La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 08, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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, , rvv" aa avu uuwu wj yu. xi xxi ju in naming red i tn tow ' ,i iu i.. j v,vu"" wvi ucsu wauo up m uaigiuu
r41 vcr urougm. uome ana see now mucb goods you can carry awav for it Thaii Vt fn-? iV bUO"-utpay7ouuiomggesi;
o come early, for many of the bargain lots will go in a humr. SeId cts racoJw - ne week aild P0351? lger. We want tqf
interest a
urge you to
NotlOnS I : - " limnniiimMMl:
Just a few We've many more equally as
Rood. Look for the N'Ine-Cent price cards.
warier iuks, a lor ........
Tooth Brushes ............ ....".
Antiseptic Tootpicks, 2 boxes'
Ilalr-pia Cabinets. 2 for ..,.,;..
Nickel-plated Match Box, 2 for . . .
. RrtstleHalr Brushes..; . ... .. ... . .
Ten'B Large Coin Purses . . .'.
3 doz. Celluloid Collar Buttons .
Agate Buttons, gross
12 Inch Whisk Broom ... i ......
Wood Back Clothes Brush .
Good Pins, 3 papers,
Needles, 2 for
Ttubber Hair-pins, box
Wire "Hair-pins, 13 doz.
Small Safety Pins, 3 doz. ..,..,!
Horn Combs, metal back
Aluminum Combs. 2 for .........
Large Hair Curlers, 2 for .;..;..'.
One lot White Satin Striped Nainsooks
and White Madras Cloth, 30 and 36
'"b wiae, worth 15c a yd., at ...
750 yards White India Linen, worth 10c
per yard, in this 8ale 1-2 yards for. .
Fine Dimities,, Batistes. Madras Cloths,
worth 13c and 18c per yard, at ......
Yard wide Black and Colored Dress Lin
ings, worth 12 l-2c and 13c per yd. at. .
Madra8 Cloths, wovfn stripes, worth 15c
per yard, at 0c
WhUe Sheer Curtain Swisses, 38 inches
wine, worm 12 1-20 a yard ... Af
Trt. -r- . . ......... ,V
imnciiia rancy cretonnes, yard .. .. . c
I'our foot White or Mahogany Curtain
Poles, complete with fixtures ..... 9o
Brasg Extension Lace Curtain Rods (ex
tend to C4 inches), worth ,15, this
week at ft-
30 inch Fancy Ecru Curtain Scrim", V ilic
value, at 2 yards for ............. ... oc
Men's Furnishings
Celluloid Cuffs, pair ... '
Cult Holders, pair ,. ; .,,,...'""" "
, Sleeve Holders, 2 pair .,""'""""
Rockford Sox. pair ....";..;,'"
UnbleacKed Muslin
Huckaback Towels; size 18x30;. each ...
One Lot Striped Linen Crash. 12 l-2c
grade ..,.;.,..... .
Hosiery Department
..HerMs'wbere the -magical Nine-Cent flg
,. re .hlnes the brightest. A. clean up of
i.i -!. u uiuiveu lines.
Misses Black Drop Stitch Hose, worth
lGc pair
Ladies' Stainless Fast Black KiilV White
footed Hose, regular 15c value, at....
Misses Fast Blak Seamle.g Ribbed Hose
. sizes 5 to 9 1-2. worth 12.1-2c. go
ing at .,
Ladles' Seamles Hose !!.''!!!
Fine Irisa Table L'nen For
Only 9c Per Yard
Our Table Llneha' ar in a large variety,
ranging from the 25c domestic goods up to
the- Imported Irish linens at $1.50 per yard.
Thft entire, atock will be included In this
sale. Buy all you want.
Regardless of price, every " v V ,1Jm
fourth yard will be, only fV
Now is the Time to
All of our fine Dress Goods that we sell reg
ularly at 50c to $1.50 per yard will be put
on the nine-cent altar of sacrifice. Pick
any drea, pattern you like, the Q '
price of the fourth yard will be only. .
200 Ladles' and Children's Untrlmnved
Hats, in every shade and shape, In
cluding Sailor Hat ready to wear;
choice- ...',,..;.. .,.. 9c
One lot of Misses' and Children's Wide
Brim Cuban Hats, In mixed or In plain
white ." 9t
100 WJde Brim White Sun Hals, worth
25c. at ;.' , ....
::::'S- :X.'rI"
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I MM t II r i- r i m; : x: - ., - , I
i , i ii ni i . ' m . l . 1 ,: k fi iiii i' . j
1 AaW ,rrr::
9 . miiiiiiiiiiirnwr.mtfrwnMiMiiiiMMMitmffl
::::"l:::::::::"::::i:::"""t:------ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 1 ''' v ' ' j
. ,., . 1 : I
Inrta n n rza' I Lnc,udin al o"' best grades. I
iT n n iT I 17 uit fcv I
I I J I 111:1 : MIX'S SHOES. I
I I s M l AJ1 k,nds tmta cheapest work shoea to the I
I ' j) I I flneat dre8 8noe In this gale.- f I
I ' j I V I Every fourth pair 5JC I
. fl I 1 1 I I I 11 f J I I.VniFS' RHrtF tvn nvrAnno v . I
W 9 I I I K i I v . vac vuv. S I
W I m buUI . I Rvara fmirMi nl. . -fl
v ...'..... ., f 4 l
. . . . . . . JJ
i T! Wk nA ri " r-wB ::"..n. v" -.'
I - :K: 111
r i i ir . rh r
U li- ; U U LL LL W O V W
Flowers arid Foliage
100 bunches of Flowiers and Foliage, con
sisting of odds and ends from our large
stock; some worth 50d and 75c; your :
choice, bunch . 9c
Sileslas. regular 12 l-2c, 15c and 20c, at
i this sale 9c
Sateens. 17 l-2c. 20c. and 25c, now...... 9c
Moire Percallnes. 20c grade ........... 9c
Fancy Striped Percallnes 0c
Hope Muslin 9C
Shirtings, 12 l-2o and 15o 9
. - Misses and Children's Shoes,
every fourth pair .
Opera House Block LA GRANHF npcr.r.M
Laces and Embroideries
One lot Apllque Laces in black,: white,
i Crentn .and pni., nrnrth ,.n A or. -
7 .... .... ui AV.AiUV.A i
' Lot of Valenciennes Edging' 'and' ins'e'r-
Asa I n. v. O . J. rr
ociiiuu, Aac 10 ioc, at ......... , Be
Lot of Embroidery Beadings, worth'up'to
15c, at 1 1-2 yards for 9c
: Handkerchiefs -
Men's White Cambric Handkerchiefs,
narrow hemstitched hem, 2 for ;.... 9C
Mens' Fine White Cambric Handkerchiefs
hem stitched i,.;........,,.... . 9c
Printed Pillow Top Handkerchiefs" ! '. i. c
Ladies' Hematitched and Embroidered
corner design, worth 15c at least .... 9c
Ladles Hemstitched and Fancy Trim
t '"".Handkerchiefs, worth 15c,' at.... 9c
Ladies' Fine Swiss Embroidered Hand
kerchief, at ......;... 9c
Knit Underwear
nl W'te S,w,ss Ribbed Vests, taped '
"pmm .a.nd VMa- 12 w vate. at ... 9c
Children's Muslin Drawers, assorted
sizes, per pair
Who Tants this Corset
for 9c
We have'nOc corset ir-l'. i'"
corsets. Club with three of vnnr trtA. :
buy a corset. During this sale every ' Q
fourth corset will be only yC
Fine Whi e Goods for 9r
36-m glng. t0 clos& out this entire stock
muv, lue regular selling nrine
will be only - ijC
Ladies' tailor-made suits 9c
We ari e-nfno- tn 1 ....
or ,a..Tri S..!"6;?. '? tail-"
be only ;
China Plates ........
German China Creamers, each'" '. " " ' Z
9 inch Engljsh Semi-Porcelain Decorl
ated Dinner Plates, each ...... flC
Larva flo tt .
Japanned Tin Cuspidors .. ! c
Bread Tmoi.. .. ........ . wc
Knife and Fork BoxeB K
Extra Large Wa8h ; . . jc
Scalloped Cake Tins ...... a,
1 quart Tin Pudding Pan 9c
Extra Large Pie Pans, 2 for .... ' X
HTinvi n VC
Pruit Colanders ...... ' le
wooden Rolling Pin ' e
Granite Cooking Spooti ' '
: . vu vase iurnerr i' n.
ktiT . C: u DU6r ureage ... a.
Nickel-plated Trays . 9c
Steak,' Mauls4.
Pi!1 M!atng Knives
Palmetto Horse Brushes " 'c
Clothe, Lines. 5QfeYt for''',i"'''''','?C
prinking Glasses. 2 Jr ""-"
14 oune Bell Rhn e
Pressed Glass ShTrbe mB
wpet tacks. 4 boxes ...
Pot covers. J for ...
Envelopes 2 .pkw.
Nail Brushes, 2 for .
S'nerIng Nal,1. wo ;
gjraViAs Ttoi-:::-"
Bread Knives .
Parinir k-m,...
Scrub Brushes
Or.inlta di t-"" .
. , x-an
Granita tm. t."
x J v. ns
Cord Buckets . .
Nickeled Tea Spoons'.":::;;
lOllPt Snm. i ......
Talcum Powder ..... "