P AOE 2 LA GRANDE. UNION COUNTY. OREGON. rz' MONDAY, JULY 3, 1911 2 ess a -1 lHUS Get, Yoiit Orders in EaHy;l $ f'S ! j u4m mf mtfa " mm City Gtocety and Bakery Store! Closes at 1 1 o'clock July 4. j f S 3 t ' t i 'i . f. 5 4 ..." II st J S ;tRf.& .' '." i.a- ' CityG f ocey and Bakery SPRING FABLES. A Peasant's Counterfeit ; Dollar I 'Catches Robbers. THEY CENSURE HIM FOR IT. Citation. In the coun- court, for the county of Union,, State of Oregon. In the watter of the estate of Henry . D. Coger, deceased. To Mary C. Coger, Prentice W. Cog er and Richard Coger and to all un known parties interested in said es tate, GREETING: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby cited and re quired to appear In the county court of the state of Oregon, for the county of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande, in the county of Union, on Wednesday, the 6th day of July, 1911, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause if any there be, why the real estate' of said estate, viz: Lots 9, 10 and llin block 6 of Grandy's addition to the city of La Grande, Oregon, should not be sold to pay claims against said es tate and expenses of administration. WITNESS, the Hon. J. C. Henry, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, court for (Seal) the county of Union, with the seal of said affixed this 3rd day of June, 1911. Attest: ED. WRIGHT, Clerk. Jun 5 12 19 26 Jul 3. Happiest Girl in Lincoln. A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, "I had been ailing for some time with chronic constipa tion and stomach trouble. I began taking Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and in three days I wns able to be up ana got better right along. I am the proudest girl in Lincoln to and such a good medi- mig. ror snie ny n' dealers. Wher U the Chinaman? Sir Robert Ball told the story of a Chinaman who entered the bridge over Niagara falls. He started from the American side with the idea of crow ing to Canada. On arriving at the Ca nadian end, however, be was met with the Information that there was a toll of 10 on all Chinamen coming into Canada. John hadn't 10 cents in bis pocket. So be started back again. Arriving once more at the American side, be was stopped. No Chinaman In any circumstances, they told him. was allowed to enter the United States. Now. the problem that Sir Robert Ball professes himself unable to answer Is. Where Is that Cblnuman now? Is he still on the bridge? If not by what process of circumnavigation were the laws of two great nations circumvent ed?-Cbicago Record-Hera Id. Zulu "House Boys." The best of all servants In South Africa is a Zuln. especially if be Is raw that Is. fresh from., his native kraal and totally unspoiled by the wiles of civilization. Such a "house boy" is honest, sober, quick, clean ond anxious to learn the ways of the white man. He soon becomes as deft as an English butler and as bandy as the ideal housemaid He does everything, from cooking to answering the door, and after a little practice he does it well. The boys have all manner of strange names. , usually chosen by themselves from some one or other of the words they hear often used, such as sixpence, "tlekey" (threepenny piece), shilling, breakfast, kettle, silly fool. ugly, pint pot, scrubber, chopper or whisky. Harper's Weekly. Peacock and Gobbfor Engage In Dis pute to Their Relative Value, and Farmer 8ttla Question- Squirrel Too Wiso to Accept Fo's Word. By M. QUAD. Copyright. 1911. by Associated Literary Prees.J rt PEASANT who was on bis way V borne from market sat down by the roadside to count over bis money, and when be found that be bad been stuck with a coun terfeit dollar he raised bis voice in lamentation. He was still bowling when a robber stepped out of the bushes .and exclaimed: "What is all this row about? Hand over your dougb or take a broken bead!" Tbe peasant complied very willingly and made baste to get away, but be fore be bad cone far he was accosted by a second robber witb a command to shell out "AJ. uui i met a robber back there who took 'my all!" be replied. Be tru? to your word and your work aud your frlend.-0'Rellly. ROBBER THREATENS TBS FEASANT. and after some delay to search his hind pockets be was allowed to pro ceed. It turned out. bowever. that both robbers were arrested, and when be bad sworn against tbem and tbey bad been found guilty and sentenced the first one cried out to blm: "See what you have done! Had you not "bad that counterfeit money In your possession I could not have rob bed you of It and weald still be look ed upon as an honest man!" And tbe second robber took up the refrain with: "I am to go to prison for long years, and tbou art to blame for it. Hadst thou bad money In thy possession when I stopped thee I could have paid my car fare Into New Jersey and in. NICE LEVEL LOTS LOCATED TWO BLOCKS NORTH OF THE RAILROAD SHOPS. We are offering these lots at from 5160. to $200. each, on the most liberal terms ' ; i i J ! : We furnish you an abstract of title, When wv have iW ,w inese lots. Not a poor lot in our whole offering" t i !" M,ai our off'e and learn more about these lots. LA GRANDE Be Phone Main 752. Independent phone 262. Foley Hotel Block. La Grande Oregon been Hare - " Moral. More than one man bat harmed bis fellow man in seeking to belp blm. -iY . V ". ' . V The Peacook and the Gobbler. ' . One day the Peacock and the Gob bler met on the patb. and after survey-' tag each other for a moment In con tempt tbe first cried oat: "Out of my way, thou fowl of the barnyardr y ry f - f . "Don't lag In no barnyard business on me!" replied the Gobbler. "You seem to think yourself some pumpkins, but no one else does." -. "They don't eh? Why. 1 have only to spread my tall to stop wayfarers and bear exclamations of admiration." "But one gobble of mine will do tbe same thing and more." "You make n sound like an old cow choking to death on a turnip!" "While your scream would drive a hungry bog from bit feed!" "Aside from your feathers you are a useless bird." "And tbe world would never miss yon." , . , Tbey were still disputing as to wbicb was of tbe most Importance when the master came along witb a chicken buyer and said: "1 have saved- the Peacock that I j might get a bunch of bis tail feathers to go over tbe looking glass, and I've bung on to tbe Gobbler because be' rather beftv on mtw brt it J"-" want the pair at a dollar and a half take 'em along." Moral: Tbe man who gets tbe no don that the world couldn't get along without him ta preparing tbe way to behold cheap. ; The Fox and the Squirrel. A fat but active Squirrel was nJoy Ing himself one day in leaping' from limb to limb of the trees when a nun gry Fox came alopg to say: . . ; "My friend. I'd like to have a little talk witb thee In regard to tbe acorn Prop." "But that la months away. was tbe reply. Then we'll talk about strawberries. Bnt you see bow hoarse 1 am. aitd 1 hope you will come nearer." Tbe Squirrel descended to within ten feet of the ground and there paused. "What I have to say to you bad best be told In a whisper." said the Fox in a confidential way. "And I am listening." was the reply. "I've got a good thing on hnnd and want a partnor. but it must be some one who has confidence In me." "1 have the utmost'" "But you persist In remaining np the tree Instead of coming down beside me." "And therein lies tbe basis of my confidence. Knowing that you can't climb and tbat 1 sban't be fool enough to come down to you. I feel a feeling of chumnjlness stealing all over me. What did you say about strawberries?" Mora.-Tbeir voices bad aroused a Coon dwelling in the same tree, and when the situation bad become plain to blm amJ the Fox bud departed in disgust be turned over, with a grunt and said: "Whpn tbe one can't come up and the other won't go down, the string game Is all off, and we must look for another sucker." The Judge and the Thief. Being arrested for steallnc n sheeD. a countryman informed tbe Judge be fore wlioiu he was to lie tried that he would ple.id his owu case. This he was permitted to do. hut of the three witnesses who swore nalnst hltn he bad no questions to nsk. When the evidence for the proseeutlou was all lu the prlsotuT arose and said: "Your honor. I move to quash ou the grounds of defective complaint" "But I see no defect" "Then Jet me point out to you that there is no complaint of my having stolen the horns. This sheep was a ram. A ram may have horns or he may not If this ram had horns the jouipiulut should be quashed; if he did not have, then It was right to bold me for stealing the body. It Is up to the prosecution to prove the born question, and It' hnsi not been done." ? : t I f ; I "I obseave." replied tbe Judge after a little reflection, "that you have but' one leg." "That is true." "And In passing sentence your miss ing leg- will be left out of tbe penalty as an offset against .whether the ram had horns or not Had you appeared before me with two legs the sentence would have been two years.. A you have only one well say" fifteen months." ' Moral.-When you split bain with the law you generally get the worst of It The Peasant and the Blackbird. A Blackbird who was scratching up and eating the corn the Peasant bad Just sown was fired on and mortaiiv wounded, and as be flopped around on me neia ne cried out: . , "You should. never have done ltl I am a Blackbird and not a Crow." "Weil do I know that." wns th rm. ply. "and 1 loaded my gutf with less powder and fewer sbot on that v count" Morai.-A conscientious man can al ways be depended on to do the fair thing. . Good For Sixty. . "If like this, your honor," said the prisoner who was arraigned for disor derly conduct., "I was going borne at a late hour w ben three men Jumped on to me." ' . i i v j t."l eee." , . r- ' ; "And the officer arrested me by mia" take." "Um! . Officer, bow was itr "I think be was only defending him self, sir." ' f- - "Well in tbat case Ha! Prisoner, have you ever been here before?" "No. sir." "Speak tbe truth." "1 never have." "But 1 am sure I bare seen you within tbe last two months." "But it wasn't here, sir. Ijwork for a plumber, and I was at your bouse mending a leak in a water pipe." ' "Oh. 1 see. It was a leak you might have mended in ten minutes, and you took a day and a ball . Sixty days for you. my man." Bight in yonr busiest season when yoa have the least time to spare yoq are moe) likely to Uke diarrhoea and lose seven days' time, unless von have Chamberlein'i Colic, Cholera aun Diarrhoea Eemedy at hand and Uke a dose on the first appear ance of the disease. For sale by all dealers. Considerable Counting. A report recently issued by the treasury department shows that there are 150.098.028 one dollar bills In circulation. We assume tbat tbey are counted every nigbt by tbe wives of tbe men who happen to have possession Wilder 8ay This Is Good. According to Marshall P. Wilder, be and Consul, tbe monk, were once on the same bill in a London music ball. The British patrons were amused and mystified by tbe almost human intelli gence of the monkey. Wilder always followed Consul on the bill. One night two Engilsnmen who had been Indulging freely in hrnn dy and soda dropped Into the hall. In a stupid sort of way they laughed at the monkey's antics and then lapsed into a doze. One of tbem awoke while Wilder was on the stage telling stories. He nudged His companion. "My word. BUI," he whispered, "they've got him talkln now." New York Telegraph. FREE! :-. i'-i I 1 ' !' tr i -i .'. t "vis r, 6 Cornet ,-1 All Ladies are in- terested in this remarkable offer. Paris Hair Emporium ! Sprains require careful treatment. Keep quiet and apply Chamberlain's Linimeiu. freely. It will remove the soreness and quickly restore the ports to a healthy con. ditioo. For sale by all dealers. A Generous Deed. "Bubbles has bought two new ma chines, one for himself and one for his wife." 'That's generous." "Well, you see. her machine keeps his going." "How's that?" "Hers is a sewing machine." Bal timore American. Too Close Scrutiny. Strict Parent From my observation of bim last nigbt I came to the con. elusion that thnt young man of yours i was rather wild. j Mlldred-Of course. It was your ob- i servatlon that mndp him. wild He ! wanted you to go upstairs and leave us alone.-Philadelphia Inquirer. Anything to Oblige. Tourist tat Irish hotel You seem tired. Pat. Walter - Yiss. sorr; up very early this morning-half past 0 Tourist-I don't call half past 6 early. Walter (quickly -Well, half past 5 I'lln.- London Punch. 4C If yon are going to the moun tains for an outing don't forget we have a fresh supply of cheese jnst in. Liniberger Brick Swiss Imported Swiss and Cream. S 11 RoyalGrocery H. Patthon, Prop. Not in the Association J. H. PERE, j La Grande's Leading Jeweler C Opposite U. S. Lani Office o A dams Avenue. "nitHHiiiiiinimmii,.lllmilinH1 Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing . LA GRANDE IRQRI WORKS D.'FlTZGER.b,'Prjpriiii IU COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY 1 - ).... . . , . - -... ,; - i mm mm mm 1", m MJcK Paint in cities and makes reason able charges. Phone Red 971-next door to V!UUUI' "1111 dUOUt Observer office yOUt WOrk. J