La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959, June 20, 1911, Image 1

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f - 1,11
TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1911.
Frank Miller lias Suddenly Come to Be
Suspected as Participant In the Cruel
0 Murder at Haines Last Winter Is
the officer from the "blind" and Of
ficer Hamomnd was shot through the
thigh. Hendricks was arrested and
given five years, while MH&r escaped
for tbe time being but was arrested at
Portland by Detective Woods and an
other man and was sentenced to three
years- . ,:: ;
After completing that term he went
to Salt Lake and on his return burglar
ized tbe Pocatello saloon and . after
breaking Jail came to Oregon where
he wound up with li!s arrest.' Ha has
been called the worst criminal of -the
northwest and his escape from local
authorities has been prevented, by the
closest scrutiny. .
- He will be sentenced tomorrow by
Judge J. W. Knowles.
Northwestern Paelnc May Build
Portland in Near Future.
, San Francisco, June 20. Announce
ment to the effect that the forth west
ern Pacific will fake over and operate
after July 1, the P1" -Eureka rail
road, is believe' first step In
the plan o rotftfestern Pacific
to coi'" - to Portland. The
P" xT)roposed road beyond
. Identified as Man Who Was on tv f(vi1 unknown save that, it will
Platform at Haines Just Before t&
The cruel manslaughter at Haines
last winter may yet be avenged if a
theory now being run down by Baker
authorities culminates as it la believed
likely, and Frank Milter, criminal of
long standing, who was convicted of a
boxcar robbery by a circuit court Jury
here last evening is the man upon
whom suspicion has fallen. Interest
in the man hunt' which has been car
ried on with more or less diligence
since the night Ed. McCuiloch was cru
elly shot down' in the Railroad saloon
at Haines has been whetted by - the
leaking out of the .secret Investigation
relative to this man Miller. The strong
connecting link Jn the theory Is that
tlie marshall at Haines has positively
identified Miller .as having been at
Halnea, standing on the platform at
11:30 o i clock on the night of the mur
der This would be about 13 minutes
before the shooting just across the
street, the details of which all are fa
miliar with. Baker authorities have
all the Information on Miller that 0.
W. Detective Woods and local police
officers can Rive on the man.
Record Criminal fo Long.1 w :'s '
The record of Miller is such that the
murder at Haines would easily be
within his scope, according to criminal
records attached to Miller. Local peo
ple are familiar w,lth the manner In
which Chief of Polioe Walden and Detective-
Woods nabbed Miller in the
Haisten store last winter. After break
ing Jail at Pocatello where he burg
larized a saloon, and after enticing two
negroes to escape with , him, vforced
them at the point of a gun to keep his
company for days following the escape,
Miller came to Oregon. He was con
victed last night for having stolen sev
eral pairs of pants about that time,
from a boxcar shipment tor the Wil
lamette valley points. He was about
to sell some1 of the goods to Mr. Hais
ten, and to avoid suspicion had cached
his gun nearby while making the sale.
He was being trailed by Chief of Po
lice Walden and Detective Woods at
the time, and as he emerged from the
store, was caught barehanded without
a chance to fight. The arrest was for
tunate and temporarily checked a ca
reer Bald to be as dangerous as that
of any northwest criminal of recent
ties. ". .
Ills Record So Far.
In 1902 Miller and Frank Ward were
arrested In Portland for burglary and
sentenced to two years each.
In 1904 Miller burglarized the Sam
Ash store at Wallula and served three
years at Walla Walla for It.
In 1907 he and John Hendricks bur
glarized a store at Glendale and wheu
they were about to be arrested
at Grants Pass, the two opened fire on
PDRlflO 1T0
Saient Electric and Automobile Collide
With Fatal Result. ,
Two or Three Big Ocean liners Make
Concessions That Will Keep Trans
Ocean Service Moving; Spithead Set
vice Next Saturday at Naval Parade
Will Be CurtaJled-EJots Feared" in
- MA
Portland, June 20. Mrs. W. H. Ler
chen deld today of a fractured skull
sustained last night when an inbound
Salem electric struck an automobile
driven by her husband containing her,
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Maynard and the
Maynard Infant, who sustained concus
sion of the brain and may die also.
The accident happened at the Intersec
tion of Hood and Gibbs Street. Motor
man Burnett say he blew the whistle
but the autoists and others deny it.
loans and Attractive Girls Led Into
Wrong by Clever Trafficker.
Salt Lake, June 20. Guilty of inter
state traffic In girls for Immoral pur
poses, May Brown was today sentenced
to five years In Kansas state prison.
She, fainted hysterical, and was calmed
by opiates. , Testimony at the trial
showed she made practice of secur-
Government Survey Establishes Data
Regarding All State Towns.
' That the elevation of La Grande, top
of steel rain in front of O.-W. depot,
is 2,784.1 feet and that 163 feet north
east of First street crossing It is 2,
778.908 - and that at the corner of
Chestnut and Adams, on an aluminum
plate on the Foley bulldlnsr the eleva
tion is 2,787.345 feet, Is the Informa
tion contained in a spirit level guide
book Just issued by the government,
and a copy of whch has been received
here. The pamphlet 1s well arranged
New York, June 20. Anticipating
riots following the endorsement pf
thV'8eaen?a strike Jlremen, stew;
ards, and the cooks' unions last night,
the police today were massed on the
water front Committees from vari
ous unions today -formally demanded
an increase', of , wages" and Improved
working conditions, Jn the event of
unfavorable answers, a general! strike
will probably be called. Shipping com
panies are making efforts to secure
strike ; breakers .and indications are
that unfavorable answers will be giv
en. A bitter fight is cpected.
Strike Is Felt by Royalty.
London. June 20 With the seamen's
strike spreading and serious rioting
threatened, the great naval review Sat
urdayone of the most important fea
tures of the coronation will probably
be seriously i impaired. Already the
Real Main company and Union Castle
company, depended on to carry thou
sands of sightseers to Spithead, have
canceled' thrflr; Saturday sailings and
other companies are expected to follow.,-
:'"';-'-" ',':'.; ' -Big
Liners Settle.
The Cunard line announced today a
settlement with its striking seaman.
An increase was granted but neither
side stated how much.
The White Star and Leyland Lane
also made concessions to the strikers
and It Is believed the differences are
nearlng an end. Seamen returned to
work on the liners, making the con
ing the concessions.
Pointed Ont That Local Traveling
Public Is Inconvenienced.
While the O.-W. officials were not
' . " . . i 1 nlmfne to harm T.a Ortmrtn rmrtlciilnr-
so that tne eievauon oi uu iuwu uu . " ,
railroads is easily ascertainable. All j 7. oi - any o the Eastern Oregon citi,
results of spirit leveling in the state of , tor. that matter, the new schedule for
Oregon previously published by : the No. 5 at night has nevertheless worked
United States Geological survey and all
results of later work are Included in
this report, re-arranged by quadran
gles. All elevations are based on tne
precise level line of the coast geodetic
Burvey from Seattle to Huntington as
a particularly severe hardship on La
Grande. One traveling salesman to
day, speaking for others of his class,
affirmed that the new train is creating
havoc with their itineraries. "Not On
ly the traveling men are up nearly
Burvey iroin oemim u nuuuujiu . - -, - . - . .
adjusted by that survey in 1903, and a 1 night to return to La Grande from
aujuofu wj i i TTnlnn nr tint T.aVh nr aitit rt tha
nn tha nreciae line of the survey be
tween Portland and the California
state line. : -
Try Chinaman for Shooting Teacher.
Bangor, Me., June '20. Tse Shong
Linn, a Chinese etudent of the Uni
versity of Maine, waa given a prelimi
nary bearing In court today on the
charge of shooting Miss Christine
Shaw, a young school teacher of Orono
Linn is alleged to have confessed that
he shot Miss Shaw because she had
caused him "mental torture." He is
said to have Ven Infatuated with th
young woman and the shooting is be
lieved to have followed her refusal to
marry him. ,
North Carolina Doctors Meet. ,
, Charlotte, N. C, June 20. The med
cal profession of . North Carolina is
well represented at the 68th annual
session of the Medical Society ot N.
Carolina, which opened here this morn
lng to remain in session three days.
Elaborate programs have been pre
pared for every one of the meetings
and the papers, reports and addresses
scheduled " cover practically very
phase of medicine and, surgery, i On
t. it, v nUvmnnf at AnaptmAnt afnrva
' Wednesday ..a "special conference for
acquaintance of attracUve girls, later the discussion of, thef Hookworm , dis
laadinK them Into immoral life. '. . l he held after the regular session.
Union, or Hot Lake, or any of the
small towns along the line between
here and Baker," .said a drummer this
morning," "but we hear business men
complaining strenuously that they can
not go to the Lake, or to Union. and
return without being kept up nearly
all night for much of the time No. G
is late and does not reach here at 1:15
a.m. The Inconveniences to us and to
the traveling public headed for Port
land Is not as great as to local traf
fic." .:
Thei train was changed to comply
with the faster running1 time between
Chicago and Portland and the other
larger towns are not affected as much
as' La Grande, it seems. ,
Gathering of London Eldest Bucking.
ham With Soldiers LIniJg Approach.
eg Marks First Day of Coronation
Festivities o- Poor Not to Be Driven
, Away and Best Mad) of Conditions.
Grande and surrounding territory an
opportunity of getting two mails -1-,
Portland every 24 hours. Heretofore!
there was no way to get a letter to:
Portland other than on the fast mail".
train but the new order of things en;
large the service. - The traia carries
a pouch for La Grande and the service
will no doubt, be greatly appreciated.
White House Festivities Continue.
, Washington, June At the di
rection of Mrs. Taft. Ov? white house
grounds tonight will be thrown open.
to th public. Last night's spectacle!
in celebrating the silver wedding Jubi-j
lee will be repeated and thn marine
aand will furnish th& music. Hundreds j
wi tin . w ci o , iuci cu auu writ; uul
all exhibited to the, guests last night. f ISEAD IN COURT BY THE
I mi Pin nnn
Showers Aid to Farmers. -t
During a light electrical etorhi lat f
evening sufficient rain to wet , tha I
ground for a depth ot about two Inches j
fell in the course of an hour or so. '
The farmers claim the rain will be of
much benefit for .it will prevent any
daftiage by drought to TJpening hay.
London, June. 20. Slxty-flve thou
sand rpyal troops entered London to
day, and pitched tenbs In the various
parka, i'readf; tor participation la the
coronation pageant,?, Traffic was serl-
iously Impeded by thousands of sight
seers from foreign countries.
Poor Menace Public.
Behind thei troopB came the pooreat
of London's poor, most of them frank
ly begging and huddled, whining im
portunities for alms. The polioe at
tempted to disperse them but failed
and then simply dialled officers to
prevent any violence on those who re
fused alms. . The police found them
selves unable to handle the throngs In
the westend. Hundreds fainted in the
CrUSh. ,'!'' -. '-' : ;,. ' (
First Day Gorgeous.
The king and quee-h today received,
in Imperial state at Buckingham hall,
envoys and ambassadors sent to at
tend the coronation, a Roads to the
palace were' linedi with guardsmen.
Between 4the lines potentates, prices
and eiRfcens in gorgeous equlppag-
moved toward the palace. v
Peculiar Conditions Arise in Circuit
;:.'' Court Yesterday Afternoon.
' The evidence of Justice of tha Peace
A. C. Williams and Chief of Police
Walden proved worthless as weighed
against the testimony of a Greek iu
circuit court yesterday. The foreign
er was accused of stealing a suit of
clothes from a fellow countryman, and
at the time of his arrest was at North
Powder. Chief of Police Walden made
the arrest of the man and to tha chief
the Greek confided In good English
why he had stolen the clothes. He
said he was hungry and had to live so
he took the clothes and sold them. He
talked to Officer McLaughlin, and
when arraigned in Justice of the peace
court told Justice. Williams precisely
the same story he had related to the
chief; told ot having taken the clothes
and why he did it.
uur;n iimun
Fuunsfdtlon of "Absolute Life Cnlt I
Seen in Readings From Secret Book
Mude Before July Today Book Is
Copyrighted Miss Bridges TouU'4
; as Motherhood of Perfect Cnlt Raccw
.4. ,.Va
Shasta Limited Robbers Also 1 Hotly
Chased by Bloodhounds. . .y
Chicago, June 20. Asserting , that
see, "rerealer of the absolute WW
cult, claimed to be a living- God and
so gained undisputed sway over his
followers, Assistant District Attorney
fBuraham today read excerpts from the
book on absolute lite. This manuscript
contained lengthy quotations from tks
book or truth," both of which were
PocateUoTidaho.-Jun 20.-A lone tt,by Swand "aturated with mys-
bandit, believed to be Harry Whitney,
who shot and wounded several per
sons near here today," eluded thei posse
and started in the dlrectton of Willow
creek, in the wildest district of Jack
son's Hole, Wyoming. It Is believed
he has killed the desperado who was
with him lwhen the two shot Conduc
tor Kidd and Trainman Milton on the
train near Pocatello.' It la believed he
will escape. ' ' - ' ; 1
v, After Shasta Robbers.
Elkton, Ore., June 20. With the
bandits only a few hours ahead,' the
posse Is trailing the Shasta Limited
mall robbers, and. are working west
ward,' 17 dalles from here this after
noon. It Is believed they will soon
catch them as the bloodhounds are
working well.
Iowa Elks to See Wrestling Bout.
Sioux City, la., June 20. The sixth'
annual convention of the Iowa State
association of Elks, which opened here
today with a record attendance, prom
lses even more enjoyment than usual.
The program Includes attendance of
the Elks at the wrestling match be
tween Frank Gotch and Frank . Beell,
for the championship of the world, to
take place tonight, and a mammoth pa
rade tomorrow, the second of the three
days of.the gathering. ? ? k
Canadian Press Association.
Toronto, Ont., June 20. The annual
meeting of the Canadian Press associ
ation began at the King Edward hotel
tnrtnv with a eood attendance. The
PB8lons will continue over tomorrow
The state figured on an easy convic-1 &a vm be followed by an excursion
tlon In the circuit court where the- h w d dlgtrict ot the Georgian
man was bound to by Mr. Williams on i 10 l" M , ,
Fifty News Banks Ordered.
Washington. June 20 Establishment
of 50 new postal saving banks was
announced today, making a total of
750 so far Installed. '
Coroner Walsh Dead.
San Francisco, June 20. Coroner
WUllam Walsh, Injured a week ago,
when his auto slid over a 200-foot
precipice in Muir wooda near Mill val
ley, died of the injurlea today. , i
Stanley Has Heir.
Washington, June 20. "Ife a boy,"
said the happy voice of Representative
Stanley at h telephoned th? members
of the steel Investigating committee
that the two-daye session was off.
The Stanley heir arrived this morning.
"I don't give a whoop for all the trust
In the world now," said Stanley.
the confession made in the lower court
But yesterday the man brought In an
interpreter and swore he could not
talk a word of English, let alone make
a confession that he had committed
the crime he was accused of. Justice
Williams and the chief of police, both
of whom had heard the confession,
were put on the stand to break down
the Greek's denial but the Jury found
the Greek not guilty.
Lorimer Probe on Again.
Washington, June 20. The second
Investigation by tha senate committee
on privileges and elections Into the
election of U. S. Senator Lorimer be
gan today. Cyrue McCormlck, the
president of the International Harves
ter company, was scheduled a the
first witness.
McCormlck testified he knew Lori
mer by reputation only. After Lori
mer was elected he said Funk came
to him and said Hines had asked for
$10,000 to reimburse him party for the
fund of 1100,000 used to elect Lorimer.
Funk said the harvester company did
not contribute and McCormlck backed
him up.
Morning Mall From Eat to the West
Provided on No. 17 Hereafter.
Arr order now in effect alleviates a
very Inconvenient condition of mall
service existing fqr several months In
the past. No. 17, the train from the
east due In La Grande at 9:30 U now
Attorney Cantwell for the defense
Imposed stubborn objection to intro
duction of thle evidence but the court
overruled him After reading a nuuw
ber of excerpts Burnham promised tes
timony will be introduced showing that
tne next excerpt referred to Mildred
Bridges, who was known at the Junior
commonwealth as "Motherhood" and
for her delinquency See is being tried.
Burnham then feed.. "The mother of
the perfect, race ie hiere and with my
radiance I have clothed her who shall
bear a child In token of the fulfillment
of my covenant with my people, for
my goodness must be brought to earth,
and my grace among men."
The court had warned the reporters
against laughing, when Cantwell sol
emnly warned the newspaper men to
be careful as the book was copyrighted. '
Meets at Cap Mnj.
Cape May, N. J., June 20. Repre
sentatives of many of the -pr!nc;al
railroads of the Unite'd States and
Canada were 1 on hand today at lha
opening of the annual convention of
the. Transportation and Car' Account-,
lng Officers' association.' :' '
Retirement of Col. Scott.
' Washington,;.. June n, 20. After , 37
years of active service Col. Walter S.
Scott of the 15th infantry was piiced
on the retired list of the army today.
Col. Scott Is a native of Arkansas, but.
was appointed to the arm froai Cali
fornia. ' " 1 ; "..".',-' ,
Fighting the White Plague.
Denver, Colo., June 20. The seventh
annual convention of .the National As
sociation tor the Study and Prevention
of Tuberculosis began In thla city to
day and will continue over tomorrow.
Delegates from every aeotlon of tha
country, including many medical men
of prominence, are in attendance.
Oxford Degree for Harvard Chemist
London, June 20. Prof essor Theo.
W. Richards, head of the department ot
chemistry in Harvard unlvarsity. , re
ceived tBe honorary degree of Ioctor
of Science from Oxford university
today. ,. ' .
At Michigan Normal CoHeRC
vn.rtunH. June 20. Commence
ment exercise were held today at the!
Michigan State Normal college. ?tes-
ident W. O. Thompson of Ohio State
university delivered the address to the
graduating class. ' ,
Vlre Visit Seattle. ; . V U
Seattle, June 20. Fire this morning
in the manufacturing district resulted
In more than $100,000 damage. It gut
ted two. upper floors of the Seattle
Cracker company and damaged - the
tnu of the West Coast China com-
tmnv. th Main Befting company, and
;,. Nine Hours for Women Workers.
Jefferson City, Mo., June 20. The
women's nine-hour law recently enact
ed by tbe Missouri legislature become
effective today. It prov'.dei that no
woman'or girl shall be required ; to
work in any manufacturing, mechan
ical or merchandising establishment
more than' nine hour In Any one day,
or more than 60 hours in any one week.
Extent of Dead Known to Be Many
Hahdjred; Property Destroyed.
carrying mall and this afford ' La jt Brandensteln, tea Importers.
Toklo, June 20. Hundreds were kil- .
led Iq a typhoon which devastated the
entire eastern coast of Japan. Many
house are destroyed. In KochI, Shl
koku province, 290 coral boats wsjre
sunk, and 123 fishermen drowned. De
struction of houses in prefecture of
YamanashI was enormous, ;.:,:..
Extent Not Well Known.
" The storm began Sunday but wire '
are down and reports are mager. The ;
most damage was between, Toklo bay
to Bungo channel, 500 mile In all.
. -j
.' !
1 1