I i LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. ,, SATURDAY, JULY 1. 1911. PAGE 7 FHAT REAI; FUNNY SHOW BUSBY'S HARRISON ' -Big Colored ! 1 (C? UNDER LlUmd.JrQ ANVAS 1-. . I I.- : it' i 4- ' V , " ' ' 1 v. v -A -. A J ' 5 u : v V . a ft .r:-irf I ..u... with HARRISON' BROS., M1N5TREL5". J.MBUSBY. OWMER O church notices a o o o o St. Peters Chorcb. Third Sunday after Trinity. Sunday school . . . , 10 : 00 a. m. Morning service ........... 11 : 00 a. m. Evening service ........... 7:30a.m. Vestry meeting Monday. 7 :30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal Church, i '; There will be the regular preaching service at 11 O'clock th nastnr In tha pulpit. The theme will be patriotic. J in tne venmg he will speak on the superiority of the Connecticut Blue Laws. The Sunday school la at, 9.45. H.' Green, superintendent, and the Epwortfc league at 7. Miss Hattle Mc Murray, president '8 ;i LA GRANDE 4 Don t Miss ThJs Gonfl On! ' j vraicii ior raraaei rerrormance at o p. m. , -w- w v t t w T T T T T T T T T T V 1' I' V V V f f l 1(1 tfl im K . . . ., ..... ; I ? - . I ; 5 i' A" fc :::,v.:- ' II v '- 1 WHERE DO YOU GET YOUR DENTAL WORK DONE? Do you realize that the dental profession is making great strides in the matter of treating the conditions of y the oral cavity, one of the most important parts of the human anatomy? If you can get your dental work done in a way that not only pleases you in appearance but in a manner that makes it easy for you physically, leaves your nervous system in as good condition when you leave the office as when you came, you would not have that fear of having your teeth taken care of in time. Would you rather have your dental work done by a man who is rough in his work or one who has. as much consideration for your feelings as he has for his own. We' undertake to make good. STEVENSON'S DENTAL OFFICE. J. E. Stevenson, D.D. S. G. A. Brown, D. D. S. A Goo'J Show. " while the old time minstrel oerform- J. M. Busby's big minstrel company, ' - . ' , . , .t . ' iiipn exhibited here under canvas on uesday evening, was greeted with a'aU(1,ence- Tney carry a fine band and lowded house In spite of the intense are a tuneful, musical, talented crowd. at of that evening. The Advocate'3 presentatlve reports an excellent Yaw 8 c?nter Advocate. rformance, especially, the dancing.' At La Grande, Tuesday, July 4th. QUIT PAYIMG RENT , .. . - . . . - - j " ,..-,,.,;.. By paying rent you merely accumulate a bunch of worthleiBS rent receipts. By applying that rent money on a home of your own you accumulate a valuable deed. It don't tak) a large pay ment down to do It Just a small payment now j.nd the saioe .money you have been paying for rent. Come in and talk it over with us. '-'V .A- ' ' ' , BLACK &" Real Estate - and Insurance 111 Depot Street BOTH PHONES The Dog and Duck FIjjht. In an interview this morning with Grant Lincoln the sports reporter learned that Captain Ilarrlson may be expected in town on Sunday, arriv ing from Seattle on No. 6. A telegram from the army officer last night put all doubts to one side and It stated that the captain will bring the Philip pine bird with him.- A prominent citi zen of Huntington got on the long dis tance phone last night and offered to bring a 40 pound dog and $2,000.00 to renter the contest. " Mr Lincoln Is expecting a communi cation from Captain Harrison tonight as to whether the wager shall be ac cepted. Grant saw the bird In Port land recently and is confident that no 40 or 60 pound dog can "draw" the feathered wonder out of a 12 foot ring. r REMEDY SSSo PILES, CMIHBLIN. rtLONS, BURNS. ITC. A VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD SALVC. au Oftuooiirs havc it on willotain on itcauciT ACCCPT NO KUBSTITUTtS. rrce is Cents. lNGIY MICHAELS CO SAN FRANCISCO SE,E, US! Electric Drink Mixer fk The latest method for preparing such del clous bev erages as Malted Milk Chocolate with egg, Egq Lemonades, Egg Phosphate, Orange Punch, z.id other combinations that CTfT TM7"PtC ate very popular O JQ 1 1 JQ Iv O That's What They All Say It's Good ForVhat Ails You n r V Christian Science Service. Christian Science, service is held at 11 a. mvat 907 C avenue Sunday.' The subject of lesson sermon is "God." ladd Canyon Items, r -Ladd Canyon, July 1.- (Special) -Nearly all the farmer out this way who toav alfalfa, commenced mowii;g yesterday. Most of the . fields will yield a splendid crop. ..Quite a good many from here at tended the Wild "WeBt show in La. Grande' last week.--:' 'h)X-X.; ;. n- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Braden drove down from Perry Sunday and si.nt the dar with Mr Braden's mother, Mrs. AdQlph Peebler now has his'now house completed and rsady for occu pancy. : " . Mrs. Annie Denning and daughter, Miss Nellie Denning, are here from North Powder visiting Mrs. Lucy Gra ham and children. ) A. Miss Frankie Peebler returned from Baker yesterday where she hasspent a week visiting , girl friend. 6 Q mOFESSIOKAL DIKECTOKT, PHTSIOAKS AKD SUBGEONS. N. MOLITOR, M. U. Physician and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street. Office. Main 68; Real dencr 69. . A. L RICHARDSON, M. D. J. W. LOUGHUN. M. D. Drs. RlchardBon k Loughlin, ; PhysicUms and Surgeons, Phot? Office Black 1362; Ind. 853. Office Hours to 11; 2 to 5; 7 to 8. Dr. Richardson's Res. Main 65; Ind. 312. Dr. Loughlin's res. Main 757; Ind 1297. ' C. H. UPTON, Ph. Q. M. .. PhysU Ian and surgeon. Special attention to Eye. Ear, Nose ana Throat. Office !u l.a Grande National Bank Bullrl 'riK. Phones: ' Office Main 2, ReBl dopr-e Main 32. DR. H. L. UNDBRViTOOD Physician .and Surgeon. Special attention to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones: Office-rMaln 22; Res denceMain 728. Ind. 631. . 14 A C( A Nn - Uptown office Main 720 Ynrrlw Resideiice Phone Main 25 AMBULANCE . L bussey A i?? .1"'" "' iim fmmmmmm in . . u . i i. n ). . L 1 1. 1 . y ' i ... . i . . m,' i x i in i n BETTER THAN SPANKING Janklng Hot hot irar cbildmi of bed wettlnf. There U eoDtltntloDl ctux for tliti trouble '; Mr.' M, j Bammera, " Bos W, Notre Dune, Ind., will KDd fret to any mother ber ioecewful borne tretnfnt, with fall lnattuctloot. ' Send B money, but writ ber today if yonr children trouble yon In thla way. boo't blame the child, th a ehtnoea ara It can't help It Thla treatment ala en re adults and aged people troubled with oris difficulties by day or nbjfct. "- tWUli.bMWUI 1 I Hill llfn, . MM I Quiet and apply Chamberlain's Ltnlmei.i freely. , -It will remove the soretms too Quickly, restore the parts to a healthy con dition. For aalo by all dealArs. Plumbing and Heating John Melville H2S Adams Ave LA GRANDE, - ORE EXCURSION Facs East . 1911 From all points on OREGOJf.WASHIXGTON BAIIROAD & JfATIQATION C03XPAKI 10 FAKtPI ' Chicago .$72' Council Bluffs.. Omaha .......... Kansas City .... M- St. Joseph ....... " St. Paul St. Paul, via Council Bluffs. , .... 63.80 Minneapolis, direct ..A......... 60.00 Minneapolis, via Council Bluffs. 63.J0 Detroit, Mich . . . ..... ..... ... . . 82.C0 Boston ...................... . .110.00 New York ... . A . , , . , .V . . . ... , .108.50 St Louis A . .. . , . . ...... . . ... . 70.00 Washington, D. C. ...107.60 Atlantic City, N. J... ........ .102.40 ' Sale Dates June 5, 7, 9. 10, J2, 16, 17, 21, 22. 23,' 24,28,29 and 30. .July 1. 2, 3, 4. 5. 6. 19, 20, 26, 27 and 28. r, A" August 3 4, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17. 21, 22, 23, 28, 29 and 30. : September 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7. Stop-overs within limits in either di rection. Final return limit October 31st One way through Calfornla 815.00 ad- Jltlonal. inquire '-of any 0.-W. B. A If . Agent for More Complete Information '''' r WJT. JIcMURRAT General Tassengcr Agent, rortla; i : Oregon. JEO. W. . ZIMMERMAN OBteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10. Phoaes: Home 1332, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone, Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. El Moore. I. C. PRICE, D. M. -. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing. Phone Black 899. DR. P. A. CHARLTON' .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store La Grande. Residence phone, Rei 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones si residence.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN ft COCK RAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National . Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at T,;j.t Practices In al lthe cour'r .: the State and United SUies. Office In La Grande NUuul Bans Bldg., La Grande, Oregou. law offt:::: of green & small. '... ':, over Silvertnorse'a drug :ne, La Grange, Ore. R. Jos. Green and Chas. A. Small. Rooms 15ar.Sl6. O. W. C. NEISON Mining Engineer Baker CHjr, Oregon. FAM US KING The Prettiest Waists , and owns will become soil ed and stained in time. But their usefulness is by no means ended If Cleaned and Pressed by us they will be as good as new.; Send us the waist, frocks, suit or coat that you cannot wear because they are spoiled or spotted. We'll make them so you wear them. ?' ELITE DYEING & CLEANS AvCriKS Mafn 64. gorier A ZnndeL i -A raff II w II are those that everybody Is looking for, because when yon' smoke one of them, yon want more. The last pnll is the sweetest--Get the last pnlL rAW US KiftG J. Bradley S Co. SANITARY PLUMBING REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES t 8nOP-BLACK 7L RESIDENCE BLACK W82. NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL