La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 08, 1911, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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lo the popular Bummer resort.
, a lot.
ISSIES IIILIi Automobile News and Gocsip
s Tracy Arranges Details of Big
Meet Kt Saturday. : ,;
Young ladlea who are members of
s athletic department of the Chau
c and who have heen conselen-
ijusly training every morning will
I ye a practical demonstration of their
aiieuc aDimies very on. anas am
ed Tracy, of Helena, Montana, who
Un the city and who U proving so
iccessful with the athletic work, said
day In explaining the coming track
Id field meet for boys and girls, more
'During the Chautauqua session a
rt of the time Is devoted to swlm-
ing and : athletics, but within ten
ys it Is not to be expected that the
fist of form in various athletic work
In be obtained, .However, the mem-
the class In physical training'
rogresslng very rapidly. They
anxious to convince the La Grande
pie how beneficial the Chautauqua
Jslon really Is, In all Its phases.
iThe track and field meet that will
ran off on the loth, will last not
are than two hours. There will be
cal(sthenlc drill dashes relay races,
mplng, etc. ? ;
"The young ladles look quite pro-
sslonal In.', their athletic costumes,
gll u
Irs -Of
I. A?'
atning school. . - .'
"The people of La Grande surely
ill take an active intesest In such an
luetic meet and "will beJ present in
Irge numbers. .. .
in tl
; .-' en
d. 201
To. improve the mountain past ortr
the Blue mountains known as the Toll
gate passageway as far as the Union
county line, and to appropriate $100
to five different territories of Union
county for the Improvement of roads
and bridges and culverts, are some
of the things that the Union County
Motor club has already accomplished,
and brand that organization as a pro
gressive, do something association.
The appropriation of a sufficient
amount to repair the road up the
mountain side -to- where . Umatilla
county men are doing the same thing,
cost a neat sum. On top of that the
directors at their July meeting last
Monday appropriated $2Q to each of
the five districts in the valley com
prising Union. Imbler, Island City, El
gla and La Grande, and the directors
Intend the expenditures. When more
fundg are available, more bridges will
be repaired, . with plank or spike as
the case may be and In all Instances
will the welfarte of the farmers and
auto men be looked after with the
same interest. The mistaken Impres
sion hag gone forth that the club is
building boulevards. The facts arte,
the auto club Is helping ,the farmers
repair good old fashioned highways
for hauling of grain or running of
automobiles. :
. .. ., ;, .
What promises to be the biggest
auto race meet In years will be partic
lnated In by La Grande and Union
county auto folks at Baker next Mon
here will enter machines In the big
races during the aviation meet there.
Among the races scheduled for the
meet are;
A five mile race for 30 horse power
cars, winner to receive a purse of $50.
A 3-mile race for 20 horse power
cars, winner to receive a purse of $25.
A 3-mlle free for all. Winner to
receive a purae of $25.
A one mile stand and crank free-for-all,
winner to receive a handsome
loving cup.
It was decided to allow each con
testant to remove top, wind-shield and
An entrance fee of $5 will be charg
ed for each car entered and the total
amount realized from that source In
each separate event, will be divided
equally between the winners of first,
second and third places In addition to
the prizes above scheduled.
The tun to the fish hatchery by the
Automobile club July 16 is the. All-ab
sorbing topic among the auto fans.'
Some havie asserted they will leave
the night before and get a pull at some
fish before Joining the "bunch" at the
hatchery at high noon .where a picnic
dinner will be served. Each party Is
to takie its own lunch and be at the
hatchery at noon, though there Is no
stipulation as to when they leave
their respective homes. r
Bob Plant made a trip to Wallowa
1 1ST If
d would be a credit, to any physical The Wttebrandt Au company
Will SVUiX a niKlBUIl oo nuaiuoi hid en
tries at Baker, with HolUster, the
mechanician, at the steering wheel. It
is also likely that still otherg from
Game to Start Immediately After the
; Aviation Affair Is Kvw.
Tomorrow afternoon at the Lincoln
grounds Immediately after the avia
tion attraction the Union team will
meet La Grande for the last of the
first 12 games of the schedule and as
this last round of the summer series
approaches, fans are settling down to
a hair-raising finish. Elgin, climbing
rapidly during the past month, has at
tained a point in the percentage table
where it would be somewhat disas
trous f or L& Jfirande to lose a game,
uu ouiy to ttny oirner -team, out to
Elgin as well. Elgin plays at Baker
tomorrow and unless the strengthen
ed Infield can turn the tide there
seems little likelihood of Elgin losing.
Then, too, thier Is always that pos
sibility of Union turning the trick and
defeating La Grande, a contingency
not at all desirable at the present
writing. Without being pessimistic,
it can truthfully be said that of the
extremis Importance attached to the
While Jhere seems to be some man
ner or dispute as to how the deputy
game warden got Caddie Crawford,
Chas. Gray, Jessie Breashear3, Rubo
Breashears, Herman Breashearg and
Charh'S Breashears at Elgin this week
for violating the fishing laws, the fact
remains just the same that if these
men are guilty they should be pun
ished. There are certain laws in 1
flshdom that are absolutely necessary!
for the welfare of the .finny tribe andi
only something akin to criminals will
break them. In the Elgin Instance,
the fishermen overlooked the law that
fishing after sundown 1b illegal. This
law can hardly be classed in such a
category that to break it signifies the
aforet mentioned criminality. Get
some of the grab hook artists, Mr.
Deputy thiey are your meat.
With a strengthened Infield, the Ba
ker boosters will meet Elgin at Ba
ker tomorrow. The new men are P.
W. Whltton, who played with the Pen
dleton team until the close of the
season In the Blue Mountain league
last Tuesday. He Is a swift and ft
speedy infleldior and Is reported to be
handy with the willow. Cooper, one
pf the 0. A.. C. team, also
comes Tfell recommended and win add
strength to the team. Kldwrnll of the
Idaho state league has a reputation as
season player and should help out
this week In his Ford which he se- remaining four or five games, omor
cured by trading the machine he made row's is not by any means the least.
mm8eir. me interesting part oi mo, .. ua Grande s lineup will be practl
journey was that he had no mishaps . cgUy unchanged over that of July. 4th
which usually follow Bob quite close
ly. , ',-.. ..
. A carload of Hudson 80s reached
the dittebrandt garage this week. One
of the machines hag been delivered to
C. A. Meyers of Snmmervllle. -
"If there are boys enough who join
e class there will be several events
them. At some later date the pro
kra will be printed In full. i
''The meet promises to be full of In
vest' for both contestants and spec
tors. The 15th will be the last day
the Chautauqua for this season and
I should try to make it a success by
1ng their hearty support," ' ,
S Q Q t 5388JJ'
5S S 5DS$S
Johnny 3ioran, the actor-fighter, is
anxious to clash with Al Ilmont.
' V'"
Dick Nelson is on his way to Ms old
home in Denmark, but expectg to re-
v turn in September. .
oy Athietos to ComjKte Abroad !
ontreal, July 8. Fifteen picked The lid has been clapped down on
intrBi hov athletes sailed today en the boxlns: Kame in East Chicago. Too
jtft for Nancv. France, where they many uromoters spoiled the m .al
se to compete m a ; great tuureuu ticnet. . :. '
laurnament at the end of July. The
purnament 1b to be held under the
usplces of the French Gymnastic
Federation of Sport, and will bring JuJy 2g
pgetner aocut o.uuu young . iub
epresentlng many of the countries of
he world. ' :
Sam Langford and Jack Drlscoll, of
of Canada, will meet in Winnipeg, on
Jack Ward, the English lightweight
who came to this country -with Matt
Wells, has returned home.
Bfiuty to Race at the Falls.
V!nsrnr'A Falls. Ont.. July 8. With
;everal hundred horses already, here" , Knockout Brown wantg t.ou tor
i,--n rmitA tho flrat meetinflf hi3 end to meet Wolgast. Notmng is
If the Niagara Falls Racing assocla- stirring for K. O. . at that price.
inn-win onen Monday on the new V
alf-mlle track recently Dut In optera- Bill Squires will return to tne ring,
- & ' y 1 1 1 T nnm In
inn hv a Canad an syndicate. The having agreed to meet s
I . ti m m aha . An-m ,lti, iiTt mnnth. When the n8,T
peeling wiu ruu tui "' w - . " ta mi.fM.mri la th
...-.i ...I. m a noor a cm I jin ir Pflvft sauircfl a u teri su uu nnu. - -
; Louisville Is playing nice ball and
coming strong in the American Asso
ciation race. ',;;'.', ' ,r j . :.;
Quite a rumpus waB caused in Wash
ington recently when it W23 charged
that the Nationals were "throwing
down" Pitcher Wolter Johnson. Mana
ger Mc Ale er says that there is no
truth whatever in the accusation.
Earl Mack son of Manager Connie
Mack of .the. Athletics is, playing with
the Harrisburg Tri-State league team.
nwner Comiskev says that his
White Sox have the class and will
make a hot fight for the American
league' honors.
Pittsburg fans claim that Hal Chase
has nothing on Honus Wagner, who is
guarding hassock number on for the
i ,
The Giants are holding their dwn
In spite of the absence of heavy hit
ix or seven races on the
ay. o ure 111 fered H - awful beating.
only .S00 hitter with the outfit
Aubin will be on : the grounds and
either ho or Mclnnls will twirl. Union
will likely have ltg regular men back
Into the game tomorrow too, making
the contest all the more interesting,
The game will comm&noo Just as
soon as the aviation affair 1b ended
which will probably be about 3 o'clock,
"Are we going to have the season
extended?" asks the Elgin Recorder.
"We believe the fan8 of Elgin will
willingly , contribute tne necessary
funds In order to give the home team
a chance at the. pennant, and' for La
Grande to refuse would be an admis
sion 6f their: team's inferiority." ;
The secondary schedule .is to be
worked out immediately after tomor
row. There are lour games to piay
after the Sunday game, and the place
whejre these will be played will be set
tled at once. It would not be fair for
La Grande to play two of the four
gameB with Elgin or Baker; neither
would It be fair for Elgin, but a game
behind La Grande, to play Union, the
weakest team, twice. 'It will take
some Solomon-likio adjudication to
settle it. ', .:;
Tennis is sadly forgotten this year
Several sharks are planning on a new
court which as yet hag not taken
Bhape in anything' definite. ' It is to
be located in thlo heart of town; If
- .
During the day time the water is
turned into the boating courses
Riverside park and lends enchantment
"MM iu. i
ura Is AM wHft.WBl tor OMmiMioB. . v. mmlaiA u
' Drrancao
ROBERT G. CLOWRY, pr lawn sno unf
al, CH5B0 76 Colleot NL ;': V.:;':V VV-
Milwaukee, Wis, June 21st-ll. '
The Firestone Tire & Rubber Co, ,
r." ': Akron, Ohio. H, ' . 1
Ford car Kuliok driving won fifty mile race on Firestone .tires. '.' Burman in
Mercedes won five mile free-for-al on Firestone Tires also drove exhibition
on BlitzenBenz two miles one minute 43 seconds Burman in Blitzen Benz
broks mile track record, time 50.15 seconds. In ten races Firestone Tires
win six first prizes three second prizes and one third prize A decided .
Firestone victory.
4:33 a.m. Barney Oldfield.
it k. (i ierv.r vou have been settinsr let us eauiD your car with
. . . .
The La Grande Elks are trying to
arrange a game with the Baker El'sa
at Bak.T a week from tomorrow. TliU
Is the "steenth time thl3 game has been
under negotiations and as It Is believ
ed the La Grande pennant chasers la
the Eastern Oregon league will play
at Bak;r that day ,lt planned to
combine the expense of both trips inta
one excursion train. '
' This is how the Recorder handles
the game here July 4th:
In the Fourth of July exhibition
games Elgin lost in the morning to
La Grande at La Grande, and won
in the afternoon from Baker City at
Haines. The defeat in the mornln?
was caused by the absence of some of
our regular players and the presence 17
of the umpire, together with numerous
fat errors In the field and perfect field
ing by aL Grande. Aubln was batted
freely but the La Grande gardeners
took care of everything that camo
within hailing distance,
The ball game Sunday between our
boys and the Wallowa boys on the
opponents' diamond proved very dis
astrous to the local ag they were de
feated by a scone of 12 to 2. The trip
from Cove to Wallowa la a long one
and should never be attempted by a
ball team when they expsct to make
the trip in the' morning and play in
the afternoon. for when they arrive on
tne new tney are in no connmon to
play hall as the score Indicated. Per
haps we can return the score when
they play on the home diamond.
Cove orrespendonet in Union Scout. .
; I! 1 I
v m
.y II
1 v
Mf&m ...
Tl , .41
ft.,'. ' S J ,
,y;Kt., IIS I i
In My Home
is a Macey Book Cabinet
i To let one' oi the new Macey Book Cabinet in your home is
, to set before your children an example of such good taste that '
throughout all the day of their lives they will feel its lefininff
- influence. .,..".. ,i.
Macey Book Cabinets are the first sectional bookcases ever
, v built after the designs of the old masters. These old masters,
; Sheraton, Chippendale, Robert Adam and Fra Junipero, were
as great in Furniture as Shakespeare in Literature, as Mozart in
Music, as Michael Angelo in Painting. ,
, - The new Macey Book Cabinets are the only sectional book
cases that can be added to, both upward and sideways, and still
not look like sectional bookcases, but like heirlooms of furniture.
' Can be taken from or rearranged without destroying their beauty
and style.
So artful is the cabinet work that dealers frequently have to
' take them apart to convince customers that they are sectional. '
Macey old master designs harmonize with any furniture you
: now have, and are made in such variety of popular prices, sixes,
' woods and finishes, that they fit any requirement of space or purse,
Macey Sectional Book Cabinets are built under the direction
of Mr. O. H. L. Wernicke, the father of sectional bookcases and
President of The Macey Company. Mr. Wernicke's name is
still used in the corporate title of a competing firm, with which
ha has long since had no connection.
-If you wish to give your Lome and your childrea.the most in
spiring influence you ever gave them, you will go to a furniture
store and see these new Macey Book Cabinets before you forget it
and Company
-,i .. .i A ... i.,A e .
I) iJ
If VOU BIC UISOOHOllVAl TTll - - - J ... - - -
Firestone Tires.
Smiths Garage.
t v
, i i ' i ,