La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 03, 1911, Image 1

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    , . i (id,.,
MONDAY, JULY 3, 1911
24jDead in 24 Hours
in Chica-
. Not Only Chicago, but a Large Num
bfr of Other Cities Report Deaths
From neat Ware, Extending AH
Through East and Middle Western
States Today-4hie Heat-Crazed,
Chicago, July 3.- With twenty-five
dead from heat within the last 24
hour the thprmnmer at 01 thla
morning and climbing still higher,
infant mortality alarming, low hu
midity only prevents an apalling num
ber of deaths here today. One death
each is" reported from Racine, Balti
more and Milwaukee. G. A. Wright,
an officer If the United Foresters,
today jumped from the fifteenth
floor of the Masonic temple and was
killed. He was heat-crazed., '
Hottest June in Many Teal's
Springfield. 111., , July 3. Weather
Forecaster Root announced today that
June was the hottest In 32 years. It
averaged 78.
Eight Deat1 In Philadelphia
Philadelphia, July 3. Four addi
tional deaths from heat were record
ed today, maklne a total of elzht.
4t 1 nVlnrlr tha tpinnorntiira iron
D8. Reports showlodays dead to be:
Pittsburg 2.. Battle Creek 1, Newark
5, Minneapolis 1, St. Louis 2, Cleve
land 3, Delaware, Ohio 1, Cincinnati
1, Indianapolis 1, a eulcide.
Ed. Miller Finds His Cattle Were Sojd
by Hunter Saturday.
Ed. Miller yesterday identified the
nine head of cattle purchased by the
La Grande Meat company Saturday
and which caused the arrest of Will
Hunter, of Union, on a charge of cat
tle rustling, as having been a part of
his herd up until Saturday. The
Identification in a large measure con
firms the suspicion against Hunter,
who Is now in the county Jail here.
Two Patients Convalescent
Mrs. L. Thompson of La Grande
who was operated upon Saturday
evening by Dr. N. Molitor, is conva
lescent today. She was a victim of
Mrs. Jessie McCollough, also of La
Grande, and who underwent a seri
ous operation last Friday, is reported
resting easily today. Dr. Molitor
performed the operation.
Championship Fight WiU Be on Al
Bust fi to 1 Basis It b Said.
Wolgast Twe to One Shot.
San Francisco, July 3. Betting
4 has now dropped to ten to six
with Wolgast the favorite. Lit-
tie money has been wagered, and
there Is a possibility of money
being two to one before the men
enter the ring. "
i , ' " - S f?V, s
' --i:'''(linrTWff n - - wimiii .iiiirr-r-Tfiw imi-rnum ..... ,
AVIATOB WALSH AND A WOMAN PASSENGER This Is an exact 'reprq dttcUo which he will
nse in La urande next Saturday and Sunday, when he Hies before Lit uanite auaienciw, vr g no pay.
Small Capital Needed, and Money All
Stays Home, Sajs Promoter.
Promotion of a novel, and apparent
ly effective cannery system on the co
operative basis is being effected here
today by T. W. Wade of Springfield,
Illinois. Placinr of many small can
neries throughout the orchard dis
trict, either ou rental basis or 10
cents for the dozen cans produced.
or outright purchases, and forwarding
the products to market through a cor
poration of home people, capitalized
at a very small figure, is the kernel
of the scheme. Mr. Wade wants to
meet the orchard men of Union county
at a nearby date to discuss the mat
ter more fully. Briefly stated the
system gives home money all the profits.
The small canneries, of which there
might be four or five in May Park,
the same number in Fruitdale, at Cove,
Imbler and other sections, would be
operated at the direction of a super
intendent and at a very small cost to
the grower, who would realize good
profits. The marketing would all be
done from corporation headquarters,
say at La Grande, and the cost of la
beling and furnishing the jars would
be about the only outlay falling against
that institution. Mr. Wade is talking
the matter over with many fruitgrow
ers today and all seem greatly Im
press with the Idea as It is entirely
co-operative, has no expense to the
grower worth mentioning, and would
give a -fine financial return to pro
ducts otherwise going to waste with
out cannery facilities.
a-UHM-MIM '-
it I ? ? . :
V f
San Francisco, Cal., July 3: Train
ed to the hour and ready for their bat
ik which will be for the light weight
championship of the world, Ad Wol
gast of Milwaukee and Owen Moran,
the English lightweight, await the call
to the ring tomorrow afternoon. Large
crowds visited the camps of the rival
fighters today and came away with
the opinion that both are in good
physical trim for the bout.
Judging from' the betting flavor
around Stts Francisco, Wolgast will be
the favorite by a big margin when
he enters the ring. Nearly all the
sporting writers concede the Mllwau-
kee fighter the victory, but they are al
so ready to admit that the little Brit
isher has a chance.
Moran Is bubbling over with confi
dence, and his friends are backing him
liberally at the prevailing odds. He
has been training faitMi'T eyer since
the articles were signed, first at Lake
Tahoe and later at San Rafael, and if
Governor J. Frank Hanly, of Indiana, Speaker of the Day, Tomorrow, and
, ; the Apollo Concert company, high school Initial number on tomorrow
night's Chautauqua program. 'y' ' ' " ' ' ; ' " '
The order has gone forth that thejmitted In Portland tomorrow. Strict
Few Changes Made in
Published Program
WKh FlnalProgram Arranged About
as OutUned at First, the Morrow Is
Awaited with Perfect Satisfaction
in Banks of Those Behind the Ar
rangements Rtchey Marshall of he
With the morrow a few hours away
La Grande awaits the booming of can-
uuu at Buuiloti "ua ImiI umIici- iu
tomorrow's celebration features. ' The
committees have no special announce
ments to makethe' original details
are closely adherred to. With Spec
ial stress laid on the free rest rooms,
the free coffee, the four bands', the
ball games. th evening's amuse
ment in dancing at the various planes,
the Hanly lecture at 11 o'clock- to.
morrow forenoon at Sixth and Wash
lngton, in a tent prepared for. the
purpose, constitute the chl3f notices
on the eve. of the big day. Thi ori
ginal program revised but llttla, reads
as follows: ' "
At Day.Break Cannon salute by G.
A. R.
Congress and Apollo oh
f or Tuesday Night r
Continental Congress at 8 O'clock an J
Apollo Concert at Nine O'clock If
Rain, Transfer-to L. D. S. Taber
nacle Final Arangements Usher In
Week of Choice Numbers,
Final and definite i aiTangements of
conflicting numbers' tomorrow night
Seven o'cloc, elaborate band concert
by bands at RhrenrfdA !Prkt - ft
o'clock, continental congress, by home
talent; 9 o'clock, stellar, program by
Apollo Concert company, still flushed
by a signal tbree-iy ruii of monu
mental success at Boise. ,
Special announcement If - weather
Interferes, entire evening program at
park will be transferred , to L. D. S.
tabernacle, at tbe same hours as glr
en. . '. ,' ', , ; ;,
'Forming the advance guard of the
second annual chautauqua numbers to
reach , the - city, . the Apollo Concert
company reached La Grande last night
and will make La Grande Its head
quarters until after tomorrow night
police will not tolerate any use of
big firecrackers tomorrow. The ban
will not be put on small crackers
Bhot off in the residence section of
the city. .
lew Cities Have Any Noise Making
Provisions on Program.
taboo has been placed on giants.
Chicago, July 3. Reports today
from all over the country indicate
that the Fourth will be observed sane
ly, to a greater extent than ever be
fore. Pageants, parades, speeches,
and games, replacing pistols and ex
plosives rapidly.
Portland Near Sane
Portland, Ore., July 3, Only the
smallest kind of crackers will be per-
Agent off on Vacation
Express Agent and Mrs. George M.
Hibberd left last evening for Salt
Lake where they will spend a portion
of their vacation and then return and
go to Seattle. L. F. Massee, formerly
agent here, but now located at Port
land, is relieving Mr. Hibberd. Mrs.
Massee is . here also, , to spend the
Start Haying Wednesday
David Fisk and wife are down from
North Powder today transacting busi
ness at the land office. Mr. Flak is
one of the most extensive hay ranch
ers of that section and plans to com
mence haying Immediately after the
Fourth of July.
en air suffering from the effeett of
the concussion and blows from flying
bits of iron that cut his fact and
hands somewhat, that he realised how
result than a few scratches and Jolts.
The explosion was caused by a slow
heating of sweat from the iron which
formed eteam in the hollow center of
the huge piece of iron as it was being
heated, and unable to escape, the steam
formed such pressure that when It
exploded It was with terrific force. .
The big piece of iron was blown to
he loses the fight tomorrow he will bits, and the rain of iron whizzed past
not be able to make tie o! m
of poor condition.
With a roar that could be heard for
blocks, a piston head In the bourse
of being heated at the La Grande Iron
Works forge this morning exploded
And HCRtterAil flrA flnH hits rf Mit trnn
over the entire shop and miraculously l harrow,n ha "ape. Big
rained a nhower of tying iron and I chunks of iron, four and five inches
coals around John Chapman the smith-! Jn length, were hurled against the
ie at work on the iron, with no other farthermost corners of the building,
but only small bits struck the work
man. The tongs which he used to
handle the piston head were torn from
hie hands and hurled across the room
of the shop.
A small hoM stream easily extin
gulshed the blave which was started
by burning embers blown from the
forge by the txptalw.
The force of the explosion jarred
when the , troupe Is slated to appear
8:0u o'clock-Welcoming visitors and on th cnautau(ua cour8e forming one
excursion trains at depot with bra ss
bands. ' ' : .
, , 9;30 Spedr race .between Eastern
Oregon fire departments, according to
Eastern Oregon and Washington Firo
Association rules. , First prise, J35;
S;ond prize, $15. ,;
10 Ball game .Elgin vs. La Grande
Mysterious Mitchell twirling for El
gin. '
11 Governor Hanly, of Indiana,
will deliver address of the day, intro
duced by Hon. Walter Pierce, mana
ger Hot Lake Sanatorium. Address
at Sixth and Washington in big tenti
Free coffee, sugar and cream, free
Ice water, free rest tents, supplied
with water, wash basins, combs and
towels. ' . r
12Carnival of sports for boys un
der 12 and 14 years of age, for cash
2 Special speed race with hose
carts; open to amateur athletic clubs
Eastern Oregon, for gold medal.
2:30 Ball game, Union 'vs. La
4 Dare devil riding cycle auto cy
cle. 4:30 Goose pulling contest under
the clouds by the Apache Indians,
open to ail horseback riders, for a
purse of $2.00 and the goose.
4:40 Door splitting contest, where
the iron man puts his bare fist through
an inch door; open to all contest
ants. $1.00 and the door.
4.55 Neck to neck dog race be
tween Imported collies, by world's
renowned dog driver.
5 Wet test open to fire companies
and athletic clubs of Eastern Oregon.
First prize $35.00, second prize $15.
The big dance across the street
from the Sommer hotel will commence
at four o'clock. The program will be
filled with music from four bands
throughout the day.
G. M. Richey will be marsball of the
I Mr. Chapman with such force that it buildings and was heard for many
mrmm Mnfv sMam tt a Vai$ VaaI a4 4a IIia a tilmlfl
of the best numbers. ' Tomorrow sees
the opening of the eleven days festi
vities and Important announcements
are forthcoming frpmthe managers.
Miss Mildred Tracey has been em--ployed
to conduct the physical culture
classes, consisting of routine gym
nasts and swimmlng.p rincipally.' The
very nominal price of 50 cents for the
course will be asked and this will In
clude lessons commencing at 9.30
o'clock each morning commencing on
Wednesday. The swimming class
students must supply their own suits
for these practical lessons. A field
meet, open to anyone, men women
and boys and girls will be conducted
on the last day of the chautauqua.
Further announcement will - be made
later of this feature of the chautau
qua. (, .', . ' .
Ten Cent Fares
Final arrangements to provide trans
portation to' the grounds for the cents
have been made. Hacks will leave
the Peoples Store and Geddis store
every 20 minutes after 7 o'clock until
Continental Congress First
Tomorrow evening the continental
congress which made such an im
pression last year in the hands of local
orators, will be presented tomorrow
evening opening the first day of the
chautauqua , proper. Limited Bpaca
denies the detail presentation of this
classic event, but the reputation of last
year's event should instill a ' great
amount of interest In the performance.
Temporary Restraining Order Grant
ed by Judge Knowles Saturday.
immense nAin
On motion of attorneys for J. H.
Peare, Judge Knowles has granted a
temporary restraining order holding
the city from cutting down the tree
in tha way of the cement walk on
Washington avenue.
Worst Storm fn More Than a Century
Bits Artsona Farms.
Phoenix, Ariz., July 3. With a tc
tal precipitation of 7.49 ' inches this
state is today recovering from the
most severe rain torm elnce 1809.
Rain fell from Saturday to Sunday
night. Reports indicate the canta
loupe, airaira and otner crops are
practically ruined. "