LA GRANDE EVENINQ OBSERVER, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1911. PAGES ft?' 0 : This plat gives size, location and price of 2 choice home sites. Nearly y4 acres for $300.00. Make your own terms. Buy in Riverside addition and be assured of a big profit in a short time. IB OS CO go IS - x 1 j Price $300.00 Price $350.00 18 ";.,;', : Y AVENUE WM. MILLER & BRO. KEi H07 Adams Ave. EUROPEAN PLAN r ARK LAWS VIOLATED. j"he rooms are good and Iteam heated only one J block from depot ; j). C. Brichoux, Proa. o o O CHURCH X0TICES Xethodlst Episcopal Church. After the Sunday school at 9:43 which will close its session at about 10:45, the people will go to the Chau tauqua grounds for the remainder of th day where there will be preach ing at 11:30 by the pastor of the M. E. church. An excellent program of mu sic has been arranged; Miss Frances Breckenrldge will sing a new solo, and all the singing besides will be con gregational. . ' The pastors desires that all the friendg of the. Methodist church, all the regular and irregular attendants take advantage of the occasion to spend a full day at the park, taking their dinners. J. D. GILLILAN. be combined with the union meetings at Riverside park'. W. S. SEEMANN, Pastor. Christian Science Serrtee. Christian Science Bervlce is held on Sunday at 11 a. m. at 907 C avenue. The subject of lesson sermon Is "Sacrament." St Peters Church. Fourth Sunday After Trinity. Holy Comunion ,.. 8:00a.m. Sunday school ,20:00 a.m. Morning service 11:00a.m. Evening service 7:30p.m. PEACHES NEWEST FRUIT. Presbytertan Chnrch. ... "' Morning and evening services wilt Freewater and California peaches went on sale this week-end and adds another line of summer fruits for the inspection of the shopper.. The ship menls fcrrlvlng here have been of a very luscious quality and have sold readily enough, too. The Freewater variety Is a little earlier than usual Picnic Party ForgH to Carry Away .. ,vi., Residue of Lunches. Flagrant violations of decency laws were recorded at Riverside park Fri day probably through negligence and carelessness more than willful disre gard for existing laws. Watermelon rinds, "leavings" of lunches and a general disregard for all park rules mark the spot, where campers spent the noon hour. The park Is unquali fiedly for campers but not to be used as a dumping ground for "leave overs" As stated, it-was probably a case of forgatfulness but other camperB should remember to clean up waste paper, rinds and similarly obnoxious articles before leaving. Picnic dinners are encouraged and facilities are freo to morrow, but that does not mean flagrant disregard of rules governing the park, as other parks are governed. Catcher "Hickory' .. Johnson and jlgbt fa your busiest season when yon Pitcher joe Willis of the Decatur Three-I league team, are booked" to eat in big league hotels, so 'tis said. McGraw wants Johnson and thei Cubs are after Willis. . -' ; , 3 the least time to spare you are mow Jy to take diarrhoea and lose several! . time, unless you have Chamberlain's i Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at nand take- a dose on the first appear ' 4 the diaeaxe. For sale by all dealers. Q.T. Cement Parley Contractor Consult him before letting your '.sidewalk; 5 POUND TIN TOPS CAR LOAD RECEIVED af the . George Palmer Lumber Co. Retail Dept. Phone, Main 8 ( r ' . . -.. . ... f : -rjrz&eiz: 1 ' W-Tn "'""8811 ii ffv -noaaao 'ptrenaod "Xh S V ' ' S ';ua3v aeaaessi pan jq8iJJ I.neo ! m V. -.'NVKOO.-a 'Hi : .) : ; 'V' ;:,: : t ')8ntaj no ?trfl oq iaopsjtip I9)oq pa apioj p8jsnni; nstg jeqojoo Jimil ujnu & 'tt 'H VU kA- 0 jo jaeaw Xq pp li punoa OT Slt 'Biaojsy 3J0)Sq q3noaqj jsajj viqainioo jo mnom o Ruwrjjod raoaj m?la 'epiSBes pu )jqjvao v jrasX HB nedo 8?oq ssvp 'sqSia Saiqssjjsj put tXBp loop 'sezeejq Ioo 'sezanaq V3t vq puBmoj tnojj sanoq ;iH fu tm : anons vas xvaoo aiix it K0IIV3VA nnoi asaas y "i MM .GRANbE JiOmt MEAT. CO.. Uses only Refrigerator Counters and they show our cut meats in a most sanitary and appetizing way 7T0 MARKETS' BOTH PH0UES SOTICE. ance with the assessment herein lev Notice of the recorder of the city of! led and to collect said assessment,' La Grande! Oregon, of the assessment the same being In improvement dls- of Main Btreet from the east curb line trlct No. 3 In said city of La Grands of First street to the west line of! Oregon," is now In my hands for col- Fourth street. - i lection and that any assessment there- 'iwlm '' ' L's.vL .'lrt-,' --' '' wih. naid to ut at. any , time sessraem rou xor we improvement H wltWn ten 10) dayg from th 8tJ Car Main Btreet from the east curb line of j m , - 4 , - . 4 First street to the west line of Fourh of Ju' 1811' without penalty, interest street, being in Improvement district or cost; and each property owners is No. 3 In the city of La Grande; Ore-1 hereby notified that on application to gon, under the provisions of Ordi-jtbe undersigned within ten (10) day3 nance No. 537, Series 1911, entitled: from the th day of July, 1911, which "An Ordinance declaring thcost of the Arst Publication of th.s notice, improving Main street from the east1"? " b& flowed to pay such as curb line of First street to the" -west cessment In ten (10) annual install line of Fourth street; determin-i I' .the flr8t bailment thereof lng the Droperty benefitted thereby, being due and payable on or before levying an assessment thereon to de-. the 17th day of July, 1912. If appllca. fray the costs and expenses of the im provement; providing for the assess ' ment roll of the same and directing the entry of said assessment in the docket of city liens; providing a time when the same shall become delinquent and requiring the city recorder to prepare a special assessment roll in accord- J. E. Bradley & Co. . : SANITARY PLUMBING EEPAIE WORK A SPECIALTY. PHOXtSt SHOP BLACK 71. BESIDEXCE-BLACK 182. NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL Block -1.. South one half South one half South one half :, South one half . ; '' except 19 feet north and south by 40' fetet east and west out of southwest corner 19 feet north and south by 40 feet east and west, out of southwest corner of ; East 95 fetet : West 40 feet East 95 feet .West 40 feet : ' E. 1-2 of N. 25.4 feet of East one half of East ona half of W, 1-2 of N. 25.4 feet of west one half of west one half of lnn la Tint mnria na nhnvP. nrovlded. the whole amount will be and become due and payable and dellnqurnt on the 17th day of July, 1911 All property owners interested are hereby notified to appear at my office In the city hall and pay the same. Th assessment roll Is as follows: GRISDFS ADDITION.' ' i , Lot ame of Owner. Am't Assessment , 1 G. W. and Kate Hansen . ... . . .? . 2 Geo. W. O'Neil and Emma i O'Neil ...... J.............. 189.72 " ; 3 Mertie Aldrich ............... 60.40 ' . 8 Pauline Slemon 100.78 Mary' M. and J." H. McLachlln. . 285.83 J. W. Knowles ...:........'... 732.08 Adle E. Russel ............... 669.9? Adie E. Russel .......... 302.37 m. p. Hill 105.66 9 10 1 2 , 3 8 Joseph Jones 80.71 r North 24.4 feet East 50 feet West 60 feet ; - v East 50 feet West 60 feet . . North 25.4 feet, 'an of . : ( ;,;.', - South tern ffRt , ' - : N. 19 feet of South one half ' South one half of - All of . -. ". 5 " 6 6 ,7 7 .1 3 3, 3 8 9 10 . . . 25.88 , . . . 202.49 ...100.00 ... 522.31 ... 2.46.13 ... 23.12 ... 78.29 .T. 237.50 26.97 ... 86.41 ... 253.19. ... 761.10 . . . 290.91 97.S0 . . ... 259.80 . , . 647.86 253.79 ... 313.00 . . . 90.81 ...108.75 ... 64.76 . . . 657.94 C. T. Bacon and Annie E. Bacon 264.32 C. T. Bacon and Annie E. Bacon 41.23 M. K, Hall 53.39 Mrs. H. C.Gilman ............ 68.94 Mrs. H. C. Gilman ............ 203.10 Mrs. H. C. Gilman 659.17 Am't of Ae8mnt Nellie M. Stephens Joseph Jones Nellie M. Stephens ... ' Joseph Jones ' Nelltes M. Stephens . . . T. H. Crawford ........ T. H. Crawford' ,. T. H. Crawford F. L. Meyers ". , F. L.Meyers ......... F. L. Meyers ......... Media Prcebstel Media Proebstel N. Molitor Genevieve Bohnenkamp Emma A. Grady A. C. Williams ........ F. H. Mytenger ....... J. G. Stephens ' F. K. Mytenger ........ J. G. Stephens ........ Sam Cochran R. L. Newlln .......... 5ame ",' .... Description A. C. Huntington, commencing 80 feet south of the southeast confer of block 1, Grandy's addition to town of La Grande, Union county, Oregon ; thence west 195 feet', thence south 125 feet, west 150 feet, north 125 feet, west 46.3 feet, south 133.6 feet, east 212.5 feet, north 18.6 feet, east 178.3 feet, north 115 feet to beginning ..............1220.60 Christina W. Murphy, commencing 80 feet south and 295 feet west " '" of southeast corner of block 1, Grandy's addition to the town of La Grande, Union county, Oregon;' thence south 125 fleet, west 60 feet, north 125 feet, east 50 feet to beginning 253.10 Irene Murphy, commencing 80 feet south and 245 feet west of south east corner of block 1, Grandy's addition to the town of La Grande Union county Oregon; thence south 125 feet, weat .50 feet, north 125 feet, east 60 feet to beginning- 253.10 Mrs. E. E. Curry, commencing 80 feet south and 195 fleet west of ' southeast corner of block 1, Grandv's addition to town of La Grande ' Union county, Oregon; thence sputh 125 feet, west 60 feet, north 125 feet, east 50 feet to beginning. Nicholas Molitor, commencing 195 feet south of southeast corner of block 1. Grandy'g addition to town of La Grande, Union county, Ore- gon. thence west 178.3 feet, south 18.6 feiet, ast 178.3 feet, north 18.6 feet to beginning By order of the council June 28th.i911. CM. HUMPHREYS, Recorder of the City of La Grande. 253,10 38.17 Butchers Wagon No Horse i Shoeing 1 Wagon repairing a specially. If your. Tires need resetting give us a call, Second-hand Buggies, Hacks and Camp Wagons for sale. OCONNELL'S Cigar Store ,: Pool, Billiards, Cigars, Tobac co and Soft' Drinks best and most complete line of cigars In the city. Observer's Coast League base, ball scores every day there's a game. Corner Depot and Jefferson St. Si FREE TO YOU MY SISTER and Every Sister 8uf Woman's Ailments. S lint woman. I know woman'! suffering. - 1 bav found tba cure. J w.'if P'??1 rof charge, tnT,(m.' ul with full liujtructloiia to any ufferw from woman's allmenta. I want to iell ill women about tola cure im, my rtiader, for youravlf, your' daughter, your mother, or your utter. I want to tell you how to euro youruolvea at home with. out the hulp of a doctor. Men cimm) nndertitand . women's aufferinga. What we women k now f res uttritfict, we know better than any doctor. I know that my'home treatment Im uafe and sure cure for InicorrhoM or fthWtk liichtrp,, UletrallM. Olt w Mllinj el tlx Nmb, f relow, tonti er Paiefut hfloil, Oltrlni Mllnilu Tomttt, er Stmlht; etwtta ktk, keck and beetle, etitini ei fMltsn, niwitMii. etMlo ltiiin ep rh tiN, enlanckelir, til to tor, kot fltalMt, eetimit, kiejney. u4 Metoir treuHti enert ctetet tynakutMi ttetiitt to our urn. I want to eond yon I eenplat lei ity kufaawt eiHrthf fne to prore to yon tnat you can cure rely. Kem vtvotha tret ti Minttnne. It will eoct too nnlv atmnk U aente a week or leu than two oenta a day. It yourself at home, easily, qutokly and nmlr. Remember, that, ri elll eett ee eeHiki to e the treatment a complete trial : and If joq viii not interfere with your work or nomination. Jul s M net mm v tdrt, ell me how yon. suffer If yoo wtoh, and I will send you the treatment for yoiLZ iJ.yTcmJK per, by return man. i wui aieo senayoufneeiani, my oook himhi ipw expumawrT iiiiutbrBviuoa enow ma wot women euxier, uww 1 v - - . : at home. Krery woman should have It, and learn to Hilak for hertttf. Then when the doctor say "You must have an oneration." vou can decide for yountelf. ThouHandsof woni en ha ve eured eay. themselves with my home reme Painful or Irregular Menstruation In young ladles, Ite nan. . . It oures til m er gular Menstruation In young ladles, yoo live, I can refer you to ladles of y er that this torn Trailswat really tent all nlnmn tnn Mhttul. wff lud ma mm adriMic and the book. Write to-dT. as you mar not Due this off'T Bfreia. Addrtws Ta MnMun at Daurlllarl. I will eznlaln a n-na Tnr.nrrhiM'a. (4reen Bioknemand .umpnees and health always results from dimple home treatment which speedily and effectually c i nu joet md4 as) leer Mdnit. and the free ten day treatment u yours, aueo Wherever yoo live, I can refer you to ladles of your own looallty who know ana will Kladjy- tsrat ail women umnnur, nnu uiMn " " MRS. M. 8UMMER8, Box H Notre Dame, Ind., U.S.A. Money ' nvesfed in zHomtBrmasYdu Real ewards that cannot be measured alone in dollars and cents. There's satisfaction in knowing you have a home when possibly all other investments fail it gives you a feeling of security and demands the recognition of your fellow townsmen, ; be ; cause by building you show your faith in the f u ; ture of the community. And every community is known by its deeds. You can help and at the same time help yourself. A home investment is always the most meritorious, and loss is less like ly because you are dealing in values you under stand and with people you know. We have pup pleid the lumber for the homes of many of your friends who are now on the road to success, and want to talk with you whenever you're ready. WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREEN WO C! & MADISON Home Phone 421 Bell Phone, Main 732