IJ i i ji i 1 - 1 1 if. r 1 I ' It. . 1 I. 1 f 1 1 V PAGE 6 LA GRANDE EVENINO OBSERVER, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1911. 1 - jt -' t ' v ,- -t- - . , v - .inn iniiTrn ' liii-rnn UtUbHItU inn THE TOP ;Stewardfs Dera House SATURDAY JUNE 17 TWENTY-FIFTH SEASON ' Denman Thompson' Celebrated Play THE ORIGINAL m m EomesteacP JUST AS PLAYED IN NEW YORK FOR 3 YEARS The Famous Double Quartette The Palms The Great Church Choir , A Perfect Cast Complete Scenic Prediction All the Favorite s DIRECTION MR. FRANKLIN THOMPSON PRICES: 50c to $1.50. Seats on sale at Van Buren's Thursday KISS MARGARET ROUP PLEASED WITH THE EXTIRE JOURNEY. . Thanks the Feople of Joseph nad Wal low County for Courtesies. 'i-f'i ' f! 4 BLACK & PRATT Real Estate and Insurance 111 Depot Street BOTH PHONES ... , . , . " " ""' ""sssnsssssj C. T. Darley Cement Contractor Consult him before letting your sidewalk KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS. Grand lodge Meets at Astoria, Ore roa Jane 20-21, 1311. For the above occasion, the O.-W. R. ft N. company will sell low round trip tlcketa from air points Including tranches at upeclal low round trip fares. Tickets wilt be sold June 1 and 19, good for return until June 24th. The splendid excursion steamer T. J. Pot ter, has been chartered for this occa sion, and will leave Portland from Ash street dock at 11 p. m., June 19th. re turning from Astoria at midnight June 21st. Delegates are urgently requested to make reservations for sleeping ac commodations either through local agents or C. W. Stinger, city" ticket agent, 3rd and Washington street, Portland, Oregon. For detailed fare from any station call on any O.-W. R. & N. agent. Timely Discovery. It has been discovered by La Grande people that A SINGLE DOSE of Ad-ler-i-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy, relieves wind or gas In the j stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation. A. T. Hill. a ACRE LOTS IN ; A:MD VIE are Now Selling at $500 -Per Lot $50 Down and $10 Per Month. ?i No Inter est, No Taxes: ; Price includes the planting or lot to orchard, and the care of same un til final paynient is made. More profit on your: investment in sight than onfany prop erty in or about La Grande. 4 if EI GRfflDE IN VESTMENT Gft Foley Hotel4 BlockJ j Returning from Portland and the coast, where she had been a member of the Evening Observer's contest par ty, Miss Margaret Boup expressed herself In the most glowing terms over her trip and frankly adlmtted that, while she has had a big time the event was much better than sfie had an'ti clpated. ' ; ', "Do you know," said Misg Roup, "while I was enjoying the many sights and pleasantness of the occasion I kept in mind my good friends in Jo seph and Wallowa county who had made It possible for me to win in the contest. - it was so good of them and I do want them to know that I appre ciate everything they did. "Did 1 have ... good time. Well, what a question. . How could I have helped having a good time. From the moment we arrived at Hot Lake and met Senator Pierce and Fred B. Currey I gathered the spirit of the entire trip and It waa one continuous round of pleasure, as school ; boys would say. I thought Hot Lake a remarkable place and I am more convinced of that fact now since I have seen go many different things of . Interest, and it seems to me we -people. of .Eastern Oregon should be very loyaVto the Lake for the good it Is doing human ity as well as for the pleasant times it gives to those who are strong and well. "Mr. Brock was lovely to all of the girls. H" taak chare of the oartr and notning was left undone: Every coni- rort was provided. When we reached the Imperial hotel old Father Matrhun with his long beard, greeted us with a ratherly manner that made 'every girl feel she was in her own narenta' hnma You know I think Mr. Metchan la . unique character, probably that is ba cause he hails from Eastern hrmn and Is much like we people. Soie one In the hotel told me he vs. nna butcher in Grant county and hpo,.ao of his honesty he was elected staet treasurer. Those things are nice to know but his hotel and surroundings Interested us a great deal. We were given the best the Imperial hotel had and you know that means something To describe the Rose show and the par. adea would be impossible for they were very grand. "Our.trip toGearhart was poaiiively delightful.-; Gearhart is the finest bench resort on the North Pacific, ac cording to everyone who expressed an f p.nion. it has miles of as perfect , beach as can be Imagined and the lrk is being beautifully improve! j The management of Gearhart. Mr. Tay- lor, Mr. Wahl and Mr. Kleinsorge I showed us everything of intenst and it was with considerable regret that we lert Gearhart." In concluding Miss Roud bum. in cf v.e girls feel kindly toward the Ob server and we will be Its friends for ever for the pleasant trip we had." TIMBER, TRACT SOLD. E. W. Rumble Disposes of His Timber Lad to.Bl JUI Cone, i. E. W. Rumble confirms the sale, of his timber land northwest of town, 1600 acres, to Spokane 'capitalists com posing the G wynne Lumber company that has been operating In Culdesac, Idaho, fajrs.ft.WaJlowa pp. , This sale undoubtedly means th erection of big saw mill of from 35, 000 to 50,000 daily capacity. Tramways will be built from the mill near tha Fitzpatrlck place up Into the timber.' The headquarters, offices, etc., or the company will be In Enterprise, and this bjlg, new industry means much .to this city and surrounding country. , ' . ... Additional . bodies of timber near this holding are now being negotiated for, and the company will own t least 20,000,000 feet.!.. t - , ,.Ir. Rumble. says he understands the mill win be erected tola nmmtr, work beginning as soon a possible. Centennial Jubilee AS' FOR I A AUGUST 10 TO - SEPT. 9, 1911 Commemmorating the One-Hundredth, Anniversary of the First White Set tlement In the Northwest and the Be . ginning of the Oregon Country at As toria, Oregon, presenting historical and ceremonial features, together with SPECTACULAR MARINE AND JULI. ITART PAGEANT. Glen Curtiss, famous aviator, will fly over land and sea in his airship. PACIFIC COAST REGATTA. The geratest aquatic event to be held In. the West' Historically this celebration is to be one of the most Important events' to takjs place this year In the United States. " ' The Oregon-Washington Railroad k , Ittlgauuii evinpuay wni sen tickets from all points on Its lines, Including branches at '? LOW ROUND TRIP RATES For further particulars apply to the Centennial Committee, Astoria, On-,.gon,orto WM. McMURRAY, Genl Piui. Agent, Portland, Ore. II J. . Bradley & Co. SANITARY PLUMBING REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTY. PHONES: SHOP-JBLACK 7L RESIDENCE BLACK J182. NEXT DOOR TO CITY HALL A BUSINESS Is similar to a personality. It has character-good, bad or Indifferent, uo"4.ulB s an maiviauai. K the principles of the Individual are fundamentally sound he's an O. K. individual.: If the policy of the business is right and its method j squsfre it is an O. K. business THE WARDROBE SHOP Is the place to have your clothes cleaned pressed, repaired aid dyeS because it is on the square all of the time. WILSfN BROS. "pLiVr- Clothe s T. The Worlringman is always sure to receive our spe cial attention in the matter of Clothes! We select-tor his use strong, neat fabrics and! hav? t!ie Sarments made as durable as possible. ; 1116 cut but in accordance with style, and no ! m W way to the ; i V OUR PRICES 111638 splendid Suits are priced at $10.00 to $2a00, and better values no Man ever bought for His money! I m askyouto try our good Glothes, Mr. Working. man! .. . , . S' wy Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea fitmed Mdy our is cerUio, For sale by all dealers..,. , ..... AS Every Gameiit 0mon Macle The Home of 1 l 4 A J5 4 h;::V:;:!:;;.;7:: Par ' little Iltera to m Phillii most wrigH a hu his b perso eight only TM builde are on It bile. built ti ery da the ski been d Call Phonei 0 X.