r - 4- - .... - -4 . Wife f VOL X- LA GRANDE, UNION COUNTY. OREJGON. THURSDAY, iJUNB 22 1911. NUMBER 20G' 1- iiLfti lira I Kill ilu I Lord Ivirtchnr's Iron Hand Spoils Free dom of Vojce; 0nlyl; Slight Incidents Occur tb Mar Smoothness of Event. V ; i , f 4b- ' '4' if 1 London, June 22. Before assembled! nobility of his realm and representa tives of foreign, nations all over the world, George V was crowned at 12:37 In Westminster abbey today and lo minutes later Queen Mary was crown oL ?uL i-uB hilkuluhc hircn marred the ( proceedings, despite the overcast skies " and occasional flurries of rain millions p jammed the line of procession. While t; enthusiasm was shown it was not the X same spontaneous outburst that greetr V ed Edward'. Sixty-five ; thousand troops guarded the mar,ch. : The first section of the procession. Including visiting, royalties and En voys, left Buckingham palace at 9:30 a. m. The second section,' including the Prince of Wales, and members of the British royal family, left at 10 a. m.T The king's procession started at 10:38. After the coronation, the royal procession left the abbey at 2:03. ; : :r r . During tha ceremonies King George was bathed with nervous persplratlou. Mary seemed cool and assured. The archbishop of Canterbury showed a little nervousness when he placed the crown on the ,klng. The people gave a big demonstration when the party left the abbey for Buckingham palace again. . Enthusiasm Lacking. London, June 22. Lord Kitchener threw a wet blanket over the whole coronation festivities. - "I am deeply disappointed over the comparative lack of enthusiasm over the crown ing" King George is reported to have summed up his chagrin with the aBove remark. No doubt Kitchener's tne baianc of the gorgeous iron discipline wno bad charge of tne ; by troops along tne route, Kept tne tnou Westminster Abbey. "' The foot and mounted police who shepherded them seemed numberless. Lining the thor oughfares are marching in the proces sion were nearly 60,000 soldiers under command of Field Mafshall Viscount Kitchener To some extent the tre mendous military display was,' In deed, necessitated by the shortness of the route and the consequent con gestion of the crowd to an 4 extent, which, orderly as Londoners usually are, would have rendered the ordinary "thin red line" powerless tor control it. 1,v :,;: Immediately " the abby' doors were opened, hours before the actual cere mony, those privileged persons pos sessing tickets of admission began taking their seats, and as the ancient edifice filled, the eye was dazzled by the sparkling- of the women's Jewel3 and the brilliance of , the1 uniforms worn by the men. X.- " ' . Peers and peeresses were In full robe's of scarlet and ermine and car ried their coronets ready to 'put on the moment the crown was placed on King' George's head. Coronets, gems, chains, orders and medals scintillated ln the "Subdued light -and- showed p even more plainly beside the occasion al plainer costume of some one of less exalted rank than the nobility on the members of parliament In black court dress, foreign offlcere 'In 'weird and wonderful colors, eastern potentates In flowing robes and turbans of every hue and shade under the sun made up assem and white, was followed by Lord Chan, cellor Ashbourne of Ireland and the Archbishop of York, the latter in a cope of gold and white, touched with crimson" damask. . Lord High Chan cellor of Great Britain Lord Loreburn succeeded this trio, walking alongside the Archbishop of Canterbury in state vestments of cream, blue and gold. After them a herald and two pursui vants 'preceded the queen's regalia, the Westminster school exercised their triditloa privilege "of x bursting Inio cries of "Vivat Uegina Maria! Vivat Keglna Maria! Vivat! -Vivat! Vivat!" rollowed by her attendants, thd Qfleen passed the thrones and took her rfeat la one of tne "chairs of, rec ognition." There was "'slight pause, during which the breathless t throng ieemed oiitivious of the anthem and of itfe clauiyr of the abbey bells. Then a group of gorgeously dressed state trumpeters appeared in the doorwaj-. Aiong them was the Richmond. Her ald in all his glory, supported ty he ROuge Dragon aud Bluemantle pur sdivanU i ' '.' - ;The "king's processiou" was about td enter. After the "party" of heraldi, irpmpetersfand pursuivants paved tle Pukes of Argyll and Roxburghe, side bir side. One bore the scepter with tne cross, the other St. EdwardV staff. Behind walked Lord Grey de Rothyn TIIIE fJEIffi liEe S ID OTBI ; niGEfi f : SIE El DY1E11 three separate noblemen carrying crown, the ivory rod, with the dove and I cirrvimr th 'oy,m pwr. wiw me cross, anaer me ; came'.three areat imhi the 8W- t4-i'v-"v:-;;;;;4;: ; San Blego, June 2i w,?nd:red C. Wjchurch, Carl Carlson C. Mey- and nxty rebels nudr Mosby were beaten by a federal fore from Ensen. ada within three miles of Tla Juana this forenoon. Obsener on the Amer can side rould hear the heavy firing but could jnot s?e th battel . ; ': With aheathed 'flWDrfia umhtAmntin nr majesty's chamberlain and a group c f " punl3hment( protection and mercy, sergeant-at-arms. .. -' V v, ' ft)eld Marshal Lord. Roberta carried Then there was an awed hush as the the first, Field Marshal Lord Wolselev queen herselfsurrounded by her gen-, the second and the Duke of Grafton tlemen-at-arms In scarlet tunics and tfelrd-the famous pointless" blade, VCurtana.." . . :.X.r r : v: with nodding plumes and with the bis hops of Norwish and Oxford as, sup porting prelates, moved slowing down the aisle. :.v;. 'y..,.-'-.-:-:, :', ' Flashing with jewels an! wearing Following the three swords were the lour klngs-of-arms. , Then came Lord High ConsUbles the Earl of $rroll and the Duke of the ribbon of the Garter over bet dress lbercorn, 0f Scotland and Ireland re one scintillating mass Of gold her ( Ipectively, followed by Lord High majesty made a picture calculated to ite wards the Earls of Crawford and lmprea even the beauties occupying' Shrewsbury of the same two countries, the peeresses' eats, though the cap-1 Then appeared the master of today's itous are said .' to ' have whispered ceremonies,! Henry, Duke of Norfolk, among themselves that Mary did not fcarl Marshal of England, premie? really compare with her mother-ia- fluke and earl of th realmn, and bear law, Alexandra, onthe corresponding er of a score of other titles. He wore occasion nine years ago. ; .'..;'.', (jhls Earl Marshal's uniform under his The queen's train was nearly 18robes and carried his baton of office, feet long and of rich purple velvet bor- J while two pages supported hla train, dered with ermine and emblazoned Jn,! Beside him strode the Duke of Fife, gold with the emblems of the United ) the king's brother-inrlaw, carrying Kingdom, the colonies and other her aldic devices.:. It was supported by Ladles Mary Dawson Mabel Ogllvy, the Lord High Constable of England's baton and alBO attended by two pages. Between these dignitaries, but attend- sands from witnessing and marred free expressions of opinion by the! jcrowds. . It is believed he will not be so popular with the majesties here after. ' " :':'' ' : Lord Kitchener Stumbles. ;f Only a little incident marred the (ceremonies in the abbey when Lord ; Kitchener stumbled over a page and ' nearly measured his length on the (floor. It caused a titter among the not . ables. One of the most serious mls- chances of the day occured at Trafal gar square just before their majesties arrived. The police were clearing a ' way for the procession and spectators resisted and the police were driven . back until reinforcements arrived. When the crowd pressed back several were seriously injured in the clash." All along the route of the pageant during the return trip there was much confusion. It had been reported there was. plenty of 'room along certain parts of the route and .hundreds of thousands of spectators crowded to ward the spots. ' In every block spec tators and soldiers collapsed under the terrific pressure and ambulances were busy carrying away those who fell. y r , To the orthodoxly-ininded the cere mony was an awe-inspiring display of ' the pomp of militarism, of ccleiast! cal solemnity and of medieval magni ficence. To the cynic it was an al most ' pathetically childish exhibition of delight In tinsel and spangles. The radical saw In It a positively wicked waste of millions, In a country where fully onMhlrd of the population is on the brink of pauperization ' and - one- twentieth la literally starving. The average-Briton ls strictly orth odox, however. Before dawn the peo ple began swarming by hundreds of thousands Into the , street'' throuprh which the royal procession was to pass, between Buckingham palace and I ministry In Line, Premier H. H. Aqsuith In his sim ple cabinet minster's -unform of blue Victoria Carrington Eileen Butler, E!- ed by only one page, was the Marquis leen Knox and Dorothy Browne, being; of Londonderry " with the sword ot the daughters respectively of the Earls ' state, ready Jo be buckled about the of Dartrey, Airlla, Carrington, Lanes-, monarchy waist Just before tho vlai- borough, Ranfurley and Kenmare. jing of the crown upon his bead. ' Cheers for the Qeen. j The crown itself came next, Lord t , w ,i . !Hlgn Steward of England the Earl or Except for the anthem pealing from Cnefiterfleld ,t gingerJy gmtedng the organ, and choir, the great assem- m lt3 cu8hi0n like a single huge gem. bly had remained up to this time pro-J On either side of the crown-baarer foundly silent, standing reverently but were the Earl of Lucan, holding the as the queen passed the enclosure set1 - . apart for their benefit, the boys of . ' San Diego, June 22 That three Am ericans were murdered at Alamo and IS Including Mrs. Foster and several women are under restraint thrr wu will likely , be murdered : at any time was the word brought here today by ers, and Daniel Bower whov arrived today They walked 200 mljeg from Alamo without provisions or blankets. They confirmed the report that Dr.' A. L. Foster; John Carroll, Patrick Gfen non and Constantino Dubois were murdered by Mexican troops. I The men, say the prisoners, after their arrest, ware being taken to iSn- and Juried by the soldiers at Alamo five miles out. ' v LEI COUIT ESCAPES 1 HE IETS 0111 SHE J. Corrallls, Ore., June 22. Separated ( Into the brush. The posse is search- by 40 feet Sheriff Gellatly of Benton jmg W has not yet found hlm. It la couoiy snot ms gun at jess Hail, an escaped convict and desperado who eluded a posse yesterday by, kidnap ping Mall Carrier Huber and forcing supposed the wounding of HaU oc curred near. Peak postoffice In' tha coast range mountain." Hall hag" new him to accompany him until he could clothing and a gun which' he secured, get away. ,. . . " V: ' : ": v j He was trusty undef the Gover ; Hall put his hands on his breast, nor Wesft polity of giving prlsonera turned a somersault and crawled oft more liberty. - 'ontl;Md on I'm 2) " '"Portlawd June 22-Reports ; today from Southern Oregon towns31 Indicate the hunt for the Shasta limited' ban flits has narrowed down to a heavily timbered district between Ash , and Loon lake, northern Cops county Tha Douglas county posse numbering less than 12 men Is working' westward from Ash today ftnd the Marshfleld deputies northward from Alleghany. BUDGES HEARING OVER. Girl Not Led to Admit '; Damaging Points Against See. Chicago, June , 22. Foiling the state's attempts to trap her into' ad- SOME OF THE PROMINENT TERSO SAGES AT LONDOFS CORONATION, INCLUDING TWO OF FEW AMERICAN LADT WITNESSES TO SCENES. 1 ' ' . I i' 17 ra 1 f 'SI King George V In robes of state as Worn today., , outskirts of the group of higher aristo crats. ,.' ; ,' ' Bishops in crimson and lawn, high court judges in scarlet and ermine and full-bottomed wigs, law lords In black and gold army, and navy officers In red. blue, green, black' and gray, cab inet ministers In blue white and gold, ' v if;, .J !.;-. V - '.if .... V . .t;:-. :Vi-' S I 'v 'J - WATER MASTERS. ' Hearing Will Be Conducted1 at Nortb Powder This WeeL Appointment of four new water mas ters for Eastern Oregon were mads yesterday at Salem. William Bradley t of Frtewater was named for the north ' nd of Umatilla county. The others are Willard Blake of lone for Gilli am, and Morrow countlesf George Brewster of Sisters for Crook county; James Sills of Cove for Grand Rondci valley. , -. . : , The state engineer will go to Ash land September 6, to start adjudication of water claims on Rogue river and J tributaries. James T. Chinnock, water commissioner of district No, 1. will hear contest cases on Powder river at North Powder June 24, because Com missioner George Cochran of district No. 2 was attorney for eome of tha parties involved. MYSTERIOUS ONE WILL TWIRL Bcl!eT4 Bio; Excursion Will Bring Fans From Sister Town. "Mysterious" Mitchell will be seen in La Grande for the first time when next Sunday he comes here with El gin as their twlrler. Mitchell won from La Grande fast Sunday and the belief that he can do it again is so strong that Elgin Is preparing to Margaret Drexel Maidstone, wife of ( bring a delegation of rooters that Vlsconnt Maidstone and) who wag , would do justice to a circus day crowd , Vivien Gould Dedes, one of America's ' f w at coronaton. recently married to the English no. btcman. missions of improper relations with "Revealer" See, Mildred Bridges, the 17-yar-old high priestess, of the "absolute faith" cult, today completed her three day ordeal cm the stand. She was excuse before the morning ses sion was half over. "Mysterious" Mitchell has been talk- ed of as much as any player In the Pacific northwest, partially because he Is a mystery no one knows hit name or Just where he came from. Dr. Karkett Arrives. Dr. and Mrs. Karkett of Michigan arrived at Hot Lake last evening and after going to Portland on business matters will be In charge of tbe medi cal department at Hot Lake. r