La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, July 01, 1911, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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f f f f f f f f ff f M f fWHHWIH f Ml -T -f-f f W-f 4 3
AutomobUe News and Gossip iJATfiL Off F!ii
FaJoa Cemfag Witt GmkJ Team, ra
fortBf Old Tim Sprinter,
Hose racing stanza fair to resume
Its old-time popularity in, this city
., if the crowds who witness the evening
drills by the La Grand fire depart
ment and the B. XL A., teams this
week are any criterion. These teams
will compete next Tuesday morning
and afternoon. The morning race
will be a speed test between the Un
ion,, Elgin and Let Grande lire depart
ment and in this race Chief Jones"
men will enter with good changes of
walking, away , with the laurels. In
the afternoon the free for all event
will see the B. M. A, lads fa harness
and it this event good time will be
made Judging, from the time- reeled
off la practices.
At evening again "about 5 o'clock, the
wet test will be held. In. this race team nvn wwv zrzzzziz: i
ioe with a hydrant on the way, at
tache a noizle and the one that gets
water through in the quickest time1
wins the event
The B, 3f, A. will send out a team
.composed of Softon, Peare, Charle
Reynolds, Conkey, Lee Reynolds, Ged
deaf, MilTering, Whitby, Lottes,. Irwin,
Ralston and perhaps other still will! be
ased to patch np the team fa the weak
est apota, .
rfe Team Sfronar.
Union. July I.-(9pecial Union
will send a fast hose team to La
Grande next Tuesday with the un
derstanding that nothing In the state
cm show too muc.ft gingsr to keey
theta out. They will compete again t
tt fire department or athletic club
If necessary. The old tlm speed art
fet and football player, Chet SwarkJ
tammer, will head the list of Union
runners, ; .
Baker county automobile owners ara
fidgeting and kicking against the
pricks of what they call special elaa
legislation- by the state of Oregon In
much the same proportion that mem
bers of the Union County Motor club
are, according to letters received by
Secretary A, V, Andrews from mem
bers of the automobile fraternity at
Baker.. They cannot see why they
should pay the added! tax any more
than the owner of a wide tired wagon
or buggy and it fa the concensus of
opinion that the- Baker people ar,
(foing to carry the tax question to- th '
higher courts Jue as is contemplated
in' La Grande. The fac than thia
money doe not go for better roads is
another objection,
The Importance of careful driving
: cannot be overestimated if the life
of,the car and it tires are considered.
The effect of sudden and sharp use of
'the brake day after day is bound to
damage the tread of the envelope and
strain the bead and side walls. The,
.layers of canvas are over-taxed, and
little by little the threads stretch os
!til they reach the breaking point.. The
brake should always be applied gen
tly and unless it is absolutely neces
sary to pull up your car within a
short distance, let the stop be as graS
uaf as possible. Another important
point in driving is the proper mani
pulation of your clutch. Never rr-ake
a violent startslip in the clutch
quietly and easily in this way pro
tecting the mechanism, of your enElr?
car. Sharp'etnaers should always be
made carefully and you can regulate
your speed to round the turn with lit
tle or no use of brake. As a Ist
word, always remember that your tires
are rubber and canvas and not steel
so as (o get the maximum service from
them drive thoughtfully. Many useful
tubes are found In the instruction;,-
books publish, by the Mlchelin Tire
company, liaitown, K. J. Copies will
be sent free on request? . ? (
Many machine owners from here are' fu 11 6 UK ?tf BE
Barbell Teteef TarfAa Dfrfytioa
Xbut lecal Peepfe.
planning on attending, the auto- race
nwel l Baker which, is now slated; for
the 10th of July, While non are
nery likely to- enter the races, the
race meet fever I always aa epltlemic
In any community and it la likely that
there will be a good attendance from
The tourist season is well under
way and the past week saw several
touring cars pass through. La Grande.
One party reached here last night
from across- the Blue mountains and
spent the morning, here today while
some repairs were being done at the
Dittebrandt garage to the btg Frank
lin. "The machines carries- chains on
the front wheels Indicating the roads
are muddy as a result of the recent
July Fourth will be a whopper for
La Grande baseball fan and! fanette.
With plenty of men to put two- batter
ies at work on one day. La Grande has
excellent chances of winning both tin
games. The first game of the day will
be with Elgin and, put it down, it win
be a humniier. Elgin Is coming t-se
the celebration ure, but kos: t'TT
to see the game at sunrter, or near
there.- La Grande want to be on tlie
lookout or the audience that mornlns
win be Elgin by a majority, intchell.
the Idol of Elgin who is paid some
thing like $"5 a game, will be rn the
mound," for La Grande there are three
or four men to pick from and all are
tip toppers.
dition,. of lite, and the club will soon ' Mysterious Mitchell, now the har o?
havei reached the century mark. Six-' Elgin, denies the assertion of rt Cih-
ty-eight have already signed and. the, server scribe that Mitchell intended
Ten new members have Joined tha
Union County Motor club- during the
last few 'days. Every dav aee an .d-
. league; Eiwla F. Chapler, who- used
to be a college ball player and a mate
of Charley Ziegler and Bob Brown, it
Pendleton in the old Eastern Oregon
Ta mia gnf vrftt mvh u-...
tew guic wum. wuuanis yesiei
day wftn the ivory bulDs. Chappie
thought being a commercial traveler
was mora prosperous than baaeSan
anf stack to peddling his wares, Now
ne la running a eafe la Montana and
doing welL '
..Last Sunday Owen,, who- was play
ing jwlth. Baker- at that time, got tl'ree
hits oat of four time to the nan.. That
f was kgalnst Reiben, too, who held the
Bakerite dowa to tw runs. On the
same day El well got on hit. On the
day before Owens got three cut of
four time up and Elweli recorded the
unique stunt of four out of four times
Ccnley is right now busy w'lh his
j haying an harvest on the Con Toy
; ranch near Cove and may not appear
in every game becaus? of this but will
continue to wear5 the blue uniform at
every possible opportunity from no
.'. :
! After the coming two gaoes with
Union, there still remain four games
I to be played before the schedule U
over. The place and time tor th:se
have yet to be fixed.
Sflre- and Kail disappear frrnr the
La Grande Hneup thl week of their
own volition;.
A.. C. last winter i expected horn? to
morrow. He played third base at 0.
A. C. this year.
outlying districts have yet to be heard
from. t :
Pendleton Is the latest county to
Join the ranks of opposition to the au
tomobile tax.
Within a day or two the second
meeting of the directors of the Union
County Motor club will be held and
among other things to be taken up
will be the tax question, bothering ati
tolsta everywhere in the state because
the time Is rapidly approaching wh;n
suggestion on the care- of tire and the assessment becomes delinquent
ton American,
Fitzgerald of the Highlanders, has
been playing swell ball during the
absence of Harry Wolter.
Beside pitching winning ball for
the Boston Red Sox, Joe Wood is do-
:in greit work with the stick.
After winning 21 out of 27 games,
Sox. ,
Pitcher Nap Racker of Brooklyn,
has beaten Cincinnati three time thla
year, by score of 2 to ft, 1 to 0 and
3 to 1.
Turner of the Cleveland Naps, Is out
of the game nursing a lame fcaelr.
"Tuck" la the king of onlucyk ball
.... ' " " - " uie rto3ron uen at nrst for th Pittsburg Pirates.
l3 o
We are offering these lots at from $t60. to $200. each, on
the most liberal terms
We furnish you an abstract of title, When yov have paid
for these lots. Not a poor lot in our whole offering
Better call at our office and learn more about these lots.
Bell Phone Main 752.
Independent phone 262.
Foley Hotel Block.
LaGrande Oregon
i in in i nrm-riii nun m
imii n Tan"-
the UnivewFtv of TTIinoia. Afii-rlipt!
saii this week In "reply to the Ob
server' statement: "I don't -Mec; to
press comments bat please dcn't ac
cuse me of being an Illinois 'grad' in
my time." However, Mitchell h-'ij
been shrouded in so much mystery
daring the past four years that the
Observer is partlalty excusable for
falling for the Incorrect report. Ar.y
;way, whether or not he weut to Illi
nois is immaterial right to, for the
mysterious one throws a first class
game of ball.
"Zip'' Zimmerman at one time cen
ter fielder and port side pitcher for
La Grande when the Eastern Oregon
league was agoing, and now batting
like a fiend for Spokane, was offered
a a trade for Bill Speas of the Port
land club this week. Nick Williams
refused the offer, however. Z'mmer
man'a friends here are following hii
hitting record with interest.
Either Reiben, the O. A. C. fvirler
who did good work under Mitchell's
tutelag-: this year,' or old etaudty
Smith will be on the mound for T'n'cn
Ir the aft -moon game July Fourth
Mclnnla will probably be essasd ihe
task of vanquishing the Unionises who
will al3o be backed by a blv delega
tion of rooters.
Many La Grande people will f?o to
Union tomorrow to se the niw ar
rangement of La Grande's lineup be
fore the- eames here Taeidar. If
thfngs break as they appear now. El
well, considered to be the prerr.i'r
flrst stacker running loose amongst the
bushers will be one of the new met;;
Owens, the. nifty catcher and third
baseman, will also be out that dr.
The Portland Journal of yesterday
had the following about a ball lilayer
who wore a Pendleton uniform in the
palmy jaj of tne Eastern Oregon
back: Kid" Henry against Willie Lewis
ia a 10-ronni bout for any amount nj
to 13.000,
' Sam .Langforj say a that "he waa
afraid to "cut loose" In his reeent bout
with Tony Capon! ia Winnipeg. The -tar
baby thinks the Winnipeg police
would nave nailed him had he started
One $35
Cornet ;
All Ladies are in
terested in this
remarkable offer.
Paris Hair
infield positions look alike to Honus.
Followers of the Boston Nationals
are clamoring for Fred Tenney'a
scalp. They want Johnny Kling ap
pointed manager of the Rustlers
President Navln ay that he is wil
ling to sell the Detroit franchise to
some other city on account of the poor
attendance in Detroit
It is said that Frank Chance will
retire at the close of the present sea
son, and that Joe Tinker will be tha
next manager of the Cubs.
Since 1858 Harvard and Yale have
played 118 baseball games, Yale win
ning 59, Harvard SS, and one game in
which John and Eli quit with the
score tied.
Manager McGraw ay that the $200
fine for Raymond goes as It lays, and
if "Bugs" does not keep in condition,
a fine of a few hundred more will be
tlapr-ed on him.
Manager Hal Chase thinks he his
discovered another play to net stus
and he Is aeeking to patent it. It la
to be worked when with two out tbere
are fast" men oa second and third. The !
man on second is to take a big lead,
and draw a throw from the catcher.!
Then the man on third scoots home.
If the catcher throws the ball to third;
the runner on second fa to Jockey"
around until he pulls a throw' to sec- i
ond from third, thus giving the runner1
on third a chance to score. Hal says '
it ought to work three out of fou; j
Harry Gilmore, Jr., former manager
of Packey McFarland, is now the
manager of Fxankie Conley,
Knockout Brown and Tom Glnty cf
Scranton, have signed to meet in a
10-round bout at Scranton. July i.
Albany, N. Y., fans are willing to
If yea are going t toe moon
tains for an eating don't forget
we hate a fresh supply of
theese Jnt in.
Brick Swhs
Imported Swiss
and Cream.
Royal Grocery
H. Pattison, Prop.
Not in the Association
Hf III l-H-tf fr4f'M !! f t If
La Grande's Leading
Opposite C 8. IasI Offiee X dam Avenae,
Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing
Rubber Buggy Tires
IMILSIILILO Paint in cities
ana makes reason
able charaes.
Consult him about
Phone T?pd 971 nfit dnnr in
Observer office. ' YOUr WOrk