. .1 'I: i 'T.4 ' rr " ; - ..,. , ,,, .1.1. ,, .UJHIIWIIIIIIIM I HI! n. ,, 1 C" I'tel Uh)uQiy vriifrIMIiirH -Jinn t - , t"' .tgcat ..- -l-igrr -z 5:;frr Si.i JK V til; T' . n0,old ; stpclMor : 2jp w-1 fcgfcod : ; ' f : : ; j : r....,,:;--. m . .. r mmmmm h onr ctV rrJiilXIn ITidr.rm- : II T!WrrS 1 1 ill llll I II I (ai .j. an M IQCIMX : f 7 A.u. r r VT ITE1 J , 11 to. i TTmr rrmrT-iinii i mm nr ' 21 jjjjk 4 weathe- for next" Sunday and J ' i ' , ' . v;,: ' S " x-Y"T.' -pi" vinw mmwvmu.mnmaTmt wniL.ii.:.-Aj.y L , if.. r-c-.- r fin Jhe meaff in ybuf hbme o WindllillsirE Warm: Air Pinnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Qutr ters, numoing t inenttflf (iiJcl5e T: L. 1. I 1 - I nTfltntil rri. k B'AY C1 " ' riA "Pii11 A oiai4 1 ra8- i-uranoe is geiung to tn uuo ""ffn rlnolnt when two mtXr nhr. vtnth if t tit vttu 1 ch thMbfcl.il but at tl Bame time all the olher leama kfellPl1: Prisoners.. iJtlyaciliIfaJ'i 2fflne clatfgWg''6ni)HBfti a - rapiiuy I aours, r.tVAnWtkAtl- itiAinJii Frank Miller, the criminal who was .there, wluHa-nvTlyHlsV aflh '.iJ i.j u s i(c t )m f .v.fly Ka.ana aeniencea mis. wees 10 giu gnu tt MDBi . . uErskh, . r ftlfcrf. T t. 1l lf,jp yiimiiiinf .11 .11 A V J fl 1 ill' ,1 1 Vf il fin i J. , ' K.i..-..KKf OIL, I1' 'r:TllC lir lilt nnnnu. r . .-nr r " ' v - c ,4 SJ 1 If M B 1 LiJII f 1 '1 f .11 ills BX II II II l tl II 111 Vl.vf -.. . ..'jir . u v I 10 ... VUi:l I ' ILI1IJ - r"-- m m W(Lf w 11 i live t " ' ' t - 1 1 for ..Ubfirty ...wlejijbe.lflg .fed,, at,the Stat restaurant, Ap, charge. Qf Sher- :th meftioae of whoi y a notorious, pad ma b. t V4 3 iDg'Tr"- r r ai'ig -EiaJi .mjioraft: 51 .....v ;t ;ri I!'. '"T 1 3 ! : ? 3P& : . ? i. .A ICTT itqyir iiii,,,.,-' " wra .... .. ' Ll j-.sul , -v..- a!j.J. .at; o.,i 9 J..i ,(, 4 B 'I. Oil, t fit . vicii.iri iiiiiu n - i - i . t i t 8.'i.,,.i,.ii : t tcij .. . ... . BJtOlftitt lt...i1(JK ft e wccanrtne Armor """"Plate Iteu i M I - . . ' I xi uiirw u . .ii , Ult(4... I .....w Wrfh,.,,.', . , i-h ll irli.iV riV ,..-r,i .' . ,'H" H ii n TOsnlar. IticfMose - --fnow fic oevft . . yv Auocr uiwiui1 ;ui ii 1 - " ' ' ...i iai4.'.. lift 1 .. .tin 1 tlii ,1.. nr. u .ui j ae i. .j ; .... ... ,t DC ft slH(. !l 0 h 1 ii .' ilx-'a- qs ?' jjyiiity, t;ifHie fine uf ffaii"fiood37nvfefetf- ' IIS! ATf jxrriKtTTi ii nit: hTi rrn 4-sO wmm I I I -mi, I VI J. f - III' IW J If Jl or V II M il i ' ' ' 4 rnrnTDJQ ITTDlIOTf mm FWrVaken'tA' zhb fetatnresUurant tdl b4 fe'dbef5re.llh nlgn traln...woul4 v-i'ri to-e,thA4u:toaer3jtpjgaJem. "djilft her 'eHatehei'ealtiind happiness call . krfoiethint)ili she puts upWitht ? ; - sae emmea xo me Tilings xnat will maKe ner i j work easier and fret-fcooMrig hows shorer Eledtrie 'Ranees cosfcno more to operate than owodkrtnidtthev are hfitifir.m'evfirv.'wav. Thev I i a Wcer, feSet and cleaner .touse than tny other M'SjjroU' think iffie wbinan hocoWs the meal in your liUXUC ii3 CJ-llfcXVXHJ LUC UCOL UU,U US UU. lU.il 111 Ot. Power Co. J JAa fhe DfQgreea of tu& uieal, Willi Ilia JFhandcun Stfy- th(6 two men sultlfcnly bolted.i one iatime! cfiiut t If door T and the-other'of ttiWf(ter flUijffl- 'ftreia'keiranSa f gilafda 1b .-watched. trtt'dOftadtoamti dotting thu grnrnL iweH fe?!??5P'lpen in th yeltUas Xhe ,men got rarTitmrra table at which flietf wsefe eating before ..TheMv4ref;-MnaKd' on ' the rtraln, hoyever and 'ill 1 likely be- landed i safely ln'-'tM 'p gDltewlapyy 0.14; - JiaVO., SIS 'ttH(t t .OLltilAn In the Circuit Cou&. ttLlAaleQf 3 UXJieKOJiXor the cauioi.L'0J!,,MIn '(B.'t 4 OWfOi . ... Hi i 4' .ftljf 0 v SHU Ik- the matter .pf .theEstate of David I JTru"7np Troy ana 5ia earn John Troy, Thomas. ary Knight, greeting: 1U Lily HUUiU uf tin. Olwfja uf Qrngna you arehereba cited and required, to j Statt Oregon, forivbl JcJuttju'tf rnlnn nt. thp Cnnrt Room thereof, at i La GrauJa m lh UoiiilLy HI 1 111U.1 UA OOtV. Jam n T.iln 1 01 1 n 1A Tit1 & In the fqumqpn of that day, then IRfTO ; ll Rnn Anhhniv ranaa Jfianm trliU whv f ( as prayed fof In the petinMrorK.Cr Mays, administrator of the estate of t bavfd" Tr6y.; deceased. ff'AheKtoUorrl lljg' 3iscribed property,- to-wltw , 'All the N.W 1-3- Of- ec. .22 .la.Ti: t K at R. 39 EWM dfi'tM ipnAafchi ValUi of 14000.00. - - Also . that .certain p&rVer'of land descrlbed'ai tollowBi .wr-i?".;. - ....... i ttfc.v '"YVLtWfMftMikUw Bf ilia AT? M -V v Et"6f the , NEM of the SB-14 i h Utartwn !nii Deiiery ?;1$,- T 1 N of R 39 .ETVM uU'fi .i : 3 :; ' i i ; , ' ' BectlblftlS,- T 1 N or R 39 .EWM sndi rtrfnlnS thehce west-160- feet, ttenoe 8272 feet, thence east 160 faetptlMaw e of the porbable value of $250.00. f cSkAU of said real propert itr.i if thA County of Union, Stftl wiaH I fhtiess. theHon. tfG, Hdlry. Judie, of th -larfS ;of Orel. ft. If rnlant with r .It od, this 2ist 'if'tlil1' 191 'lurt ofljhe tflel Countii of llflrlsaid ctnnt ; i iTf tycrw. 5 i.'aroi.aii . Aifci AaAa if- 1Lt)n, lift m ifm HuH (ii pf n tit T J IJOdiHtot A4mU ta IlMMBUrr Dt)MMk, Si ll Mutt, An, Ilmtiaa. Dnulu. 11 I I For ntalocwIdnM THE SISTER SVPCRIOB II Ofn2S. IU Bttns UjOI .n.?""11 il's more than the quality grocery, it has 1 di tt'-tw'pisu utii-w iormo mffuosi Quanw in inia com. iP1 frllSoods--the most ex !ceDtionait,Valiiea' iSaidw1rfthisiut.nrA courteous : attentto iffigt ' delivery, of your J OT&asw that means -pleasant quality in service. ' 18801: Ot Wjflfvf.VJ tt m: Call t.fl(favaTr1 lnW extsivft RfnV 5SS3i3TOmity and prices will positively ause yoinongiveniO custom then I ' O V -4 ' I - - - i i "I v.. I .'7 fjp..wrrw " -i Mfjs..' ..