to date. Speaking of the 'sources of the county in which we
contemplated 'lour and lecture, Mr, '.shall spend our time, and will' prove
Bates said: : ' j very valuable to the communities that
"This lecture consists of nearly 200 we visit. Thl8 publicity is to be han
elldes, a large proportion of which are; died from a news standpoint only..
Oreeon scenes and the general topic "In order that you may obtain all
dent Taft took in the affair, were the
subject of an Inquiry begun today be
fore the house committee on expendi
tures In the department of the inter
ior. . Land Commissioner Dennett and
Misg Abbott, ; who discovered letters
from Richard Ryan to Balllnger an-
Secretary Fisher .dented- the exist
ence of such letters , and ; , President
Taft doesn't recall discussing tbe Con
troller bay matter with his brother
Charles.'-.'. ' ' . .
Reno, July . 10. With his pockets : alleged fabulous wealth after August
bulging with money Death Valley first. He ha8 expressed his intention
Scotty Is back in Goldfleld today with' of making another spectacular dash
a promise to reveal the location of his across the country in a special train.
Antlered Herd at Alliiulic City,
. Atlantic City. N. J., July 10. The
Elks' convention week opened aus
piciously today in Atlantic City, ' I Is
the silver Jubilee or, 23th annual re
union of the order and by an' Interest
ing coincidence the mee'tins f)uca is
the same where many years rgo the
two rival factions into which th? or
ganization had been spit met in Con
ference and Bettled their. rt:fferences.
While thousands of Elks arrived Sat
urday and Sunday, the real inow Ud
not tegln I'htil this mornki- At the
grand iodge headquarters t it report
ed that ibe registration promise; ;o
cilipae all records. The a-tcls. the
board w.iik. he beach and oAe" p ji
lt piac?s ait jammed w'th entliusl if
tlc crowdi. Ttfe familiar "n!lo, IMi:"
is heard evi-rj where. ;
, An a ldri of welco fyy ;ver.'.r
V jo trow ft '!on of New Jtirrey ,vi 1 a
rosininse oy .ugust iianr.aiiii. u.nt.i!
silted i'ukr of the or!.- are the
chief featiu ps on the pr i,r,iiiuit Of
the fo-mi.l cu'ng of tr.- :;ii!iil lodge
sessions 'tonight. ( The sMatbns avn to
be held in Marinw hulLattHPoctitii
be held Jn Marine hall, tH thu ocean
end of the famous steel pier
The political side of thj cottyention
Is looming up strong ! today. New
Yorkers are boosting hard for Arthur
O. Moreland for grand exalied ruler.
Colonel John P. Sullivan of New Or
leans Is supported by many of the
southern and western delegations
while others are Rooming Charles R.
Rasbury of Texas. Portland, Ore., ap
pears so far to have the field, pretty
much to Itself as the place for the
next convention.
CapUiIn antt Company Toll Dilfercat
Stories About Why Vassengm Were
JIMdi on. Hoard the Ship All Bay Fri
dayGreat Bitterness Expressed
Against the Steamship Company.
Thirteen deaths Tomorrow It will be hotter, the fore
caster says. Four deaths occurred In
New York up to noon. The therraom-
laBt 24 hours.' No relief Is In sight, etftr Is 90, and rising. ,
Chicago, July 10
'occurred here from heat during the
Fon du Lac, Wis., July 10. Prospects
that John Diets, defender of the Cam-
JuBtice Winslow of the Wfsconisin
supreme court granted Dletz a writ of
Cajnh Slatott Hurt but Is Recorlng
Frem Severe Brnlseg,
Cajah Matott, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Matott of South La Grande, was
thrown from a horse this morning as
he was rounding up some loose horses
and quite badly hurt.' He was stunned
for a time but Is now recovering from
his bruises very nicely.
v Los Angeles, July 10.-r-SurvIvors of
the wrecked steamer Santa Eosa are
preparing to organize with the, object
of bringing the foul story of the dis
aster to the-attention of tho federal
authorities. Bitterness against the
steamship company la growing hourly.
The Survivors waut to know why
they were kept on the doomed vessel
all day Friday whon the sea was
smooth. Captain Farla says he was
ordered to hold the passengers on
board Instead of transferring to the
steamer Centralla because of the cost
of transportation. The steamship oH
clals deny this, '
The wireless operator of the Santa
Rosa, however, says it is true.;
'V Many Drowned Is Belief.
Santa Barbara. July 10. There lg
a growing belief here today that at
least a dozen persons drowned Vthea
the . first life raft was leaving the
wrecked- steamer Santa Rosa went to
pieces Friday night. Captain Farla
H crdttwil with making Jhe statement:
that he believad several were lost and
the denials of the officials are dis
credited',' ,. ,'. . . . ;
Former Baker Newspnper Man Sjieud
- In? Day In la Grande
B. E. Kennedy, formerly publisher
of the Baker Herald, Is Bper.ding to-'
day In La Grande with friends He
has Just returned from southern Cal
ifornia where he stayed; several
month? to recover h)! health ""While
tne south did not bring entire relief
it helped him ft great deal. Mr. Ken
nedy was stricken with rlnumatlcra
ippt October and until recotitly has
not been able to walk. He witnessed
the aviation meet yesterday nnd pro
nounced the work of Walsh equal to
many of the aviators of tho ..'.south
where the Curtl88 school Is located.
Mr. Kennedy will go to Hot Lake
soon and spend several days with
Senator Pierce and Fred B. Cuvry.
eron dam and convicted recently of j error in the trial in the cast for the
the charge of murder, may yet go i murder of Deputy Harp. The second
free was brightened today when Chief! trial will probably be held next May.
Rochester, N. Y., July 10. The red
fez worn by the Nobles of the Mystic
. Shrine is much in evdience In Roches
ter 4oday. and the regalia of the or
der Is attracting attention In all parts
of the city. The annual sessions ot
Imperial Council of the Mystic Shrine
take place here this, week and the
members are arriving on .every train.
: From all parts of the east, from the
Pacific coast, from Canada and from
Texas and other parts of the south the
delegation, are -arriving In large
. numbers. - , 1.
From every place of business and
: from all public buildings there floats
the stars and stripes, while bunting of
Both Sides Confident
London, July 10. Great Interest Is
manifested In London In the field and
track sports which will take place to
morrow afternoon at the Queen's club
the order, are lavishly displayed. The between teams gent by the universities
electrical decorations are ot the most;
distinctive and elaborate character.
The formal opening of the gathering
will take place tomorrow morning in
Convention hall. The parade of- the
visiting temples tomorrow night prom
ises to be the greatest the city has
ever witnessed. Wednesday morning
will be given over to visits to places
of interest about the city and In the
afternoon the review and the competi
tive drills will be held. In the even
ing a magnificent water carnival will
be held. The convention wll officially
come to a close Thursday evening
with & grand ball in the New York
red, yellow and green the colors ot state armory
ot Harvard and Yale, representing the
United States, and teams from the un
iversities of Oxford and Cambridge,;
representing England.'
Both teams have been training hard
for. the event. Tbe Americans are
confident they will win six of the nine
events, while the Englishmen believe
the odd event will determine the v
tor, as they expect to win four. Amer
ica Is considered superior in the high
jump, the broad jump and the hur
dles. Both are regarded as having an
even chance In the quarter-mile event
and the hammer-throw.
, The games tomorrow will be the
fourth international contests between
the universities. Of the three; previ
ous meets the United States has won
two and England one. ' Contrary to
most similar games, only first places
count, each victory registering one
point, England won the first meet and
the Americans the next two.
Body Shipped Home.
Saturday evening Henry & Carr, un
dertakers; prepared the body of Mrs.
Idyl Scott, who died here Friday and
shipped it to McMlnnvllIe for burial.
The deceased wag a daughter ot John
Minty of McMInnville. Her father and
brother accompanied the remains
from this city. .-,
Third Degree Work Tonight.
JeB Paul of the Knights of Pythias
urgeg attendance ot a large number
of members at the regular meeting
this evening. There will be work in
tbe third degree s4 U vt rged
San Francisco, Cal., July 10. The
49th annual convention of . the ' Na
tional Education association began Its
work In earnest today, Ther first of
the general sessions was held this
afternoon In the Greek theatre of the
University of California. It Is esti
mated that more than 25,000 persons
have come to San Francisco to attend
the convention. . Several thousand
more are expected, and It Is expected
the convention will be one of the larg
est gatherings of Its kind ever held
on the Pacific coast.
The Greek theatre at the university
has a seating capacity of several
thousand "t had the amphitheatre
been three times as large It would
not have accommodated the crowd to
day. Addresses of welcome were made
by Governor Johnson of California, by
Mayor McCarthy ot San Francisco,. and
President Benjamin Ide' Wheeler ot
the University ot California. Dr. El
mer E. Brown, late United States com
missioner of education, responded for
the visitors. .
Mrs. Ella Flagg Young of Chicago,
president of tho association, was in
troduced to the convention and re-r
celved an enthusiastic greeting. Da
vid Starr Jordan, president of Leland
Stanford Junior university, spoke on
the relation of education to temper
ance, and the initial session came to a
close with an address on "The Cause
Marsh Wixson, state superintendent
of public iustructpn of Colorado,