La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 01, 1911, Page PAGE 8, Image 8

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    PAGE 8
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Our Unequaled Power
In Value Giving
Is emphasized most forcibly
in these new Spring and Sum
mer Suits at $15 to $27.50
.'. Society .Y
Every suit w sell is such excep
tional value at the price that once
you wear one, we are sure of your fu
ture patronage. It will pay you well
to investigate our claims.
See them, compare them with
what you see elsewhere at higher prices) and you
will conclude that ours are their equal. Wear one
and then you'll KNOW how well they wear and retain
heir good appearance. Come let us SHOW you the great values. We will not urge yuto buy.
The values are so apparent WE don't have to sell them. THEY SElL THEMSELVES.
D eoey cb Q(craimt(D)ini
The Store That Satisfies
The people are the Best Judges.
"The Insurrecto" Kalem
Telling of an orange grower's
troubles during the present
Mexican war, One- of Kalem's
class A pictures.
"The Foster Father"... Pathe
Wonderfully dramatic with
an ending whlcn pleases every
.body, including the trap drum
mer. "The Belated Brldgegroom".
, Lubin
Clean cut comedy. Autos, bl
. cycles, teams, airships and
Shank's ponies are engaged to
get the bridegroom on time for
.his wedding, but they all fail.
See it and laugh.
Illustrated song "I'm in Love
With the Man in the Moon."
Matinees Mis Garrick
Evenings Mr. Ferrln
DR. A. C. POSEY, Specialist for Eye,
Ear, Nose and Throat diseases. Eyes
fitted with glasses. Over Selder'i
Folio k "rowds to Ash Bros.' big
Ciothlug sale.
Some haintsmoe porch screens Just
arrived fr..i Japan. Prices from $1.75
to J4.2R. vf. H TVlhnpnlrnmn frt
nerves you will get well. Rooms 20-
21 over La Grande National bank.
I :Fo!':i;i, the crowds to Asb Bros.' big
clotnlng sale.
Follow the crowds to Ash Bros.' big
clothing aale.
A chiropractor is a spinal adjus
ter that's all; no drugs nor surgery
nor osteopathy, Rooms 20-21, over
I La Grande National bank.
Spinal adjustments take the pres
sure oft the nerves. See the chiro
practor, rooms 20-21, over La Grande
i National bank.
Screen doors from $1.25 to $2.50 at
W. H. Bohnenkamp Co.'s. 6-28-tf
Mrs. E. P. Day will continue her
music Btudio at 103 Greenwood. 6-30-tf
Follow the crowds to Ash Bros.' big
clothing sale.
Nerve pressure or pinching causes
disease. See the chiropractor, rooms
20-21 over La Grande National bank.
When the pressue is taken oft the
" . A
Mrs. W. W. White was In the city
from Enterprise last evening and stay
ed at the Savoy.
Jesse E.-Smith was a visitor in the
city from Elgin last night, a guest at
the Savoy.
J. D. Casey came down from Hil
gard this morning to transact business
in the city today.
Miss Myrtle Plummer of Baker City
is visiting Miss Margaret Vantress at
the home of Peach Bros.. In the valley
east of town.
Mrs. Thomas Budge arrived home
this morning from an extended visit
in Galesburg. Illinois, and other mid
dle western cities.
Miss Mabel Enloe arrived in La
Grande with her sister Mrs. Robert
Cotner, and will remain during the
Mrs. E. F. Evans of Cambridge, Ida
ho, stopped at the Savoy last evening.
She is visiting Mrs. Jacobs in South
La Grande today.
Mrs. B. B. Nutter and Mrs. Ira
Chattas leave for Walla Walla tomor
row to visit friends until after the
-I"'" """"1M X .,
Three and1 a. Half hoars frem Portland
Salt air, sea breezes, cool breezes, cool days and
refreshing nights. First class hotels open all year at
Gearhart and Seaside. Delight trip from Portland
to mouth of Columbia river through historic Astoria.
$15.10 rdund trip tickets sold by agent of O.-W. R. &
N. R. R. Return limit October 31st. Illustrated
folder and hotel directory will be sent on request.
Gen'l Freight and Passenger Agent, S. '
P. & S. Ry., Portland, Oregon.
Lumberman Hurt at His 31111 Near
Iftndowa Dies of Injuries.
J. D. King, the Rondowa lumber
man who was frightfully hurt several
days ago In an accident at his camp
just above Rondowa on the Grande
Ronde river, died last night of the In
juries. Mr. King was formerly con
nected with Stanley & King, sawmill
men, but of late had been operating his
mill alone. The accident occurred
about two weeks ago.
No funeral arrangements have yet
been made.
Bradley k Co. Get Contract
The plumbing for the new Ritchie
building has been let to the firm of
Bradley & Co., and next week work on
the plumbing scheme, which Is said to
be very complete, will begin.
San Francisco and Stockton See
Heavy Shocks This Afternoon.
San Francisco, July 1. Two heavy
earthquake Bhocks, which were felt
at Stockton, Sacramento and other cit
ies shook San Francisco this after
noon. Plaster was knocked off the
ceilings and much excitement was
caused. The first shock occurred at
.'.C' ' 'cl""?' lb.' n'ter"',?n.
Mildred and Myrtle Hoyt entertain
ed about 25 of their little friends or.
Monday afternoon. The event was
the eighth birthday anniversary of
the twins and they received many
handsome little gifts. Among those
invited were Merle George-, Maxlne
Jolly. Velma Jasper, Alladene Scro?
glns, Wilma Wade, Leona Coolldge,
Mary Fitzgerald, Bonna NIbly. Bessie
and Florence Sherbet, Thelma Oestsr
ling, Donna Smith, Nedra punt, Hazel
Stageborg, Aften Oliver, . Edell Martin,
Bertha Berger, Louise O'Connell, Leo
na Walderlne, Ruth Blggers, Helen
Earls, Marjorie Logan, Minerva Rob
bins, Emogene Stout, Mildred and
Myrtle Hoyt. After refreshments Mr.
C. W. Niblyt took the youngsters out
for an auto ride. They all had a fine
time and hope to be present to help
the Hoyt girls celebrate their , ninth
MIbb Nell Young entertained about
15 friends last Wednesday evening
with luncheon and boating. The
Young canoes were turned over to the
guests and the exlleratlng pastime ', of
boating on th waters at the park was
enjoyed Immensely by the guests. The
guests were: Misses Nell Mahaffey,
Helen McHugh, Ruby Huff, Naomi
Williamson, Dora Wolfe, Jennie Gav
in, " Rachel Turner and Miss Nell
Young. Messrs Doland, Brady, -Mc-Cabe,
Donohue, Knight and William
son. Music and readings helped make
the event enjoyable.
Members of the Eastern Star ten
dered an Informal reception last even
ing at thejMasonic hall to Mrs. Pau
line Moore Riley in honor of her
election to the position of Grand
Worthy Matron at the state meeting
of the order. Mrs. Riley has the dis
tinction of being the only grand
worthy . matron unanimously elected
She was presented with a beautiful
bouquet of flowers. After the close
of regular lodge session the memb.nsH
visited and enjoyed refreshments.
Baker Herald.
The Five Hundred club was enter
tained at Island City this week with
Mrs. Fred Kiddle as hostess. Mrs.
Chester Newlin won the honors. The
nfxt week meeting will be postponed
on account of Chautauqua which will
occupy the attention of La Grande al
most exclusive.
Why You Should
Bank with the
United States
1 TT
oai isamc
It is less than three years old yet.
It already enjoys the confidence and "
patronage of more than one thousand
leading firms, corporations and individ
uals in this cty and vicinity. This is ev
ident that our Banking Service is satis
factory in all departments and there
ore qualified to meet your requirements.
We have safe deposit boxes for
rent..3 sizes-$2, $3 and $5
Unique Contests Scheduled for Visi
tors Coming July Fourth.
Several important prizes resulting
from the Fourth of July celebration
have been omitted from the regular
bills. These special prizes are going
to be announced on the day of the big
show and are:
The most honest farmer in Union
county, gets a prize.
The most beautiful farmer also
draws cash.
The family who drives the farthest
to the big celebration also gets some
The most beautiful of four, out of
town residents only.
The minstrels.
The Harrison Bros.' Minstrel show,
which made Hazelton Wednesday eve
ning, has the distinction of being the
only one to exhibit here for some time
without a lot of fault-flnding critics
picking its attractions to pieces after
ward. A negro minstrel show is in a
class by Itself; and a good one never
falls to please an audience where
laughter and amusement are sought.
The negro has an ear for music; it
is natural wth him; and he has his
way of rendering it. It Is not classi
cal, but It is better It is pleasing.
The Dixie Minstrels on Wednesday
night gave a good entertainment one
well worth the price, and the audi
ence got its satisfaction of negro mel
ody and laughter. Hazelton Herold.
La Grande, Tuesday, July 4th.
LOST Black colt three months old.
Finder phone 171 Farmer and re
ceive reward. W. A. McCall. 7-l-5t
FOR RENT Furnished room. 1606
Sixth street. 7-1-tf
UUhy pay Rent? Weloa vw
M money to build, ana
pay us as you would rent.
We co-operate with those who patronize this bank in
every manner permitted by best and conservative bank
ing methods. We assist by extending credit when credti
is due, by advice, by cousel, giving the customer the bene
fits of our knowledge and experience and taking an act
ive interest in his welfare.
To Obsene "Peace Snuday."
New York, July 1. Thousands of
ministers and pastors of churches af
filiated with the Federal Council of
Churches of Christ in America have
agreed to observe tomorrow as "Peace
bunday' by preaching sermons deal
ing with the problem of international
arbitration and universal peace.
Bush Remains Sent Home.
The remains of Mrs. Rush of Union
who died here last night were sent to
Union today.
Hard Blow for the Blind Pigs.
St. Paul, Minn., July l.-A law pro
hibltlng the, sale of malt llquorj
"whether Intoxicating or not" out'irte
of licensed drinking places became op
erative In Minnesota today. The l.vv
is expected to 'put an end to the "near
beer" Industry as carried on by cr-.n-
dy stores, soda stands and other soft
drink establishments,
King and Queen to Rest.
London, July 1. The coronation fes
tivities having come to an end, the
king and queen left Buckingham pal
ace today for Windsor to secure a
much needed rest. Their majesties
will remain at Windsor until the lat
ter part of next week when they will
depart for Ireland.
FOR SALE Timber claim near rail
road. Address Observer. 7-1 to 8-1
Tour celebration In La Grande
this year will not be complete
unless yon have visited onr
store. We hare a special rest.
Ing place for our visitors and
we want you to make your home
with ns on the big day, and not
only then but whenever you
happen to be In town. You are
welcome to the cozy corner of
the store, at any time. Come In,
have a good1 seat and read onr
magazines. Our writing desk
and telephones always free to
the public Pay us a visit
Wright Drug Co.
you ever-
wear a $4 & $5 Howard
& Foster Shoe?
If not you have miued the comfort and
eie of a perfect fitting shoe besides the
wear. -
Let jour next pair be a
Howard & Foster...WHY?
Because - They're - Better
French ?ioe