Li GRANDE EVENING OBSERVE! WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, lDll. page mhiqs Banks t; par 4 per cent, but your Barings invested la River side Addition Sot, will double In a few rears. Because ; -Muverslde Addition la right In the center of Industrial . activity. . - ,. , - riverside addl tlon will soon have one of the finest paved streets In the entire city. The work on Second street, is rapidly nearlng completion. ' ...... Riverside Addition - is the home of many of 1. Grande's best !clt izens. ' OUR PRICES ARE VERY LOW . ''. t , - . - - Some of the lots nre $75.00. None are higher than $200. You can buy on your own terms. V Office' Open Evenings Villiam Miller & Bro., 1107 Adams Avenue. PHONE, MAIN 1. N Perry Pneumatic Water' Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Viimnr'As PiWa Toltraa aA T?!tttim ni i ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort- meni oi jwicKei Trunmings.f BVW 6 PZWEIFEB PLUMBERS, : HEATERS, SHEE1 METAL WORKERS ' AUBIS EXJ0YS SWEET EEYENGE OX OLD PLAYMATES. i: C. T. Darley Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk GRANDE R0NDE MEAT CO. Uses only' Refrigerator Counters? and they show our cut meats in a most sanitary and appetizing way TWO MARKETS - BOTH PHONES Union Loses Afternoon Came With Melnnis on Mound for Home Team Mysterious Mitchell's interview in the Oregonlan of recent date hag re moved the halo of mystery surround ing that Individual, and proved to bi his Jinks yesterday when La Grande landed on the rstwhlle New York Giant, San Francisco club twlrler and University of ; Chicago mound artist with such telling force that a decided victory was accorded La Grande and sw'eet revenge scored for one Bill Au bln, newly wed, and one time Elgin twlrler, discarded to make room,1 for Mr. Walker. It was a game that spar kled with spots of brilliant, baseball and In the eighth inning was made remarkable because La Grandb slug gers leaned against five benders from the ex-mysterious one's arm. f The crowd was large, Wt not quite up to the morto than 900 paid admis sions of the afternoon, when a record attendance was on hand. Aubln was given good support and his offerings were of such & character that they mastered Elgin which was minus Hooper and. another man' and Bob Smith of Union and Reltlen of Un ion filial their plnonn. both doing pret ty fine work. Hooper Is ill. ? V Because of the Intense rivalry, of a good natured sort always, the game was exceeding Interesting for thlo crowd contained between 250 and 300 Elgin fans. Lack of space only crowds out mention of meritorious plays on both sides of the game. Kooser alone umpired, Mr. Tuttle failing to come. Elgin complairjed somewhat at his de crees but they were as fair io one side as the other, and the five hits In the eighth inning were not the result of bad decisions., , v summary. ;. , " ';' '. : : .!': ' ': . h. E. La Grandb i. ...... ...V. .... 7 12 5 Elgin 4 6 c SCORE BY INNINGS. , -La Grande v ..... 0300101 2 x 7 1 1 0 0 2 1 2 5 x 12i Only a Few of om Special! j Fin 1 H nceu won mameie dE 4w& C H M Runs Hits Elgin Runs . 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 04 Strawberry HaUocks $3.75 PER M at the ' . George Palmer Lumber Co. Retail Dept. Phone, Main 8 9 !.' f. WHAT: ABOUT THE : Jhe yoman who:xooks?$) the meals in your home o i if Hits 1 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 06 Struck out: by Aubln 4, by Mitchell 13; home run9: Owens and Mitchell. Afternoon Game Good. There were mora streaks of good ball during tbs game with Union In the afternoon than characterized the morning contest. The La Grande players were strong behind "Heck" Melnnis, who was on the mound arid there was liitla trouble In winning, though had Union commenced with the support that they gave the clever young collegian, Reiben, later in the game, the story would have been dif ferent. Union scored three in a bunch when two errors resultant of bad bounds, Hot men on that were scored by a long home run by Clark. ! The afternoon lineup for La Graude differed from the morning gam only in that Melnnis was on the mound Owens caught both contests and added laurels and won a home by his good pegging and home run, a neat affair Confcy played with Union as Mulve- hill Is still crippled. Coffee of Baker played short for La Grande. - SUMMARY. First on balls: off: Melnnis 1, off Reiben 2; two base hits: Sheets, Con ley, Coffee and Elwell. Home run: Clark; struck out: by Mclnnla 8, by Reiben t. ' ' ' ' ; ' ' R. H. E La Grande 7 9 7 Union t'l I j Doesn her welfare her health and happiness call a for something than she puts up with! i( Isn't she entitled to the things that will mate her a 41 i J 1 . 1.: 1 . -l. ; - W 8worK eatsier aiiu 11 er cuu.uig uuurs auuieri Onr P,lertrif "Rnno-ea enst no more to nnerate than 9 1 i 3 j.1 1. i . rm coai or wook, ana inej are peuer m every way. iney 'are quicker, easier and cleaiier to use than any other Tange. ., . .... , . ! .If you think the woman who cooks the meal in your home is entitled to the best call us up. Main 34. Eastern Oregop light & Power Co. Sale of Wlnans Stable. London, July 5. Lovers and breed ers of fine horses' are displaying a lively Interest In the dispersal sale of the Walter Wlnans stable which is announced to' take place tomorrow at Tattersalls. Mr. Wlnans, who la an American by birth but a resident of England for many years, has been one of the foremost breeders and exhibi tors of show horses on this side of the Atlantic since the early '80s. His horses won many ribbons at the re cent International show at Olympta and at the several similar shows In previous years. Despite his success as an exhibitor, however, Is under stood to be his intention to abandon the show xint; anl dovote his entire attention in futu4 to his racing stablo We wanted to clean them out before our big Fall Shipments arrived and we've almost succeeded. There are only a few left and special prices will be discon tinued when they are gone. If you need an extra bed, don't overlook this op portunity. Consider that these beds were excellent values at their former pric- es and the saving is at once apparent. These beds are all full width and coated with three coats of hard-baked enamel that won't chip or crack. ' s K ' V The Vernis-Martin bed. ifwo inch continuous posts with seven 1 1-2 inch filler posts. Head 56 inches; foot 42 inches. Extra heavy enamel. Regular 1 7 1 a $24.00; special v ?f;- J ; , . ' v,. ,,; y v;;v ' V,J. 1 1" Two inch continuous posts with nine 7-8 inch filler posts, regular - frin nr . $20.00, special v,.,;...,,.; ;;.,.,,,.f;l:;f;,;M:;.,,::lr,.:.,.;::,v;,.n,n,;;,;; ;.,;:.;:.-,.,;...yly0 v Enameled mahogany finish ; trimmed wi th ornamental polished brass di 7 OP h knobs. Two-inch posts and inch filler p osts. . Regular $22.50; special Two inch continuous posts with 3-8 inch filler posts. Regular CltO' Ati $16,00, special il r i, , ' : , ' v., 1 W Low Prices on Mahogany Dressers and Chiffoniers . Tnese goous are not uauiageu vi tuiup-w" viv stock in some patterns than we want to carry. Our special prices make them exceptional bargains. All are furnished with mirrors of heavy French plate; any shape you like; oval, square or shap ed. "High" and "Princess" styles. Princess, regular $37,50; r;.:',;;,;;,.,...;:,,'.,,;,; ;:r;;;..;.,;,..;.v;:;,;;.iui;-Special $29.50 Princess, regular $22;50;;:..,l! ;T:,:rj:- Special $18.00 Princess, regular $38.00; l........-........:p.. Special $27.75 Iligh Dressers, regular $38.50; Special $23.75 Chiffoniers, regular $35.00; r, ' r:U,': yj:p'2 Special $2775 Dt COMPLETE HOUSEFURNISHERS ENOCH IDII" IS REVIVED SPOKANE 41T)GE UM'OVEltS IX CIDEMOF THAT SORT. Divorce Procepngs to light Peculiar Happening. Spokane, WaBh., July 5.- When Judge Henry L. Kennan, . presiding judge In the Spokane county superior court, granted n decree of divorce to Daniel Hedlcan gt Spokane, from Lll 11am M. Hedlcan, living In central Massachusetts, there was disclosed material for a modhrn version,, of "Enoch Arden." They were married In 1897 and lived here until 1901, when Hedlcan wnt to Alaska to build a railroad for M. J. Honey, passing the following eight years In Construction camps. Meanwhile, his wills returned to her mother's homa in Massachu setts, where, after seven years, the courts declared Hedlcan "legally dead," and Mrs. Hedlcan married a second husband. Application then was made by Mrs. Hdican In the county court her to be appointed ad ministratrix of Hedlcaa's estate. The railroad builders did not appear In court, but his counsel offered proof that Hedlcan was alive. Mrs. Hedl can'g journey followed the announce ment that Hedican's property had been sold for taxes, and she came to con test the action to quiet the titles. Af terward she refused to live with him. Flora, Zabelle, in private life Mrs. Jane Cowl has received an offer to Raymond Hitchcock, has gone to Con- play a leading role In a new play by stantlnople with her siBter, it la an-' Henri Battaille, the play dealing with nounced, to claim a villa on the Boo- the adventures of an American girl phorus left them by their grandfather. In Parlsi Money Invested fa aMmeBrin0 - - Ethel Barrymore is to appear next season in A. L. Mason's London suc cess, "The Witness for the Defense," to be produced by Charles Frohman. It is reported that Anna Held will make another. American tour under the direction of F. Zlegfield, Jr., in a piece, by the authors of "The Pink Lady." . . RealRewards that cannot be measured alone in dollars and . cents. There's satisfaction in knowing you have a homo When possibly all other investments fail it gives you a feeling of security and demands the recognition of your fellow townsmen, be cause by building yon show your faith in the fu ture of the community. And every (Knnmunity Is known by its deeds. You can help and at the same time help yourself. A home investment is always thmost meritorious, and loss is less like ly because you are dealing in values you under- S ' stand and with people you know. 177e have up- pleid the lumber for the homes' of many of your friends who are now on the road to success, and want to talk with you whenever you're ready. WENAHA LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 i : 1 At 1 4 . M Ml u i'.;; ,