La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 03, 1911, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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MONDAY, JULY 3, 1911
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PAG1 5
Why You Should
Bank with the
f i..
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It is less than three years old yet. ; ;
It already enjoys the confidence and
patronage of more than , one thousand
leading firms, corporations and individ
uals in this cty and vicinity. This is ev
ident that our Banking Service is satis
factory in all departments and there
fore qualified -to meet your requirements.
We have safe deposit boxes for
rent...3 sizes-$2, $3 and $5
Sixth .
We co-operate with those who patronize this bank in
every manner permitted by best and conservative bank
ing methods. We assist by extending credit when credti
is due, by advice, by cousel, giving the customer the bene
fits of our knowledge and experience and taking an act
ive interest in his welfare.
"Zululand"- Selig. A tropical
drama. Real lions attacking a
camp, protographed by Mr. Se
lig himself on hlB recent South
African expedition. This i3 a
wonderful picture.
"The Bankrupt" Kosmlck. tell
ing of an unsuccessful plot to
ruin a man for the sake of re
venge.' "A Knight of the Road" Bio
graph. He la a hobo but he i3
a hero; yet the "call of the
road" compels him to go back
to his old habits. It is very
Illustrated Song "Let's Make
Love Among the Roses," eung
by Mr. Ferrin. '' .
Look ont for our Big Fourth of
July Frogram. In addition the
finest illustrated patriotic song
erer written.
. Spinal adjustments take the.pjes
Bure off the nerves. See the chiro
praetor, rooms 20-21, over La Grande
National bank. '
Screen doors from $1.25 to $2.50 at
W. H. Bohnenkamp Co.'s. 6-28-tf
. Get your ice cream of the park la
dies on the Chautauqua grounds.
They sell . the Blue Mountain brand
which Is the best. .
Mrs. E. P. Day will cpntinne her
music studio at 103 Greenwood.- 6-30-tf
Nerve pressure or pinching causes
disease. See the chiropractor, rooms
20-21 over La Grande National bank.
Get your ice cream of the park la
dies on the Cfiautauqua grounds.
They sell the Blue Mountain brand
which is the best.
Mrs. Vickers, of Kamela, was a Sa
voy guest last night.
DR. A. C. POSEY, Specialist for Eye,
Car; Nose and Throat ffiseaiM. Eyea
fitted with glasses. Over Selder'a
A chiropractor is a spinal ad Jus
tor that's all; no drugs nor aurgery
nor osteopathq. Rooms 20-21,' over
La Grande National bank.
Some ha-,i,'smoe porch screens Just
arrived frv.i Japan. Prices from $1.75
to $4 25. vV. H. Bohnenkamp Co.
Yonr celebration In La, Grande
this year will not be complete
unless yon have visited our
store. We have a special rest
In? place for onr t to I tor g and
we want yon to make your home
with us on the big day, and nol
only then but whenever you
happen to be In town, Ion are
welcome to the cosy corner of
the store at any time. Come In,
have a good1 seat and read enr
magazines. Onr writing desk
and telephones always free to
the public Pay us a visit.
Wright Drug Co.
JMrth Secord.
, Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Brown
of this city, July 2, an eleven pound
Born Ao Mr. and Mrs. Mart Chris
tiansen, Saturday, July 1, a son.
WANTED A lady ' wishes employ
ment. Would prefer situation as
housekeeper or would do cooking.
7-3-6t ' Address Box 642
FOR SALE Three large, gentle work
horaea and mares. Matt W. Mit
chell, Cove Or. 6-28, 6t.
WANTED Two churn driller, to
drill 20 feet deep In seamy rocks,
Steady work, by the day or by con-
. tract, for the right men. Apply at
J. L. Mars, rock quarry. 7-3, 6t
King Funeral Wednesday
The remains of the late J. D. King
will be laid to rest Wednesday at
3:30 o'clock, with Dr. Gillilan offi
ciating. The Interment will take
place in the Masonic cemetery.
Pauline Miller of Baker, was a La
Grande guest t his morning.
Johnnie Ross the auto mad of Baker
was In La Grande this morning. ;
Frank A. Bridges has g onei east p f
Important business matters,' intending
to be gone about threa weeka." f. ' i f
C. E.( Cochxan,:clty attorney, arrived? 3
home khls.Bibrningjifppm .Poland. H
wacre ne transacted business matters. I
Mrs. F. L. Llllv and danrhter fial
: Ceclle, have returned from an ex
tended visit to Spokane. -
Jesse Smith of the ForeBt reserve,
located at Elgin, was; a Savoy ugest
last Evening.- . -: .; r' , ! i .. .
Mrs. T. F. Chandler was here from
Durkee this morning,' stopping at the
Savoy. . -. ' ' . '. .
District Attorney, F. S. Ivanhoe is
home frOm Portland where he ' was
called on business matters. , .
Mlsa Margaret Anson is home, .arriv
ing today, from an extended visit in
Portland. ; ' .
Miss Naomi Williamson has accepted
a position with the high school at
McMInnville. , : - m
W. a. Dalzlei or tne labor inspec
tion department, returned last evening
from Union. , ( , . . , ',. "., :,,
Arthur Wells, Mrs. A. Wells, Clay
Smith and G. F. Holmes, Members of
tne Ap polio Concert' company are
staying at the Foley , today.
L. Brlckveskift,a n engineer on the
Mimnaugh lumber road' at Wallowa
and Francis Fisher of Wallowa were
visitors at the Foleyt yesterday. ,
O. E. Longwell, an official of the
American Express ; company was In
the city . yesterday staying at, the
WO A.. ... . ,
C. R. Stanley of Rondowa, was in
the city yesterday, called here by the
death of his former partner Mr. J. D.
King. He was at the Savoy.
Chas Benshadler and wife of Elgin,'
Mrs. A. J. Dupes and son of Wal
lowa, were some of the Savoy visi
tors yesterday.
G. S. Huffman, one of the well
known residents of Union spent yes
terday in the city stopping at the
S. Barnhart, an official of the Paci
fic States Telephone company was a
La Grande visitor yesterday, staying
at the Foley while here.
'Miss M. E. Clellan, sister of Paul
Clellan the insurance man of this city,
is hiraXrom Portland .visiting friends.
She is a guest at the Foley. ' ' ' '
Matt Wahn. Mr. and Mrs. Mcintosh,
Sydney Love and Miss Skiff, all Bakor
people, passed through La Grande last
evening on their way home from Wal
lowa lake.
Lucy Wheeler, who has been visit
ing Mrs. Hugh ; Kinney, wife of the
land office clerk, expects to leave to
morrow for Larnard, Kansas, after an
extended visit here.
Mrs. Bean leaves soon for PortlaqJ
to Join her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cof
fee, former La Grande ie"ple, and
from there she goes to San Francis
W. II. Gleason, owner of the Buck
eye mine in Sumpter county and one
of the prominent men of Baker county
was in La Grande this morning on his
way to Wallowa. Mrs Gleason accom
panied him.
Mrs. Edna Morrison has arrived from
her home in Carlton, Cve., to spend a
month visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. Fred G. Schilke, ana other' rel
atives and friends in the city. Mr.
and Mrs. Morrison left La Grande
about a year ago to make their home
In Carlton where they own a drug
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will be in ai position 'during
uie vnautauqua to quote you
r.; some very interesting prices.
The CREDITORS' SALE has been
a wonderful success and we will fol-.
low it up witli special sales; like La
dies' Furnishings, half price; Muslin
and Knit Underwear and many oth
er lines will be cut from 25 to 50
per cent.
ltlt liULULIN
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aseoall 1 diraameif !
LA GRANDE, presenting an extra strong
team, will meet the following
Union county teams'
10 A. Mi--lp
ELGIN ; ,Uw -. .;:V!UIQN
nine, with "Mysteri- presenting Re iben;
ous Mitchell" old- the crack O. A. C.
time New York Giant twirler and hard hit
twirler. ting bunch
Admission 25 cents
Autos Admitted to the Field