La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 01, 1911, Page PAGE 3, Image 3

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pay 4 per cent, bat your tarings Invested in a River
side Addition Jot. will double In a few rears. -
Riverside Addition is right In the center of industrial "
. activity. ..
Riverside addition will soon have one of the finest
paved streets in the ' entire city. The, work on Second
street, Is rapidly neartng completion, -r.- v V- .
Riverside Addition ig the home of many of La
Grande's best citizens, v . ,
Some of the lot8 tre $75.00. None are higher than $200.
You can buy on your own terms.
Office Open Evenings f
w:ii:MM Ff:ii. A. Da. 1107 Adam avenue.
William Miller a Biro;, phone, main i.
Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson
Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton
' Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings. Gut-
I ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort-
!- m w . m m m
ment oi JMicKei Trimmings.
tirm Trnr ...
C. T. Darley
Cement Contractor
, ; ? , ' . .'
Consult him before letting your sidewalk
Uses only Refrigerator Counters i
and they show our cut meats in a
most sanitary and appetizing way
trawberry Hallocks
$3.75 PER M
George Palmer Lumber Co.
Retail Dept. Phone, tilaih B
The woman ivlio ' cooksth
m t . . - -' - i
me meas ini your nome p
Doesa't her welfare her health and happiness call
for something than she puts up with!
. Isn't:she entitled to the things that will make her
,work easier and her cooking hours shorer?
vOur Electric Ranges cost no more to operate than
coal orvook, and they are better in every way. They
are quicker, easier and cleaner to use trfan any other
If you think the woman, who cooks the meal in your
home is entitled to the best call us up. ' Main 34.
Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co.
loF 5
Tm am til --! tT-T-ftYti-f iiif n i -f if -fm m
WoU Told Description ftf Man Coming
Here Kext Week.
William Sterling Battia who appears
in his celebrated lecture "Life Por
trayals" from the- Dickens' novels. Il
lustrating 13 of the. 'most prominent
character - in costume and will ap
pear at the Chautauqua Saturday eve
ning, July 8th. is talked of by the
"Lyceumlte" in this tone:
In his "Life Portrayals" Mr. Battis
has something entirely new to the
platform. It is so different, so de
lightfully entertaining, and with such
an undercurrent of literary and edu
cational value, that if is sure to do
much In th'e promotion of hla growing
popularity. T .
Only the deep students of Dickens
do what Mr. Battis does in this enter
tainment. ,
In make up and costume Mr. Battis
portrays 13 of Dickens' most famous
characters. He does not suggest the
characters they are flieBh and blood
creations they are as real and diver'
sled as any 13 strong characterizations
one might pick from the stage. The
makeup of each character is complete,
and the costumes are historically cor
rect. Mr. Battis makes rapid ; and
complete changes, even to the shoes
and boots. He gives the entire enter
tainment, and makes all the changes
without leaving the platform. While1
making the changes he discourses on
the next character, giving a brief out
line of the story from which the char
acter Is taken and explaining the ob
ject Dickens had 'a view when he
wrote tt. Be it known Dickens did not
write a story merely for the sake of
the story he had a reform in mind,
and his writings jid a world of good.
Mr. Battis keeps all this hi mind when
presenting the characters, and por
trays them, not as you or I might fan
cy them, but as nearly as Dickens saw
them as it la possible to do. "
The entertainment contains plenty
of humor, a little pathos and some
strong dramatic climaxes. For each
character Mr. Battis has arranged a
sort of composite scene a weaving
together of various words and sentenc
es belonging to that particular charac
terizationmaking every sketch com
plete' in itself. There slips into one's
mind a knowledge of the great au
thor's work without one's knowing ic.
That's the truest kind of lyceum enter
tainment. Dr. Sadler's Health lectures.
Another writer saya of the Saddlers,
whom La Grand people know so well :
The doctor's life work in study nr.d
experience has been the preparation
of his lectures. While the doctor is
known from ocean to ocean because
of his health lectures, nevertheless,
he delights in giving his illustrated
lectures on the slums, for the purpose
of creating sentiment and sympthy in
behalf of the submerged tenth.
Both the doctor and his wife have
been interested in the dwellers of the
slums since their student days. Many
of the doctor's beneficiaries can be
found today In the 'counting room, in
prominent business ' establishments
and some hame eyeri attained eminence
in his own profession. v.
The doctor's slum lectures are in
every sense refined. Scenes of pover
ty and squalor are presented without
the odor of vice and crime. The ma
Jortty of the views shown by the doc
tor in his slum lectures were taken by
hi own hand or by his wife and co-Ta
borer, during their dozen years of
work in the slums.
Dr. Sadler Is a regular practicing
physician. Tn no sense, a fadlst or ex
tremist He aims. to teach the people
plain facts ana lmple truth and trusts
their common sense to make their
own rules of living. The doctor Is ut
terly opposed both to the fadlst who
will try to tell everyone else how to
live, and to the hygienic nihilist, who
teaches the people' to eat anything and
everything and to do about as they
please In all matters of health.
The doctor Is a recognized medlca
teacher in Chicago, and holds member
ship In the leading American medical
and Scientific associations, as well as
In numerous International medical
bodies.. 'rr""1TJ
The doctor's health lectures are cer
tainly unique They are positively un
like anything heretofore offered. The
doctor talks straight from the shoul
der and straight to the common people.
Even the- school, children enjoy his
lectures, for they are , entirely free
from all medical terms and scientific
Th doctor chooses to speak from
the Chautauqua platform, because he
believes It is his duty to spend a part
of his time and energy in teaching
th well man to keep well. He re
gards it a mistake for his profession
to spend all of their time on the Blck
people, and this is why both he ar.d
his wife leave their practice for a few
weeks each year and address them
selves to' the task of teaching well
nigh a quarter of a million of peope
the gospel of health and the secrets of
Notice to La Grande Subscribers.
La Grande, Ore., June 29, 1911.
On the evening of July first we will
cloBe up our telephone office in the
Masonic building and service to all
the subscribers iwlll be rendered from
our office In the Foley building.
A copy of our new directory, for
the combined systems, will be mailed
you on that date, and we believe the
same will be as complete and as near
ly perfect as any directory ever pub
lished. It will be a directory for out
entire system, containing approxi
mately 2,400 names with the rules, toll
rates, etc.
Am hftfnrA ntntart. thmno-h th mtkA
ium of this paper, a slight adjustment
ment of rates for the La Grande ex
change will be made, as heretofore
several different rates had been charg
ed for the same class of service. The
number of stations connected to. the
La Grande exchange will be approxi
mately 1,200 which makes it the larg
est exchange in Eastern Oregon.
Commencing July first the .follow
ing, rates will be In effect: '
party residence
party residence
party residence
party business .
party business .
11.50 per nionth
2.00 per month
2.50 per month
..4.00 per month
. 3.00 per month
The rate for desk telephones, exten
sion telephones, and extension bells
remain the same as before. '. Above
rates are effective within the city
limits and a mileage rate will be
charged to suburban .subscribers, the
same as fieretofore.
A table showing the long distance
rates will be found in the directory
opposite the La Grande exchange. In
most cases a considerable reduction
has been made under those formerly
charged by the Pacific company.
A majority of the resident subscrlb
ers will not be affected by the change
in rate as the above rates have been
in effect for all new contracts for the
past two years. ,:
Per S. D. CROWE,
Secretary and General Manager.
FOR GOOD PAINTING, etc., try a
good painter of experience. 1514
S. Avenue. 6-30-5t
FOR SALE 1,000 cords wood, also
fence posts, telephone poles, etc., In
standing timber, Eight miles from
La Grande. Address Wm. Burnap,
La Grande, Offigo. 6-30 to 7-15
WANTED A woman or girl for light
housework in country. Apply at
lioflpltai. 6-30-St "
FOR SALE Eight large gentle work
horses and1 mares. . Matt W. Mltch
, fl, Cove, Oregon. . . 6-28-6t
LOST Ladles' gold watch, wth fob
attached. Finder return to this of
fice and receive suitable reward.
Do Yon Have - ;
L et us examine your eyes and give
you an honest opinion
Eye Glass Mounting
We have it and would be pleased to
v uwuivuoiiaiu aio outruatvrt -
SSegMsi & C0
the Boys' Savers' club; Call at the
laundry and I will tell you all about
it. A. B. Chrery, mgr. Cherry's
New Laundry. , " ;
FOR SALE Two fin 5-year-old hors
es. Weight 1500 pounds. Call
promptly at City Livery stable. W.
r. :::vette. e-2o-tt
LOST A bay horse, weight about 1,
050 pounds, branded G on lift shoul
der. Anyone finding ' him call the
Newlin Drug company. -8-tf
FOR RENT Star theatre ; will bet re
modeled tor store room. Inquire at
Arcade theatre.
WANTED A good country home for
a young girl aged about 18 years
where she can be made one of the
family and receive small wages.
Anyone wishing such a girl will ap
ply to W. T. Gardner superintendent
BoyB' and Girls Aid society, East
29th and Irving streets, Portland,
Oregon. 6-28-5t
FOR SALE Dry chain" wood In any
quantity. $1.60 per cord at the Per
ry yards. Grande Ronde Lumber
company Pe.rry, Ore. ',. 8-15-tf
FOR SALE House of five roomv
modern ' improvements. Bath, ; hot
and cold water. Three blocks from
round house. Phone Black 1192.
C 27 6f -"
FOR SALE Good surrey In good con
dition. Apply George L. Cleaver.
LOST One iron gray horse. Short,
thick mane, weight about 1200 lbs.
Branded 9-6 with bar on stifel. $10
reward for return to J. T. William
son; 6-29-4t
WANTED Board and room in private
family, central location, by a young
lady. 8-28-tf
WANTED All th boys in' La Grande
between 10 and' 18 years old to Join
a Home Brings You
that cannot be measured alone in.dollars- and
cents. There's satisfaction in knowing you have
a home' when possibly all other lnVestments fail
it gives you a feeling of security and demands
the recognition of your fellow townsmen, be
cause by building you show your faith in the fu
ture of the -community. And every community
is known by its deeds. Yon can help and at the
same time help yourself. A home investment is
always the most meritorious, and loss is less like
ly because you are dealing in values you under
stand and with people you know. Wehavesup
pleid the lumber for the homes of many of your
friends who are now on the road to success, and
want to talk with you whenever you're ready.
Home Phone 421. Bell Phone. Main 732
t ini iijnini rnfiiiT- f f if. i .1. i. i , . . i. , . ,