.istjkstf :... : ... ..,.... ! 1 ) hi : i J r 5 I . 5 - X PAGE 2 LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 191L u vr , ;..-:, . . .XT' ""r v.rip", vf..: . , j . " t -J - -n't lX7 t 1 i :'v-;.: .' 1';,-. ; '. 'V- i.'iri l;,: ;-' ' : ;ati':Oito Sore:r,:l:fiiJ - I: it n if Is kept filled With unmatchable values - - Every day a sale day MANY GOOD Satfi ALF PRIC Anpthex i big buy has just been macli i and will be lced on sale at once nJr U ' I It ' ' f, : OPERA HOUSE BLOCK The Temple of Economy LA GRANDE, OREGON H jr. Ii i: ? i i r, i v i I ." 't CORONATION CEREMONIES Lop of Canterbury . began the actual 'oath?" ceremony. First on the program was the "rec ognition" or presentation of the kins (Continued from page one) .v. . i cepter with, the dove and the Dt.ke ' of Somerset with the orb, a goiden ball alx Inches In diameter and drcM ' with a fillet of pearls and p.eclous tones. , j Ills Majesty's Appearance, Now a patch of scarlet, a duster of nodding white plumeg and the gleam ! of halberts announced the appronch cf the. king's personal bodyguard. Fol lowing these 20 gentlemen-at-arms! there swept malestlcally across the blue carpet the Bishop of London car rying the crimson bound bible, the Bbbop of Winchester 'upholding the chalice- and the Bishop of Ely with the patina. Then the king himself. Hlg majesty wore no ordinary unl form, on this, his coronation day. Ills monarch's robes of cloth of gold, cros sed by the ribbon and collar of the Garter, set off the beauty of the royal mantle which lad did duty on the shoulders of the fourth George. On his head hv wore the crimson "cap of maintenance", and , his long purple robe trailed away behind him, support ed, by eight youthful nob'emen, the sons of the higheet peers In England. "Vivat Rex Georglusl -Vlvat We GeorglueJ.yivat! Vivat,! Vlvat!" shril led the Westminster school boys as the king walked to the second "chair of recognition." With the star actor's arrival very lit tie attention was paid to the rear guard of the1 procession, though many notable personage follot'ec' behind their sovereign. The Earl of Gran ard was among them and so was the Duke of Buccleiigh In the extraordi nary old-world uniform of, captain general of the Royal Archer Guard of Scotland... So. too. were all the great soldiers and sailors of the realm, in cluding the somber and even bored looking Lord Kitchener. Trailing after camo the officers of the household, Hindoo orderlies and the bodyguards of the gentiemen-nt-arms and the Yeomen of the Guard. It was past noon when the Archbls- ' ' King George replied, firmly and clearly, "I am." "Will you solemnly promise and to his people. His mijtsty and the swear," Inquired the archbishop, "D Into the bowl and then, turning to tho (jueen having knelt for a moment in ; govern the people of this United Kins-, king, he marked the cro3s In oil 01 silent prayer, George advanced to the dom of Great Britain and Ireland and the crown of the latter's'head, on his ed a few drops of holy" oil from the ampulla Into the quaint old spoon held ready to receive it, the Archbls- Jhop of Canterbury dipped his finger center of the dais, whll his wife re- the dominions thereunto belonging, ac- breast and on the palm of each hand, seated he'iself In the "chair of recos-i cording to the statutes In parliament saying In conclusion. -"And as Soli- iiltlon." Then, followed bv the Arch-, agresd on. and the resoectiv; liwa mon was annolted kins; hv Sadoc 'tlm ed sword previously given to him by . king, the Lord Great Chamberlain, received the sword of state In exchange, un- Ceremony of Investment. Then the monarch arose to be ln- sheathed It and, during the rest of the I vested with the armllla or bracelet ceremony, carried it drawn before th ' fContlmto.' on Page Three.) bisnop or canterbury, Lord Chancellor and customs of the fcamer Lord Lorebtirn, Iord Graat Chamber lain Earl Carrlnaton, Lord High Con stable of England the- Duke of Fife, Earl Marshal the Duke of Norfolk and utirier iviug-ui-Ai uig air Aureu di'uu-j jD ajj v-,l ; Gatty, the monarch faced successivdy archf 110) 10 tne east, soum, west t na norm 01 the "theatre," and at each corner tho archbishop cried loudly: "Sirs, I 1 priest, and Nathan, the prophet, so be "I solemnly promise so to do," said you annointed, blessed and consecrat the king. j ed king over this people, whom tho "Will you to your power cause law Lord your God ,hath given you to rule j and Justice In mercy to be executed and govern." " - Judgmea,: ' cont'nu tl tha Having knelt for the archbishop's blessing, the king then reseated hhn self In Sf. Edward's chair and, the canopy having been removed, the "I will, said the k'n. "Will you," said the archbishop, "to hr nrBen to vou Kins r.oore. thl, the utmost of your power maintain the , Dean of Westminster threw over his un(in,,hu, vin r,f th. r,im WhBM!laW! of God th Irue .profession of shoulders the kingly vestments-the fore all you who are come this day to do homage, are you willing to do the same'?" the gospel and the protestant reform- J "colobium slndonls' and the "super ed religion established by law? And tunica" respectively a sleeveless will you maintain and preserve in- surplice of fine white carabrb, vlolably the settlement 0! the church" trimmed with lace, and a short-sleer- shoutg of "God save King George'.' At each presentation the king bowed to the corner at which he had been acclaimed. The ceremony ended with a fanfare rfom the sliver trumpets. . Comminlon Sen Ice Begun. Then the king and qusen were coa ducted to the chairs set for them at the south side of the communion ta ble. The noblemen bearing the r. galla, excepting those with :the swords, presented them to the Dean of Westminster to be. placed upon the Pi tar. The litany, sung by two bishops, fol lowed and the communion service be gan. During the litany and the first part of the communion service tho jklng sat bareheaded, but at the begin ning of the sermon a snort one preached by the Archbishop of York he resumed his crimson cap. The Bishop of Durham and the peers with the gwords stood at his majesty's right and Earl Carrlngton at his left. The queen had the bishops of Norwich nnd Oxford at her right and left and I was supported by her tralnbearers an! 1 other attendants. ! Standing In front of the king, th( i Archbishop of Canterbury asked. "Is I your majesty willing to take the discipline and government thereof, as gword belt was worn by law established In England? Andj will you preserve un:o the bishops . and clergy of England nnd to the church committed to theL charge all such rights and privileges as by law do or shall appertain to them or any of them?" "All this," said the kluK, "I promise to do." foroaatlon Oath Taken. This formula concluded, the king Then the dean brought the "great spurs" from the altar and handed them to the Lord Great Chamberlain, who "knelt, touched the king's heels with them and returned them to the altar. .; The nobleman with the sword-of state next advanced and surrendered the weapon to the Lord Great Cham berlain. The latter buckled the belt BLACK & PRATT Real Estate and Insurance 111 Depot Street BOTH PHONES arose from his seat, and preceded by :Rround the N11'1 waist and the ardi-the- sword of state, stepped to the al-' b,8hP' hav,n ble88ei1 the sword u tar, where he uncovered and knelt, self, placed the hilt in the royal hand while the archbishop presented to him lth th words: "Wltn th, 8WOrd dj the great bible, open at the gospels. Justice and stop the growth of Iniquity Laying his right hand on the bock, his vTOlct ine no1' cnurcn or . neip majeety said: "The thing, which I and defend widows and orphans, re- have heretofore promleed, I will per- "lore in inins ar Kne a form and keep, so help me God." Then ca'r' maintain the things that are re he kissed the bible and formally sign-, s,ored punish and reform what is ed the parchment upon which the oath 81,1,88 anJ confirm what Is In good or was set forth. dr" Then the king returned to his chair 1 At the conclusion of this exhortation and waited until the choir and orches- ( George unglrt the belt and going to tra had rendered the hymn, "Venl( the altar, offered the sword there, af Creator." terwards returning to his chair. As Four gentlemen In black then . he took his seat, the blade's original brought forward the golden canopy bearer, Lord Londonderry, advanced and four Knights of the Garter ad- to the altar to "offer the- price of It. vanced and held It over the royal and redeem" his charge. He handed 3 head. 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