La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 07, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1911.
Why You Should
Bank with the
.National Bank
: . It is less than three years old yet.
It already enjoys the confidence and
patronage of more than one thousand
leading firms, corporations and individ
uals in this cty and vicinity. This is ev
ident that our Banking Service is satis
factory in all' departments and there
fore qualified to meet your require
i -.
We have safe deposit boxes for
: rent...3 sizes--$2, $3 and $5 y
We co-operate with those
every manner permitted by best and conservative bank
ing methods. , We assist by extending credit when credti
is due, by advice, by cousel, giving the customer the bene
fits of our knowledge and experience and taking an act
ive interest in his welfare. ;:V;v. V.'-.:;
aaaaAAA6444M 1 delicious coffee served with a lights Chicago, staying at
v T ; , .xtcl- -y S-:-'" " ' - lyallen is an
X r I. f i'A'; i 'C. 4. 'I X row anc Saturday. The coffe man wul ' T. P. Thorp, M. X.
Y aL 1 Vrf IT L J ' f be there In all his glory. Special prlc-! ?nd H. S. Lamb of
T ' on nil fiMiiJi nfM Mttt&a I for Foley guest last
DR. A. C. POSEY, Specialist for Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat diseases. Eyes
fitted with glasses. Ore? Belder'i
' store .
Gt yr.vr ico cream ct tbe vark la
.Hps ca tie Chautauqua groun'a.
They sell the Blue Mountain bran J
which Is the best -
Mrs. E.
Day will continue her
si firsts 'rcr-d. r-SC-:l
Get your ice cream 01 the park la
dies on the sroiinis
They t.- .Mountain brand
which is the best. ,
Another chance to get a cup of tnat'
sf . JLv
Distributor of
The Walger New Model Awning
The Best Awning Ever Put Up
. m , ,
Suitable for Residences, Summer Resorts, Office and
1 Hotel Buildings, School Houses, Factories, etc.
Hammocks, Ice Cream Freezers, Lubricating Oil, Hay
Forks, Tents, and Wagon
who patronize this bank in
these two days only.
You are welcome. ',
Come everybody,
A little nice toltet water makes the
bath delightfully luxurious. You'll
find the choicest of the world's best
productions In out stock. 25c a boU!e
and up. Wright Drug company.
C. F. Wab3h,' the aviator is stopping
at the Foley today.
J. F. Conway of Portland, here for
the day, Is at the Foley. -. ;
" G. H. Hunt, selling Simonds hard-
Covers, Hay Garner Rope.
The rubl:'c Kt'lT on.lVFo? i'i
Qnallty cf our Perforw ' e.
They Are Sever Ihs. "
'appointed,; .. '
"The. Society Girl and the
' Gypsy" , Pathe
' ' Stirring story made beautiful
.ly realistic with charming ecen
er yand thrilling situations.
"A Thoroughbred" . . ,li Edison
A splendid tale of steeple
chase running. Thecomedlan
owner of "the raoo horse has to
,ride the. mount at the last and
wins the face and a wife,
. "The, Crooked Road' . .Biograph
One of the Biograph's best
pictures. Full of Intense Inter
est with magnificent acting by
the stars of this company.,
Illustrated song "Sing to Me
..Live; STrrctcr.t Scr j fnvi"
- Sung by
Miss Garrlck A. Matinees
Mr. Ferrln.v,V.."..;i Evenings
ware, is- stopping at the; Foley today.
E. B. Pyle, a Pendleton salesman,
is stopping at the Foley today.
Guy Hill of Baker is here for the
day, transacting business. ; '
Roscoe. Leo is here from Baker to
attend the chautauqua.
S. McMahon of Portland is at the
Foley today. ; Mr. McMahon is a realty
J. V, Hager and wife are here from
Heppner today. They are registered
at the Foley. -:
J. B. Vallen and wife are here from
the Foley, Mr
advertising man. .
Leach of Heppner
Freewater -were
L. W. Russell of Spokane and E.
E. Perkin8 of Walla Walla were at
the Foley this morning. , . "..
Mrs. Pauline Moore Riley and daugh
ter of Baker will arrive tonight to visit
Mr. and Mrs. Fred G. Schilke.
Fred Knutson leaves tonight for
Spokane for a one-week viBit. He Is
the Palmer mill blacksmith.
D. A. Barnes, manager of the Elgin
ball team, was In the city last night,
stopping at the Savoy.
Miss Florence Reed, of Payette, Id
aho, was here thifl morning. She reg-
ietered at the Savoy.
Miss Hugg was in the city from
Summervilto last evening, stopping at
the Savoy while here.
H. D. Hopson of Wallowa, C. H. Ax
man, a Chicago shoe man and K. A.
Wyter of Portland are sonn cf tht
Foley guests today.
i Mrs. W. G. Rice of Edison Park, 111.,
I has returned to La Grande from a
, tour of Wallowa county. She i3 at thv
Foley. . ' .
John Miller and John Malone, Port
land mining men,' were at the Foley
last night while on their way to the
up river mining districts. '
Emll Melzer former manager of the
North Pole mine in Baker county is
here with his family today. They have
been at Wallowa lake. ,
. Chas. and Albert Hunter, while com
ing from Wallowa, experienced a run
away accident in which both were
slightly hurt. 1 ' . .. . -
Miss M. M. Darr, a registered nurse
of Walla Walla, spent last night at the
.8avoy hotel while transacting busi
ness and visiting. friends here.
Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald of Wal
lowa, will be down this afternoon to
attend the aviation meet and the chau
tauqua. ,': .'; :. ' . .. '
Mr. and Mrs. Maloney are moving
Into the house on 1712 First street. Mr.
Maloney is partner of the Bradley
Plumbing company.
Lorenz Caviness and wife and two
daughters and Mrs. Nell Brandon of
Joseph arrived this afternoon to spend
a few days with Dr. and Mrs. N. Moll-tor.''.-
," '
John Dunn, a pioneer mine promo
ter of the Joseph country, is reported
to be dying tn this city this afternoon.
He Is quite aged, and has relatives In
! Walla Walla.
Tasr Day . Tomorrow.
Forty-five girls of La Grande ar
reaay 10 siari lag saies tomorrow ior
the bathing house. Tags are 10 cents
and the cause for which they are sold
is a popular one. ,
& iyertising
FOR SALE Young pony, sijf-. and
' gentle. Just right for young chll-;
t dren. F. D. Halsten, furniture store
I .: 7-7-t ,
CALL BLACK 1462 if you want sev
- eral loads of rich dirt for the haul
Ing. Spring and Sixth. . 7r7-6t
STRAYED To my place one mile east
of La Grande, one bay mare 1,200
lbs., brand W. T. left side.1 Owner
can have same for amount of this
ad. and keep of horse. C. M. Gra
ham. ' 7-6-tf
FOR tiAuur New seven horse power
'.- '.. ':;ni saw. ; Inqutr ?4J4
' v. - ." '. :-6-t
LOST Black colt three months old.
. Finder phone 171 Farmer and re
ceive reward. W. A. McCall. 7-1-51
FOR SALE Timber claim near rail
road. .' ddress Ob-c-rver. 7-i to 8-1
FOR RENT Furnished room. 1606
Sixth street. , . 7-1-tf
FOR SALE Dry chain wood In any
quantity. $1.60 per cord at the Per
ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber
company Pe.rry, Ore. ' 6-15-tf
FOR GOOD PAINTING, etc., try a
good painter of experience. 1514
S. Avenue. - 6-30-6t
FOR SALE 1,000 cords wood, also
fence posts, telephone poles, etc., in
standing timber. Eight miles from I
La Grande. Address Wm. Burnap,
La Grande, Oregon. 6-30 to 7-15
LOST Ladles' gold watch, wth fob
, attached. Finder return to this of
fice and receive suitable reward.
One Iron gray horse. Short,
:J'E will be in a position during
the Chautauqua to quote you
, some very interesting prices.
The CREDITORS' SALE has been
a wonderful success and we will fol
low it up with special sales; like La
dies' Furnishings, half price; Muslin
and Knit Underwear and many oth
er lines will be cut from 25 to 50
per cent
rule company
1 " .
iiiW.u mane, weight about 1200 lbs.
Braided 9-6 Tv-if!: y,ar oa siifei. $10
rewari. fcr riturn to J.'T. William
son. -29-4t
WAMh.-. Ail ta-t ocyt iu La Grande
t-ef.vf.ia u!) and 13 year? old to Jo:n
the Boys' Savers' club. 'Call at the
laundry and I will tell you all about
- it. A. B. Chrery, mgr. Cherry's
New Laundry. t
WANTED A good country home tor
a young girl aged about 18 years
wb ? she can be made one of tha
faai:J,t' tml receive fiinn:i wages.'r.p n-i?h!r.g nirjh a !rV irlU
Only to W. T. Gardner, super!ntend6:i'.
We would like to get
I W ' i ' ' 1
for once worn, always worn. None better, few
as good. Try our linen heel and toe children's
hose; also' in men's and see what a difference in
wear.' .;; - -
We carry a complete stock in men's, women's
and children's hosiery in all grades. ,
L J. French Shoe G6;
Boys' and Girls' Aid society, East
29th and Irviug itreets, rortlaud,
Oregon. 6-28-5t
WANTED A lady wishes employ
ment. Would prefer situation as
, housekeeper or would do cooking.
AddresR Pax 6 i
FOR SV.y -i'hrse largo, gentle work
...... 3?-.r Matt W. Mlt-
. chell, Cove d. 6-2, St..
WANTED Two churn driller, to
drill 20 feet deep in 'seamy rocks,
Steady rork, by the' day or by. con-
v tract, for the right men. Apply at
J. L. Mars, rock quarry. 7-3. 6t
you started wearing
.'6 r'!- :":
'..-V V.