La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 03, 1911, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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3IOXDAY JULY 3; 1911
T-ir wmiMf dwrriina bt ahUJixst mb-
wavm give ChambarlAUt Coiic, thiiir ami
Diarmnem Bmmiyr uitf oavtor eil ami
spaetiy ens IK rm, jjor hI by all
... ...... m
tts- Prettiest .TTaxsSs
and gowns will become soil
ed and stained nr. time.. Bet
their usefulness- is bj no
means ended
If Cleaned and Pressed
by us they will be as good
rock3r snit or coat tnat jon
eannot wear Because ther
are spoiled or spotted Well
majfce them so yon wear
laSa 44. iflner 1 ZnndeL
Grot Wntw and Cntl Kmadmr.
I asaraniay vu riit contested ft a
i Corned otic twxt faoiscay pajes as his
actual cumpiecad taatc tot our writing
; far m diiy EX was uvs tired ef
laying- la new atxirev aad fee. pec-
iHtKitiy refrwned m memory- oy
miming: over Bouas waicifc . a had
read tftsntixoes befaret The baas
and manuscripts walcii, GlBbaa read
ttt twenty years reached uca as enan-
nuraa number that when, aa attempted
ta farm a catalogue ef, Cunt a was
compelled to give ap, the txsJt la de
scale He was constantly MdfTg to
the. enormous rwwvair off kaawiefs
walea h sad an command and tons
Bis works agrv grew- stalai and h
was ready instantly wfta a hundred
QIaatt&2r Light am any paint wafcfr
chanced ta crap ap either la cnaver-
aadaa ar to. the caar af bis reading.
The Cunaa LiiIiIhIL wttn, wtti Scatx.
compiled Llifrfeil and Scott" tiTf'nL
was de&a of CaciBtcnarcs caUega Gi
:flmL. Is was wtjlsnerwE to ns&at, t
da- leilraa tnat LlddeiX nravtiLid tie
money aad Scott ta brains. A. jannjc
andrffnuluat was aaleB Ufar tn
dean, far sam mimlemsanac "t aear
His. . taas jott naw a nrettj wit
far tmpromptit Turw."' sold tn dean.
"Iff yaa will; writ one om tlla- leilxan
I wd tst jaa alt.'' XH young; mart
taangiit a tnomanc and tiles: soiilr
Tnarva a Inlom wrlttitm ar TUddaiE uit
Samm at IF good., uitf aom of ITS not
port Uioc t food, was writtmt Br
TH part ttlat wmm irrtttm. Br UOdalT t
Lartdatti Built arr Soangaa..
una , aaald snrsiy anil a wcrs
t m. .uWAAl tMiilili m mnu UA
J tpangw sacni as wa on Car Cl batiL.
I And yt London noa far tia, subsoil'
i only ipangs9 altaauglt w call them
Slnt One tiley grew as sponges da
j a.o w lit salt water snallaw. and tlley
!, found to layer pecruled
j tfiff cllailr at stratHura England. Tne
i Tnames valley cnalk baa been, melted
lika- so miiL'h sugar and carried away
i'wltaj rlla running; water., but ta
j flints ottv been left benind. and on
I taes a wbule- city of London Has
I found tr excttiiunc. Couniuitlon.- Lun
dun Spectator..
John Melville
Wi Adams A ic
! Hamuli IHustratiam.
j; "Sometimes a vlrrn can be exag-
gratt oncll. It becomes, a Tine.." saiiC
:'ta earnest advlHer.
"1 sew exactly wtlut yrnrre comln'
KT reDlIed Tarantula. Tlau "Waer
a four aes la a biesHltt' an" greatly
tn be ailinireiL ttva of 'em. am. creats
untold dlHHeutrian''' Waaaingfiatt Stac
A. Uaarfinj Quaatiom.
li "ifr. Womttut?
I' "Wane la Itu Tommy ?r
-Wliea, you, wer a Uxtla- boy an
feller called on. your slater did tbey
ver gi1? you. a nkitei to go out and
plnyT' LoalavHJ Couriersrouniall.
FIRST Dill 0IB1E '
A detail aotllns af tns cnaracter af toa- coaraictBir of tia- Alalia eoncert
company waica. appears Oiire tomarro w -on. th Cnaataaoa progxam b n
tnresting Hr Is what can, a said of th& LadtTidual mamncrs.
..... g. waajj Ealgk Parlettav. tn aatad adllar., hi th Sa3
sinev, "Tns Eniartainnunt Review says aout ta AauILo'. -"Tait
ae it was s different feiad of a concert. It wasn't til
" " crUliary cold atoragv spectacle. Toa- fanny tning: anaut It
' was, tn9 AjoUa peopL ar great muaicians and never let
an. Tney act luat lik real people wttzfc souls. Wlea tiey
gat ftita towm tiy kias ta QaUies. THey Iii yaur tawai sad
are- glad to earn.. Wnem tney com out oa tn stags tiey jusa
tnjfrr playins for tn crowd and ar tickled to deatn, at vry .
aneoire. Tney cam sMppin oui witOi m smH Mast mnat
dans act bored when, tney na. to, 3 lay.. 1 auppos tasy call
tnemsefrres tlia ApCos because of tileir Beauty. It's s goad
fit. .But tns alayin? tney do tao& my BreatlL. Stop- and tninlt
of 6sa peoplti! witn a carload of musical; tnstraments. Its s
great stunt to play an instrument but toes? four ir s wftaL
cause rraJary of music and s SYmnnony arcnestrs on ta in.
stallnient plan:'' Let's look at Hxe- persoaeL tor s miaut.
, Ma. Artaur WellSv. "A genial Hntfi lad of about four aundred
pounda.r does stunts witn. tile- Baai tHat tne- mam woa in
rented tilat mu3icaX instrument never dreamed oC H plays
tie banjo will bis banda. feet caat-talla and eye-lid 2 great
deal; after the: manner that Rubensteia. olayed t&a pianos
., Then, after a while a conies out and plars saiapnoniev maa-
dofinu beLX trombone and a few other.. OB yea,, h caa get
som on them. aJL-
3tr. & SL Ujimes is th composer cf the traupxt H is one
of tfi Best known of American, composers and has Bad pon-
Dshed more- than; on hundred popular waltzes and marches
H only stops composing; when he Is playing. He- plays th
fluie sazaphons and cornet and you'll thinJt him th Best fat
whatever you may happen, to hear Bint Ea
Mr. Clay Smith., formerrr tromhon soloist ht som af th
Birgast nand. in the business.. Ha- was with, th First Regi
ment Band during; the St Louis Exposition: and Baa toured
to world wltifti th Rinsrilnir?' 5reftfr Bant
3trs. ATta; R Wells,, pianist and accompanist, is x grairuat
of th Cnieagr 3IusicaI College and has had a great deaX of
eiperienc ia fyceum and concert work.
naoaced later. - ; v - "' r '
E'. Sil Concert By th AjoCj Concert Cbmpaay.
WI05133AI.jn.T .
A. SLPhyafcal euaj. EUsla atudy, swtnunlns and claas work.
F. St, 1:3 Domestic science. . ! !. . ; '., i .. J '.
1:M Music. Taungs" Orehestrs.
JCvs.. S:30 Concert By th ApoCIxy Cancsrt Company.
THCtSDIT, Jrtli.
X. X. Athletics, swlntmin phj ileal cultarfv Blil and elsas
work'"i t .t ' . .'-. ' ; , T t
1:M P. 3t Dcmeatlc science. ,.i ?. vi,
130 Saaic Ity Cut orcheatrs.
T:25 to 1:15 3tasie By th orcaestra.
t J Lturei Etr. ?lahcleE R. 3eGulr. acted African Exprarae.
: , - i. ; riUAI.JClT j '.; j
. A. SO-CZass work sad athletic. w - ' '
12b p. 3Cj Domestic sciencav
I:W JIaalc By th nduitn, . i
T:2il Maaic By th oreheatrs. .
. f :3 Lectars, DeWttt Idler. '
A. ML Class work and athletics.
1:3 P. Ifv Domastic scificceu
. 3:20 arasiie.
4:00 Lectunii. DWitt idler.
T:20 Itaslc. ' . -
lid Castum Prograra Lector ifTFnftatTng characters from
th nav-efs of Cnarles Dtcins. By William $tati2a&
'Battia. .
A. K. Sermon. Pall annauacement to B madii later.
' P 3L Sacred ConcertL .
Lectux ar sermon. Announcement later.
f :du" P. If.. Sermon. Dr. S. W. Seemaau
A. 1C Class work and athletics.
t:30 Domestic; science.
l:30 Music '
T.30 Music
J:3 Special musical pcogram under direction cf Prof. Brid
ges,, profiahiy supplemented By lectur to Bs a
nounced later.7 "
. irtSDlT.JXlTll.
A. M. Class work and athliatlca. i
1:30 Domestic sciience.. ' ,
1:30 Muaic. " '
. f:aJ Concert By th Willianis Juniles Slng-r
W. C T. T- Day- DetaJI f Program Aaarace4 later.
A. ML-Claas work and athletics
gress to B deQvered tamarraw even-
cal fact. leading- up ta th congress
Your Name in a Telephone Di
rectory shows you are progres
sive. You can get a listing in
our new directory. Call
up the Manager NOW
Lcca! arid Lo& Distance Service.
Inng Distiacs ComiecC'oa w'ti Lie Entire Bell System
Th second annual continental con
tag Is of much. Interest. The hiatori
are of" interest:
The Second ContL-ientaE Congress met ia Phnadelshiai ilay
10,.lTT3i. Differing-fccm tha Blrst Continaatal Congress., whieit
claimed no- political" power,, the Second Continenrall Congress
entered at once, upon the exircise of compreh.en'iive' author
ity, in. wliiiih the powers of supreme ejjecurive. DeslsTativ
and Judicial powers were united..
At tha-time of th' organization of th Second Continental
Congrsa the severance of relations with, the' mother country
was not th main torae,. but repeated owert acts by th British
Government roused th American Colonists ta de.aperatiaa.
Accordingly,, upon Jan II,. Iiiv. a committee waj appointed
to- prepare" a declaration of Colonial rights. This commltte
was composed of Richard Henry Lee John: Adam;. Benf.
Franklin,, Rodger Shaman and Robt. Livingstone.. Nz.. Le
being unabi to serve,. Thos Jefferson was named ill h:; place,,
and wort waj at once commenced.
Th committee., however,, as th nortentibus import of th
: movement grew upott tham,. changed from the original intent
of preparing a Declaration of Rights,, and Boldly- declared
for Iadependenc. Th report of the Committe was pre
senteil as the Declaration of Independence,, upon June 2 aad
was at once debated,, not ail of the Delegate favoring th es
tahliaJiment of s separate- government hut new of th ar
rival of a British fleet at Sandy Hook aroused them to- th
need of unified and immedias action,, and upon June to th
Declaration of Independence was unanimously adopted,
On. Thursday. Jaly Ith.. ITTL. agreeable to- the order of th
day Congress, rasolTwE itself !nto a committee of rlie whol to
consider the declaration,, John Hancock presiding.
It ia the" reproduction of this particular meeting that our
program is an attempt to depict. This program,, which is en
tirely original,, was g resented July -1th. of fast year,, and met
witH am instantaneous success.. At th raauest of over on
hundred persons., the Chautauqua directors have decided to
repeat this program as It was given lost yoai'.. Th speaker
upon that occasion were taken, entirely frum th aitorney
of the city and vicinity.. Full Colonial costume liav Been
ardurad Cur the occasion and it ia hoped that the marked suc
cess Qf East year will be greatly eclipsed by that of rhia year
It is suggested: that a this program ia the mcst intensely
patriotic that can. be arranged that it be mad an annual Tea
tire for the caLibratira of Independence Day..
1:30 Music
:10 W. C. T. C. progranL.
f:0l Concert By th WUliams Jufiile Singers.
A. 3L Class work and athtetics.
P. M. Domestic science;, to B arranged as ta hour for today
and tomorrow By th dosses,.
2:iik Lecture,. "The science of Living, or th Art of Keeplnx
Weltr Dr. Wm. S. Sadler:.
:.0J Lectors- and demonstrations "Th Cause and CUr of
Colds." Dr.. Lena. E.. Sadlerr assisted by tha trained
T:.ia Music
a:Q(J Lecture-, "Th Physiology of Faithi and Fear,"' ar th
Mind im Health: and Disease.. Dr. Wm. SL Sadler
1'Ritt.iT, jm it.
A M.. Class work., athletics and recreation;.
CContlaued om Pajta f.J
Directory of the Fraternal Orders
of La Grande, Oregon
k. F. A A. M. La. Grand Loitgs Sa
41, & litJL holds regula- meet
ings first and third Saturdays at
1:30 p.. m. Cordial watcom to- all
Masons. L. 5L. EOIX. W. M.
s. C WILLIAMS,, Sacretarr.
. W. Welton & Son
Phone, Main 10
Dealers in Rock Springs Coal andl'ood
A general survey of wha:, various departments of the Chautauiiua
mencing tomorrow. night will;, stand L-ehearing..
Bible tudy. Eibie study and general class work will be
arranged as the demand for thes braaimes are manifested.
Well u.ualined instructors ar assured fur such, branches a
may be desired
Sound Tahle. .Round Table,, or Forunu as it Is termed at
many Assemblies is cne of the most important (fcpartments.
At this hour the fullest opportunity Is afordeaany who-desire
to dlacua maltara or aSaixs wortny of a dignified discussion,.
Wherever possible speakers will be secured to- lead la this
department Dr. J. Dt Giililaa will have charge of th Round
Tabl. .., ;
IhimQl Siaee Classes la this Important branch, off
work were eaail the most popular feature of the 13tU session.
For this year Miss Bertha Dawis. GSraduate in Dumesrii: Science
at the Omgoa Agricultural' College, and an Instructor of sev
eral year experience will have this wurk Ia charge.
Chesry Day. We hope to cam on day C&erry Day aad
help boost flar th famous Grand Road Cherries. Owing ta
the pei:uliiir climatic condition, sols year th naming at th.
day wilt depend upon two circumstances, first will there b
any cherriteav second whan, wiiL they b ripe.
AthfiHtitts. W haj aipel to .lanouncs th engagement of
aa instructor for physical culture and athletics., including
swimming,, but at th tim this booklet was demanded for
prBff arrangement ha-J not ben compietatL Fuller announce
ment wt!T be Issued as soon as possibl..
Xanlc A special mal chorus under th direction of
Prof, la hi training, iad tlkey will appear at diffirent
tlmtw duartag- the es3iba' Toungs'' Qrehestr will Eikewis
render musical programs Both far stated appearance and
also upon call This talented organization la composed of
well knowa home peopi jf whom w cannot say too much, fa
their praise. -Each, member i an artlat Local joloists will
favsr us with selections as occasion may demand
W. T- T. r Wednesday., July li has been nam! d W. C T..
C Day. The members of th local organization wUL have th
attarnooa pro-iram in charge. They will maintain a rest
room for the conveninc of the public the same as last year
ChU'w Headquarters. Invitation are extended to the
tUcnitiea of the various institutions of learning of the- state, or
to th local members of th alumal of the- diiferen': schiwla and
colleges, to establish headquarter on the grounds. Aa Invi
tatioa is. likewise hereby east'oded to th various local
ehurch. tod, ciulis aad social orguaiaations to esiabiiaa.
siinilar temporary auarter for the entertainment of thei.
friend and visitor '
Noon. Fasiket Picnic.
P. M. The Continental Congress. Tim aad place ta b an-
S. P.. OX EL Lft Grands Lodge No. 433:
meets each Thursday evening at 9
o'clock la Eli' club, corner of De
pot street aad Washington avenue.
Visitrng- Brothers are cordially In
vited to attend
H jl Rrrrffis,. Es r-.u.
EL. ST.. COOLIDG3L Rc-.. Sec
Grande Lodge No. 149 W. Ol W.
meets every second sad fnurth. Sat
urdays at K. P. haH. ATX wiaittngL
mebers welcome.
a. Fii'at;H:RAT.m. a c
sL W. A La Graade Camp- Na, 7TQU
msecs every Monday fa the mmt&, at
a l a a r. hax ah viataag
nalgabors are cordially mvtted to
HL HT. DA5I3X3;,
F.gB3?g,l HS Crystal lodge No. St
meets every Tuesday evening la tha
let year sext curat
fietwaxiL Earre tt fit s
Hi the styK cemert atml
Vtaaty e the fticfrjfc&et C
.sari will nsa bo thiiur t yms
autil yn try e we f these
saperme cenetefc.
. A lnid try-en wCX preve t
jm wBy they exceL
1 ciimptet IXne f finiHWird
cnriets, Bat manner- and pods
siway nn Band.
Friir f nrwti $:LI.Ti.
WM and PsM.
Mrs- Robert Patiison
Cwnetire. Pftnee Black. ItflL
L 0. Qi F. hall. AQ visiting mem
bers are invltad ta attend.
ASXA t.H!tivtito Smc
Lodge Not ZT meess every Monrfsy
night la Castle Ban. (old EHfs osSL
A Pythiaa welcome ta all vtsitlag
R. I- U3JCOLN. 3L. of 2. S.
OL BL S.-Eope Caapter Xa. IX- a B.
C. Bolrf stated communicatfans the
second sad fourth. Wadaeidays of
each month. . Tlaiting members cor
KaHy mvited.
cARRrnT b Hoxmfc. w. nt.
Rond Circle N. 41 meet
firstt aau, nlnf Thumday avw- -fa
the mo -f tie LUC Hat
ATI vlalttag ; vipers are vcwe
lwarjed field Xedul far Kfcn-
;? , . . ,
tst HaaStjm
i -
Ivery Sock Warraatei sad Sal-
fefardea g-gnraateedL
Tar Sole y
Prcdn.cs Co.