La GRANDE liviiNG OjjoritVEli, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1911. PAG) 5 ted e t hi Cha; 8, Orfr in th assess :ted nt ti :h Id coBtq im on tb at tri of 1 est ild ai 111 b g ad , 191 IDE, s, nde. hy You Should ink 'with the United States National Ban! LA GRANDE, OREGON SEVENTH Your idle money will earn interest with us and yet be as much at your call as if you kept it in your pocket. Bring it here for deposit. We will issue a Certi ficate of Deposit in your name. When you want the .money you can have it, also the four per cent, interest it earns while in this bank, - We have safe deposit boxes for rent3 sizes-$2, $3 and $5 i UGnel THEATRE The PnMIc Rely on Is For Quality of our Perform e. : ' They Are Never Dt. appointed . " "The Society Girl an the Gypsy" Pathe Stirring story made beautlful .y realistic with charming scen er yand thrilling situations. "A Thoroughbred" . . ,. Edison A splendid tale of steeple chase running. The coniedian . owner of the race horse has to .ride the. mount at the last and ;Wlns the race and a wife. "The, Crooked Road' ,. .Blograph One of the Blograph's best pictures. Full of Intense in ter sest with magnificent acting by ford, Iowa, were Savoy vlsLorg last night. W. F. Wade and wife were over from Cove this morning and registered at the Savoy. Thomas P. Adams, a mining man of Joseph spent the day In the city tran sacting business matters. Mrs. C. V. Noyes left last evening i In response to a message stating that aer inena, airs. 1 ranR. Meade, was seriously 111. Henry Wade, Miss Keefor, Miss Goe bel. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hume of Los tine are staying at the Foley this af ternoon. .- J. L. Steinman cf San Francisco Is staying at the Foley today, as is H. N. Welsh of San Francisco and W. D. Winters also of San Francisco. : r Miss Ethel Mitchell is here from the east and was met thi- morning by her brother, F. E. Mitchell of Wallowa. They are at the Foley. " Otto' Keller of The Dalles, J. A. Thronson of Imbler and W. T. Hagler of Twin Falls were some of the Savoy visitors this morning. John A. Pearson, a merchant of Min neapolis, has continued his tour of the Pacific northwest after visiting a few days with S. H. Dalton. Mr. Dal ton was employed by Mr. Pearson In Minneapolis several years ago and the two enjoyed their visit here Immense ly. : .. " .; ' . ' HTH Illustrated song "Sing to Me .Loves Sweetest Song Divine." Sung by Miss Garrlck ........ Matinees Mr. Ferrln ..... ..i,. Evenings FOR RENT Two furnished roms. Ap . ply Mrs. John Wilson, J204 N ave- TRIAL JURORS ON CARPET. We would like to get you started wearing Qnvi r . f & " : J .: Brand n u HOSIERY We combine the community's working al. applying it where most needed for the promotion usiness and the interests of our people. This is ai id Bank, a, Solid Bank, a Safe Bank for you to be with F. L uwr ; '. . ' Distributor of the Walger New Model Awning The Best Awning Ever Put Up TOO LQtALS DR. A. C. POSEY, Specialist for Eye, ; Ear, Nose and Throat diseases. Eye ' fitted with glasses. Orer Selder's store ' . :,: - .-. ; Mrs. E. P, Day will continue her Another chance to get a cup of that delicious cqfee served with a light row ami Saturday. The coffe man w:il In there In all his glory. Special pric es on all brands of his coffees- for these two days only. Come everybody You are welcome. A Brownie camera should be lnclud ed In your boy's or blrl's vacation out fit. The fun to be derived from one Is all out of proportion with th cost $1.00 to $12.00. Come and see them, Wright Drug company. Grand Jury Anxious to Learn Why ' WW happy" Went Free. Seattle, July 8. Hurriedly summor , d last night by. the grand Jury tha first Wappensteln Jury which dis agreed by a vote of seven for acquittal and five for convlc'ion appeared be fore the grand Jury today. It Is be lieved the grand Jury wants the trial Jury to explain why ntf agreement was reached. ' - : . for once worn, always worn. - None better, few as good. Try our linen heel and toe children's hose; also in men's and see what a difference in wear. ; ' 1 ..; ,- . . We carry a complete stock in men's, women's and children's hosiery in all grades. L. J. French Shoe Co. Sixth street. 7-1-tf En'ipavorers Pick Los Angeles. ' 'Atlantic City. July, 8. Trustees of the Christian Endeavor society today chose Los-Angeles as the place for the next year's convention. . Governor Plead for Woman. Indianapolis, July 8. Declaring h will not aid to her pardon but would try to get the sentence commuted to life Imprisonment, Governor Marshall today wrote, to Earl Grey, governor general of Canada, urging that MrB. Napolitano not be hanged. , He Insisted It was not the business of the state to take human Ufa. ." h: ' " :; ' .. It made grandfather smile thle oth er day, when he read about Jake Beck ley" getting eeven hits In a double header. He said it mad him think of his kid days, when he used to watch Jake bust the fence. "Old Eagle Eye" Is managing the Hannibal Central as sociation team. , FOR SALE Dry chain wood in any quantity. $1.60 per cord, at the Per ry yards. Grande Ronde ' Lumber . company Pe.rry, Ore. . 6-lB-tf La Grande. Address Wm. Burnt p, La Grande, Oregon. 6-30 to 7-35 FOR SALE 1,000 cords wood, also fence posts, telephone poles, etc., In standing timber. Eight mile from LOST Ladies' gold watch, wth foo attached. Finder return to tali of fice and receive suitable reward. $ 0 & litable for ResidencesSummer Resorts, Office and Hotel Buildings, school nouses, l actones, eic mmocks: Ice Cream Freezers, Lubricating Oil, Hay forks, Tents, and Wagon Covers, Hay Carrier Rope. LA GRANDE OREGON PHONE. BLACK 1131. $'4'?$i)$tS$$)g ! prnsnxn.s. y & $$.gJJtJi3??$$$ ; Don Meyers arrived home ti!s morn wing from a business trip to Portland. . Miss May Fitzgerald left for Pay ette today to visit with friends for a month.. . r. Sam Y. Edwards, the Fed Dfv!! Ce ment man is a Foley guost today. Mrs. John Minty of Dallas, Oregon. Is a Sommer hotel guest today.- L. W. Weeks and wife are hera from Telocaset today and are staying at the Sommer. James McGovern and M. R. Mach. Averil machinery men, are stopping at the Foley this afternoon. "Julius". Caesar, a central supply man of Spokane, is staying at the Fpl ey today. William Stirling Battls, the Dickens reader and impersonator, Is a guest at the Foley today, W. J. Ncedham of Joseph spent last night here, stopping at the Savoy ho. tel. - ;' .- . . , . Albert Rashfelt of Twin Falls was a guest in La Grande last night. He registered at the Savoy. H. A. Thomas find daughter of Bed Classified Advertising EXCURSION EaVes Ea s t - , From all points on OREGON-WASHINGTON RA1LROAP ft NATIGATION COMPANY ; To ' . . FAREI Chicago . . .'. ..... ...... .$72' Council Bluffs Omaha ....... M. WAMh , Ail tai ;.c.v4 .u L Grar.5 j fcetween 10 and 13 year? old to J v.n the Boys' Savers' club. Call at the laundry and I will tell you all about It A. B.i Chrery, mgr. Cherry' New Laundry. WANTED A l3'ly wishes . emptor ment. Would prefer situation i housekeeper or would do roo' T.-s-tr : Address Pok :! WANTED Two ' churn driller, to , drill 20 feet deep in seamy rocks. Steady work, by the day or by con tract, for the right men. Api ty at J. L. Mars, rock quarry. 7-8, Ct Kansas City .... St. Joseph ...... St. Paul ....... St. Paul, via Council Bluffs .... . ; 63.9C Minneapolis, direct ............. 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs. CD.J0 Detroit, Mich Boston ...... FOR SALE Young pony, saf?. and ew York ppntle.- Just rleht for young chll- st- dren. F. D. Haisten, furniture store ' ,.7-7-t- .,. 82.C0 ...110.00 ...108.S) ... 70.00 ...107.50 V.. 102.40 1 Washington. D. C. Atiuntic City, N. J . : !.. V Sale Datfs : CALL ' BLACK 14C2 if you want sev- j June 6i 7 jt io, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23 , eral loads of rich dirt for the haul-; 24, 28. 29 and 30. . The Delicate Flavor of Sieste BAKERIZED t Coffee. I Ing. Spring and Sixth. 7-7-6 t STRAYED To my place one mile east of La Grande, one Jiay mare 1.200 lbs., brand W. T. left side. - Owner can have same for amount of this . nd. and. keep of horse., C. M. Gra . . ham. . ." . '' 7-6-tf FOR tiAxM New seveu hors? power saw. InqiiM" '!4H FOR GALE Timber claim near rail road. .;ddress Ob;c-rver. 7-1 -to 8-?. FOR RENT Furnished room. 1606 July 1. 2, 3. 4. 6, 6, 19, 20, 26. 27 and ' August 3 4, 6, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22. 23, 28, 29 and 30. September 12, 4. 5, 6 and 7. " Stop-overs within limits In either di rection. Final return limit October 31t One way through Calfornia $15.00 ad ditional. ' -Inquire of any 0.-TT. II. A N. Agent for More Complete Information WM. MeMTJEBAT General Passenger Agent, 1 Portlat. ' Oregon. ' Makes an Ideal cup for, those who wish to avoid strong and stimulating coffees.. -: Pale In color, being of clear amber hue in the cup. I I t 45c a Pound I For Sale Only by I Pattison Bros. I .:: - i A : ' I ,:: s j ,:: - i " w i "7 Jr - . One of the greatest objections to bridge work has been the fact that porcelain facings would break and leave a decidedly uncomfortable piece of work in the mouth, did you ever have it occur to you? That difficulty has been overcome entirely by the use of an interchangeable porcelain facing whih may be replaced in a few minutes in case of breakage. We have put in a very large selection of these facings and are ready to bridge work for you without waiting to send for the material. We would be pleased to have you ask us about this class of work, J. E STEVENSON, D. D. S. G A. BROWN, D D S i t 1