La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 08, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
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He Was Ad Old Miner and Lhed at
Head of the MInam.
W. B. Daugherty, of Joseph.
Mr. Hlnkley, of Walla Walla, left this
morning for the latter city with the re
mains of John Dunn, who died in this
city last evening. Henry tt Carr,
undertakers, had charge of the body
ana prepared It for shipment.
It Is Interesting to know that the
deceased had lived at the twad of the
MInam for 25 years and had engaged
In mining and prospecting. In his
personal belongings were two sacks
of high grade specimen ore, and Mr.
Daugherty, who had bjen hia lifelong
friend and at one time wa a pros
pector with Dunn, took the samples
to relatives in Walla WalU.
So rich, were some of the specimens
that there is teason to believe John
Dunn uncovered some valuable led
gee In the MInam country before he
wa called to lay down hia pick.
Commencing tonight and con
tinuing ' through Chautauqua
week the. Observer will be found
"on tap" at the Chautauqua
grounds and campers can make 3
arrangements to have their pa- $
per8 delivered there during that
period. Extra papers will be on $
" sale at the park booth for those
v who do not care to have their de-
livery addresses changed.
Society and Clubs
Dr. and1 Mrs. fteemann Home From a
Visit Wtthi Former La Grander.
We have a fresh lot of
Vanilla Wafers.
Peanut Wafers ,
Graham Wafers
Oatmeal Wafers
Butter Thin Wafers
Nabisco Wafers
Salted Wafers '
Also a fresh supply of
Vegetables and Fruits
fresh every morning.
F. L. Bren holts and family and R.
E. Smith, and , family, former La
Grande business men now living In
Southern California, are locating lem
on ranches with . profitable returnte
and making good business Investments
to their financial gain and enjoying
climatic conditions which are better
ing their health, according to Dr. and
Mrs. W. S. Seemann, who returned
this morning from Southern, Califor
nia. After attending the Internation
al convention of Sundav schools, Dr.
and Mrs. Seemann went on to San
Diego and were guests of tne tmmus
end Brenholts, ' until their removal
from La Grande members of tbe doc
tor's congregation.
Tbe tourists enjoyed their trip Im
mensely. ; - :
gratulations and a eoodlv ouantitr of
silver presents, In keeping with the ,n Ireland their majesties will
It hag been first one thing and then
another during the past month in so-1
ciety affairs. This week It is too much 1
outright fun and amusement In the
water and out. In the domestic science
headquarters, in tbe lecture tent, all
together too much of this which can't
wait, to allow any material attention
to society. Twenty-three families are
this afternoon camped at Riverside
park, and those who are not camped
there wish they were "so that is where
society folks have centered their at
tention. It has been a fine time tor
the women folk, swimmin and trying
to swim,; swinging Imaginary Indian
clubs and . dumb , bells and doing
"stunts" that are bound to result in
grace and littleness if practiced dili
gently. As for society, wclL It can
wait until the Chautauqua is over.
Twenty years ago last evening Mr.
and Mrs. Jerry, E.: Foley were united
in marriage and 'last evening they
were the guests of their three chil
dren, P. A., Miss Etta and - Jerome
Foley, the Foley grill being the gath
ering place of the family and relatives
at an. elaborate nine-course dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Fojey were also the re- county, who wish, them much happl-
will be given. If
The progress of King George and
Queen Mary in their tour of the United
Kingdom promises to furnish the most
of the week's news from the other
side. Concluding the four days' visit
Dublin Wednesday for Wales. At Car-
silver wedding anniversary. The chil
dren of the nuartr.rffintiirv mnrrfeil
couple had planned the function care- narvon cm1 the next day will take(
fully and it wa9 highly pleasant to the j place the investiture of the Prince of
guests of honor and the relatives who . wide hv. the kin On PVldav hia ma
gathered at the festal board. The i Z,, ' ,
guesU besides Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Fol-NeBty' w111 open tne new university,
ey, were: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Roesch, 'college at Bangor and on Saturday he
and children, Annie, Louise and Mar-' will lay the foundation stone of tha
81 5!,? E"w Foley' J,er-' Welsh National library at Aberyst-
and Miss Crowe.
Charles I. Wisdom and Ella Twld
well were united la marriage on July
5th at the home of C. D. Tlngleyon
North Fir street. Arthur C. Williams,
justice of the peace, officiating. Both
are residents of , Union county and
have many friends here
them much happiness.
v . ' ,
John H. Nice and Miss Marie John
son were united in marriage at La
Grande, Oregon, July Sth, Justice of
the Peace Arthur C. William officiat
ing. Both - are , reeHdknts of North
Powder and have many friends in this
Mr. and Mrs. . Frank Council Happy
. Parents of a Big Boy This Morning
Dr. H. C. Upton reports the birth
this morning of a 14 1-2 pound son to
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Council. The
"big" little fellow is 'exceptionally
healthy and the mother and father are
justly proud of what is no doubt the
heaviest infant born in Union county
In several years.
Birth Record. ,
Born at Portland, July 5,, to Mr.
Mrs. Tim Donovan, a son.
Royal Grocery
H. Pattison, Prop.
Not in the Association
Time at the
' Beaches.
Los Angeles
, "The Call of the Cool Sea Breeze,"
by Peter B. Kyne. Beautifully illus
trated In four colors.' "The Spell," by
C. N. and A. M. Williamson. Hunting.
Ashing, motoring, Action. . On asle at
all news Btands. V 1
Get Ready for
8 quart preserve kettle,
gray enamel, best quality
Jelly tumblers, half pint,
38c doz.
Common tumblers 38c doz.
1 Ladies Save Your Hands
Triumph fruit jar holder 25 cents
Triumph fruit jar wrench 10 cents
The kind recommended by "Table
Talk", Mrs. Rorer and The Ladies
Home Journal.
The Cast!
Atlantic City, N. J., July 8. The
great rush of delegates and visitors to
the annual national convention and
reunion of Elks began In earnest today.-.
Every hotel and rooming house
in Atlantic City, is booked to Its full
est capacity and all signs point to a
record breaking crowd during the
coming week. The city has put on
her best bib and tucker to welcome
the "best, people on earth" and the
preparations for the entertainment of
the visitors are of the most complete
and elaborate character. The streets
are flaring with purple and white dec
orations and the famous boardwalk is
literally blazing with flags and stream'
ers and gay lanterns.
.The official program for the week
has been completed in all Its details
At the formal opening Monday the vis
iting Elks will be welcomed by Gov
ernor Woodrow Wilson, Mayor Frank
lin P. Stoy and Harray Bacharach,
exalted ruler of the local lodge. Grand
Exalted Ruler . August Herrmann of
Cincinnati will respond for the vlat
The grand lodge will continue in
session three days, with the election
of officers on Wednesday. The elec
Hon is already a subject of much live
ly discussion among the delegates. A
strong boom ha8 been developed for
Colonel John P. Sullivan of New Or
leans for grand exalted ruler. Arthur
C. Moreland of New York and Charles
R. Rasbury of Dallas are also well up
In the running. Portland. CrJ.. will
probably secure next year's convention.-:
: . .'. '
The great parade which is the prin
cipal feature of the annual gathering,
is scheduled for Thursday, afternoon.
Prizes aggregating several thousand
dollars will be distributed among the
lodges making the best showing.
The notable conventions of the week
will include the national reunion of
Elks at Atlantic City, the annual con
vention of the National Educalonal
association at San Francisco, the
meeting of the Imperial Council of
who , wish the Mystic Shrine at Rochester, the
annual meeting of the National Edi
torial association at Detroit, the na
tional convention of Building Owners
and Managers at Cleveland, and the
annual convention of the Young. Peo
ple's Christian Union of the Universal-
1st church in the United States and ;
i.anaaa at runiauu, xtie. .. ( , i
Other events that will, figure more
or less prominently In the niews of
the week will Include the opening of
the Canadian Industrial Exhibition at
Winnipeg, the international athletic
games in England between the teams
of Harvard and Yale and Cambridge
and Oxford, the opening of the grand
circuit races at Indianapolis, and the
national balloon' race, which is sched
uled to. gtart on Monday from Kansas
City. ,Y '.. v--,: . .. ,
-Awarded Gold Kcdol for High.
est Qnallty. - s 1
. ; !-:; ,. ' " -.- .. .
Every Sack Warranted and Sat
isfaction guaranteed. - ' '
f For 8al hj
. Waters-StanchSeld
Produce Cs.
:- Eiclnsliels..
Dr. El L. Biggers. representative of
the local B. P. O. E., is in attendance
at the annual conclave of the grand
lodge of that order at Atlantic City,
N. J.
Washington, D. C, July &. The
Georgia legislature will take its first
vote Tuesday fbr the election of
United States senator to succeed the
late Senator Clay. The result of the
contest is awaited with considerable
interest chiefly because of the promi
nence of the several aspirants for the
toga. Among those, wno are regarded
as candidates for the senatorshlp are
Governor Hoke Smith, Senator Ter
rell, "Tom" Watson and Col. Pleasant
A. Stovall of Savannah.
Republicans' of Kentucky will noinl
natj a state ticket at a convention to
be held in Louisville Tuesday. Judge
E. C. "Rear of the court of appeals
Is their probable choice for governor.
No instructions are proposed for Unit
ed States senator, and probably none
Quake In Hungary.
Vienna, July 8. Dispatches today
say that a heavy earthquake shook
Buda Pesth, Hungary and panic re
sulted. There is no serious loss of
life reported. It is believed that enor
mous damage was wrought In the city
and th? surrounding country.
Paris Hair
at COVE, ORE., JULY 19th
"Come where the Luscious Cherry Grows"
Great Fruit Display
Sports of all kinds
Base Ball Game
Exhibition of Fancy Shooting
, . ' . :':
Excursion on Central Railroad
Gar load of H
"33" cars just arrived
If you are thinking of buying get your
in at once as our
Call or phonie for a demonstratioR.
- u
is limited 1
v -!